The Legacy (1987)

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The Legacy (1987) Page 28

by Plante, Lynda La

  ‘I don’t know what you are talking about.’

  Sir Charles rose from the table and carefully replaced the chair. He felt deep disgust for this shell of a man, a captain who had turned tail on twenty-five of his men. Not one survived. His voice was little more than a whisper. ‘Oh, I think you do.’

  David stared at him, like a frightened child.

  ‘My lawyer will contact you for the statement. Now shall we join the ladies, Captain?’

  Freddy had already joined the ladies. The atmosphere was decidedly chilly. A bowl of water and a cloth were brought by Dewhurst, and Freddy helped Lady Primrose try to remove the coffee stain. In furtive whispers he told her what had taken place in the dining room. ‘Charles knows about us, God knows how. David’s been drinking, you’ll have to get him home – he looks as if he’s going to throw one of his fits.’

  They were joined by an ebullient Sir Charles. He gave Evelyne a small wink to say all was well, then sat with Heather, offering her the remains of the chocolates with a flourish. They discussed the family chocolate and toffee business, and he made a mental note to check out the Warner shares, perhaps buy a few. The company would be at an all-time low after the war, so the shares would be cheap.

  Lady Primrose went to the open dining-room doors, then turned with a sigh, saying that she felt she should take David home, he was obviously tired. Dewhurst fetched wraps and coats, and everyone thanked Sir Charles politely. Evelyne was ignored, left sitting with her empty coffee cup. David seemed in a world of his own, his eyes vacant and a soft smile on his lips, but as they all left he turned back to Evelyne, raised his hand as though he wanted to say something. Primrose slipped her arm about his waist. ‘Come along, David, the car’s waiting.’

  When he returned from seeing them out, Sir Charles clapped his hands.

  ‘All went as planned, dearie, we will have their statements first thing in the morning. Now, if you will excuse me, I’m away to my bed. Dewhurst, show the young lady out.’

  Evelyne stared at her reflection in the dressing-table mirror, then she tried to do the Charleston, holding on to the back of the chair. A sad, silly gesture, and she immediately felt foolish.

  She replaced the diamonds and emeralds in their leather case. Like the jewels, she felt as though she had been hired for the night.

  Ed Meadows walked Miss Freda home through the damp night. He was flushed from all the beer he had drunk, and Miss Freda was equally pink in the face from her numerous port and lemons.

  ‘Well, it’s been ever such a nice evenin’, Freda, perhaps we could do it again if you’d like, I mean, I don’t wanna be too forward. Are you walkin’ out wiv anyone?’

  Tittering, Freda placed her hand over her mouth. Ed grinned.

  ‘You’re a lovely-looking woman, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed meself ternight, been a good time.’

  Lifting her tiny hand to his lips he gave it a resounding kiss. She smiled sweetly, very much the lady. ‘I would like so much to see you again, I have had a wonderful time too.’

  Ed rocked on his heels, he was so tickled. ‘Well then, we’ll do it again, g’night . . . Oh, Freda, I’m not married or nuffink, are you available, like?’

  She patted his barrel chest and he caught her to him and hugged her expertly. She giggled and pushed him away, gave him a coy, sexy flutter of the eyelids and hurried inside.

  Ed tottered back to his bed-and-breakfast hotel, singing at the top of his voice, ‘I’m ’Enery the eighth I am, ’Enery the eighth I am, I am . . .’

  In her cracked dressing-table mirror Freda studied her reflection. Well, she thought, he’s not much, but then nor am I. She wished she hadn’t lied about her age, though. She put her curlers in, creamed her face and lay down in her tiny, single bed. ‘You’re never too old, darling, but you’d better reel this fish in fast.’

  The Rolls-Royce glided soundlessly along the dark, wet streets. David sat hunched in a corner, staring out into the night. Lady Primrose had tried to hold his hand, but he shrugged away from her. She remained close, trying not to let her thigh press against Freddy’s as he, too, sat in the back of the Rolls. Heather was sitting in the front with the driver, and she spoke as if to the windscreen wiper. ‘Thought it was a good meal, didn’t you, dear?’

  Freddy made no reply. He sighed, and Primrose looked at him. His face was haunted, he wanted her, loved her so dearly.

  ‘I want to see a doctor, some kind of specialist, maybe it would help me,’ said David, petulantly.

  Primrose slipped her arm through David’s and rested her head on his shoulder. He was trembling, his whole body shaking.

  ‘Yes, dearest, that is a good idea.’ Tears came into her eyes. She couldn’t bear to turn to Freddy, she wanted him so much, loved him so much.

  They were silent as the car drove on, the only sound the ‘swish, swish’ of the tyres on the wet streets.

  Evelyne lay wide awake in bed. She was finding sleep hard to come by. She tossed and turned, and began to think of the village, her Da, which made her keenly aware of her loneliness. She could see Hugh’s big face, and would have liked more than anything to be wrapped in his strong arms. She was twenty-four years old, and had never known what it was like to be loved by a man.

  Chapter 15

  Smethurst and Sir Charles sat at a small corner table in the restaurant of the Feathers public house. Smethurst was slicing his cheese with delicate precision. The port was brought to the table. Smethurst wiped his mouth with his stained napkin, lifted his glass in a toast. ‘Well, here’s to this afternoon’s proceedings.’

  Sir Charles sipped his port, noting that Smethurst had downed his glass in one. He swivelled round in his seat as Smethurst made an expansive gesture to the doorway. Standing talking to the head waiter was a stern-faced man wearing a charcoal overcoat and carrying a homburg. ‘That’s the opposition, old chap.’ Smethurst bellowed across the restaurant, ‘Jeffrey, will you join us?’

  Jeffrey Henshaw crossed to their table and introductions were made. Shaking Sir Charles’ outstretched hand, he politely refused to join them. He tapped his gold fob watch and cocked his head to one side, smiling at Smethurst, ‘I’d say you should be on the move, proceedings are due to start in fifteen minutes.’

  Smethurst laughed, stuffed another slice of cheese into his mouth, spattering Henshaw’s overcoat with flecks of it. ‘Just you remember you owe me more than one favour – Ethel Patterson, Jeffers, Ethel Patterson.’

  Henshaw stepped sharply back from the table, pursed his lips and tapped his homburg against his thigh. ‘Listen, you old devil, you know what these committal proceedings are like, ruddy magistrates dither around and I’ve got a very busy day, so get those flat feet on the trot.’ He gave Sir Charles a stiff bow and strode off among the tables.

  ‘What was all that about?’ asked Sir Charles.

  Smethurst picked up his battered briefcase. As he placed it on the table a cheese cracker crumbled under the weight.

  ‘I got him out of a very sticky situation with one of his clients, a Miss Patterson – very naughty lady. Well, old chap, this is it, I’ll call you soon as I have a result.’ Suddenly his manner was more subdued.

  ‘You sure you don’t want me along?’ asked Sir Charles.

  ‘Good God no, it could take hours. There’s a hellish lot of statements to be read and witnesses to call – no, no, I’ll be in touch soon as I have any news. I’m confident, we’ll get the lad off, be no problem . . . unless Henshaw plays a double hand, but I have a feeling he won’t. He wants the rope for Stubbs, but has to concede there’s no evidence on the first three charges. Won’t be as easy on the fourth murder rap, you can take my word for that . . . He’s got a long list of prosecution witnesses. Well, I’m off, thanks for a splendid lunch.’

  Sir Charles watched Smethurst stride off, dropping his napkin on the floor as he squeezed among the diners. He wished he could feel as positive as his friend. Smethurst’s bulging briefcase, stuffed with what he had described as ‘hard
evidence, old bean’, did not, in Sir Charles’ opinion, sound good enough to get Freedom Stubbs off three of the four murder charges filed against him.

  Sir Charles had underestimated his old friend. Even Henshaw was slightly taken aback at the amount of paperwork and obvious private detection Smethurst had managed to do. Henshaw, of course, had access to the statements, but still he was impressed, and still slightly in awe of the man he had learned so much from.

  Smethurst held forth, resting his elbow on top of a mound of papers. More and more were produced and waved around. The row of magistrates listened intently as Smethurst proved without a doubt that Freedom Stubbs could not have committed the three murders that occurred in Cardiff. Statements from witnesses proved that Freedom Stubbs was not even in the vicinity of Cardiff when the killings took place. A humorous throwaway line clarified his point.

  ‘Unless my client had an aeroplane, which I assure you he did not have, it would have been physically impossible for him to have been in Cardiff on the days in question. I therefore submit that there is no case against Freedom Stubbs on the first three counts of murder, and ask for those counts to be dismissed in view of the evidence I have laid before you. There is no case to answer, sir.’

  Smethurst burst out of the court. Henshaw, close on his heels, held the door open to allow his colleague to exit without getting either his briefcase or coat caught. ‘Round one to you, old chap . . . but I guarantee your man will swing.’

  Smethurst hailed a taxi and offered Henshaw a lift, but it was refused. The taxi passed him as he walked briskly down the street swinging his immaculate briefcase. Smethurst leaned back, patted his own bulging case and smiled. He had done his work for the dismissal of the first three counts, but Henshaw had established a prima facie case for the fourth murder. He was pleased with the dismissal and knew he had done well. He sucked in his breath. The contest between himself and Henshaw would certainly be interesting.

  Sir Charles received the news of the dismissal by telephone. He wasn’t elated, more relieved. Smethurst assured him he was confident the trial would prove Stubbs not guilty of the fourth murder, and confirmed that he was well ahead with his preparations. They discussed expenses – Smethurst did not come cheap. There was no question of it all being done on an ‘old friends’ basis, Smethurst was one of the best barristers in Wales, and his fees reflected the fact . . . perhaps they were just a little higher than usual but it was, after all, a difficult case.

  As Smethurst replaced the receiver he rested his feet on his untidy desk. The first three young miners had all been found with their hands tied behind their backs, their throats slit from right to left. In all three cases they had been marked with a cross on their foreheads made with their own blood. Willie Thomas had been killed in exactly the same way, the blood mark on his forehead. Smethurst chewed his lower lip. He had been able to prove without a doubt that Stubbs could not have committed the first three killings . . . but Willie Thomas was different. Smethurst prowled his office’s worn carpet, ruffled his hair. Freedom Stubbs had been there, in the village. He knew how very important a witness Evelyne Jones was. Maybe Freedom didn’t knife Willie Thomas, but it was going to be a hell of a job proving he hadn’t had any part at all in the horrific murder. Smethurst’s strong evidence, Freedom’s alibi, depended on the jury believing he was actually with Evelyne at the time of the boy’s death. Miss Jones had a lot on her shoulders.

  Evelyne tried to understand, but Sir Charles had to repeat himself twice and was losing patience. The first three charges of murder had been dropped, he explained. ‘Quite simply, Smethurst was able to prove there was no case against him. But he has been committed for the murder of William Thomas.’

  ‘When? Will it be soon? How long will he have to wait in gaol?’

  ‘Until the trial, gel, until the trial. Now we don’t want you going to see him, you must have no contact with him, is that clear?’

  ‘Yes, sir.’

  ‘You are a very important witness, and you must behave impeccably until the trial. You can spend the time getting yourself some nice dresses, subdued, nothing too flashy, gloves and what have you, perhaps a hat . . .’

  Evelyne accepted the money His Lordship gave her, money to pay her hotel bill, and for her clothes. Left alone, she couldn’t stop her hands shaking, she repeated over and over to herself that the charges had been dropped. What she couldn’t understand was why, if they believed her evidence, was Freedom still having to go on trial at all.

  Freedom was as confused as Evelyne. Smethurst spoke very slowly, sometimes repeating himself two or three times. By now he had discovered his client was illiterate.

  ‘But I never killed the last lad, sir.’

  About to leave, Smethurst gestured to the gaoler. He looked back as the strange, unfathomable eyes searched his face. Freedom seemed childlike in his confusion.

  ‘I’ll come in to see you again – until then, keep your chin up.’

  ‘Thank you, sir, thank you for everything you’re doing.’

  The police officers and warders assigned to Freedom had nicknamed him the ‘Queer Fish’ because he was always so silent and unapproachable. They had segregated him very early on from the other prisoners awaiting trial. Many of the men were striking miners who had resorted to stealing and poaching to make ends meet. They knew he was being charged with the murders of their fellows and they constantly jeered and catcalled in the direction of Freedom’s cell. Every officer had to agree that he was a model prisoner – too good – he said neither ‘thank you’ nor ‘good morning’. He said nothing. His black eyes frightened some of the officers, and they had drawn lots to see who would be the ones to take him back and forth to court when the day came. No one wanted to start a fight with him. Even though he was handcuffed, he still looked as if he could be dangerous.

  The exercise yard was cleared for Freedom’s solitary morning walk. Only he didn’t walk, he ran round and round and round, running until he was sweating and exhausted. He would then be taken back to solitary for a shower. One of the warders supervising him whispered that the man was ‘built like a brick shit-house with muscles standing out all over his body like a marble statue’.

  Freedom knew they watched him, talked about him, and like an animal he stared back with his dark brooding eyes, and said nothing. Here, silence was his only defence against the world. No one could understand what the cell, the high brick walls and the key turning in the lock, were doing to Freedom’s mind. The cell closed in on him until his only relief was to pound his fists against the walls. He wrapped them in his blankets to muffle the sound. His morning run reminded him of his stallion, the way he used to toss his head and run round and round on the training rope. He was like a roped gry, an animal.

  When the news leaked out that three charges of murder had been dropped, the prisoners banged on their cell doors with their tin mugs, screaming at the injustice. ‘You bastard, you’ll hang . . . They should hang yer, you gyppo scum!’

  The press also got to hear of the murder charges being withdrawn and a small article appeared in the paper. They mentioned Freedom Stubbs by name as the gypsy being held in custody, and that he was now only being charged with the murder of William Thomas. Smethurst was furious, knowing the damage this information could cause to a jury. They could be prejudiced against Freedom before the trial began.

  Tension mounted as the date of the trial grew closer. Sir Charles had spent the time staying with friends or out shooting. Ed Meadows was courting Miss Freda and they held hands like two teenagers, gazing into each other’s eyes and sighing. Ed was thinking about popping the question. Miss Freda was reeling in her fish, and had already made up her mind to accept if he proposed.

  Evelyne spent her days wandering around the museums and art galleries. The trial was ever-present in her mind.

  Smethurst worked on in preparation for the trial. This big, scruffy man was totally dedicated to his work. His scrupulous attention to every single detail was impressive. He knew
he held a man’s life in his hands and, although he appeared almost buffoonish, he was an exceptionally intelligent and honourable man. He was also a kind man, and very patient.

  The trial was to begin the following morning. Smethurst found a brief moment to explain everything to Evelyne.

  ‘We begin tomorrow morning. You must not be seen talking to anyone associated with the trial. You’ll be called to the stand when I am ready . . . but we’ll talk again before then, just remember all I’ve told you and don’t let him ruffle you. Answer clearly and concisely . . .’

  ‘How’s he holding up, sir? Is he all right?’

  ‘Well he’s getting a lot of stick from the other inmates, naturally, and he’ll more than likely have to take a lot more. Don’t you worry yourself about him . . . I take it you’ve not seen him, made no contact?’

  ‘No sir, His Lordship forbade it.’

  ‘Quite right . . . well dearie, I’ll take my weary body to bed, be refreshed for the battle.’

  ‘Will it be a battle, sir?’

  Smethurst gave her a small pat on her shoulder, and one of his lopsided smiles. ‘Trust me . . . Goodnight.’

  Evelyne tossed and turned all night long. Early the following morning, the first day of the trial, Miss Freda and Ed peeked round her door on their way to court.

  ‘I’ll come to see you later, tell you all about it,’ whispered Freda.

  ‘Now, now, Freda, yer know that’s not legal. She’s a witness, you gotta stay away – maybe I’ll just pop in though, eh! Ta-ta, gel.’

  Left alone, Evelyne tried to read, but she couldn’t concentrate for wondering how the trial was going. She prayed it would be over soon. She ordered lunch but couldn’t eat anything, and eventually she sat by the window, waiting for them all to return.

  The gallery was packed with spectators. They were rowdy and jocular. As the court began to fill, Smethurst swept in, his wig already at a precarious angle. Henshaw, immaculate as ever, took his position at the bar, waiting for the judge to be seated. The courtroom became hushed. There was a silent moment while both defence and prosecuting counsels took out their papers. The tension could be felt by all as they heard the sounds of keys turning in locks, and Freedom Stubbs was led up from the cells.


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