Stealing Dallas (Search & Seek Book 2)

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Stealing Dallas (Search & Seek Book 2) Page 12

by Amanda Mackey

  There was no way she could only feel a sense of duty to me with the way she responded when I was near. I could hear the hitches in her breath. The shudders when I touched her. And don’t get me started on the X-rated stuff. Oh, she liked me. Way more than liked.

  Feeling a little antsy, I wasn’t ready to call it a night, so I reached over to the metal drawers and nabbed my journal and pen, opening it. I’d barely written a whole sentence.

  Propping my bed back up, I set about letting my mind clear so the words could flow. Taking a few deep long breaths, I closed my eyes and let myself be present before my heart bled onto the first page.

  A brilliant mind in a not so brilliant body. An oversized heart with so much love to give and not enough people to give it to. A gift to the world only the privileged could appreciate. To me, you are my world. I couldn’t function without you. The sacrifices I made were all done without question. I’d do them all again in a heartbeat. Protect you. Defend you. All the things you couldn’t do for yourself. I had your back. Always have. Always will. To the end. We’re in this crazy life together. You and me. Dallas and Jagger.

  I see what others don’t. I see who you really are. You scare them because you’re different. Most don’t like different. If only they would dissolve their pre-conceived ideas about society’s teachings of normal, then they might truly see what I see. A soul. Compassion. Kindness. Bravery. A human being, deserving of all life has to offer. Our blood might not be from the same batch, but you are every bit a part of me. You are all the good pieces I hide away, precious and safe. Untouchable.

  There’s not one specific thing I adore about you. It’s everything. The cheesy grins. The fierce hugs. The mumbled ramblings. Words on repeat again and again. The concentration on your face when you nail a classical piece on the piano as if you’ve been practicing all your life but only created moments ago. The genius.

  I miss you so much. You have no idea. Perhaps it’s best that you have no knowledge of what’s going on. That way you won’t suffer. God’s way of rewarding one of his special children. Mercy.

  I need you back to fill the hole. I’m broken without you. A complicated jigsaw with the last piece missing. Incomplete. Wherever you are, I pray you find your way back to me. I’ll never let you go again, I promise. Leaving you was a mistake I’ll have to live with forever. I should have stayed and fought for you. For us. Like I did when our father was in your face, pushing you around, telling you how useless you were and a mistake he couldn’t erase. Like the times you cowered under his forced hand and deafening voice. I’d step in and become your shield. Take a beating that was meant to be yours and make it mine. Wear the bruises like a badge of honor, knowing I’d stolen them from you. Stand like a wall of strength in front of you while he spat vile words and verbal vomit. My shoulders expanded for you, brother. They grew large enough for the both of us and I am proud to carry you on them. I’d carry you to the ends of the Earth, barefoot and bleeding if it meant lessening your burden. That’s what family does. That’s what brothers do.

  I was so in the moment it took the nurse shaking me to bring me out of my meditative state. Glancing up, she scanned my face before asking, “Are you okay?” She’d snatched the box of tissues beside the bed and was holding them out to me. For a moment I stared, wondering what she was doing, and then I felt the warm trickle down my cheeks and the sting of salt in the corners of my eyes.

  Fuck! I was crying! I was actually weeping. I didn’t often let my hardened wall crack enough to succumb to such unmanly behavior. In front of a female, no less. Raising my hand and pulling free a couple of tissues, I wiped my moist face. “Thank you. I’m fine,” I lied.

  “You looked pretty intense there.” She smiled warmly.

  Closing the book with the pen resting on the page I’d been writing on, I placed it back on the metal shelves, letting the nurse take my vitals.

  “Is your pain okay?”

  “It’s eased off. All good.”

  “If the doctor agrees in the morning, you may be released.”

  That brought a smile to my face. “Yeah?”

  “I can’t promise anything, but you’re making great progress. I can’t see why we can’t make it happen.” She winked at me as she sashayed out. I was easy on the eyes and noticed women taking interest. Not too long ago I would have been flattered by a nurse flirting. Truth be told, I was too wrapped up in Rose to care now. She was more than enough. Between her and Dallas, my heart was full.

  Switching the light off above the bed using the remote, I let the fatigue take hold as I drifted off into a fitful sleep. .

  Chapter Thirteen


  “The FBI has been to visit you already?” I asked Jagger as I sat beside his hospital bed, awaiting the doctor to assess him.

  “I was just as surprised. I guess they don’t muck around.”

  “That’s great news. I’m certain they’ll find Dallas soon.”

  “The dude seemed confident, so I guess we’ll have to see what happens. You still heading back to work Monday?”

  “Yeah. I really need to. I hope you understand.” I had thought of asking for more time, but now that specialists were handling the case, I didn’t see a reason to hang around.

  Jagger held his hand out, so I took it. With a gentle tug, he had me up out of the chair and onto the bed with him. It was cramped, considering he was huge and took up most of the room, but I turned onto my side and squeezed in.

  I loved it when he wrapped his large frame around me. It was a little difficult with an IV attached to his left hand, and the fact he couldn’t roll onto his shoulder, but I snuggled in as best I could.

  “Miss me?” he whispered against my head as he kissed it.

  “Mmm. I did. I know we’ve only spent a couple of nights together in total, but I could get used to having you beside me when I wake up.”

  “Well, I might get to make your wish come true tonight.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

  Looking up at him, I asked, “They’re letting you out? Today?” My eyes were round in surprise. I guessed he’d be in the hospital for another couple of days.

  “What can I say? The nurse thinks I’m cute. Special privileges and all that.”

  I offered him a genuine smile. “You’re so full of it. I think you love getting attention from women. It strokes that massive ego of yours.”

  He groaned. “You can’t go saying ‘strokes’ around me when your body is pressed in tight. It makes me hard, woman.”

  Chuckling, I lifted my face and planted a soft kiss on his full mouth, loving how I affected him. Instantly, he swiped his tongue over my lips, gripping my head and angling me for a deeper connection. I gave him the accesses he longed for, reveling in the sensations he stirred in me. There must be erogenous zones in the mouth because each and every time we kissed, I ignited like a spark to dry pine needles. My senses focused on him alone and nothing else. His deep breathing. The sounds drawn from his throat. The gentle push and pull of succulent flesh while his tongue sparred with mine.

  A man’s throat cleared from behind me and I jerked away, embarrassed that I’d been so lost I’d forgotten where I was.

  Sitting up and moving off the bed, I shyly smiled at the doctor. “Hi.” It was a small offering and all I could manage.

  “Hello. I’m Doctor Hutchins.” He grinned warmly at me, moving over to Jagger. “How is my patient this morning?”

  “Still a little sore, but otherwise good to go.”

  “Well, let’s take a look at the wound and see how it’s going. Can you slip one arm out of the gown for me?” he asked.

  Jagger sat up more and pulled his arm out of the gown, wincing from the movement. I kept back, giving the doctor some space as he proceeded to undo the bandage.

  I was a little nervous to see just what damage had been done, as I’m sure Jagger was too. His eyes found mine, his face showing discomfort as the sticky tape was pulled from the wound site. I hated removing anything sticky
from my skin, so I knew Jagger’s pain was real.

  The doctor worked slowly to ensure the least amount of distress, but it didn’t make watching Jagger’s gritted teeth and rigid neck any easier.

  After a couple of minutes, the dressing was off. I could only see the scar from the angle I was sitting at, but the cleanliness of it surprised me. A long, neat cut with stitches worked its way down the front of his shoulder, about three inches in length. The surgeon had done a brilliant job. When it was all healed, you’d barely notice he’d taken a bullet.

  I watched as Jagger studied it too, wondering what was going through his head. His features smoothed out ever so slightly, as if he thought the same thing I did.

  “It’s going to heal nicely. You were very lucky. If she’d aimed more toward your neck, the outcome could have been much worse.”

  Jagger just nodded, giving me his full attention again. A quiet understanding passed between us at the doctor’s words. We knew how much worse it could have been. I hated to think about it.

  The doctor folded the used dressing and stood taller. “I’ll get the nurse to re-dress it and give you some spares to take with you. Once the discharge paperwork is done, you’re free to go. Try not to get it wet for twenty-four hours. After that, change the bandage daily. You’ll need to get the stitches out in a week, either here or at your local medical center. Do you have any questions?”

  Holding out his hand for the doctor to shake, Jagger said, “Thank you. I appreciate all you and your staff have done for me.”

  “You’re welcome.” He turned and began walking out, sending us a reminder. “I’ll send the nurse in.”

  And then we were alone. I got up and moved back over to the bed to get a better look at Jagger’s shoulder. Even though it was stitched impeccably, it was still a harsh reminder of the situation we were in.

  “I figured it would look a lot worse.” I sat on the chair instead of the bed.

  “Yeah. I guess I did too. I can only imagine what the tissue looks like underneath the surface.”

  “I’m just glad you’re allowed out soon.”

  We chatted idly while we waited on the nurse, who appeared about ten minutes later. She dressed Jagger’s wound and flirted unnecessarily, ignoring that I was in the room. Jagger wasn’t taking her bait, surprisingly, but then again, it could have been for my benefit.

  “There you go,” she said. “The paperwork will take about half an hour, and then you’re free to go.” She walked around the other side of the bed. “Let’s get this IV out.” She proceeded to remove the needle, untethering him.

  “They’re the words I’ve been waiting for,” he said in his deep, sexy rasp.

  The nurse giggled and flicked her hair, pushing the tall stand with the saline bag aside before flouncing out like he’d just made her day. I gave him an eye roll.

  “What?” he asked, full of innocence.

  “You know what. I don’t even have to say it again.”

  Reaching out for me, he said, “You don’t have to worry, sweetheart. I’m only into you.”

  Clasping his fingers with mine, I let his words wash over me, soothing the slight spark of jealousy the nurse had invoked. I didn’t add anything, but kissed his knuckles, deciding to change the subject.

  “Why don’t you go get changed now that you’re free to move about?”

  “Shit. I should have asked you to bring me some fresh clothes. Mine are covered in blood.”

  “You want me to go get some from the hotel?

  “Nah. I’ll have to go shirtless. They cut it off me so I’ve only got jeans and shoes left.” Winking, he threw the covers off and swung his legs over the bed. He sat for a moment, as if to make sure he was going to be steady on his feet.

  “Do you need help?” I asked.

  “Not unless you want to hold it for me while I go to the bathroom.”

  “Ewww. You’re gross. You must be feeling better.”

  He began laughing but stopped short, grimacing and gripping his shoulder. “Damn. I’ll have to remember to keep movement to a minimum.”

  Needing to stir the pot, I gave him a sultry look, “Guess that means no monkey business for you.”

  His gaze turned fiery as he slowly strode around to me. “You think that’s going to stop me from sinking into your sweet pussy?”

  Oh my. Crude Jagger was back. My abdomen fluttered in expectation as he neared.

  “You’ll just have to do all the work, won’t you? I’ll simply lie back and take it.” He was grinning mischievously.

  In a heartbeat he was standing over me, one hand under my chin, tilting my face up to meet his. “You think you can handle that, Rose?”

  Sucking in a breath, I nodded, licking my lips.

  “Fuck. Put that tongue away or we’ll never get out of here. I want that mouth on me when we get to the motel.” Leaning in, I thought he was going to kiss me but he angled left and took my earlobe in his mouth, sucking and then nipping it with his teeth. “I’m going to stuff it so full of my hard cock, you’ll be gagging.”

  I whimpered when his soft lips opened on my neck. God, the things he could do to me.



  “Go get changed.”

  He gave me a light lick, his tongue quivering on my skin before he broke contact, chuckling darkly as he moved me aside so he could open the metal drawer to retrieve his jeans, boxers, socks and shoes.

  I breathed in and out to stop my hormones from attacking me. He was sinfully attractive. His sexual energy was like a beacon. It’s no wonder the nurse had been flirting. I don’t think he was aware he even had the X-Factor. It was more than his physical appearance. It was an intangible force leaching out of him.

  Following him with my heated stare, I gasped at his rear view. The hospital gown was split down the back, his globed butt cheeks peeking out at me in all their firm glory. The muscles in his back pinched and relaxed as he moved.

  “Enjoying the view?” he asked, still facing ahead.


  “You can admit it, darling. After all, it’s yours.” Arrogant ass, even though I loved the idea that his fine package was all mine.

  Keeping my mouth shut, I let him do his business in the small bathroom, checking the room for all his belongings, making sure we left nothing behind. I tucked his cell into my purse and retrieved his wallet from the top drawer, my eyes landing on the journal I’d given him. Glancing around to make sure I was alone, I took it out, curious to see if he’d written in it yet. I didn’t want to snoop, so I merely opened the cover to discover his familiar handwriting had filled the first page. I was glad he’d used it. If he ever wanted me to read it, he’d ask. Until then, I would respect his privacy.


  Getting Jagger discharged took slightly longer than we anticipated so it was lunch time before we arrived back at the motel.

  As soon as we were inside, Jagger headed into the bedroom to change.

  I went about making us some sandwiches in the small kitchenette. It was poky but better than nothing.

  I’d just finished putting together a couple of veggie sandwiches for us when movement behind made me spin around. With the knife clutched in my hand, I brought it up to my chest as I gawked at the man before me. Even injured he looked a sight.

  His stonewashed jeans hugged his thighs, the waist sitting level with his bellybutton. He still hadn’t put a shirt on, but he’d removed his shoes and socks. Barefoot and delicious, my hunger for food had suddenly morphed into something entirely different.

  “Put the knife down, Rose. You’re going to hurt yourself.” He was smirking. His dark hair was in complete disarray and his stubble shadowed his jaw, making him appear dangerous. His arms were a perfectly cut feature. My favorite. I was impartial to nicely toned limbs.

  Heeding his warning, I turned and put the knife down, picking up our plates and handing him one. His deep stare never left me as he reached out and took lunch. He was way too intense
at times and I found myself a skittish mess, not my normal, collected self.

  “Come sit with me, sweetheart.”

  “Do you want a drink with your sandwich?”

  “I’m good. Grab yourself one if you want.”

  Pouring a glass of water, I moved to sit next to him on the small sofa. He took up three quarters of it, so I squished down beside him.

  Before I could take a bite of my lunch, a cell pealed out. Thinking it was mine, I got up and dug in my purse, quickly realizing it must have been Jagger’s.”

  “It’s yours. Where is it and I’ll grab it?”

  “I left it on the bed.”

  Hurrying in so as not to have the caller hang up, I snatched it up and raced back, handing it to him, and then sitting back down.


  Standing, his plate fell to the floor, his sandwich falling apart on the carpet. I watched him change from easy-going to anxious in a second.

  “Dallas? Buddy?”

  Without another thought, I was on my feet, hovering beside Jagger.

  “Where are you? Where’s there? Can I talk to the lady?” He began pacing, lifting his arm to his head but cussing from the wound pain and dropping it to his side again.

  Why was Dallas calling Jagger? What was the madwoman’s motive behind it? Questions bombarded my mind as I watched Jagger attempt to drag information out of his brother.

  “I miss you too, pal. I know. Are you okay?”

  Damn, I wish I could hear the other side of the conversation. I knew Dallas would be rambling, but I was elated he was well enough to call and let Jagger hear his voice. If nothing else, perhaps Marcy had a heart after all.

  “Where are you? Dallas? Dallas? Fuck!”

  Throwing his cell on the couch, he slammed his fist into it, five, six times. “Fucking motherfucker!” he screamed, not caring if anyone heard.


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