Wolf on the Run: Salvation Pack, Book 3

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Wolf on the Run: Salvation Pack, Book 3 Page 6

by N. J. Walters

  He laid her on his bed and she sank into the soft comforter covering his mattress. Tears continued to leak nonstop from her eyes. “I don’t understand.” And she didn’t. Her emotions were all over the place.

  Cole swiped his thumb over her wet cheek, his gaze filled with concern. “You haven’t had time to grieve for your mama.” His matter-of-fact words struck her like a fist to the gut. Her mama. Her beautiful, gentle mama was dead. And she was responsible. It was all her fault.

  “They killed her,” she wailed. Like a wounded animal, she’d struck out. Now all she wanted to do was curl up somewhere safe and lick her wounds in private. But there was nowhere safe.

  Cole kicked off his shoes, stretched out next to her and pulled her against his broad chest. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn’t resist burrowing against him. The faint scent of the wolves he’d had to dispose of lingered on his shirt, but even that wasn’t enough to deter her. Something inside her longed to get closer to him. He brushed her hair with one hand and her lower back with the other.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss.” The sheer sincerity in his words set her off.

  Cherise cried like she hadn’t since she was a child. She cried for her lost childhood, for her daddy long gone, for her mama’s senseless murder and for herself. Cherise was a wolf alone in the world. The thought of facing the world by herself almost crippled her.

  She cried until her eyes were swollen, her nose was runny and her throat was sore. Through it all, Cole held her. He didn’t try to make her stop. He simply let her cry it all out.

  When there were no more tears left, she felt incredibly empty. Moving was beyond her so she simply stayed where she was. The warmth from Cole’s big body seeped into her, driving back the cold that threatened to entomb her.

  She sniffed and wiped her eyes, too exhausted to do more than that.

  “Tell me about your mama?” Cole’s question was simple, but it reached inside her and began to heal the gaping wound inside her.

  “She was so beautiful. I’ll show you a picture sometime. I have some in my knapsack.” Her voice was hoarse and she cleared her throat. “Her name was Julia, and she was always smiling and humming a song. She never complained about anything, never blamed me for the death of my daddy and the life of exile she was forced to live.” Cherise thought she’d had no more tears left to shed, but her eyes welled up again.

  When she’d broken down, she’d lost all her defenses, all her walls had crumbled, leaving her completely defenseless against Cole’s kindness. “It was all my fault.” She laid her biggest sin, her largest fear before Cole and waited for him to condemn her. She condemned herself so why wouldn’t he? And it was no more than the truth.

  “No, ma belle.” Cole cupped her jaw with his massive palm and used his thumb to tip her head back until she was looking up at him. “None of it was your fault.”

  She started to disagree with him, but he shook his head. “She obviously loved you very much. Both your parents did. They did what any good parent would do. They protected their child.”

  “But they both died.” The wail that broke from her chest was long and mournful.

  Cole wrapped both arms around her and rocked her like one would a child. She didn’t deserve his understanding or comfort. Not after all the trouble she’d brought to his door. “Because of me, you were forced to kill three men.”

  Cole sighed and rolled with her in his arms, stopping when she was flat on her back with him looming large over her. He supported the bulk of his weight on his forearms so he wasn’t crushing her. His gaze was fierce, yet she wasn’t afraid of him, instinctively knowing he’d never hurt her.

  “You didn’t force me to do anything. Those wolves killed themselves by being young and stupid. They could have walked away. I gave them the chance.” Cole leaned so close she could feel his breath on her face. “Do you understand me?”

  She shook her head. How could she understand? None of this made sense.

  “Why don’t you just let me go?” Cherise asked.

  Cole shook his head. “Because I can’t.”

  Then he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to hers.

  Cherise was breaking his heart. Her tears had burned like acid when they’d touched his skin, and her cries had almost ripped out his soul. Never had he felt such depth of grief, such unending pain. She’d lost her home and both parents. Men she’d thought of as childhood friends had hunted her down to kill her.

  How did someone get over something like that?

  Yet he knew she would. Cherise was incredibly strong and resilient. He knew her breakdown was a momentary thing. She’d been stripped bare by her anger and grief, unable to keep it penned up any longer.

  It hadn’t surprised him when she’d lashed out. She was angry and he was handy. But the depth of her fury combined with her sorrow had left him raw.

  He knew she’d start rebuilding her emotional walls come tomorrow morning, determined to keep him and the others out. And she’d start planning to make her break.

  He couldn’t bear the idea of Cherise leaving him, being out on her own in the world. Alone.

  Maybe a better man wouldn’t take advantage of her grief and pain. Maybe a better man would climb off the bed, cover her in a blanket and let her sleep.

  But he’d never claimed to be a good man, and he was desperate. Instinct told him now was the time to make an emotional and physical connection to Cherise. Her guard was down and she was as open as she was ever likely to be. She might try to reestablish distance between them later, but if he made this connection now, it would be harder for her to shut him out. Harder for her to contemplate leaving him.

  He could offer her everything she was missing—a pack, a family, but most of all he could offer himself.

  Did he love her? Cole wasn’t sure he even knew what love really was. He knew his parents cared deeply for one another. But was it love when his mama had to be less than what she was in order to live in their pack? Why hadn’t his daddy taken her away from the pack years ago and started over somewhere new?

  Because there was no way Cole would allow anyone to mistreat Cherise. She was too special.

  He skimmed his lips over hers, taking advantage when she gasped to slip his tongue into her mouth. He groaned with pleasure when she tentatively touched her tongue to his.

  His cock sprang to attention, making his jeans uncomfortably tight. But it was worth it to have Cherise in his arms, kissing him back.

  It wasn’t easy, but he kept the kiss light and undemanding, wanting only what she would give him. His hands itched to touch her, to strip her out of her clothing so he could see every inch of her naked body. His wolf paced inside him, eager for her even though he couldn’t quite sense her wolf in her.

  It made him sad to realize Cherise couldn’t embrace her wolf, would never know the joys of shifting and racing through the woods with him.

  But it didn’t matter. The only thing Cole cared about was that she was in his arms and kissing him back. That was everything.

  He eased back slightly and nipped at her lower lip before soothing it with his tongue. Cherise sucked in a breath and stared at him. She brought her fingertips to her mouth and lightly touched her lips.

  Cole growled low in his throat and nipped at her fingers before drawing the index one into his mouth and sucking. Cherise gasped and then moaned. The pleasurable sound made his balls clench. They were both wearing way too much clothes, but he feared doing anything to break the sensual spell surrounding them.

  He breathed deep and almost lost it when he caught the lightest whiff of her arousal. It lingered in his nostrils like the most expensive of perfumes, only better. Spicy and sweet with a hint of musk.

  His wolf was affected as much as he was. The beast rolled onto his back as though trying to coat himself in her scent. They both wanted to belong to her, wanted her to belong to them.

  Cole caught the pad of her finger between his teeth and lightly bit. When Cherise moaned, he t
ook her lips once again. This time the kiss was different. This time he demanded her response. He plunged his tongue deep and explored every inch of her mouth, learning what made her catch her breath, what brought her pleasure.

  Cherise sucked on his tongue, and Cole thought he might come in his jeans. He wanted her mouth wrapped around his cock with her clever tongue teasing him. That was a fantasy he wanted the opportunity to explore. But if that ever stood a chance of happening, he first needed to get her to trust him with her body.

  He cupped her face and held her immobile while he plundered her mouth until they were both breathless. He released her and sucked air into his starving lungs. Her lips were swollen and damp from his kiss. Her gray eyes were luminous and slightly red from her tears. She looked so good he had to kiss her again. And again.

  She gripped his shoulders, and he felt the bite of her nails through the fabric of his shirt. He wanted her hands on his bare flesh. He reared back long enough to rip the T-shirt over his head and toss it aside.

  Cherise went still beneath him, like a small animal who felt threatened by a much larger predator. Cole cursed himself for going too fast, for expecting too much from her.

  Then she placed her hands on his chest, and Cole held himself immobile as she explored. She traced her fingers along the line of his pectoral muscles and then inward to his nipples. He groaned when she lightly flicked them. Then she sifted her fingers through the light covering of chest hair.

  He groaned and his entire body tensed. If her hands felt this good on his chest, what would they feel like wrapped around his dick? It was a question he prayed to have answered. And soon.

  “I want you, Cherise.” Maybe he would be better off simply overwhelming her senses and making love to her. It would certainly be more beneficial for him to establish a physical bond while her defenses were weakened than to try to do so once she had a chance to reestablish them. But he realized he didn’t want her to have any regrets, to feel as though he’d coerced or taken advantage of her. Cole didn’t want anything to taint this special moment.

  She swallowed hard, her slender throat rippling. Her nostrils flared and the pupils of her eyes expanded. She was aroused. Of that there was no doubt. Her sweet perfume blended with the more powerful musk pouring off his body, creating a unique scent that was driving him mad with need.

  “I can walk away now and leave you alone. You’re safe here no matter what.” It occurred to him that she might feel as though she had to sleep with him in order to be safe. That idea left him cold and his erection deflated.

  The longer Cherise went without saying anything, the more he suspected he’d been right to have concerns. Cole started to roll away, but she stopped him. She curled her fingers around the outer part of his biceps. “Cole?”

  He shook his head. “I want you, Cherise. But I don’t want you to feel as though you have to do this. I’ll protect you whether you sleep with me or not.” He wanted that fact made very clear.

  “I know.” She sighed and rubbed her hand over his upper arm. “I’m confused about a lot of things right now.”

  “I know.” He was a bastard to pressure her like this.

  “But there’s one thing I’m sure of.” She sat up, wrapped her hand around the back of his head and tugged him closer. He went easily, letting her guide him where she would.

  She kissed him this time. It was soft and tentative, but it was real. His erection sprang to life as desire surged through him once again. Cherise wanted him.

  Cole moaned and took control of the kiss. Her lips were so sweet, so soft. He could kiss her all day long. But there was so much more to explore. He wanted to touch and taste every part of her. He wanted to hear her sigh with pleasure. But most of all, he wanted to hear her scream his name when she came.

  His cock flexed in agreement. He shifted slightly, trying to ease the discomfort of his tight jeans, but it didn’t help. Nothing would except being buried in Cherise’s warmth.

  Cole reached for the buttons on her shirt. He liked the fact she was wearing a piece of his clothing. It gave him a primitive thrill to have his woman wrapped in something that belonged to him.

  His wolf howled inside him, impatient to see her. Cole snarled and ripped the garment open. Several buttons pinged off the floor. He spread the shirt wide and studied the plain white bra Cherise wore. It was made of cheap cotton and her nipples were outlined against it.

  Cole groaned and reached for her, covered her breasts with his large hands. She wasn’t overly endowed, but her breasts were well-shaped and firm. He thumbed her nipples and was delighted when they pebbled even more beneath his touch.

  He glanced up at Cherise and took in her wide-eyed gaze. “Breathe,” he told her.

  Breath whooshed out of her and then she sucked in more air.

  “We’ll take it slow,” he promised her. “If I do anything you don’t like, just tell me and I’ll stop.” That was a promise he’d keep no matter what it cost him.

  Chapter Six

  Cherise was finding it difficult to catch her breath. The way Cole looked at her stole the very air from her lungs. His eyes darkened as he skimmed the pads of his thumbs over her distended nipples. The sensation was electric and extended from her breasts all the way to her pussy. She’d never been so aroused in her life.

  It was crazy to even contemplate having sex with Cole. Not only was he practically a stranger, but she couldn’t afford any attachments, not with her former pack hunting her. The last thing she wanted to do was bring trouble to these people who’d been nothing but kind to her.

  But her attraction to Cole was off the charts. Maybe it was because he’d saved her life. Maybe it was because for the first time in her life she was with a man who was more than human, one who knew and understood what she was and wanted her anyway. There was freedom in that.

  Mostly, it was because Cole was who he was—loyal, courageous and not afraid to take a stand for what he believed. That was rare. The fact that he was drop-dead gorgeous was a bonus.

  He was big. Everywhere. She’d seen him naked when he’d shifted. Cherise had seen many naked males when she was younger. Shifters came to accept such things as normal. But she’d never seen any other male who compared to Cole. His shoulders were almost as wide as the doorway. His biceps were huge. And his cock was more than a little intimidating.

  Yet she wanted him.

  He was watching her, trying to gauge her reaction to his touch. He’d meant what he’d said when he told her he’d go slow. She appreciated that. The last thing she wanted was to feel mauled or rushed.

  Cherise shuddered as the memory of racing through the woods, of running for her very life, threatened to kill her desire. Then Cole leaned down and sucked her nipple through her cotton bra and all other thoughts fled.

  She threaded her fingers through his shaggy blond hair and held him close. Heat raced through her body, warming her, driving away the bad memories. They had no place here.

  Cole nuzzled the curve of her breast. “Let’s get rid of this.” He unhooked the front closure of her bra and eased it open, exposing her to his heated gaze. He gave a low growl and lowered his head again, this time capturing her bare nipple between his lips. He sucked the hard nub and she cried out at the delicious sensation.

  She gripped his shoulders, loving the play of muscles beneath his smooth skin.

  Cole acted like a man with all the time in the world. He licked and nuzzled her breasts, teased her nipples, alternately sucking them with his lips and laving them with his tongue.

  Cherise was wild, arching up to get more of his touch. She felt empty inside and knew only he could ease the growing need within her. “Cole.” His name was little more than a breathy sigh.

  He sat up and tenderly brushed a lock of hair off her forehead. “I want you naked.” He reached for her shirt and bra. They were both open, but she was still wearing them. She sat up long enough to help him get rid of them.

  Cole removed her sneakers and socks and tossed t
hem aside. He paused as he touched the button on her jeans. She nodded and he quickly unfastened it and pulled down the zipper. Cherise nibbled on her bottom lip as he peeled the jeans and her underwear down her legs, leaving her totally naked.

  He said nothing, but his gaze traced every inch of her body from her toes all the way to her head, lingering at the juncture of her thighs and her breasts. “Oh, chère. You are lovely.”

  The way he said it had her nipples tightening and her pussy aching.

  She licked her lips. “Now you.” She wanted him as naked as she was.

  One corner of his mouth kicked up. “Whatever my lady wants.”

  My lady. She didn’t read anything into those two words. It was pillow talk, nothing more. Still, it sounded good and made her warm and tingly inside.

  Cole stood next to the bed, towering over her. He undid his jeans and shoved them down his legs. He wasn’t wearing any underwear so his cock popped free from its confinement. He was impressive fully clothed. Naked, he was truly magnificent.

  His cock was long and thick, the head darker in color than the shaft. He seemed to grow larger before her very eyes. She swallowed hard and met his gaze.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll fit,” he promised. And she believed him. Right now, she’d believe anything he told her.

  Cole came down onto the bed beside her and placed his hand on her stomach. His skin was rough but warm. Thick calluses covered his palm, a sign he wasn’t afraid of hard work. Cherise found it a huge turn-on.

  He moved his hand over the inward curve of her waist and down her hip, following the contours of her body. Goose bumps rose on her skin in his wake. Cole leaned down and kissed her. She clung to him, needing the reassurance. She felt emotionally and physically fragile at the moment. Not a sensation she particularly liked, but somehow she felt safe with this man.

  He trailed his lips down the line of her jaw and over her neck. He licked her collarbone and the valley between her breasts. Cherise moaned and dug her nails into his biceps. “Cole.” She wanted more but didn’t quite know how to ask for it. She’d had sex before, but she was far from experienced. Those encounters had been with humans, male coworkers she’d been attracted to. She’d been searching for some kind of closeness and connection but, ultimately, she’d always been left feeling cold and unfulfilled. And nothing had prepared her for how Cole made her feel.


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