Misadventures in the Cage

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Misadventures in the Cage Page 2

by Sarah Robinson

  Cool. So he was taking home a crazy chick. That was a fantastic twist to the evening.

  Even more cause for alarm was the fact that his dick twitched at almost every word out of this crazy woman’s mouth. There was something about her spirit that was having an effect on him he rarely experienced with other women.

  Josie laughed. “I’m just kidding. Definitely don’t touch her directly. That’s herpes waiting to happen.”

  “I gathered as much,” he assured her, tossing the blanket over the doll and wrapping it up. He lifted the faux body and placed her in the cargo space.

  Josie watched him, helping tuck in the blanket as he stuffed the doll inside. “Well, if you ever needed to know if you could fit a body back here, the answer is yes.”

  “I’ll be sure to tell the guy who sold me this car that he should start using that as a sales tactic,” Callan said with a laugh as they both closed the back and walked around the car.

  After hopping in, he pulled on his seat belt. “I can’t believe I just stuffed a sex doll into my trunk.”

  “You’re doing the right thing,” Josie said solemnly, buckling herself in as he pulled away from the curb. “Sienna deserves a proper burial.”

  After a quick stop at a local hardware store—one that was closed but happened to have a rack of shovels on a stand outside that they could “borrow”—they headed out to the desert. As soon as they hit the city limits, Callan pointed around at the vast amount of empty space.

  “Pick a spot, I guess?”

  She motioned toward a lone bush in the middle of nowhere. “By that bush.”

  He pulled the car off the main highway and into the desert, rolling up by the bush. Gravel at the side of the road crunched under his feet as he reached into the back seat for the shovel.

  He pointed next to the bush, which was illuminated only by the SUV’s headlights. “Here?”

  Josie nodded. “Do you want help?”

  “Digging a human-sized hole when your wrist is all fucked up?” He shook his head. “Nah, I got it.”

  Suddenly, Josie looked a little nervous and pulled out her phone. She was holding it like a lifeline.

  Callan eyed her for a second. “Did you just put two and two together that you’re in the middle of the desert with a virtual stranger, and he’s digging a hole for a body?”

  A small grin crossed Josie’s lips. “The thought may have crossed my mind.”

  Chapter Three

  “This was your idea,” Callan reminded Josie, laughing at the absurdity of the moment. They were standing in the desert burying a sex doll they’d found on the side of the street at midnight. They were virtual strangers themselves, and yet, here they were, bonding over the weirdest Vegas experience he was sure anyone had ever had.

  Okay, so that probably wasn’t true. But this was still weird as shit.

  “Fair,” she agreed, wrapping her arms around herself. “But let’s hurry. It’s cold out here.”

  Callan quickly dug a shallow hole big enough to squeeze Sienna’s plastic body into. They tucked the blanket down into the earth together, and then he shoveled dirt back on top, covering her up. The entire process took about ninety minutes, because even working fast, digging in the hard sand was no easy effort.

  “Great. Now we can go home?” he asked, finishing patting the dirt on top of the hole.

  Josie shook her head. “We need to say a few words. Have a proper funeral.”

  “Good Lord, what the hell do you say at a sex doll’s funeral?”

  She cleared her throat and turned on the flashlight on her iPhone, pointing it at the burial site. “Sienna was well-loved, and her company was greatly enjoyed by all who met her.”

  Callan bit his lip to keep from laughing, and he could see a similar amusement on Josie’s face as well. “Sienna’s absence will forever leave a hole that no one can fill.”

  “Sienna, you really were a one-of-a-kind friend,” Josie continued. “And someone, somewhere, will greatly miss you.”

  “Rest in peace,” Callan finished. Then he made the sign of the cross over his forehead and chest. “Okay, I think it’s safe to say she received a respectable funeral.”

  Josie nodded and then took his hand and gave it a squeeze. She let out a little laugh and shook her head. “We did a good thing.”

  His dick leaped in response at her touch. Calm down, boy. Apparently crazy was a turn-on for him because the battier this chick acted, the more he was attracted to her.

  “Only in Vegas,” he replied. “Come on. Let’s get you back home.”

  He figured after the insanity of the night, there was no way she still wanted to come back to his place. Although he had to admit, now he wanted her even more than before.

  She shook her head, climbing into the car next to him. “I just helped bury a body in the desert. I really don’t think I should be alone tonight,” she teased, poking his leg. “Let’s go back to your place.”


  She grinned at him—big green eyes and a wicked smile that he knew was going to get him in trouble. “Yeah.”

  He pulled the car back onto the main highway and listened along as Josie blasted music again and sang along. After about thirty minutes, they were back in the middle of Las Vegas and headed toward their destination.

  Josie reached over and turned down the music, looking around. “Are we going to the strip?”

  That was the other aspect he hadn’t mentioned to her just yet. “Well, you said you wanted to go to my home. The MGM Grand is home for the next month. I don’t live in Las Vegas. I’m actually from Los Angeles.”

  She nodded, taking on a contemplative expression. He wondered what she was thinking and debated asking her, but he liked the mystery of it all.

  “What were you doing at a local bar?” she asked, tucking her feet up underneath her on the car seat and leaning her head back to look at him. “It’s not often we get tourists down there.”

  Callan shrugged, pulling the car into the valet lane at the MGM. “I like to get away from the craziness of the strip every once in a while. Plus, when I’m visiting places, I love to explore the local watering holes and sites. Get a feel for the area and the people. Occasionally bury a sex doll in the desert. That sort of thing.”

  She seemed to like that answer, because she got a dreamy look on her face, her eyes softening and a small smile forming on her lips. The car came to a stop, and she unbuckled her seat belt, hopping out her side of the car before he had the chance to walk around and open the door for her.

  “Welcome back, Mr. Callan, sir.” The valet took his keys and hopped into the driver’s seat.

  He nodded. “Thank you.”

  After walking around the car, he rejoined Josie on the curb in front of the hotel. She stepped next to him and slid her hand into his, wrapping her fingers around his. He glanced down at their hands and tried to hold back a smile, but it was pointless. There was something so comfortable, so sweet about the gesture.

  He was warming to her, and he barely even knew her.

  They made their way through the casino and toward the hotel elevators. He noticed she kept her head down and pointed away from the cameras, but he didn’t ask her why. People liked their privacy—especially in a place like Vegas.

  “Want to play the slots?” he asked, nodding toward some of the machines.

  She grinned. “I’m a good-luck charm, you know that?”

  Something about the way she said it, he believed her wholeheartedly. “Are you?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t want to play tonight. Not those games, anyway.” She smirked and then let her gaze travel down the length of his body as they waited for the elevator.

  He nearly blushed at the way she was looking him over, but fuck, it felt powerful. Knowing she wanted him like that…so openly, so hungrily. He pressed the elevator button again so it would hurry the hell up.

  Finally, the doors opened, and they stepped inside. He pressed the button for his floor, and her brows sho
t up.

  “Penthouse?” she asked, one hand on her hip.

  He shrugged his shoulders but otherwise didn’t respond. There was no way he was going to tell her who he was and mess up the vibe going on between them. What if she was a fan? Or was only interested in him for his fame and fortune? He couldn’t take the risk. Plus, he liked the anonymity of the evening so far.

  He wasn’t really one for one-night stands. He’d only had a handful of them before in his life. It wasn’t that he hadn’t enjoyed them—hell, he definitely had. It was just that he was focused on his work and wasn’t one to let women or dalliances get in the way of that.

  So why was he saying yes tonight?

  Josie wasn’t a woman to say no to.

  Instead, he decided to break the silence with what he did best. Moving closer to her, he took her face in his hands and kissed her. Her eyes fluttered to a close, and she let out the softest sigh he’d ever heard. It was sweet and sensual, and it made his entire body harden and melt all at the same time.

  The elevator doors opened, and they broke apart as they entered a short hallway before he let them into his penthouse suite. She glanced around briefly but didn’t seem too shocked by the interior or glamour of the space.

  He was a little disappointed because he had expected some oohs and aahs about how amazing his suite was, but she seemed right at home, like she’d been here a thousand times before.

  After shrugging off her coat, she laid it over the back of a velvet couch. “Bedroom is through here, right?” She pointed to a hallway off the side.

  He nodded, wondering for the hundredth time what her story was. He had to admit, he was a little worried that she seemed so at home in the MGM’s penthouse suite. He’d never slept with a hooker before, and he wasn’t about to change that streak tonight.

  “Been here before?” he asked.

  Josie nodded. “Well, not this exact penthouse, but similar ones. My brother travels a lot for work, and we get to stay in pretty nice places on the strip for his job.”

  Relief flooded him at the explanation. “Ah, so what does your brother do? Hell, what do you do? I don’t know anything about you.”

  She waved her hands in front of her. “Let’s set some ground rules.”

  “I’m game.” He walked over to the bar cart and poured them both a glass of whiskey neat. “What is the first rule?”

  She lifted one finger in the air. “No last names.”

  “So tonight is just…tonight?” he confirmed.

  Josie shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe we can exchange numbers later… I haven’t decided yet.”

  A smirk played on Callan’s lips. There she went again…making all the rules. He was just a puppet in her game. Little did she know, he was about to take control the moment they hit that mattress.

  A second finger lifted. “Rule number two: Strawberry.”

  He raised one brow. “What?”

  “That’s my safe word,” she clarified. “Strawberry.”

  His cock twitched in his jeans. Holy hell, the little minx was clearly ready for almost anything he was more than willing to provide. The surprises kept coming.

  As calmly as he could, he cleared his throat and nodded his head. “Strawberry. Got it.”

  “Third rule,” she continued, lifting one more finger. “You can’t fall in love with me.”

  The whiskey he was swallowing went down the wrong way, and he fell into a fit of coughing and sputtering.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  He coughed again, nodding as he pounded a fist to his chest. After clearing his throat, he finally managed to choke out a few raspy words. “Yeah, I’m okay. I think we’re safe on that last rule, though.”

  He’d never been in love, and he had no plans on falling in love tonight. It was absolutely hilarious, though, that she felt the need to list it in her rules. This woman was becoming more and more intriguing by the minute.

  It was Josie’s turn to smirk now. “Laugh all you want, but those are my rules.”

  Callan took a seat in one of the high-back chairs by the long wall of windows overlooking the lights of the strip. Finishing off the last of his whiskey, he placed his glass down and then folded his arms over his chest.

  “Are you done listing off your rules?” he asked simply.

  A hint of nervousness crossed her expression, but she masked it quickly. He saw it, though, and what she didn’t realize was that this was a game of cat and mouse…and she was the mouse.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Good. Then I have a few rules for you.”

  She turned her body to squarely face his but didn’t sit down. She liked being taller than him, he could sense. She liked that power. He knew that about her already.

  He was going to bring her to her knees.

  “Rule number one,” he began. “You may address me only as ‘sir’ tonight.”

  Her lips pursed, and he couldn’t tell if she agreed or not, but she stayed quiet.

  “Rule number two,” he continued. “You come when I tell you and only when I tell you.”

  Her tongue slid out of her mouth and ran across her lower lip.

  “And lastly, rule number three,” he finished. “From now until tomorrow morning, you are mine to do with as I please. Whatever I please.”

  “Callan…” Her voice was hoarse and throaty.

  “If you don’t agree to my rules, I’ll have a driver take you home now. No problem, no consequences,” he assured her. “But tell me now.”

  She paused, her eyes darting toward the door they’d entered through and then back to him. Her chin tilted up slightly, and he knew her answer.

  “I agree to your terms,” she replied.

  Thank fucking God.

  Chapter Four

  Josie watched as Callan picked up a tablet on the table beside his chair and pressed a few buttons. Soft music came on, the room lights dimmed, and candles flickered all around them.

  A gentle glow cast against his pale Irish skin, and she loved the way he looked in the candlelight. His hair was darker now that he had pulled it out of its ponytail, allowing it to hang freely around his face. It looked so soft. She wanted to run her fingers through it.

  “Give me a minute to clean up,” he told her, heading for the bathroom.

  To be fair, he had been digging in the dirt for ninety minutes.

  She stayed in the center of the room, waiting for him. Her body felt like it was on fire and only he could quench her blaze.

  He returned moments later, freshly washed and wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants.

  My God, those abs.

  His body was incredible, and she nearly fell apart just staring at him. He took a seat in the chair across from her, still keeping distance between them.

  “Take off your clothes,” he instructed. His tone was kind but commanding. There was no option in his voice. It was do it now or leave, and she wanted nothing more than to strip bare every inch of clothing from her body in front of his gaze. She wanted him to see her naked. She wanted him to see every inch of her.

  Slowly, she reached for the hem of her shirt, lifted it above her head, and dropped it onto the floor. Then she unfastened the button to her jeans and unzipped them, sliding them down her legs and shimmying out of them before kicking them to the side.

  She kept her eyes on his, watching him as he watched her.

  Stepping out of her heels, she reached behind her body for her bra strap. Finding the hook, she unfastened it and let the lacy fabric fall from her breasts to the floor. She heard the sharp intake of his breath at the exposure of herself to him. Her stomach fluttered at his audible response, and her pulse quickened. But she kept going.

  After sliding her panties down her legs next, she stepped out of them and revealed herself entirely nude to him. When she turned her gaze back to Callan, it was hard not to notice the bulge in his pants or the heated fire in his eyes.

  “You’re incredibly beautiful,” he murmured barely loud enough
for her to hear, but she heard him anyway. “Come here.”

  She walked over slowly and came to a stop in front of him. He placed his hands on her hips and ran them down the length of her thighs and back up again. Leaning forward and closer to her, he slid his tongue in a circle around her right nipple and then her left. She arched her back to be closer to him, her eyes closing at the sensation.

  “Oh, God…” she moaned.

  He bit down slightly, and she squeaked, a sharp pain radiating out across her chest. Mixed with the pleasure of feeling his hands on her, it was an intoxicating combination. When his fingers found their way between her legs, she stiffened…but then parted and welcomed him.

  Every stroke of his finger against her, his hands holding her, made her want to collapse in his arms. She wanted more. She wanted him to push her over the edge she’d been teetering on ever since she first saw him.

  “You’re soaking wet.” He chuckled lightly as he leaned back in his chair and looked up at her. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you, Josie.”

  She panted, staring down at his beautiful big eyes, chewing on her bottom lip. Those eyes—she could get lost in them. There was a fire behind the darkness, and she wanted to bathe in everything he was offering her. She had a sneaking suspicion that not many people saw this side of him—the vulnerability he was letting her into.

  “Go sit on that couch across from me,” he instructed, removing his hands.

  She balked. “What?”

  “The correct answer is ‘yes, sir.’”

  Josie swallowed and took a deep breath. Her entire body was tingling with a combination of fear and excitement, but the last thing she wanted to do was hold back.

  “Yes, sir.” She walked to the couch in front of him and sat down, acutely aware of his stare.

  “Spread your legs and put your feet up on either side of you on the couch,” he instructed, motioning to her legs.

  She did as she was told, blatantly exposing herself to him. She was almost embarrassed, but something about the way his eyes feasted on her gave her a sense of…power. She felt adored, and she liked that.


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