Hard Choices (Blood Brothers #6)

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Hard Choices (Blood Brothers #6) Page 24

by Manda Mellett

  Hunter draws closer, and disappointingly, I have to crane my neck to look at him. “Kadar left your safety in our hands, Princess. That means one of us should be with you at all times.”

  “For goodness sake! I suppose I should be lucky you don’t mean one of you should sleep in my bed.”

  I realise immediately that was probably the last thing I should have said, so quickly change tack. “I have my guards, and I’m not stupid. I won’t be leaving the palace alone.” I’d even been reluctant to walk in the gardens this morning, as Rami should know. Though when I glance at him, the expression on his face also looks censoring. “I’m totally protected here.”

  Rais comes over, Hunter steps aside. “You were with Lamis?”

  “Yes,” I confirm, cautiously, wondering where he’s going with this.

  “And who else?” While his tone is quiet, measured, there’s an underlying menace underneath.

  I filter my words very carefully. “Some other maids.”

  “You knew all of them?”

  “Well, of course I didn’t. Some…”

  I’ve fallen straight into his trap.

  Now it’s Rami who gets off the couch and starts crowding me too. “A sweep of everyone who works in the palace is currently underway. Identity cards are being checked and matched against the database that issued them. Soldiers are being vouched for by their captains and majors, household staff by their supervisors. Your sister-in-law, Cara, is doing a check of all employees’ backgrounds and their current financial positions. We cannot afford to take anything for granted where your safety is concerned.”

  I bite my lip. I can’t argue with what they’ve said. That it’s over the top, in my opinion, just shows how seriously they are taking this threat.

  It’s time for me to back down. “I’m sorry.” I look from Rais, to Hunter, and then at Rami. “I didn’t think.”

  Hunter closes the gap between me and him. “Princess, you didn’t know our concerns. There was no reason for you to mistrust people in the palace. Hopefully, the security check will show nothing untowards. We’ve had the suite checked for bugs, and it will be checked twice a day from now on. We don’t want to make you a prisoner, but we want you to be safe. One of us will be with you unless you can personally vouch for everyone you’re meeting with.”

  My eyes can no longer meet his, and drop to the floor, reminding myself this is how they’re showing they care for me. Still feeling like I’ve been reprimanded, I wave at the door of my room. “I’m going to have a nice long bath and an early night.”


  My feet have already turned in that direction. Hunter’s moved fast, putting himself in front of me. Suddenly nervous, I look around at the three men who are surrounding me. If I’m not wrong, there’s hunger in their eyes, and it’s not food they’re wanting.

  “Your safe word is red,” Hunter says lazily.

  My eyes flit to his. What? It doesn’t take a genius to understand him.

  “If you want to go to bed. Alone. Use your safe word.”

  My mouth opens to spit it at him. Something makes me swallow it back down. I look at Rais, so magnificent and masculine, then at Hunter, so commanding. Then at Rami, who can’t keep the look of anticipation off his face, and a part of me starts to throb.

  “I can’t do this.” I’d love to.

  “You’re not using your safe word, Princess.”

  That’s all it would take. They wouldn’t follow me or try to persuade me. A shiver runs down my spine as Hunter steps closer, into the escape route I’m still considering taking. Rais moves behind and is crowding my back. I try to force my features into a haughty expression. I’m obviously not successful.

  With a sudden, unexpected move, Hunter steps back, and putting his hands on Rami’s shoulders, moves him in front of me. “Kiss her,” he instructs in his most dominant voice.

  Rami doesn’t hesitate, doesn’t give me time to protest. His hands come out to cup my face, and his mouth is on mine before I can utter a word.

  “Open for him,” Rais growls from behind me, and oh shit, I’m doing just what he says.

  Rami is gentle, his touch so sweet and loving as his tongue touches mine, at first hesitantly, then sweeps into my mouth. One hand moves to the back of my head, controlling me, not allowing me to evade him. It seems following instruction gives him the impetus to take charge, precisely what was lacking this morning.

  My stomach clenches, a delicious shiver runs down my spine. Still keeping it gentle, Rami ravishes my mouth, as if wanting to imprint my taste on his mind. I breathe in his perfume, an aftershave mingled with that of a man.

  Just when I realise, hands circle around me, palming my breasts over my clothes. My nipples peak as I moan into the mouth of the man so expertly kissing me.

  Then I catch up. Wrenching my head out of Rami’s grasp, I get out the word I should have uttered before. “Red.”

  Shrugging off Rais’s hold, I step away, my lungs heaving as though they’ve sucked all the oxygen out of the room, and I’m having difficulty breathing.

  Hunter looks surprised, Rami disappointed, Rais impossible to read.

  I look from one to the other, then longingly at the door to my bedroom.

  “Aiza?” Hunter asks cautiously.

  There’s something that needs to be said, I just don’t know how to say the words. I feel panicked, like a deer caught in a trap. I want this. I don’t. I do. Do not. In the confusion the words bubble up which explain my hesitation and come out before I can stop them. “I’m a virgin.”

  They all look like I’ve slapped them. Hunter turns and walks away, then spins around, one hand smoothing over his face. “You can’t be.”

  Now it’s out, I can’t take it back. “I am.”

  Rami’s looking confused. “I’ve seen you playing in clubs.” His head’s going backwards and forwards in dismissal.

  “Not the rumour I heard,” Rais grumbles behind me.

  “I think I would know,” I snap.

  Hunter moves quickly, his hand snaking around my head and twisting into my hair. “Explain. You’ve played as a Domme.”

  I lower my eyes, not wanting to have this conversation. I could tell him to get lost, that it’s none of his business. Put a stop to everything now… But Rami’s kiss, directed by Hunter, felt so good, even now my body’s buzzing, crying out for relief.

  “I let my subs bring me to orgasm with their mouths or fingers. I’ve never let anyone go all the way.”

  “You’ve never had a man’s cock inside you.” Without me noticing, Rais has moved closer again, the hard organ he’s just mentioned pressed into my back.

  Another rush of arousal, and I’m so tempted.

  “Have you been saving yourself?”

  “Yes. No.” Hunter releases his hold so I can turn to face Rais.

  He’s wearing a wry smile. “Which is it, Princess?”

  “I don’t really know. I just wanted it to mean something.” I like to play, anything else I’ve been holding back.

  I’ve seen women with two or more men in clubs many times, and always wondered how it would feel to have so much attention, so many cocks all at once. I’ve never seriously considered being in that position myself. If I had ever imagined it, it would have been me directing what they were doing, not being at the mercy of one, let alone two Doms.

  The idea excites me. The idea turns me off. My body is throbbing, my clit pulsating, while my brain’s firmly putting on the brakes.

  Hunter is watching me carefully as though reading the myriad of emotions crossing my face. Eventually he raises his head and speaks over mine. “Under the circumstances, I believe Aiza has a lot to think about. I suggest we let her go to bed and think about whether she wants what we’re offering.”

  That’s the best suggestion I’ve ever heard… No, it’s the worst.

  The three of them exchange glances and seem to have a silent conversation. Then Rais takes charge and gives a little prod to my back. “Go
to bed, Aiza. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  Escape. Free at last, I hold my head high and start moving towards the master bedroom.

  “Oh, and Aiza?” I pause at Hunter’s voice. “No making yourself come.”

  I refuse to give him the satisfaction of any reaction. Not play with myself? When they’ve got me so riled up? How can I think of what they’re offering without needing relief?

  If I do what he says it’s going to be a long, torturous night. Out of their hearing, I huff.

  Chapter 28


  “Do you think she’ll follow your instructions?” Rami’s still staring at the door Aiza’s just disappeared through, once again the key turning loudly in the lock.

  Hunter barks a short laugh. “If she doesn’t then she’s going to get her ass reddened.”

  I look at him sharply, trying to quell the sudden awareness inside that if anyone’s going to be reddening anything of hers, it’s going to be me and my hand.

  “A virgin, eh?” Rami’s shaking his head, and at last turns around to face us. “Never saw that coming. It’s true, I didn’t see her going into private rooms in the clubs. Obviously I didn’t have eyes on her at all times, and just assumed.”

  “Doesn’t change anything, does it?” Hunter doesn’t seem fussed. “Just means we have to take things a bit slower.”

  Rami puffs himself up. “You realise this puts things in a different light…”

  “No, it doesn’t.” Hunter and I exchange looks, having said exactly the same thing at the same time. At least there’s something we both agree on. Any dream Rami’s got of riding off with her into the sunset alone has got to be quashed.

  After he huffs, Rami comes with us to sit at the table, and we start throwing around some ideas. As we talk about practicalities and what a woman like Aiza would want and need, he starts to get on board. By the time we go to our beds, or me to the couch—hopefully for the last time—we’ve all agreed to a plan. And it’s me who’s going to kick it off in the morning.

  Being called to an early meeting, Hunter, Rami and I leave Aiza sleeping after I’d double checked and reassured myself she was sufficiently protected by trustworthy guards.

  The reason for our summons being a report from Sultan Qudamah. Rami had done well contacting him before we’d taken action. The sultan had found no reports of heavy artillery moving in Ezirad, and further inspection of the satellite footage by the experts in Grade A and military intelligence suggested what we’d taken for tanks were actually mock-ups, and there were fewer bodies than the number of tents would suggest. Everything pointed to it being a decoy. Rami got a metaphorical slap on the back for being on point.

  Rami and Hunter remained behind—Rami to update his father, and Hunter was engaged with whom I’m certain are his colleagues from the intelligence community, even if he refuses to make his relationship official. My part played for now, I return to the suite mid-morning, nodding at the guards standing outside the door. Entering, I’m unable to miss the flare of anxiety in her eyes, or the way she looks behind me, and the relief when she sees I’m alone.

  She’s in the sitting room, and crumbs on the plate suggest she’s just finished a late breakfast, and I take a moment to study her before putting my plan into action.

  “Are you ready to go out, Princess?” I ask, immediately sensing she’s nervous. The sooner I get her out of this suite, the quicker that tension will slip away. My aim is to make her totally relaxed today.

  Her brow creases. “Out? Where? Yesterday you wanted me to stay in the suite.”

  “I’ll be with you, so no worries there. I want to show you something.” At this point I’m keeping it vague. I’m also keeping my distance, though what I’d rather do is sweep her up into my arms, take her into the bedroom and change the status that she astounded us by announcing the evening before. We’d taken that into consideration in our discussion.

  She frowns. “What? Shouldn’t you be working? Planning to take down al-Fahri or something?”

  “We’ve had our morning meeting while you were catching up on your beauty sleep. Don’t worry, everything’s in place. Hunter and Rami have everything under control.”

  I read her pout as disappointment she’s missed it, and if she’d been awake and ready there wouldn’t have been any harm in her coming along. As it is, she can’t complain. She was the one who locked her door and slept in.

  “If you’re not going to tell me where I’m going, you’ll have to tell me if I’m alright dressed like this.” As she stands and twirls, I look to check, and immediately wish I hadn’t. She’s wearing capri trousers that hug her legs and outline that firm arse beautifully, and another one of her tight t-shirts that emphasises her pert breasts. The ones I had my hands on last night for far too short a time.

  “Maybe a loose blouse?” I suggest, my voice sounding like someone’s choking me. Then feel sweat on my brow as I watch her arse swaying as she walks into the bedroom. She comes out moments later with her arms decently covered. Not that I give a damn, but not being a tourist destination, the people of Z̧almā are more conservative than those of the more cosmopolitan north.

  She’s ready in no time, and I walk by her side as we go through the palace, finally leading her out through the main entrance. She pauses and looks back at the magnificent building behind us, glowing white in the sunlight against the background of a clear blue sky.

  “I’d forgotten how beautiful it is.” She breathes out, the air whistling through her teeth.

  Not as beautiful as you are.

  I allow her a few more seconds to take it in, and then prompt her. “Come.”

  Looking around, she sees a lack of transport. “We’re walking? Is it safe?”

  I don’t miss that shiver of fear. “They’ll be with us.” I incline my head towards a dozen men who are waiting in addition to her usual four guards, this morning headed by by Dharr, a seasoned fighter and a man of whom I approve. They immediately surround us when we reach the end of the driveway. “It’s not a long walk in any event. I just thought you might appreciate some fresh air and want get outside the palace walls.” From the way her nostrils twitch at the perfumed flowers around us, and her features seem to relax, I reckon I’m right. A woman like Aiza doesn’t like to be cooped up.

  Some people are lining the sidewalks, others coming out from shops. I greet them with a wave. They know who I am, and for some unknown reason they seem to like me. A man raises his phone and snaps a photo, making the security perk up.

  “Yjb 'an yakun manaeahum 'akhadha fawtughra?”

  I shake my head at Dharr. “No, let them take all the pictures they want.” As I speak I pull Aiza in closer, feeling pride that the photos will show both of us together.

  She stiffens and says quietly, “Is that wise? Some of those may appear on Facebook, and if they do, we’ve told al-Fahri exactly where I am.”

  We haven’t told her he already does know, or of his second phone call to Kadar. We hadn’t wanted to worry her more than she already is. Leaning down, I murmur into her ear. “That’s what we want. Keeps him away from Al Qur’ah and prevents him carrying out his threat to the children.” I glance up at a building and see the light glint of an automatic rifle. I’ve got snipers on every high point keeping a look out. Every action possible taken to ensure her safety today.

  I see a slight straightening of her back, even though she can’t completely suppress the shudder at my reminder of the risk to the children.

  It’s not a long walk, and after only a few minutes I pull her to a stop, pointing with my index finger to a massive building in front of us. In fact, it’s more than one, linked by chrome and glass walkways. Although built a few years ago, it’s been expanded and brought up to date. “I wanted you to get the full impact.” If we’d come by car we would have been driven up to the front, and she’d have been unable to get an idea of the scale of it.

  “What is it?” Her eyes are wide as she takes it all in.

ur hospital,” I explain.

  “Wow.” Turning to me, her mouth drops open. Then she swivels back around to face front again. “I didn’t expect anything like this. It’s bigger than the one in Al Qur’ah.”

  I’m quite happy to explain, “It serves the whole of a southern desert. Some people from Ezirad come for treatment. From further abroad as well. We have the ultimate in trauma treatment centres, as the military are stationed here.”

  “The border wars.”

  “Yes,” I agree. “Though due to the oil field we’re now at peace with Ezirad, still the jihadists try to get across. Our border controls are attacked regularly, and unfortunately our troops get injured. Come. I’ve arranged for you to have a tour.”

  Shaking her head in disbelief and wonder, she enters the building, clearly appreciating the cleanliness and the facilities. We go to various units, and doctors, as arranged, take time to talk to her. She’s particularly interested in the cardio-thoracic unit and the oncology department. I stand back as she questions the doctors, watching her delight when they agree if they’re unable to do something they’d happily welcome a specialist from another country. Just as I’d hoped, I can see her mind whirring.

  It’s late afternoon before we return to the palace. Aiza’s quiet and deep in thought all the way. It’s only when we’re nearing the suite she stops and addresses me. “My status means I can get anyone into Amahad, can’t I?”

  “You can. Z̧almā’s got an airport that can take the biggest jets.” It’s run by the military.

  I keep quiet, not wanting to be the one who plants the idea that she could do excellent work for her charity if she were to be based here. I’d prefer her to come to that reasoning herself. She, herself, doesn’t instigate any further conversation as we make our way back to the palace.

  I breathe a sigh of relief once we’re back inside the walls. It had been a slight risk taking her into Z̧almā today, however I’d known seeing is believing, and going to the hospital would be better than me simply describing it. She’d been well protected, the visit secretly arranged, nevertheless the tension seeps out of me when I know that once again she’s completely safe.


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