Just To Be Loved

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Just To Be Loved Page 19

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  Vera Collins came into her husband’s office. “Well honey, was that the David Harris we have been seeking for the past year or so?”

  Rodger nodded his head with a grin.

  Mya leaned against the doorframe of the twin’s nursery door, and watched as Hunters’ large body lie on the floor while his sons tried to climb over him. When Hunter lifted one of the twins up and held him over his face, Mya giggled when the baby’s drool dropped down on his face.

  “You got me, Benji. First your brother pees in my face, and now you get me with that killer drool.” He sat up, cradling Benjamin in his arms, and blew on his stomach, making him laugh. He then noticed Mya leaning in the door with her arms folded over chest as she stepped into the room.

  “Looks like he got you good too,” Mya smiled.

  She enjoyed watching the exchanges between the twin’s and their father. Ever since the party for the babies, her relationship with Hunter mellowed to the point that they could now talk without the animosity. She had to admit that she really liked this new and improved Hunter. He adored his sons and never missed tucking them into bed each night.

  “Hi,” Hunter said, greeting her with a smile. “Yeah, Benji finally got me.”

  She returned the greeting, taking one of the boys from him, and sat in one of the two rocking chairs given to her when the nursery was completed.

  Hunter rose with Benji in his arms, and watched as Benji latched onto his long hair trying to put it in his mouth.

  “It’s time to eat, little man,” he replied, blowing strawberries on the baby’s chubby cheeks.

  While Mya nursed Henry, Hunter got the bottle from the small in-wall refrigerator and sat in the other chair feeding Benji.

  “So the big day is next week?”

  Hunter looked up at Mya and instantly envisioned that it was Mya coming down the aisle instead of Heather. He blinked to get his focus back on Mya, and nodded. Deep in his heart, he wished he could call off the whole thing, but he also knew that he couldn’t break Heather’s heart by calling the wedding off just because he wanted another woman. If he was anything, he was a man of his word. He said he’d marry Heather and he was going to do just that. Heather still complained about the time he spent with his sons, but she knew that was one argument she would not win.

  As the babies fed, the room was silent until Hunter’s phone vibrated at his side.

  “Hunter,” he answered.

  Heather was screaming so loud into the phone that he had to pull the phone from his ear.

  “Why did you cancel the doves and the horse drawn carriage Hunter?”

  “Heather you need to calm down!”

  “Why did you Hunter?” She whined.

  “Because Heather, I’m not paying a thousand dollars for the guests to let loose some birds when we leave the chapel. That’s just ridiculous.”

  “But I wanted it Hunter. It symbolizes my love for you.”

  “No birds Heather!” He snapped.

  “What about the carriage?”

  “Why do you need a carriage when the reception is in the same building as the wedding?”

  “I wanted to circle the building to let every see just how happy we are.”

  “Again Heather, that is ridiculous.”

  “Hunter, you’re going to ruin my big day!” She shrieked.

  “Your big day will be fine Heather,” he replied, cradling the phone against his ear and lifting the baby so he could burp.

  Heather must have heard Benji’s loud burp. “What was that?” She snapped. “And just where are you?”

  “I’m with my sons, so I will see you later,” he said ending the call. “That stuff is just ridiculous, right son?” Benji grabbed his face.

  “You want to feed them dinner later?” Mya asked.

  “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  “It’s really not so great a job Hunter. They get more food on their faces than they do in their bellies,” she smiled.

  “Not when Daddy feeds them. Right boys?” Hunter held Benji up above his head, and smiled when Benji started cooing as if he were answering.

  Mya shook her head and placed Henry in the playpen. They usually took a nap after they had full bellies. Hunter rose and placed Benji in with his brother, and they each grabbed their favorite stuffed animal and lay down. It wasn’t long before they were asleep.

  Hunter and Mya stood beside the playpen looking down at the twins with love shining in their eyes.

  “See you later,” Mya said, breaking the silence between them. During the twin’s naptime was the only time she had to do their laundry.

  “I’ll be back to feed the boys,” he said.

  As Hunter watched Mya leave the room, he shook his head and sighed. Five days from now, he would be stuck with Heather for the rest of his life. He nervously pushed his hand through his hair. At that moment he knew for sure that he had not suffered enough. He looked at his sons and had much love for them. Right now, they were his only solace. Figuring that he might as well go and get this over with, he left the room to go and deal with Heather.

  Making a last minute change of plans, Hunter didn’t go over to Heather’s right away, but had instead gone to his office to do some work before dealing with her. He was going over some papers, when Heather pulled open the door and walked in. Hunter cleared his throat and with his head motioned for her to close the door, and after a test of wills, Heather reluctantly did so. When she turned back around, she had her arms folded over her chest, and glared at him. Hunter knew what was coming next; he just wanted her to hurry up and get it over with. He signaled for Heather to begin and she didn’t disappoint.

  “You are going to ruin my wedding Hunter! I wanted the doves and carriage,” she whined.

  Although he would normally let Heather whine until she whined herself out, this time Hunter really didn’t want to hear it. If this was the woman he was going to be stuck with for the rest of his life, now was as good a time as any to let her know who the boss is and start pulling in the reins.

  “Put a cork in it Heather! I have already cancelled those frivolous things. If you still want them, let your parents pay for them!”

  “You know Daddy…”

  “I know what Heather? That your Daddy doesn’t have the money?”

  “N-no… ah… Daddy has the money; it’s just that I thought that we’d do things ourselves to relieve them of the burden.”

  “Come on now Heather! I know your father his broke, and I am not going to let you spend my money on frivolous unnecessary things.”

  Heather rolled her eyes, with her hand clinched into a fist on her hips. “It wasn’t a problem before Hunter, so why is it a problem now? Is it because of those brats of yours?” She replied vindictively.

  Hunter rose to his feet and angrily closed the distance between them. “Let’s get one thing clear right from the start Heather! You will not call my children out of their names, ever! If you can’t accept the fact that they are in my life, then we need to postpone this wedding right now!”

  “No, no, I don’t want to postpone it. Hunter, I really didn’t mean that. You know that I think they are adorable. It’s just that with all this wedding nonsense, I’m nervous that something is going to go wrong. Darling I love you; you know I want to marry you.”

  Hunter looked at Heather and walked away. “You ought to be glad I am a man of my word Heather or this would…” Hunter didn’t finish, but instead just reached for the door.

  “Where are you going?” Heather asked.

  “To feed my sons… is there a problem?”

  “No, of course not. I’ll come too. I need to start bonding with them anyway; you know, get to know them better, especially since I will be in their lives as well.”

  “You will have plenty of time to bond with them Heather, this is…” Hunter caught himself and stopped speaking, causing Heather to frown curiously.

  “Is there a reason why I can’t come with you?” She asked suspiciously. “Is it because this is t
he time you spend with Mya?”

  Hunter cursed to himself, angry that he left her an opening. “Get over it already Heather. She will be there. After all, she is their mother, and yes, I will see her.”

  “Well, I’m coming too! I will follow in my car.”

  Hunter relented. He was in no mood for another argument with Heather.

  Chapter 14

  While Mya was upstairs tending to the boys, the Trents were downstairs preparing for dinner when the doorbell rang.

  “I’ll get it honey,” Henry Trent said.

  Henry opened the door and Rodger Collins, Mya’s lawyer stood there. “Good afternoon, can I help you?” He asked politely.

  “Good afternoon Sir, “Rodger greeted. “Yes, I need to see Mya.”

  Henry frowned. He had no idea who this man was asking to see his daughter, and he immediately got defensive. “May I ask who you are?”

  “Yes Sir. I’m Rodger Collins, Mya’s lawyer,” he answered.

  “Oh, Mr. Collins! Please, please come in,” Henry invited. “It is truly a pleasure to finally meet the man that saved my daughter’s life. Honey! Come in here quick!”

  While Rodger took an admiring look around the foyer, Mrs. Trent came out drying her hands on the checkered apron around her waist. “Henry how many times I have told you to stop yelling through the house!” She scolded.

  “Honey, this is Rodger Collins, the man that helped our daughter,” he explained.

  “Oh Mr. Collins come in, come in. We can talk in the parlor,” she said with a smile. Rodger followed the couple.

  “Please have a seat Mr. Collins while I go and get Mya,” Sylvie said before she rushed from the room.

  Rodger took a seat and Henry sat across from him. “Mr. Collins I can’t thank you enough for helping Mya. I know you probably don’t believe me since I turned my back on her…”

  Rodger held up a hand to stop him. “Mr. Trent, I can’t say I understand that decision, but Mya is free now and I think you should be more concerned with building the relationship you once had with her. Mya is a special person and we are very fond of her.”


  “Yes, myself and my wife Vera. The two of them became very good friends after her release.”

  Henry nodded. “Still Mr. Collins, we are all grateful you were there for her when I recklessly abandoned her, and I will never forgive myself for that. If there is anything I can do for you, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to call.”

  “Thank you Mr. Trent.”

  “Rodger!” Mya said with surprise as she entered the room. “What are you doing here?”

  Rodger and Mr. Trent came to their feet. “Hello Mya, how are you and the boys?”

  She embraced him fondly. “We’re fine,” she replied. “Rodger what’s that in your hand?”

  “Mya I think you need to sit down,” Rodger said.

  Mya hesitated, and sensing this, Sylvie came over and stood beside her. “Rodger what’s going on?” She asked curiously.

  “Do you need privacy?” Sylvie asked.

  “Well actually Mr. and Mrs. Trent, I think this is something you need to hear as well,” Rodger stated.

  They all sat down with Mya sitting between her parents.

  Rodger exhaled and then began to explain. “I had a visitor a couple days ago,” he started.

  “And who would that be Rodger?”

  “David Harris.”

  Rodger stared silently at Mya and waited for the name to sink in. When she finally made the connection, Mya leapt to her feet.

  “David Harris! What did he say? Did he have anything to do with my being setup?”

  “Calm down sweetie, calm down!” Rodger pleaded. “It’s not what he said, but what he showed me that’s important.”

  “What?” She said anxiously. The suspense was killing her.

  “Proof of who framed you.”

  It was as if those five little words sucked the air right out of the room. As Mya looked down at her father, Henry stood and pulled her closer to him. It looked like she was finally going to know who did this to her, but she had a few questions of her own that needed answering first.

  “Where has David been all this time?” She inquired.

  “His uncle sent him to California to finish school,” Rodger replied.

  “Why?” Now she was confused. If David played no part in framing her, why did he suddenly disappear and travel halfway across the country?

  “Because David’s uncle didn’t want the police to ask his nephew any questions after the police had anonymously gotten hold of that supposed evidence that implicated you.”

  Mya shook her head. “Rodger, you are making my head numb. What exactly are you saying?”

  Rodger continued to explain to them all that David had told him and about all that he had read from the file David had given him, but he intentionally left out the name of the other party involved.

  “Okay, so why would this complete stranger want to frame me?”

  “He framed you because he was paid ten thousand dollars to do so.”

  Sylvie gasped and grabbed hold of Mya’s hand.

  “Someone wanted you out of the way and was willing to pay a hefty price to make it happen.”

  “Alright Rodger enough! Who did this to me?” Mya was anxious. She needed to know and she needed to know right now.

  Rodger hesitated for a second and then told her. “Heather Burton hired Clayton Harris to get rid of you.”

  “What?” Mya gasped sinking back to the chair. “Why? I was no threat to her! Hunter didn’t even like me!”

  “Heather Burton did this to my daughter?” Henry muttered incredulously. Stunned beyond disbelief, Sylvie sat there with a hand covering her mouth.

  “Yes Sir,” Rodger answered Henry.

  Mya moved away from her parents. “Do you think Hunter is involved? I mean come on! He hated me, he always suspected me of something, and he never once hid how he felt! He probably got Heather to do his dirty work with the promise of matrimony!”

  “Come on Mya,” Rodger said doubtfully. “I’ve met Hunter, and although I don’t know him personally, I’ll say one thing for him. He may not have trusted you then, he may not even trust you now, but I don’t think for one second that he’s the type of man to hide behind a woman.”

  “Well you can believe what you want about him. As far as I am concerned he is involved and just a guilty as Miss Fancy Heather.” Mya was now angry. The claws were out and she was ready to confront her enemies. “Where’s the evidence?”

  When Rodger handed her the envelope, Mya quickly opened the folder and gleaned its contents. After seeing it for herself, she handed it to Henry who pulled a pair of glasses from his pocket and began reading. Sylvie moved over and stood beside him.

  “I don’t believe this. All this time she was in our faces talking about her wedding to our son and she’s the one behind all this family’s heartache,” Sylvie said, shaking her head. “When I see that wench…”

  “Thank you Mr. Collins,” Henry said. “We didn’t know where to start looking. Heather would have never come to mind as the culprit behind all of this.”

  “I hate to say this Mr. Trent, but if David Harris hadn’t come forward, none of us would have ever known who did this to Mya.”

  Mr. Trent hugged a surprised Rodger. “Thank you and remember; if there is anything we can ever do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us.”

  After Rodger left, Henry continued to study the contents of the envelope.

  “I don’t want to believe that my son had anything to do with this,” he commented, looking from one photo to the next.

  Mya stared at him. “And yet you believed that I would?”

  When Henry looked up at her with sadden eyes, Mya turned away. If his, or anybody else’s feelings got hurt tonight, then that was just too bad. Let the chips fall where they may.

  A little while later, Hunter stood in the doorway, and with him was Heather, who as always, h
ad a smile plastered on her scheming face. Mya turned and froze. Angrily looking from Hunter to Heather as a low growl rose from her throat, she pushed past Hunter, grabbed Heather by her hair, and punched her in the face… hard.

  Stunned by the unexpected viciousness of the attack, Heather screamed and raised her arms, trying her best to get away from Mya’s swinging fists. The attack caught Hunter off guard as well and for a brief second he simply stood there and watched, but once he came to his senses, he grabbed Mya and pulled her away from Heather. Unwilling to be deterred, Mya struggled wildly against him as she tried to get back to Heather.

  “Enough!” Hunter roared, pulling Mya to the side.

  Although she was winded, Mya’s temper still raged. She pulled away from him with her hands clinched into fists, and was ready to attack Heather again.

  “Have you totally lost it Mya?” Hunter shouted.

  Mya’s fist connected with his jaw. At this point, she didn’t care who she hit. “How dare you protect the bitch that ruined my life!” She screamed, turning from him to go after Heather again.

  When she saw that Mya was on the loose again, Heather squealed and ducked behind Hunter who, after tasting blood, stood there swiping the inside of his mouth with his tongue.

  “Oh my God Mya!” Sylvie cried, going to her pulling her into her arms.

  “Why are you protecting her? She attacked me!” Heather screamed at Sylvie. “Call the police Hunter! I want her arrested!”

  Mya went after her again, but Sylvie held her back. “You bitch! You want me arrested after what you did to me?”

  “What did I do you?” She yelled.

  Mya pulled away from Sylvie to get at her again, but Hunter stepped in front of her. She looked up at him with disgust. “Yeah that’s right. You had better protect your fiancée. You know what she did,” she sneered. “Tell me Hunter, did you and Heather put your heads together and come up with a plan to get rid of me?”

  She glared at him for a second, and then clapped her hands laughing humorlessly. “I have to give it you Hunter. Your performance that night in the police station was Oscar worthy. You stayed in character the whole time and not once did you give yourself away. You weren’t surprised for one second when I was arrested, because the two of you caused it to happen. It was a good plan though; almost had me in prison for the rest of my life, too. I think you should have found someone with a little more experience in framing people, but hey, it was a good start.”


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