Wolf on the Run: Salvation Pack, Book 3

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Wolf on the Run: Salvation Pack, Book 3 Page 14

by N. J. Walters

  It was the only way she and Cole would ever have a chance for a future.

  Cole stood and pulled her to her feet. “We’ll work everything out. You’ll see.”

  She didn’t see how he could be so certain.

  “The pack is coming otherwise I’d take you right here, right now. You’re mine, Cherise. And I’m never letting you go.” His jaw was taut, determination stamped on his features.

  She swallowed hard and pulled away. He didn’t stop her when she opened the door and stepped inside. She needed a minute alone before she faced the others.

  Ryan Hatfield stood behind Lex Gordon and watched as the younger wolf worked his magic, his fingers flying over the keyboard. “You’ve found nothing?”

  Lex pushed away from his laptop and shook his head. “No. There are no news reports about any woman dying under strange circumstances. No suspected mauling by dogs or wild animals. At least nothing I can find.”

  Damn, this was frustrating. And so unnecessary. Those boys were more trouble than they were worth. Ryan’s phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. “Hatfield.”

  “Sir, we’ve traced their steps, going to every spot Keith and the boys were, but we couldn’t find anything.” Lex had hacked into all three men’s bank accounts and found transactions at restaurants, gas stations and cheap motels.

  Ryan wanted to howl in anger but reined it in. No point in getting mad with John. He was only following orders and he was worried too. Wayne was his cousin and he was missing too. “Head back.” He ended the call, but before he could put his phone away it rang again. “Hatfield.”

  “It’s Amos. I think we might have something.”

  Ryan turned and strode from the room. He left Lex’s home and walked out into the yard, wanting fresh air and some privacy. “What have you got?” They’d managed to trace Gene’s cell phone to Charlotte, North Carolina before the signal went dead so he’d sent a couple of men there to check things out.

  “I’ve found a man who purchased a truck about a week ago under less than legal circumstances. The description matches Keith’s vehicle.”

  He knew this was going to lead to more trouble, but there were some things that had to be done. “Find out what he knows. Leave him alive if you can, but if you can’t…” Ryan let the rest go unsaid.

  “Will do.”

  Ryan ended the call and stalked down the path to his brother’s house. He paused and changed directions, heading home instead. Better to wait until he had definite news. But this didn’t look good. Whatever trouble Keith had gotten himself into, the stupid pup had probably gotten himself and his buddies killed.

  While Ryan wouldn’t miss his nephew much at all, he knew his brother would feel the loss. Keith was his only child. Not to mention he had two other families waiting for news.

  “Anything wrong?”

  Ryan glanced at his firstborn son and pride filled him. Seth was a few years younger than Keith and nothing like his older cousin. Seth was steady and strong, ready to do whatever it took to protect the pack. He was patient, not rash. And he’d make a damn fine alpha someday.

  “I’m not sure. But your cousin might have gotten himself killed.”

  Seth matched him step for step as the two of them strode toward home. “We’re going to have to clean up his mess.”

  Ryan stroked his beard and looked up at the setting sun, squinting against its harsh light. “I reckon we will.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Cole sat back in his chair, stretched his legs out beneath the table and watched Cherise interact with the others over dinner. It gave him a sense of well-being to see her seated at his table with all his friends gathered around. She seemed to get along well with Gwen and Anny. The three of them chatted during the evening meal, but he could see that Cherise was preoccupied.

  He knew she was still thinking about leaving. It hadn’t escaped his notice that she hadn’t responded when he’d told her she was his mate.

  Maybe she didn’t want to stay with him.

  As if sensing his regard, she glanced over at him and gave him a small but genuine smile. No, she was attracted to him, gave herself freely to him in bed each night.

  It was her sense of honor, the need she felt to protect him and the pack that still had her thinking about leaving. More than ever, he felt a growing need to deal with the threat hovering over her.

  It was time.

  “Since Anny made the bread and Gator the stew, I think we need to draw straws to see who does the dishes.” Gwen made the pronouncement as she shoved her bowl away from her, sat back and rubbed her stomach. “I ate way too much, but it was so good.”

  Cherise had eaten a bowl of stew and two slices of the cinnamon-raisin bread, not much by a werewolf’s standard, but he was satisfied she at least wasn’t hungry. She’d gained some weight since she’d arrived, but she was still too thin. He worried about her health.

  “I’ll take care of them,” Cherise offered. She stood and began clearing the table. “I don’t mind.”

  Cole was about to offer to join her when Louis jumped to his feet and grabbed a couple of bowls. “I’ll help.”

  He swallowed back the jealousy that threatened to consume him. He didn’t have to worry about Louis. The male was simply being kind. There was no need to drag the other wolf outside and challenge him. But the urge was there. Cole shoved back his chair and headed for the back door. “I’m going to take a quick scout around.”

  Cherise watched him leave, and he could see the unasked question in her eyes, but she didn’t say anything. He wanted her to call him back, to ask him to stay with her. He paused just outside the cabin. He could hear the laughter and chatter of his friends. He’d never joined in much, but he enjoyed listening to them, being a part of this pack.

  He scrubbed his hands over his face. He was slowly losing his mind. It was time to get his head back in the game. He was no good to anyone like this.

  The door opened and closed behind him. Without turning, he knew who was there.

  “What are you going to do?” Jacque sauntered down the steps and came to stand beside him.

  Cole didn’t want to lie to his alpha, nor did he want to fight with him. And Jacque would certainly object if he had any idea Cole had plans to face Cherise’s former alpha by himself. Instead, he simply shrugged.

  Jacque sighed. “Just don’t do something stupid.”

  “Define stupid,” Cole tossed back.

  Jacque laughed and slapped him on the back. “Don’t do anything I’d do.”

  And that was what Cole liked best about Jacque. He didn’t see himself as infallible, as all powerful just because he was the alpha. He was a male who made mistakes and learned from them.

  “I can’t promise that.” Cole rubbed his hand over his jaw and stared totally deadpan at his friend. “After all, you kidnapped your mate.”

  As he’d hoped, Jacque laughed again and the mood lightened. “I did, didn’t I?” He glanced back at the cabin. “Worked out well for me.”

  It had, but they’d had some huge obstacles to overcome, just as he and Cherise did. She still had problems hanging over her, big problems.

  “Come back inside.” Jacque bumped his shoulder against Cole. “For tonight, just forget about all the problems facing us and enjoy the fact we’re all alive and together.”

  Jacque was right. They needed to celebrate the moments like this. A desperate need to see Cherise, to touch her, almost overwhelmed him. He took a deep breath and slowly released it.

  “Come on.” Jacque led the way and Cole followed.

  Cherise was standing at the sink washing a pot when he entered the kitchen, her hands plunged into hot, soapy water. She frowned at him. “Anything wrong?”

  He sauntered over to her, took her into his arms and kissed her in front of everyone. He held nothing back as he moved his mouth over hers, nipping and licking at her bottom lip until she gasped. Then he slipped this tongue inside and lost himself in her sweet taste.

bsp; She slapped her wet hands against his chest. The water seeped through his shirt. He wished they were both naked and her soapy hands were rubbing all over his bare chest.

  Louis thumped him on the back. “Get a room.”

  Cole wanted to howl with frustration. The pack wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Not tonight. There was anticipation in the air, a sense of celebration. They were in the mood to party.

  He’d just have to contain himself until they all left. His cock jerked in protest, but he ignored his raging hard-on and focused on Cherise. Her pupils were dilated and her lips were moist and slightly swollen from his kiss. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip. He groaned and rested his forehead against hers.

  “What was that all about?”

  He could sense her confusion, but he couldn’t explain it to her. So he did the same thing he had with his alpha a few minutes before. He shrugged.

  She studied him and he could almost see her weighing his actions and words. Before she could ask him more questions he wasn’t ready or willing to answer, he deflected her attention. “Finish up here and I’ll play for you.”

  She slowly pushed away from him, grabbed the scrub pad she’d been using and attacked the dirty pot with a vengeance. “Play?”

  Louis, who’d been standing quietly off to one side, piled the last plate into the dishwasher, shut the door tight and pressed the switch to start the wash cycle. “Cole plays a mean fiddle.”

  “Really?” Cherise looked rather doubtful as she studied his large hands.

  “Yes, really.” He tweaked her nose and she laughed.

  “I’m looking forward to hearing you play.” She gave him a shy smile and turned her attention back to the pot she was cleaning.

  Cole looked at Louis and nodded. The other wolf nodded back. No words were necessary. Satisfied, Cole left the kitchen and headed to his bedroom to get his fiddle from the closet shelf.

  He stopped inside the door and stared at the room. It was still a masculine domain, but it was no longer quite as bare and sterile. One of Cherise’s discarded tops was tossed across the chair in the corner. He knew if he opened the top drawer of his dresser, he’d find her clothing there.

  He could smell her unique scent on everything in the room. There were two deep orange throw pillows arranged on the bed. He supposed he had Anny to thank for that. She’d managed to get Cherise’s attention a few days ago when she was doing some online shopping. Anny did love to browse the stores online.

  Still, he wouldn’t change one darn thing. He’d liked having his own space, but he liked sharing it with Cherise even more. No, he decided, he would change one more thing. He’d have Cherise settled in here with him permanently. He wanted her to feel free to change the room however she wanted. Hell, she could paint it pink with purple polka dots for all he cared, just as long as she shared it with him.

  Cole opened the closet and drew down his fiddle case from the top shelf. It was one of the few possessions he’d brought with him when he’d left his former pack. It had belonged to his grandpa, who’d taught Cole to play when he was just a boy. He’d spent hours by himself, practicing over and over until his large fingers skimmed over the strings with ease.

  He opened the case and ran his thumb lovingly over the bow. He missed his parents. That was the only thing he truly did miss about his old life. There was so much less stress here, fewer games and power plays. And a hell of a lot less violence, in spite of the attacks on their pack. Those were quick and brutal. Life in Louisiana had been steeped in daily hostility, and a wolf could never be quite sure from where or when an attack might come.

  No, this was much better.

  He shut the case and headed back to the living room to join his woman and his friends. This was the life he wanted, and he was willing to fight the devil himself to protect it.

  Cherise was worried about Cole. He’d been quiet during the evening meal. Nothing unusual there. Cole didn’t have a lot to say in a crowd. He was self-contained and quiet. But he didn’t miss anything. His gaze was constantly moving, and she had no doubt he was fully aware of everyone and everything going on around him.

  And she was always fully aware of him. Like an electrical current, her body settled into a low hum whenever Cole was near. He dominated a room without even trying, his sheer size making him impossible to miss. She loved the way his dark blond hair fell to his shoulders. It made her want to run her fingers through the tousled strands.

  He watched the world through those intense green eyes, and she shivered whenever they landed on her. No doubt about it, she was getting used to sharing his bed every night, having his strong arms wrapped around her while she slept. And what they did before they slept—

  Cherise tugged her shirt away from her body and flapped the hem. She was suddenly overheated. Just being around Cole made her skin tingle and her body ache. She immediately began to think of innocuous things like cleaning the bathroom and taking out the trash. The last thing she wanted was for the others to smell her growing arousal. Living around a bunch of werewolves wasn’t always easy. There were very few secrets in a pack.

  Cole entered the living room with a black case held carefully in his hands. He set it on the table, opened it and drew out a fiddle. She was very curious to hear him play and left the dining area to join the others. Even the cats were there, both of them sprawled across Anny’s lap, vying for her attention. Their antics made her smile.

  Cherise curled up in one of the big chairs and watched Cole. He had such large hands, but she knew they could be very gentle. The way they caressed her skin was nothing short of magic.

  This should be interesting.

  As if he was reading her thoughts, he shot her a cocky smile, rested the instrument in the crook of his arm and drew the bow over the strings. When he was satisfied they sounded okay, he began to play.

  Cherise was spellbound. She didn’t recognize the song, but she didn’t need to. The mournful sound tugged at her heartstrings and brought tears to her eyes. The lament made her want to wrap her arms around him and hug him close. It spoke of loss, of grief.

  No one moved or made a sound while he played. He held them all spellbound until he drew the bow over the strings one final time. The sorrowful notes hovered in the air, vibrating through every cell of her body.

  He waited long seconds and then broke into a happy tune. The others laughed and began to clap, keeping time to the fast song. Cherise leaned back in her chair, rested her elbow on the armrest and propped her chin on her hand. Cole kept her totally captivated as he plied his bow. The man was incredibly talented.

  Gwen jumped to her feet and dragged Jacque after her. The alpha laughed, grabbed his mate around her waist and began to swing her around the room. Anny and Armand quickly joined them. The cats jumped off the sofa and disappeared down the hallway.

  Someone tapped her on the shoulder. She looked up to find Gator standing beside her with a mischievous grin on his face. “How about it, chère?”

  She wanted to. She really did. The music was infectious. But she had to be honest with him. “I don’t know how to dance.” Her pack hadn’t been a musical bunch, and after she and her mother had run there’d been no time or inclination for her to learn.

  His grin widened. “That don’t matter none. I’ll teach you.” He held out his hand to her. She glanced at Cole before she realized what she was doing and then scolded herself. She didn’t need his permission to do anything. She took Gator’s hand and let him pull her out of her chair. He led her around the coffee table to the open area of the room

  He took one of her hands and put it on his shoulder. “Like that, chère.” Gator rested one of his hands on her waist and then took her free hand in his. “Listen for the beat of the music,” he instructed. “Feel it.”

  She nodded, more than a little uncertain. She was sure to make a fool of herself, but what the hell. The other couples were having fun.

  Gator began to move, guiding her around the room in a large circle. It di
dn’t take her long to get the hang of it, and soon she was laughing and moving to the rhythm of the music.

  Louis cut in on Armand and Anny so Armand cut in on her and Gator. He gave way good-naturedly and then cut between Jacque and Gwen. So it went until Cherise had danced with all the males, except the one she wanted most of all.

  Cole finally brought the music to a halt. Gator stepped up and took the instrument from him. “I can’t play half as well as light-fingers here can, but I do know one song.” Gator drew the bow lightly over the strings. The slow strains of a waltz filled the room.

  Cole walked toward her, his eyes never leaving her. She was light-headed and not because she’d been dancing for nearly half an hour straight. No, it was because of how he was looking at her, like he wanted to eat her alive.

  She swallowed heavily as her breasts swelled and her breathing grew shallow. He didn’t ask permission. He didn’t keep a distance between them as the other males had. He pulled her against him until she was plastered against his chest. His erection pressed against her stomach and she lifted her gaze to his face.

  He said nothing. He simply took her hand in his and began to slowly lead her in a small circle. They were barely moving, practically rocking. His heat surrounded her. She felt protected and cared for.

  She buried her face against his chest. Big mistake. His earthy scent filled her, and her body reacted immediately. Her pussy clenched hard and her panties grew damp. Cole stiffened, and she knew he’d scented her arousal.

  But he made no move to act upon it. He merely continued to dance with her. Cherise relaxed and enjoyed every moment of it. She’d had so much fun tonight, more than she’d had since she was a child. In truth, she couldn’t remember ever having such a wonderful evening. Everyone here accepted her with open arms, offering her a place among them.

  She wanted it more than anything.

  No, that wasn’t quite true. She wanted to be with Cole most of all.

  He was it for her. Her mate. Her one and only.


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