Wrecked: A Stepbrother Romance Novel

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Wrecked: A Stepbrother Romance Novel Page 13

by Arabella Abbing

  Instead, he cupped my cheek and roughly brought our lips together— pouring out years of pent up emotions into our kiss. I mirrored his movements, letting my own feelings flood out of me until I could feel a few happy tears rolling down my cheeks.

  He ended the kiss when he felt them and opened his eyes to look up at me with concern. As he brushed the tear-tracks away with the pads of his thumbs he whispered, “I love you, too. Fuck, I’ve always loved you.”

  “I sense a but coming,” I tried to joke, but ended up sounding completely gutted.

  “But… I can’t do this if you have any doubts about us. After high school, I dived head-first into work to distract myself from thinking about you. Eventually, the company picked up steam and I was able to hire staff to carry some of the weight, so I used my free time at the gym. But I never bothered to make time for women beyond the occasional first date that never went anywhere. It just felt... wrong.”

  “Does this feel wrong to you?” I asked, a little afraid of the answer.

  “No. Nothing has ever felt so right,” he replied with a smile as he brushed the stray hair out of my face. “But I want this feeling to last beyond tonight.”

  “So do I,” I assured him.

  “So you’re in this for real? We’re really doing this?”

  “I really, really want to. I love you,” I told him, my voice cracking with emotion even though I was smiling right along with him.

  “I love you, Vanessa,” he whispered against my lips before pressing them firmly together.

  He relaxed back against the blanket and I allowed my body to relax, trusting that he would let me know if I was too heavy or if I rubbed against him the wrong way. This time, the kiss was slow and tender— a promise of all the things yet to come. We stayed locked in that position as the sun went down and when it started to get dark on the beach, I decided to ramp up the heat.

  I carefully wriggled until my dress rode up my thighs, then slipped downwards just enough to comfortably rest my knees on either side of his hips. He moaned against my lips when I rubbed our lower bodies together and his hardness pressed exactly where I wanted him, only separated by his slacks and the flimsy material of my underwear.

  When he didn’t stop me, I took it as a sign that I was free to continue. I started rolling my hips in a steady rhythm, his breathing speeding up the longer I continued.

  Our kiss eventually became sporadic—Brandon too distracted by the feel of my body writhing against his to keep up—so I pushed myself up to a sitting position and allowed my hands to begin exploring the hard planes of his chest.

  “Vanessa, stop,” he begged, his voice strained. “Please.”

  I stopped my hips from rolling but started undoing the top buttons of his shirt, sliding my fingers beneath the fabric and enjoying the feeling of his skin on mine while he got himself under control. While I knew that I should have been taking it slow considering this was his first time, my body was desperate to have him as soon as possible.

  It took another few minutes of heated kisses before I managed to subdue my own desires and breathlessly ask, “Bed?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  While it seemed like such a good idea at the time, I cursed myself for telling him to leave the cane in the house as we moved to get up. The rational part of my mind questioned whether it was even safe to be doing this at all in his condition, but I felt confident in my knowledge of what to avoid doing so we wouldn’t irritate the wound.

  Brandon leaned on me again and I couldn’t help but to look down, smirking at the sight of his very impressive length straining hard against the confines of his slacks. It certainly felt big against me and seeing it now just made it all the more obvious.

  “What are you smirking about?” he grumbled as we half-walked, half-limped up to the house.

  “The fact that you’re so obviously packing. I knew it.”

  He shot me a cheeky grin as he said, “So that’s why you want me, huh? It’s not the money at all—you just want my big dick.”

  I knew he was only trying to get a rise out of me, but he obviously didn’t consider the possibility that I would fire back. He was forced to stop walking when I did and he looked down at me with a confused frown.

  With a coy smile, I leaned up to his ear and whispered, “Even though I really want your big cock deep inside of me... I want all the rest of you, too.”

  When I backed away to continue our trek up to the house, his eyes were closed and his jaw had gone slightly slack. I felt rather proud over my ability to affect him so much, but it also turned me on even more. I gently prodded at his back and jerked my chin towards the house.

  “Come on, we’re almost there.”

  “Thank fuck,” he grunted.

  When we finally got inside, he immediately reached for the cane. Because of his practice, he was able to move a lot faster with that than by using me as a crutch and although he was reluctant to let go of me, I compensated by hooking a finger into the waistband of his pants and gently pulling him forward.

  “Your room or mine?”

  “Mine. I want you in my bed,” he practically growled, the sound and the sight of his intense gaze sending waves of heat shooting through my body.

  I gave up walking backwards the instant we had to round a corner, but made sure to stay close to Brandon as we made our way to his bedroom. I could tell that he was pushing his leg to the limit and was worried about the consequences, but he didn’t seem to care either way. When we finally made it to his door, I stepped through the doorway and turned around to find him lingering at the threshold.

  “Second thoughts?” I asked, keeping my voice light even though I was silently praying that he hadn’t.

  “No I just... I have no idea how to do this. Especially not with this thing,” he admitted, tapping the cane lightly on the ground. “Maybe we should wait until I’m fully healed.”

  “We can wait if you really want to, but I promise it’s doable. You just have to trust me and follow my lead.”

  There was a brief moment of indecision before he stepped forward and nodded.

  “I trust you. Just tell me what to do.”

  “Sit on the edge of the bed.”

  Brandon swallowed hard and did as instructed, giving me a moment to mentally compose myself without the weight of his gaze on me. When the footsteps stopped, I turned around and slowly walked towards him, swinging my hips just a fraction more than was necessary in the hope of appearing sultry. If the moistening of his lips was anything to go by, I succeeded.

  “Can I touch you?” he asked breathlessly as I propped a knee up beside him. His hands lifted into the air and lingered over my hips almost like he was afraid I’d be offended if he allowed himself to touch without my permission.

  “Of course. But let me finish getting your shirt off first.”

  His head jerked up and down and his hands drifted back, giving me an even better view as I finished unbuttoning his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. The sight was one I’d seen during his care, but it was far different than seeing it like this. Like it was all for me.

  And in a way, it kind of was. No one had touched him this way before and if I had any say in the matter, no one besides me would ever get the chance to.

  Since he was already propped on his elbows, I used the opportunity to run my hands over his chest and push him even further back, leaning over his body and pressing a series of kisses along his stomach and up his chest. It was rising and falling heavily by the time my tongue touched one of his nipples and he shuddered hard at the contact before weaving a hand into my hair and pulling me upwards.

  Excited by him taking a measure of control in an area he was so obviously unsure about, I allowed him to pull me up until our faces were level and kissed him until we were both panting. I trailed my lips down his jaw and his neck, grazing my teeth over the skin and biting down until he gasped.

  “I can’t believe this is actually happening,” he groaned when I switched to sucking on th
e skin. “Wanted you for so long.”

  I smiled and backed away until I was standing in front of him once again. He let out a low sound of disappointment until I turned around and craned my head back to shoot him a saucy grin.

  “Unzip me?”

  He shot up like a rocket and immediately went for the zipper of my dress, his brow furrowing in concentration as he struggled to get it down with his shaky hands. I held it up from the front until the zipper was all the way down, then let it fall to the floor in a puddle of green satin.

  His breath hitched when I turned and exposed my body to his hungry eyes, clad only in a pair of panties.

  “Jesus, Vanessa. You’re fucking perfect.”

  There was something like astonishment in his tone and it made me feel like some kind of goddess, but his laser-sharp focus on my breasts was almost enough to make me laugh. I just barely managed to bite it back before I bent down to reach for his hands, bringing them up to place them where his attention was riveted.

  “Touch me.”

  It was like those two simple words flipped some sort of switch inside him. He sprung forward until he was barely seated on the edge of the bed and wrapped one arm around my back, dragging me forward until his mouth was able to reach with ease.

  His hand was tentative on one breast, but his mouth attacked the other like I was the greatest thing he’d ever tasted and he couldn’t get enough. His tongue flicked back and forth over my tight nipple and he alternated between sucking and biting, sending me into a frenzy of lust.

  I pulled back and directed him to the other side before he even had a chance to react and he gave it the exact same treatment. I subtly maneuvered us until he was scooting back up the bed—just far enough for me to be able to put my knees up and straddle him again.

  When I started rubbing myself against him, he finally let go of my nipple with a noisy pop. His eyes were hooded with lust when he looked up at me and the desire just to rip his pants off right then and guide him into me was almost too strong to fight.

  Which was an absolutely perfect moment for the responsible part of my brain to chime in.

  “Do you have condoms?” I asked, praying to all things that were holy that he for some fucking reason had the foresight or the hope to see this happening back when he invited me.

  “No,” he admitted with a heavy sigh.

  The harsh slap of reality was more effective than a cold shower to my libido. I wasn’t on the pill and even if I had been, I was a nurse. There was no way I would risk getting pregnant by having unprotected sex—not even with as desperately as I wanted Brandon.

  Maybe we’d eventually get to that point, but it certainly wasn’t going to be today. We had just gotten to a good place for the first time in over a decade. A baby was definitely not what we needed right now.

  But being on a private island meant that a quick trip to the corner store was pretty much out of the question.

  “Oh my god,” I groaned, pushing myself off of him and going back to standing at the foot of the bed. “I can’t believe this.”

  Brandon looked disappointed, but more in himself for not thinking about protection than anything else. Even though my moment was pretty much ruined, one glance at the front of his slacks told me that he was still ready to go.

  As soon as I saw the bulge, I was reminded that there were still plenty of things that I could do for him—first times I could give him that didn’t require a condom.

  “Lie back,” I commanded, arching an eyebrow when he just gave me a confused stare.

  “I really don’t think we should—”

  “We aren’t,” I said with a grin as I pushed him down by his shoulders.

  I was already working his belt off and tossing it to the floor when it finally clicked and he raised his head to look at me with wide, nervous eyes.

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Just shut up and enjoy it,” I said with a chuckle as I unzipped his fly. “You might want to move up a little though.”

  Brandon followed my suggestion and I hooked my thumbs into the belt loops, causing him to slide right out of his pants. The pair of designer briefs he was wearing were incredibly sexy and I took a long moment just to stare at him in all his masculine glory before I bent over and reached for the elastic waistband.

  We both held our breaths as I pulled them down his feet and threw them to the side, then looked back at the sight of his bare cock bobbing up to leave a wet spot of precum on his abdomen.

  I had never been more happy to be right. He was packing all right—packing the biggest cock I’d ever had the pleasure of seeing up close and personal like this. My arousal returned full-force, but I wasn’t going to stray from my mission.

  Tonight would be just for him and tomorrow, I’d call the fucking pizza delivery guy personally and beg him to bring over condoms. Hell, I’d call Shaw if I had to.

  I crawled up Brandon’s body and took a second to glance at his face, checking to make sure he wasn’t freaking out before I got too handsy. He was clearly excited about what was about to happen, but there were still signs of unease written all over his face.

  “You all right?” I asked as I gently stroked the tops of his muscular thighs.

  “Just a little embarrassed,” he admitted with a short burst of laughter, nervously reaching up to scrub a hand over his jaw. “I can already tell you this isn’t going to take long.”

  “I’d be offended if it did,” I joked, returning the smile he directed up at me. As much as I enjoyed going down on men, I was always kind of grateful when they didn’t last long during blow jobs. Less jaw pain.

  When he nodded at me to continue I soothingly whispered, “Just relax.”

  Then I gripped the base of his cock with one hand and leaned down to swirl my tongue around the head. The sound of that first tortured moan would be forever ingrained in my memory right along with the first taste of his cock.

  Wanting more, I tightened my lips and sucked the head into my mouth, keeping my tongue moving and feeling a heady wave of feminine pride as his hips strained up and his back arched.

  “Ohhh fuck yes. Suck me, baby. More,” he groaned, his hips still attempting to flex upwards into my mouth even though I was doing my best to hold him down with one hand. “Please.”

  The broken gasp was what got to me more than anything else and I gave in to his wishes, sinking my mouth down as far as I could go and running my tongue along the underside of his cock. The sounds he made when I started bobbing my head went straight to my core, making my panties damp with need as I forcefully sucked in time with the small thrusts of his hips.

  True to his word— it didn’t take long. I felt his hands tugging gently at my hair as he tried to force out the words to warn me, but I still sunk down lower and lower, using my hand to work what I couldn’t reach with my mouth.

  When I pulled up to focus the suction of my mouth solely on the head while I used my spit as lube and rapidly jacked him off, he let out a choked grunt of surprise followed by a loud roar of ecstasy as he exploded in my mouth.

  I kept the gentle pressure on him until the spurts stopped and I felt his abdomen starting to twitch and shudder beneath my palm. I sat up and looked at his face, laughing lightly at the spaced-out smile that was spread across his lips. I couldn’t recall him ever looking so... peaceful.

  And to know that I was the cause of that look was heartwarming.

  “God, that was... come here, baby,” he beckoned, opening his arms and waving me up.

  I climbed the rest of the way up the bed and cozied up beside him, unable to keep the ecstatic smile off my face as he rolled onto his good side to wrap me in his arms and cradle me against his body.

  I had expected him to fall asleep right away like pretty much every other man I’d ever been with, but I could tell he was awake for a long while afterwards by his continuous strokes of my hair with one hand and my bare back with the other.

  My arousal drifted to the back of my thoughts as th
e bed and his soft touches began to lull me to sleep. Just as I started to slip into dreamland, I heard Brandon whisper that he loved me and the words pulled the corners of my lips up in a smile that stayed in place for the rest of the night.

  Chapter 17

  Waking up with someone beside me wasn’t something I was accustomed to, so it was a bit of a shock when Brandon’s alarm went off the next morning and I felt a warm weight pressed against my back. It seemed to surprise him as well and both of our bodies stiffened at the same time before instantly relaxing when the events of last night came rushing back.

  Brandon reached up to the shelf above his headboard and switched off the alarm before burrowing back beneath the covers and burying his face in the crook of my neck.

  “Good morning, angel,” he whispered.

  “Good morning.”

  I twisted out of his grip and flipped over, snuggling into his body and arching up for a kiss. He cupped my cheek with his hand as he moved to deepen it— pulling my unsatisfied arousal from the night before right back to the front of my mind.

  When he pulled away, he cracked open his eyes to stare at me seriously.

  “If it’s not too presumptuous of me, I’d like to have someone fetch us protection for tonight. Or whenever. If you still want to, of course.”

  I laughed as his eyes grew slightly panicked. I knew he didn’t want me to feel like he was pushing, but I figured I could remedy that by telling him just how much I wanted him.

  “If you could get someone to bring us condoms this morning, we could always use them before tonight.”

  “You’d want to do that?”

  “I want you. It doesn’t particularly matter when.”

  He groaned as I kissed him again, pushing him onto his back and straddling his waist. Part of me wanted to do something right then—perhaps teach him how to return the favor from last night—but logically I knew it was better to wait. I begrudgingly pulled away, giving him a sympathetic smile as I rolled off the bed.


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