Perfect Match

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Perfect Match Page 9

by Monica Miller

  “You didn’t have to pay, you know.”

  “Shut up, Ems. C’mon, let’s watch the movie,” I said returning to the couch and pressing “play”. “Are you coming or I’m watching this alone?”

  She sighed and got back to the couch and I put my hand around her as she placed her head on my shoulder.

  We watched the movie talking and commenting, especially me, when I saw Charlize Theron and how hot she was, and she was always saying Keanu is charming. Well, he kinda was. That one was one of the greatest actors and his Matrix performance was epic. Or Constantine’s. And I repeatedly told her that. And that Charlize was hot. And their relationship rocked. I mean, even I’d like something like that. When they were all playing around the couch, the way they fitted each other…

  “Dude!” I exclaimed at the end of the movie, moving out of a sudden. “Sorry,” I told her and she smiled, with teary eyes. “Why would they screw the ending?”

  “They didn’t…” she said with a sigh.

  “No, they did! They murdered her!” I yelled. “Why did she have to be sick? They were perfect for each other. They should’ve been together till the end! Get married and have kids!”

  “No, Matthew. That was the only way their love was going to be as perfect as it was. Their life together couldn’t get better or sweeter than that. So they have to keep what they had. Forever. And the only way a love could be eternal is that one.”

  “What?” I asked completely stunned. “No! What happened to the ‘happily ever after’? You girls only have that in mind.”

  “That’s only what fairy tales tell us. But fairy tales aren’t real, are they, Matthew?”

  I looked at her and I understood she wasn’t ordinary at all. She was so realistic and smart.

  “Yes, they aren’t. I just… I don’t buy that crap, either. But that was a romance movie, for Christ’s sake! And they killed her!”

  “Oh, you poor baby…” she said, wrapping her arms around me. “You know, we should watch The Notebook as well.”

  “Don’t you think you’re exaggerating? There’s no way I’m watching that movie. Or anything else. Next time it’s my choice,” I told her as she placed her head on my shoulder again. I liked that. Staying with her like that.

  “Fine,” she replied softly and I closed my eyes smiling.

  Chapter 10

  It gets worse at night

  ~*~ Emma West ~*~

  When I saw Matt in Los Angeles I panicked. Why would he be here? And more important, how could he be Ben’s friend? I was living in Los Angeles, and I found out Matt was best friends with my roommate’s boyfriend. The world is incredibly small, isn’t it?

  I couldn’t say no when he offered to walk me home, although in the back of my mind I knew it was such a bad idea.

  And after a few minutes alone, I felt the sensation of warmness I always had when I was with him. I was used to him, walking next to me like we did last summer. It was incredibly easy to walk next to him, to hold his hand and laugh at his jokes.

  Of course, Morgan wasn’t pleased. He knew nothing about Matt, because I wouldn’t start talking about my ex… best friend. He wasn’t more than a friend, and everything he did showed that we were nothing more than that. But his arms around me felt really good and the way he smiled at me lightened my day. Oh, yes, Morgan… Well, he has to get used to him. I hope he will.

  Last night when we met up on the beach, Matt was there with Ben, while Gabrielle kept thanking Matt for calming her down. It seems Shia eventually called her. Morgan seemed uncomfortable for the way Matt kept joking with me. He did that all the time. And he joked with Monica too, and Ben didn’t seem to care. Well, Ben was his best friend, and Matt wasn’t hitting on Monica. Somehow, I thought of Monica’s statement, that she would marry someone like him. And I suddenly felt jealous. But why would I be? I had no problem with that, with Matt having someone. Or had I? No.

  I wasn’t going to fall for that cliché thing, ordinary girl falling for her handsome best friend. No. He was my friend, and it was perfect this way.

  Anyway, he tried all night to talk to Morgan, and he seemed pretty cool about it, even though I knew he didn’t like him. But he had no reason not to like Morgan.

  “Look, I like Morgan and all…” Monica started as she finished her luggage and sat back on the couch, next to me, running a hand through her golden, perfect hair. “But I think you and Matt… God, have you looked at him? That man? He’s even better than he looks in those Facebook pictures. And you know it is really difficult to beat those ones.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You two should be together,” Monica said simply, shrugging her shoulders. “Look, I… I really think so. You’re so hot, and so is he… And Morgan just doesn’t fit. If I had known that Matt was going to be back soon, I wouldn’t have introduced you to him. You and Matt are perfect together. And he is best friends with Ben, and we could double date and do those things…”

  “Yes, and our kids would be friends as well and we’d live on this suburban Westeria Lane street and live happily ever after. Right?”

  “I haven’t thought that far, but it seems you did and it sounds actually right to me. So yes. And I’m so sorry I’m leaving you alone,” she sighed and put her arms around me. “I have to go now… Dude, I’ll miss you!” she said still hugging me.

  I will miss her too. I haven’t lived here alone. It was weird. I helped her with her luggage and said “hi” to Ben when he picked her up, and we both wished each other a happy holiday, and merry Christmas.

  My brother, Rick, was supposed to come and stay with me this Christmas, since my mom and dad were going on a cruise. I couldn’t believe they actually want to spend Christmas away from us, since we were a traditional family who spent Christmas with a lot of relatives and a big fuss about it. Now I was living here in Los Angeles, and my brother was coming to stay with me. Tomorrow. It was actually cool, I really love him and we got along really well.

  Morgan was going home too, he was from Texas. At first I thought I’ll go home too, so I told him that, and he agreed to go home to see his parents. He left this morning so today I was on my own.

  I returned to my bedroom and arranged some things, but I was bored. What in hell was I supposed to do all day? I thought about calling Matt, but he didn’t say anything. I have no idea what his plans were. Was his first day alone too in Ben’s house, but maybe I was bothering him.

  I decided to watch a few Supernatural episodes, due to my homework and late studies I couldn’t keep up with the eighth season so I had around 6 episodes to watch. It was 7 PM and, after making popcorn, I checked the other room I prepared for Rick. It was plain and simple, only a bed, nightstand, and closet, and it was painted in white. Monica never needed another room so she didn’t bother with decorating it. And I didn’t want to move there, I liked her bed too much and we stood awake for hours on weekends talking about stuff. I felt actually comfortable sleeping with Monica. We never bothered each other, and we acted like we’ve known each other since forever.

  After climbing on the king sized bed with my laptop and the bowl of popcorn, I turned on the volume and played the episode. Of course I was scared by its half, with the pillow in my head and a lot of popcorn around me, looking at the little screen with my eyes almost closed. It was already dark outside, and the only light was coming from my laptop and I never thought I’d actually be scared because of a couple of Supernatural episodes. But still, I was.

  I was hungry again by 9 o’clock, but there is no way I would leave this bed. Never. I left the bowl on the nightstand, and while another episode was playing, I had the blanket all over me and the pillow in my head. Why was I freaking scared? Monica always said she couldn’t watch that because it was scary, but I never thought of Supernatural as scary. But I’ve never lived on my own.

  And the kitchen was so far away! Damn hot Winchester brothers! And damn Rick for not being here!

n, Emma, grow up! I’ve told myself as I stopped the episode and climbed out of bed, holding the empty bowl in my left hand and walking through the darkness of my empty apartment. The floor creaked under my paces, and I felt my heart sink. Gosh, Emma!

  I turned on the light in the kitchen and relaxed. There wasn’t any demon or angel. But I could use some Castiel time. Just when I was about to decide what I should make for dinner, I heard some noises at the door, jumped and screamed at the same time. My heart was beating really fast as I closed the fridge’s door and ran to my room, where I climbed on top of the bed and stood there. I looked for my phone and dialed. It only rang twice until he picked up.

  “Matt, I’m so sorry for bothering you at this hour, but I’m here alone and I’m scared. Could you please…” I sighed, after telling him that without taking a pause or breathing, as a matter of fact. “I heard some weird noise at the door when I was in the kitchen and…”

  “I’ll be there in 15, okay? Don’t worry,” he said and he hung up.

  I sighed, and relaxed while I pulled the blanket over my head again. I shouldn’t have called Matt. He didn’t have to babysit me.

  Before I knew it, the doorbell rang and of course, my heart stopped. Then I figured probably it was Matt, and I jumped out of bed, almost running towards the door.

  “I brought pizza!” he said with a smirk when I opened the door and before he said something I hugged him. It was so good to know I wasn’t alone anymore. Note to myself: I’ll never live alone. “Someone is really excited to see me, right?” he said kissing my forehead. “Will you invite me in, Miss West?”

  “Oh, yes,” I said, taking a step back. “Come on in,” I half smiled, because now I was feeling bad for acting like a five year old.

  “I hope I didn’t get here too late, but I thought you’d want pizza. So, never been on your own before, Ems?” he asked almost laughing.

  “It’s not funny! I was watching Supernatural!” I said as an excuse, taking the pizza and going to the kitchen. “And it got so dark before I knew it and… I’ve never been alone at night here.”

  “You are so lucky to have me, Ems,” he said coming next to me and placing his arm around my shoulders. That felt so good. I nodded and smiled as I put the pizza on plates.

  “So, Supernatural night for us?” he asked with a twinkle in his eyes. “That’s better than Sweet November!” he took the plates and went to my bedroom.

  Yes, the night seemed to get better, I’ve told myself as I followed him.

  Obviously Matt made fun of me the rest of the night, and laughed at every scary part, while I was hiding behind his shoulder. He laughed even harder.

  “So do you want me to stay?” he asked when we finished all the episodes left, around 12.

  “No, I want you to go at the middle of the night,” I said sarcastically. “Of course you’ll stay, Nicholls.” I looked at him with a serious face. “I mean… I sound really spoiled, right? You won’t have to stay if you don’t want to. Or if you have something important to…”

  “Sure, my Xbox is waiting for me peacefully,” he said climbing out the bed, and I grabbed his elbow, and pulled him back, incredibly close to me. Bad move.

  “I want you to stay, Matt,” I told him sincerely.

  “Okay,” he shrugged. “So I’ll sleep on the couch, or…?”

  “No, you can stay here. But if you prefer the uncomfortable couch, be my guest,” I said as I arranged my pillows.

  He laughed sarcastically, and lied on the bed on Monica’s side after taking his shirt off. That’s not how I’ve pictured this. I sighed as I pulled the blanket and my head touched the pillow. When I closed my eyes, I thought that this was weird. I shouldn’t sleep in the same bed as Matt. Especially when he’s half naked. It’s not like he was a serial killer or something, but right now, smelling his masculine perfume reminded me of the night I spent with him in June. And the fact that I felt comfortable around him scared me.

  And there he was; a couple of inches apart. My heart sunk at that thought. This is going to be quite a night!

  I slowly moved as far as I could, trying not to make any noise. The fact is that I didn’t trust myself with him. And I don’t know why I felt that, since he was supposed to be my friend.

  All those thoughts came in my mind in a matter of seconds, and I sighed. Matt didn’t seem to care about it too much. He was under the cover with a hand under his head, and his eyes closed, and his chest moved rhythmically.

  I closed my eyes and hoped I’ll get some sleep tonight.


  There was an annoying sound somewhere… It was too early for that! Or was it? I felt sunshine on my back, and sighed. I forgot to pull the curtains again! I hated them!

  I moved for an inch, then I noticed someone’s arms wrapped around me. And my pillow was rather hard. Then I remembered. Matt.

  Opening my eyes I noticed I was in my bed, Monica’s bed, with Matt wrapped around me. My head was on his shirtless chest, and his six pack abs looked pretty incredible from here and… What? He’s your friend! Morgan would kill me. No! Morgan is gonna kill me! Matt’s hands were around me, and he seemed so peaceful in his sleep. I smiled to myself as I slowly caressed his cheek. I was dangerously close to him, and I heard the annoying sound again. This time harder.

  Matt’s eyes opened. He looked pretty confused for seeing me this close. I shifted uncomfortable, and he stretched his arms, yawning. The sound didn’t stop.

  “Could you, please, open that damn door?” Matt asked me, pulling my pillow on his head. “I need more sleep.”

  The… door? Oh my god! Rick!

  I jumped out of bed, stumbling over Matt’s shirt, and almost falling on the floor. I heard Matt’s laugh from the bed but I didn’t stop to say something and I run to the door, running a hand through my hair.

  “Finally you decided to show up!” my mother’s voice is heard as soon as I open the door. “And you open the door that way?” she complained as she stepped in.

  I look at myself and realized I was only wearing my oversized t-shirt and my hair was a mess. Rick came in with a bag which looked rather empty and pulled me into a bear hug, ruffling my already ruffled hair.

  “Hey, big sis,” he said, with his elegant British accent. He always used it, to seem cool. “Nice,” he said, checking me out. I rolled my eyes.

  I heard a noise from my bedroom. Oh, crap! I hope Matt wouldn’t decide to go out. Shirtless. From my bedroom. God, no!

  “I can’t stay, because we’ve waited outside for a half an hour for you, young lady, to wake up,” mother scolded me. “Your father decided to wait for me in the car, but I needed to see you.”

  “I missed you too, mother,” I told her with a smile, and Rick giggled.

  “What did you say?” mom asked. “It does not matter. You take care of him! And Emma, how long it has been since you last ate? You look so skinny, young lady! No partying for you two! And Monica isn’t here?” her voice was actually sweet when she asked about Monica. It reminded me of Mrs. Wesley. I laughed at the thought.

  Rick lifted his head and looked suddenly interested. I shook my head and heard him sigh.

  “She is in Canada with her boyfriend. She left yesterday.”

  “Then it will be just the two of you,” mom assumed. I nodded, without saying something about Matt. Please, don’t come out! “Take care of him, Emma. You know how rebel he has become lately…”

  “Of course, mother,” I said, hugging her. “Have a good trip, and give dad a hug.”

  “Sure I will, darling. Richard, be good, will you? Don’t cause any trouble to your big sister. Have a Merry Christmas, darling,” she said, hugging me again. She hugged Rick again as he rolled his eyes. Then she left.

  I left out a sigh, and sat in the couch, running a hand through my hair. Rick sat next to me and put his feet on the coffee table as he opened the TV.

  “Dude…” I started complaining when I heard my bedroom’s d
oor. Just on the edge!

  Rick and I turned at the same time to see Matt standing in the middle of the living room only with his jeans on, with ruffled hair which looked so hot on him and a tired look on his face. Didn’t he get any sleep last night?

  “Okay…” Rick started, taking his feet off the coffee table and climbing out the sofa. “And you are?” he asked roughly.

  “Um, Rick, he’s my best friend, Matt. Matt, he’s my little brother, Richard.”

  “Best friend?” Rick laughed as he shook Matt’s hand. “With benefits or something? Because you know, I never thought I’ll see this day. My perfect big sister having…”

  “Matt and I aren’t friends with benefits, Richard!” I complained. Matt just laughed and entered the bathroom.

  “Sure as hell. Why isn’t Monica here?” he asked me, sitting again on the couch.

  “Because she is on vacation with her boyfriend, Richard. You will stay here,” I told him, showing him the room.

  “And the boy toy?” Rick asked as he entered the room.

  “Boy toy?” Matt asked laughing. “I’ve been called a lot of things, but never a boy toy, Rick. I think I like you.”

  “I’m not sure I like you,” Rick replied turning his back on him. “The room is okay, Em. I like it.”

  I smiled when he called me “Em”. I went and hugged him. There was no one in the world that understood me better than Rick. We had a really special relationship, although he usually ended up making fun of me. Although he was my little brother, there wasn’t a big difference, since he was one year and a half younger. He protected me at school every time, and always seemed more mature than he was. And people always thought he was the eldest.

  “I’ve missed you, Em,” he said lifting me up his shoulder, and ignoring my screaming. “Mom was right, you’re incredibly skinny,” he walked with me until we reached the living room.


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