Hook, Line, and Mated

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Hook, Line, and Mated Page 6

by Jenika Snow

“But I’m not going to push you, not make the claiming happen until you’re totally ready for that, baby.”

  “Easton,” she whispered his name, her animal right there. She opened her eyes, and he saw the flash of the feline.

  “I won’t be a bastard to you.”

  “And even though we don’t know each other, I know you’d never be one to me, Easton. I can sense that you’re a good guy.”

  The sound of her heart beating fast, of her honesty, the way she looked at him, shouldn’t have turned him on, but it did. “I might be a good man, Jessie, but if anyone came between us, anyone or anything thought of hurting you, I’d fucking kill them.” He hadn’t meant to be so blunt, but the fact remained he wanted to be honest with her in all things. “That should scare you, have you running from me, because I may not always be that good guy.”

  “But you would to me,” she said without phrasing it like a question.

  “I’ll always be the good guy with you, mate.” His moose rose up violently. Easton might not be what others considered a powerful animal shifter, but his moose could hold its own, take down any other animal that came up against him, and he’d protect his mate like nothing else on this planet. The animal inside of him fought for ultimate supremacy. He would have shifted right then if his human side wasn’t just as strong as the alpha bastard inside of him.

  “I really want to kiss you right now, Jessie.”

  Her chest rose and fell hard, and he dipped his gaze down to see her large breasts press against her shirt. What he wanted to tell her, what he wanted to do to her, was a hell of a lot dirtier than what he’d just said. But he’d start off slow if she allowed him that one gift.

  The material of her shirt was snug against her chest, and even though he could see the outline of her bra, the constraint did nothing to hide the fact her nipples were hard. His mouth watered, and his hands itched to touch every part of her.

  “I think I want you to kiss me, Easton.”

  He wrapped his other hand around her hip and moved them backward until she was pressed against the side of the SUV. Letting go of her nape and taking a small step back allowed Easton to get a grip on himself and his animal. He didn’t want to scare her, didn’t want to show her how alpha he really wanted to be with her.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Jessie. I couldn’t have hoped for a more beautiful mate.” He scented that she was wet for him. His dick hardened impossibly further, the tip getting wet from his pre-cum. God damn, he wanted her right now.

  “Touch me, Easton,” she whispered softly. “Kiss me.”

  The need to be with his mate, and the fact that with every passing day that desire to succumb to each other only grew, had Easton breaking in two. She was strong and had willpower to rival any grown shifter male, to rival his own, but he was her mate, and chemistry, biology, and fate dictated that they were made for each other in every way possible. There was no denying, no backtracking, and no running when it came to them coming together eventually. It was inevitable.

  He didn’t deny himself any longer, didn’t deny his mate either. Taking the back of her head again, twisting the strands in his hand, he pulled her close to him and claimed her mouth for the first time. A grunt of pleasure left him at the first touch of his lips to hers. She gasped, which had her mouth opening further and allowing him to delve his tongue inside. Sweetness invaded his taste buds, filling his mouth, and having him crave more, needing more.

  Over and over he made love to her mouth, used his lips and tongue to tease and torment them both, stroking every part that made her up. He loved that she rubbed against him, as if she needed to get even closer. Easton kept kissing her, unable to stop. He moved his hands down her back, over the nice, big and round curve of her ass, and slipped a palm under each cheek. Maybe he should have gone slower, told himself to do just that, but he couldn’t stop, couldn’t help himself. And the way she moaned told him she liked this, too, maybe even wanted more.

  “I want you so badly.” He palmed her ass a little harder when she didn’t tell him to stop. “It’s good, baby.”

  She made a humming noise against his mouth, and tilted her head to deepen the kiss. For several long drugging moments all they did was explore and memorize each other with their hands and mouths. He was hard, needed to be inside of her, but despite the fact she was willingly kissing him back, there was a part of her she was keeping reserved. He couldn’t blame her though, and he was a bastard for kissing her, grabbing her like this, after she just recently lost someone she cared about.

  Easton slid his hands up her back, took hold of her arms, and gently pushed back so their bodies no longer touched, so their kiss was broken. He looked at her lips, ones that were red, swollen, and glossy from his kiss. A surge of adrenaline pumped through him at that thought and sight.

  “We should stop before it gets out of hand.” Really, before he got out of hand.


  He didn’t want to, of course, but if they kept this up he wouldn’t be able to stop himself or his animal from claiming her right in the middle of the woods, right up against his SUV. As enticing as that sounded, and as much as he liked the image of her naked and them in this element turned him the fuck on, he wouldn’t take her, claim her for the first time out here.

  “Maybe we should call it a night?” she said with a hitch in her voice, her cheeks rosy, her arousal still scenting the air around them.

  He smoothed his finger over her bottom lip, and then leaned in and kissed her softly. “Yeah. We have all the time in the world. We will go how fast or slow you want, baby.” He felt her smile against his lips, and that alone had made this entire night worth it, even if he hadn’t claimed his mate.

  Chapter Ten

  Jessie stared at the paperwork, the last line she’d have to sign, and knew that this would be a kind of door closing for her. It had been a couple of weeks since she’d come to Sweet Water after Brenna’s passing, and she’d found her mate.

  “Ma’am, are you okay?” The attorney she was dealing with was human, but the scent of her sincerity, of the fact she felt sorry for Jessie’s circumstances, was clear.

  Jessie lifted her head and looked at the woman.

  “This doesn’t have to be done right now. We have a little bit of time before the paperwork has to be filed.”

  Jessie shook her head in response. “No, it needs to be done. I don’t want it hanging over me.” She held the pen tighter, took a deep breath, and then signed the last form. Pushing the papers over to the attorney, she leaned back on the uncomfortable chair and looked out the window across from her. The weather was starting to change, and the overcast sky and leaves flying through the air were reminiscent of the turbulent emotions inside of her. The one person she thought about during this time, the one person she wished she could talk to right now, was Easton.

  “So we’re all done here? Everything is final and in my name?”

  The woman nodded as she put the papers in a folder. “Everything owned by Brenna Watson has now been transferred into your name. She left you the house, which the mortgage has been cleared, and left an amount in a separate account for you.” The human pointed to the papers in front of Jessie. “The exact amounts, and copies of everything you’ve signed are also in there. If you have any questions you can call me anytime, as well.”

  Jessie nodded, and continued to stare out the window. The attorney left her alone in the meeting room, and Jessie couldn’t hold back her tears. They were ones of sadness, but also of this freedom she felt. She knew, just knew, Brenna was looking down at her and smiling. She closed her eyes and smiled, as well, feeling a sense of completion and warmth fill her.

  Where she wanted to be, who she wanted to see, would give her the support and comfort she needed, because she knew no matter what Easton would always be there. She had given herself time, maybe not a lot. Being with Easton these last couple of weeks, even if only talking with him on the phone, had her smiling in happiness at the way he tried to keep a
way the alpha tendencies, the need to claim her, mate with her. He was a good male, a wonderful mate, and she was ready to see where they could go in this, how much they could really be connected.

  Grabbing her things and heading out, she got in her car and went to Easton’s business, ready to tell him she wasn’t afraid anymore, that being mated was what she wanted. She knew, in her heart, that being happy was all Brenna ever wanted for her. Jessie was tired of being sad, tired of not knowing what her future held. Maybe things would go slow, be unsure at first, but she was willing to try and see where things went with Easton.


  Easton might own his business, but he got down and dirty, did manual labor like his employees, and loved what he did. This was what his blood and sweat went into, what he’d worked his ass off to be successful at.

  He helped grab another flat of lumber that had been dropped off at his garage, and lifted it easily to carry it to Jason’s pickup. The clouded leopard had his mate with him, but Annabelle stayed in the cab of the truck, her focus ahead. He had a small amount of understanding of what Jason was going through, but only in the sense he needed to give his mate time. It had only been a couple of weeks since he’d found out Jessie was his, and he was giving her the time she needed. But Jason had been dealing with his situation far longer, and it had to be taking its toll.

  Easton loaded the last flat in the back of the truck and wiped his hands on his jeans. Jason closed the tailgate, and looked at Easton. He could see the male inhale deeply, and knew the mating scent was strong on Easton. He’d been taking his time with Jessie, and although they hadn’t seen a lot of each other these past couple of weeks because of his schedule and her dealing with finalizing her aunt’s things, he still made sure to speak with her every night, even if only on the phone.

  It was hard staying away, but boundaries were boundaries, and he was waiting for his mate to give him the cue that she was ready.

  Jason stood there, his hand on the back of his neck, as he rubbed the skin back and forth. It was clear there was something on the male’s mind. “Listen, I wanted to know, since I can scent the mating and your happiness…” Jason trailed off for a second, and looked over his shoulder at the passenger side door, where his mate was. “I wanted to know if you and your mate wanted to come over and have dinner with a few of the Sweet Water mates.”

  Instantly Easton tensed. Even if he was comfortable with Jessie, it was really only with her. He didn’t do social gatherings, not with a lot of people. He felt like his skin was too tight, like he couldn’t breathe. He felt like the walls closed in on him.

  “No pressure, but my sister and her mate planned it, have a few others coming over, thinking it would be good for everyone, Annabelle included, if we socialized.” Jason shrugged. “I know you keep to yourself, but the invite is open if you want to come.” The silence stretched between them. “No pressure, just extending the offer. It’s tomorrow night if you’re up for it. Your mate might like meeting with others.”

  Easton nodded. “Thanks. I’ll ask her if she’d like to go. Just text me the details.”

  Jason nodded and got into his truck to leave. Easton stood there, thinking about taking his mate out, letting her meet others, get used to the idea of being with him. He’d need to get used to being around others, as well, although being with her was so fucking easy and felt so right.

  He honestly didn’t know what was going to happen between him and Jessie, didn’t know if she’d want to stay in Sweet Water or if she’d want to leave because it was too painful to stay here. What he did know without a doubt was if she wanted to leave he’d follow.

  He wasn’t about to let her walk away from him. He could handle the business from afar, although he wouldn’t be as hands-on. Jessie was what was important to him, the most important thing and person in his life now. If she said jump, he’d say how fucking high. Maybe it was being pussy-whipped, maybe he was weak, but when it came to his mate his world revolved around her.

  He may be considered “weak” when it came to his female, but that didn’t mean he was about to be that way with anyone else. He still kept to himself, still would break bones and kill anyone that thought to hurt what was his. Those primal, dangerous emotions were even more prominent inside of him, even more intense and real. He was not a male to be fucked with, and his female was the one thing he’d protect with his life.

  The sound of a car approaching had him looking to the side and seeing Jessie pulling into the parking lot. His heart started beating harder, his moose rising instantly. His cock punched out, as it did whenever he even thought about her. She pulled the car to a stop, cut the engine, and he was already making his way toward her before she even got out of the car. He knew she’d been signing paperwork today, and the look on her face, the raw intensity of it, cut him deep.

  Without saying anything, he pulled her into the hardness of his body, loving that she melted right into him, and just held her. They didn’t need sex to make this kind of connection, didn’t need to have anything sexual. This was about Easton comforting his mate, and that was his priority.

  “This is what I needed, Easton,” she said softly against his chest.

  He held her tighter. There were no words that needed to be spoken, because this moment right here had the world changing courses, and he knew that even if he never had this female in the most basic of ways, even if she never loved him, never accepted this mating, he’d always be here for her.

  Chapter Eleven

  “It’s almost time to go,” Easton said softly by her ear.

  Jessie was sitting on the couch, nearly her whole body lying on his, as the muted TV showed a black and white movie. They’d been like this for the last hour, and she was content to stay like this, although they did have plans tonight. “Maybe we should stay in,” she said just as softly, but was teasing. She did want to go meet with other mates, did want to get more connected with the residents of Sweet Water.

  “Whatever you want to do, baby. I’m not going to lie and say I don’t like sitting here with you draped over me.”

  She smiled, hearing the happiness in his voice. Jessie loved the little endearments he used, and although they’d been holding each other, kissing, touching, they hadn’t been sexual. She was ready, though, even wanted tonight to be the first time he claimed her. Although she hadn’t said anything to him, because planning it was a little odd in itself, she’d waited long enough. Easton had been more than patient with her, allowing her to deal with her issues.

  She rose up so she was facing him now, and lifted her hand to smooth her palm over his square jaw covered in scruff. He’d shaved, but what she’d come to realize with her moose shifter was the fact that by the end of the day he already had a five o’clock shadow. He was male, masculine in every sense of the word, and she was falling hard for him.

  Leaning in and kissing him softly—she hadn’t meant for it to be more than that—as the seconds passed the kiss grew heated. He stroked her lips with his tongue until she was wet and her nipples hard. Jessie wanted this so badly, but she knew she wanted to do this after the fact. Although just skipping diner at Jason and Annabelle’s sounded tempting, she wanted to meet them. Yes, she’s decided to stay in Sweet Water, to give this mating a shot.

  She’d never ask Easton to leave everything behind for her, not when this was his home, and she had memories of Brenna here to last her a lifetime. She’d find work, make herself comfortable here, and she’d let her human and animal side be cared for by her mate. He was hers, and she was his, and she knew without a doubt this was how it would always be.

  Breaking the kiss and smiling at him, she felt her mouth tingle, felt her body being pulled to this shifter. “As much as I hate stopping, I do want to have dinner with them tonight. I want us to be used to being around them, because I want to make this my home, with you, Easton.”

  “Really, sweetheart?” He sounded so hopeful, so happy.

  She nodded. “Yeah. I want this to work between us.�

  He was the one to lean in and kiss her this time, and it was soft and sweet. When he pulled away he was smiling.

  Jessie could see herself falling in love with this male pretty damn quickly, and she was more than okay with that.


  Easton was nervous as fuck, felt his entire body grow tense the longer he sat still, but had to remind himself he was doing this because his mate wanted to be here, and it wasn’t like he didn’t know these shifters. They’d grown up around him, and he’d even watched some become the adults they were today. These weren’t strangers, but people that he did trust, even if he didn’t show it.

  They’d arrived over an hour ago, and most everyone was still eating. Jessie had fit in right away with everyone, and was currently speaking with Candace, who was the mate to Trace, the bear shifter. His female laughed, and the sound helped him relax marginally. She was enjoying herself, and that was all that mattered.

  The large dining room table was in the center of the room, and shifters surrounded it. Children could be heard on the next room over, and a few even came running out, screaming and laughing as they ran with toys. Something warmed and tightened in Easton at the thought of Jessie carrying his child, at them really being a family. Of course that wasn’t something he was even considering right now.

  Liam, Trace’s son, and Liam’s mate, Olive, sat across from them. Olive and Jessie were talking, and the females had hit it off right away. Liam and Trace were speaking softly, and occasionally Maverick would jump in on the conversation. Maverick’s mate, Kettah, a Pallas cat shifter, was trying to wrangle some of the more rambunctious kids. Declan and Melissa were sitting beside Charlie and his mate, Ary. The other two Wylde bear brothers had their mates tucked close to them. The other mated shifters also had their makes close to them, the possessiveness clear in the air, no matter how long they might have been together. The evening hadn’t been wasted, despite Easton’s tension. He needed to learn to let go of all of that. He was learning, and it would be slow going, but he knew with Jessie by his side it would happen.


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