The Diary of a Side Chick 4: A Naptown Hood Drama (Side Chick Diaries)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 4: A Naptown Hood Drama (Side Chick Diaries) Page 9

by Tamicka Higgins

  “Around ten?” George asked. “In the morning? Baby, I ain’t young no more. I may be up that early, but I definitely ain’t gon be all the way down the highway a couple of hours yet. I’ll get there when I get there. You can go on and do whatever you gon’ do, baby. And when I get there, we’ll just go from there. Okay?”

  “Yeah,” Desirae said. “That’s coo, I guess. That’s coo.”

  Just then, Desirae could hear in the background what sounded like a couple of women walking through her father’s door. Desirae already knew what that meant, remembering why he and her mother’s marriage had fallen to pieces.

  “Okay, then,” George said. “Well, I’m bout to head out and get my day started.”

  “Hmm, hmm,” Desirae said, suspicious of the noise in the background. “I’ll talk to you later, Daddy. Don’t do nothin’ I wouldn’t do.”

  “Yeah,” George said. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Desirae said goodbye to her father and hung up the phone. Now, she sat alone, once again, in the living room of her apartment. Everything was so silent. And she was rather pleased with how her father handled the news that she was pregnant. She started to think of ways that she could talk her father out of coming down to Indianapolis to help her move. She decided that she would give herself a couple of days before totally deciding.


  On Tuesday afternoon, Tron sat parked in the parking lot of Honeys East. He was so antsy to get his daughter back into the hands of her mother. There was some business that he needed to handle, and Andria being later than she had said to pick Ebony up was just not working for him. Tyrese was already there and had gone inside. There was no doubt in Tron’s mind that Tyrese would be inside, smashing some thick booty stripper like there was no tomorrow.

  Tron focused on the parking lot entrance, waiting to see Andria’s car swoop into the parking lot. “Dammit, where is she?” he said out loud.

  Ebony, in the backseat, heard. “Is that Mommy?” she asked, not really knowing what her father had said.

  This morning, when the two of them had woken up, Tron took Ebony to get some breakfast at Hardees. After they ate, he took her to the mall so she could get some more clothes. She now had at least five outfits and three new pairs of shoes.

  “No, Ebony,” Tron said, looking down at his phone. “It ain’t her. She ain’t here yet.” Tron held his phone up to the side of his face, calling Andria.

  Within a few rings, Andria answered. “Hello?” she said, sounding a little aggravated.

  “Are you close or what?” Tron asked. “I got a meeting I gotta be at and you said that you was gon’ be here already.”

  “Damn,” Andria said. “I got stuck in some traffic, Tron. I’mma be there in like five minutes. I’m comin’ up on downtown right now.”

  “Okay,” Tron said. “Whatever. I’ll see you when you get here.”

  The two ended the call without even saying goodbye. Tron pushed his head back into the headrest of his seat. The next few minutes actually passed rather smoothly. Next thing Tron and Ebony knew, Andria came rolling up into the parking lot. She slid into a parking spot as Ebony began to unbuckle her seatbelt.

  “Finally,” Tron said to himself, almost whispering.

  Tron climbed out of his seat then helped Ebony out of her seat. He walked her over to Andria’s car. After he hugged Ebony and the two talked about how much fun they’d had together and when they might be going on that trip they talked about, Ebony got into the car and closed the door. Tron approached Andria’s window.

  “How was your weekend?” Tron asked, sounding nice.

  “My weekend was fine,” Andria answered suspiciously. “Why?”

  “I can’t ask about your weekend?” Tron asked.

  Andria squinted at Tron. “What the fuck are you getting at? What do you want?” she asked.

  Tron leaned up, looking down at the mother of his child with eyes that let her know that he was just not in the mood for her attitude right now. “Please, not right now,” he said to her. “So, anything you wanna tell me about that might be coming up that I should know about?”

  Andria thought about it for a minute, trying to figure out what he was asking. She shrugged. “Not that I can think of,” she answered, flatly. “What are you talkin’ bout, Tron?”

  “Eric,” Tron said. “That’s who I’m talkin’ bout. So, you got you some new dude that you might be movin’ in with and with my child, huh?”

  Andria slammed her head back into the seat and rolled her eyes. She then looked at Ebony in the rearview mirror, shaking her head. “I told her ass not to tell you,” Andria said, quietly. “Anyway, Tron, yeah. I’ve gotten to the point to where maybe I wanna move on. Shit, you have. You moved in with a chick and everything. So why can’t I?”

  “I ain’t say that you couldn’t, Andria,” Tron said. “I was just askin’ when was you gon’ tell me since my daughter would be livin’ with this nigga too.”

  “Shit, I don’t know,” Andria said. “I ain’t even thought that far ahead yet to really be knowin’ all that. What, you wanna meet him or somethin’?”

  “Well, don’t you think that I should?” Tron asked.

  “Fuck,” Andria said. “I don’t know. Look, I ain’t really up for talkin’ about all this right now. Let me go on and get back down to Louisville before it starts snowing again. I can call you and tell you if you really feel like that you need to know.”

  Tron nodded, stepping back from Andria’s car. “Okay, okay,” he said. He realized that he was probably going a little too hard, especially considering the situation, or situations, that he had going in his own life. Tron waved bye to Ebony in the backseat as he headed toward the back of the building. Once he got inside and walked down the back hallway, he stepped up to the door of Tyrese’s office, to see if he could hear anything. He didn’t, so he went ahead and knocked.

  “Nigga,” Tron said. “I’m done with my kid. Her mama came and picked her up.”

  Just then, Tron could hear moaning noises – and the moaning was not a woman, but rather his boy Tyrese. The slurping noises were unmistakable, and he knew that Tyrese was getting his dick sucked. He snickered and shook his head, amazed at how Tyrese kept a little THOT on deck to use at any given moment of the day.

  “Be out there in a minute!” Tyrese announced. “Just gimme five more minutes…fuck.”

  “Aight, nigga,” Tron said, heading back to his office. “Aight.”

  When Tron got back to his office, he sat in his chair and checked over some emails on the computer. He then did his usual Google search for Honeys East, just to see what came up and if any people in the city were actively talking about the club online. Furthermore, he wanted to see what they would be saying. Luckily for Tron, for once, there did not appear to be a lot of chatter going on online. He was relieved to find this.

  Within several minutes, Tron heard Tyrese’s office door swing open. Words were exchanged between Tyrese and some woman before there was what sounded like a slap on her ass then a giggle. Tron shook his head. The chick – a thick booty girl, just like Tron thought out in the parking lot, went walking by Tron’s office door. She smiled as she passed by and went out into the parking lot.

  “Aight, nigga,” Tron said as Tyrese stepped up to his office door. “You done with the hoes now or what?”

  “Yeah, nigga,” Tyrese said, buckling his belt. “Damn that shit was good. Naw, that shit wasn’t good. That shit was fire.”

  “Yeah,” Tron said, thinking of how the girl’s mouth looked when she passed by his office. “She did look like she could suck some dick.”

  “I can get her back in here for you, nigga,” Tyrese told him. “If you need some head, she will drop right down to her knees and suck on it real good. She try’na dance here, but she gon’ have to work on that body a little bit first. Then, we can talk. Until then, though, I’mma see what other skills she got.”

  “Man, is all you do is fuck?” Tron asked. “Is that all you do
? All you ever talk about is fuckin’.”

  “You one to talk,” Tyrese said in response.

  “Whatever, nigga,” Tron said as he stood up. “I talked to the contractor dude on my way over here and he told me that we can finish everything up with remodeling the building as soon as the weather breaks. He said something about how there was a lot of work that they could do in the cold, but all this snow makes it a different story.”

  “Right, right,” Tyrese said, nodding his head. “Well, I was thinkin’ that maybe we could think about redoing the lines in the parking lot. You know that we already can’t halfway see that shit no way when there ain’t even no snow on the ground. Plus, you know some of these niggas come in here some nights and come up to me complaining about the parking. Whoever had this building before us really fucked up out there cause when I was out there lookin’, with how them lines are painted, it do seem like we could get more cars in the lot if we rearranged the lines.”

  Tron nodded as he wrote some of this down. “Aight, aight,” he said, liking what he was hearing. “I think that is doable too. That’s something that we could do.”

  Tron suggested that the two of them go out into the parking lot to look at the lines. They both had the idea of figuring out how many parking spots they could get in the parking lot if the lines were rearranged and repainted. As they stood out in the parking lot, talking, a car swooped in off of the street and into the lot. At first, they had just assumed that whoever was driving the car was using the lot to get back to the alley. However, they quickly saw that this was not the case. The car pulled into a parking spot, and a woman got out of the car.

  “Why this chick look familiar?” Tyrese said, out loud.

  Tron looked at her as she got closer to them and realized that this chick was the chick who was inside the club a couple of weeks back – the chick that Desirae had said was her best friend. What did she want?

  Within a matter of seconds, Desirae’s former best friend, Reese, was standing near Tron and Tyrese. She smiled, obviously nervous about even being there.

  “Tron?” she said.

  Tron nodded. “Yeah,” he said. “Wassup?”

  Tyrese looked at his boy Tron. He tried his hardest to hold back his laughter. In all reality, he wanted to just shake his head at all of the drama that Tron had going. Tyrese sort of remembered seeing this chick, but did not think he would be seeing her again anytime soon. He sort of just stepped back to allow her to say whatever she needed to say to Tron. Tron noticed, wishing that Tyrese would just stay where he was.

  “I just wanted to talk to you about that night,” Reese said. “I been feelin’ guilty about it and shit.”

  Tron looked Reese up and down. While she did not have a body that was anywhere close to Desirae’s body, she did have a nice face. She also came across as having a very nice personality. Since there had been virtually little to no interaction between the two of them the night that Desirae stabbed him with the fork, Tron had not really had the chance to form an impression of her. It was nice, though, that a woman was stepping to him to apologize, for once.

  “Sorry for what?” Tron asked, showing a little bit of a smile. “What you got to feel sorry for?”

  “Well,” Reese said. “You know I’m Desirae’s friend, Reese, and she always talked about you, and I know that me coming up here that night is what really made her go off the way she did.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Tron said, trying to understand it all. “I don’t know if I would say that.”

  Tron could pick up on the way that Reese was looking at him. She constantly looked in his eyes, but in a way that was not THOT-ish. Rather, she seemed more like the kind of chick that a dude would take home to meet his mama.

  Tyrese disappeared as Tron stood outside, talking to Reese.

  “Look,” Tron said, noticing that this Reese chick was obviously cold. “Let’s step inside for a minute so we can talk or whatever.”

  Reese nodded and they walked around to the back of the building. Once inside, they sat across from one another in Tron’s office. The building was so quiet. Tron had no idea where Tyrese had gone, and he did not think that he would have found a chick to come through that quick for a round two.

  “Desirae,” Reese began. “has been my best friend forever, but, well, you know how she is.”

  “Do I?” Tron said, feeling a little bitter. “I know she did this shit on purpose…Got pregnant by a nigga on purpose.”

  Reese shook her head. “Well,” she said. “I don’t know if she did it on purpose. I mean, she never said anything about doing something like that with me, so I don’t know. I can’t really speak on that.”

  Tron nodded. “Interesting,” he said. He was beginning to wonder why this girl was here, in his face. What did she really want? What did she want that night when she was chilling off to the side out on the floor?

  “Yeah,” Reese said. She noticed how good Tron looked even when he was just wearing normal street clothes. For the last few days, she took different ways to get places around the city just so she could ride by the club. She was waiting for the chance to see Tron’s car in the parking lot or something so that she could have a chance to talk to him. Some of the hurtful things that her former best friend had said to her yesterday only reminded her of just how much Desirae used to flaunt her looks and body in her face. “I mean, so I was comin’ up here that night to talk to you because my friend, well, ex-friend, is just crazy. I don’t know why she be actin’ the way she act, and I was just comin’ up here to let you know. I don’t wanna see no chick do a man wrong the way Desirae do.”

  “Well,” Tron said, standing up. “Thanks, but you a little late. I shoulda never messed around with that bitch. She always keep some shit goin’.”

  “Yeah,” Reese said, her eyes focusing on the fly of Tron’s pants. “She do… She do be actin’ like that.”

  Tron looked down at Reese, noticing that she had a little bit of a figure. She also looked like she came for more than just talking to him. He had dealt with women enough to know that.

  “She…” Tron said, his words trailing off as he shook his head. “That chick… She knew what she was doin’. She knew.”

  “Why you mess around with her if you know she crazy?” Reese asked. “All the dudes always want her and she be actin’ so crazy with them that it just don’t make no sense to me.”

  “It’s complicated,” Tron said, trying to think of what he could say to a comment like that. “She knew what I was lookin’ for and she had to go doin’ some dumb shit to change it. Now everybody is all fucked up. I swear.” Tron shook his head. “I shoulda never fucked around with that shit and I wouldn’t be in this frustrated situation. Don’t blame yourself, though, for what happened that night. She the one who went off and got to stabbin’ niggas with forks. She the one who got into it with my girl up at the mall.” Tron was getting angry just thinking about Desirae.

  Reese could see the anguish in Tron’s eyes – anguish that Desirae had caused, being the bratty chick that she always had been. Just then, Reese stood up and pushed the office door almost closed. She could not take it anymore. Tron had to be one of the most handsome dudes she had ever met. She actually began to think about how Desirae signed up for something with him then, basically, went back on her word.

  Tron watched her as she came closer to him.

  “I’m sorry that she make you feel that way,” Reese said, feeling nervous. She had never really had a chance to be alone with this kind of guy. “I really am. I know you gotta be frustrated and stuff with how she be actin’, then she getting’ pregnant by you.”

  “Yeah,” Tron said, taking a deep breath. “She…She.” He shook his head. “She sure know how to make a nigga life even harder.”

  Reese built up the courage to reach out and touch Tron’s bulge. Through his pants, his manhood felt heavy. Tron, confused but not wanting to stop anything, just stood there.

  “I got somethin’ you wanna see?” Tron asked, knowi
ng exactly what was going on. He knew that Desirae had talked about him to her best friend and now that very same friend was down in his office trying to jump on his dick. Normally, out of respect, he would avoid this kind of messiness and not do anything with the best friend of a chick he was fucking around with. However, now that Desirae had just fucked him over in several different ways, Tron just didn’t give a fuck. In fact, he wanted to mess with this Reese chick even more now.

  Reese smiled and grabbed his bulge harder, feeling it slowly getting a little bigger. “Maybe,” she answered, wondering how big Tron’s dick really was. “I mean… Do you got something that you wanna show me?”

  Tron chuckled, glancing away then back at Reese’s clear thirst for what he was packing in his pants. He sized her up quickly, trying to see if she just might have the skills to suck on his dick and do it right.

  “If you wanna see it,” Tron said. “You gotta get on your knees.”

  Reese, not even turning around to make sure that the door was closed, just about had stars in her eyes. Quickly, without even thinking, she lowered herself to her knees right in front of Tron. Her hands gripped the sides of his thighs and she waited, in anticipation, for him to finish unbuckling his belt and fly. When he did, he pulled his pants down to his knees. When his meat came free of the grip of his boxer briefs, it sprung forward, almost hitting Reese in the chin. Reese smiled as she grabbed it.

  “Damn this is big,” Reese said, stroking it. She now knew why her girl Desirae was making a fool of herself for this man. This was the biggest dick that Reese had ever seen.

  Tron chuckled. “You like that shit?”

  Reese kissed the head. “Hmm, hmm,” she answered.

  “Well,” Tron said, thinking of how much this would get back at Desirae. “Don’t just keep on lookin’ at it. Suck that dick.”

  With no hesitation, Reese took Tron into her mouth. He even tasted good to her. Tron looked down and smiled at Reese’s head, bobbing up and down his shaft, as she was clearly having the time of her life slobbing on him. To Tron, she looked so excited, as if she had never seen a dick before. He simply stood with his feet shoulder-width apart, his pants down at his knees, and allowed her to have her way.


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