Soul Bound (The Soul Mark Series Book 2)

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Soul Bound (The Soul Mark Series Book 2) Page 9

by Cara E Holt

  I take it from her and deciding I’d better do as she instructs, I sift to our bedroom and get down on my hands and knees and look for a space under the bed. There are a couple of storage boxes under here so I pull one out and place the doll there and then push the box back under.

  When I sift back down Mel is busy packing everything away back into her little box of tricks. She passes me a duster meaning for me to clean the floor but I refuse it and stand before the circle and closing my eyes I imagine me erasing it with my magic, using my hands in a rubbing motion. Sure enough, when I open them the circle is no longer there. I dust my hands off feeling quite pleased with myself.

  Mel grins as she continues packing her stuff away. “Look at you getting all handy with your magic.”

  I smile and blow on my fingers. “Getting better at it every day.”

  Once Mel has everything packed away I grab us both drinks and she follows me through to the living area. “So homecoming. Are you going?”

  Mel laughs as she sits down. “No I am not. You need a date to go to homecoming dance.”

  I see she is totally serious and give her an piqued look. “You do not need a date. You are a strong independent witch. Besides we’ll go as a group, all of us together.”

  She isn’t for budging. “I’m not coming to the dance without a date. Do you know any single available lesbians at school?”

  “Well no.” I draw my feet up under me and get comfortable. Hawkeye comes up and snuggles besides me. I start to flick through the TV channels looking for something we can watch. “Surely there are some single lesbian girls at school. I mean can’t you tell, you know which girls might be lesbian?”

  She tuts and looks at me in disappointment. “Yeah because they go around with a flashing sign above their heads saying ‘I like girls.”

  I smile at her then an idea coming in my head. “You leave it to me though. I will have you a date for the dance.”

  Mel shakes her head looking worried “Uh-oh, what are you going to do?”

  I wink as I take a quick sip of my drink. “Relax. I have a plan.” And I tap my nose with my finger, signalling that it was my secret plan.

  Chapter Twelve.

  “Lorc. Do guys at school ever talk about you know who might be gay or lesbian at school?” I ask him on our way to school next morning. “You know changing room talk.”

  Lorcen takes his eyes off the road and looks over at me. “Are you trying to set Mel up with a date for prom?”

  I look at him shocked. “You knew she was gay?”

  He laughs as if I have asked him a stupid question. “Of course I knew. I’ve seen the way she perves over Amy Johnson’s ass in chem class.”

  My eyes go wider. “She does? Why have I never noticed? I honestly did not have a clue.”

  Lorcen shakes his head smiling at me. “You miss most things like that. Like how Jake Kelly stares at your rack at every opportunity.”

  My mouth hangs open. “He does not?” I blush.

  “He does too and if he keeps it up I’m going to have to give him a friendly warning.”

  I blush deeper. Now every time I see Jake in class I will be paranoid that he is perving at my boobs. “So do you? Know which girls are gay?”

  He bobs his head. “I’ve heard some talk, yeah. I know Josh Martinez tried it on at a party with Aria Lee and she knocked him back and told him she liked girls.”

  “Ah.” I say holding up a finger. “She could have been saying that to get rid of him.”

  “I think it was pretty much confirmed when she was caught snogging Lauren Adams’ face off in the library one lunch time.”

  I look at him surprised. “Lauren Adams the really quiet girl? Wears glasses, brown hair?”

  He nods. “Yeah that’s her.”

  I grin, a plan coming to play. “Now I could see her being perfect for Mel. Lauren is cute in a geeky way.”

  Lorcen scoffs. “Mel would eat her alive.”

  I playfully swipe his arm. “Anyone else?”

  “Grace Collins, she’s on the swim team but I think she’s dating a girl from a neighbouring high school.”

  Our conversation is cut short when he parks up at school. Before the end of this week I will have a date for Mel. I’m going to seek the lovely Lauren out. Just call me Paddy McGuiness!

  Weekend comes around and there has been no news from Drustan about the lake that may be a possible portal into the Tuatha realm. On the subject of dreams, Mel’s spell had worked and they had remained demon free. Today I was reluctantly off dress shopping with Taylor, Megan, Maddie and Melantha. I was making Mel come along even though she was still protesting that she wasn’t going and didn’t need a dress. I had told her I needed her to come and help me choose a dress but I had a little plan for today and if it went as I planned it to, Mel would have a date. Lorcen had left early that morning, portalling home. As head of the unseelie guards he had duties to deal with that meant when he wasn’t at school with me or training me or relic hunting that he was back home doing his day job. Today I intended to have a completely human day doing what normal teenage girls do at the weekend. The beep of a car horn tells me the girls are here and I bound down the stairs and grab my bag, giving my hair a quick check in the mirror, which I have put up in a messy bun today. I shout a quick goodbye to my mum and head out to the car. Taylor leans her head out of the open window. “You ready to do some serious shopping girl?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I reply as I climb into the back next to Maddie. I was armed with Lorcen’s bank card with strict instructions to buy whatever I wanted. I had protested about using his money but he firmly reminded me that, as his mate, what was his was mine and vice versa. We called next to pick up Mel and Megan. Mel’s wardrobe today was quite refined for her. She wore her hair in pigtail plaits and simple black jeans with a white t-shirt with angel wings on the back.

  “Just so you know,” she tells me as she buckles in, “I’m not trying on any dresses today. I’m simply here to offer my stylist advice.”

  “We’ll see.” I tell her giving her a secretive smile.

  By lunch my feet are aching. We had traipsed around a number of dress shops. Maddie had found her perfect dress in the first shop. It had been a little black body-con dress. Taylor had tried on a load of dresses but still hadn’t found anything and I had yet to see anything that I even wanted to try on. We decided to stop for lunch at a burger bar and we were sitting looking through the menu and waiting for the waitress to come over when I felt goose bumps all over my body. I look over the top of my menu and my eyes fall upon a man sitting on his own drinking a coffee. His eyes are focused solely on me and he doesn’t even look away when my eyes meet his. Is this guy watching me I wonder and then I decide I am being ridiculously paranoid and look back down at my menu. Taylor is planning which shops we will hit next and in-between she keeps texting on her phone with a goofy smile on her face which can only mean the texts are from my brother. We all order food and I decide to visit the ladies before our food arrives. I realise as I stand that the ladies will take me past the man who stared at me before. I put my head down and walk swiftly. As I near his booth apprehension ripples through me and I sneak a look at him. He is I’d say early thirties maybe even late twenties. Dark thick eyebrows frame equally dark eyes, eyes that seem familiar to me for some reason. He stirs his drink as he watches me walk nearer to his table. He stands and places some cash on the table. He pauses and gives me a polite smile and gestures for me to pass before he leaves his table. I smile shyly and mumble a quick thanks and go to pass him when I feel an arm grab mine and I look down to see his hand on my arm. I turn to look at him and blast at him to get his hands off me when I see my bracelet dangling from his other hand.

  “You dropped this.” He tells me. He is English which surprises me. I give him an apologetic smile and reach out to take it from him but he pulls it back. “Please, allow me.” Without asking he takes my wrist in his hand and fastens the bracelet back in place.
As his fingers touch my skin, ice cold dread passes through me. I snatch my hand away and plaster on a smile of thanks and stumble hurriedly to the toilets. I look back before I enter and he is just standing there still watching me like a cat watches a mouse it is hunting. I enter the toilets and rush inside a cubicle and rest my back against the closed door. I can’t explain it but something about that man bothers me. He had a presence that was menacing. I laugh at myself deciding I am being ridiculous.

  When I sit back down at our table our meals have arrived and I hungrily tuck into my double cheeseburger and fries. We eat quickly as we still have a lot of shops to get through.

  “I need to nip in the book store.” I tell them.

  Taylor rolls her eyes. “You and your books. We’ll be in sensique, just come and find us when you’re done okay?”

  I nod. “I’ll come with you.” Mel announces and I smile to myself pleased that she has done exactly as I had hoped she would. I link her arm with mine and head for the book shop. I pretend to peruse the shelves looking for a book.

  “I can’t seem to find it.” I frown. “Could you have a look over in that section for me?” I ask her pointing down the store.

  “Sure thing. What’s it called again?”

  “Endgame by Cara Holt.” I reply and she nods and trots off in the direction I have sent her and I smile happily to myself. My plan is in motion. I have sent her in the direction of where a certain Lauren Adams is carrying a stack of books in her arms. I wait until Mel gets nearer to her and then I use my air magic to send some of the books Lauren has piled up falling to the floor. Right into the path of Mel. I see Lauren blush red as she bends to pick up the books and Mel laughs and bends to help her pick them up. I watch for a minute as they start to engage in conversation and then slowly make my way over to them.

  “Hey. It’s Lauren isn’t it?” I say giving her a friendly smile.

  She blushes. “Yes hi, Ebony right?” I nod as Lauren glances nervously back at Mel and pushes her glasses up her nose.

  “We are dress shopping.” I tell her. “Well apart from Mel here that is.”

  Mel groans at me and looks at Lauren. “Urgh, she isn’t going to let this drop you know.” She looks back at me. “I’m not going without a date.”

  I smile at Lauren. “Are you going Lauren?”

  Lauren blushes and shakes her head looking down at the stack of books in her arms. “Oh no, not me. I don’t have a date either.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Really? I’m surprised no one at school has asked you?”

  She smiles shyly. “Well one boy did ask me, but I said no.” She blushes. “I don’t really like boys.”

  I nod and see the realisation dawn on Mel’s face. “Anyway we should get going. Been nice running into you Lauren. You ready Mel?”

  Mel looks at me and then back at Lauren. “I’ll catch you up if that’s okay? I might have a bit more of a look around here, you know try and find a good book.” She looks at Lauren and she smiles sweetly back at her. I nod and do a little victory dance in my head.

  “Sure thing.” Smiling I leave them to it and head off out of the bookstore to catch up with the others.

  When I reach the dress shop Megan and Taylor are in the changing rooms trying on. So I sit beside Maddie and wait for them to come out and show us. Taylor steps out in a gorgeous baby pink skater type dress that shows off her tiny waist. She twirls before us. “What do you think?”

  We both grin. “It’s perfect.”

  She squeals “I think so too. Do you think Scott will like it?” She asks me hopefully.

  I laugh. “You could wear a trash bag and he’d like you in it, trust me.”

  Taylor gets me to take a photo of her in the dress so she can have a look at it on her and this helps her decide that this dress is the one for her. As we are at the cash desk with Taylor waiting for her to pay for her dress, Mel walks in with a wide smile on her face.

  “Oh hey. Did you find the book you wanted?” I ask her casually.

  She smiles and nudges me. “No but I got a date.”

  “You did?” I say doing my best to look surprised.

  She laughs and nudges me again. “Like you don’t know. I know a set-up when I see one, but anyway.. thanks.”

  I wink at her and squeeze her arm affectionately. “You just needed a little push in the right direction is all.”

  By the end of the day everyone has bought a dress bar me. Even Mel has managed to pick a black gothic type dress that suits her down to a ‘t’. I have tried a few on but nothing had stood out at me so I planned to take a quick trip to see a certain fae dressmaker in Lorcen’s realm who I’m sure would be able to rustle me up something perfect. All in all it has been a productive day, my mission has been accomplished and the lovely Mel has herself a date with the lovely Lauren.

  Chapter Thirteen.

  The next week passes by in a blur. We have been on no more relic hunting trips having exhausted all possible options in Ireland. My evenings have been spent training my magic, either with Lorcen or Blaine or sometimes Drustan. If had thought Lorcen was a hard taskmaster he was nothing compared to Drustan. The first time I trained with him I could hardly stand the next day, my muscles ached so much. I had, I was pleased to say, managed to put Blaine on his ass twice in this last week using my water element magic. Tonight it was the dreaded homecoming dance. Our football team had whopped the other neighbouring team and everyone was in a celebratory mood. I was fast realising that sports were very important in American high school, so much more so than they were back home. Despite the celebratory mood I had a strange feeling niggling at me all day that I couldn’t put my finger on. I turn at the mirror and check myself in the dress. My dress was pale lemon in colour, it was one shoulder and fitted with a low back and was in a lovely chiffon type material. I’d curled my hair at the bottom and mum had helped me clip it so that it fell over one shoulder. There was a knock at the door so, taking one last quick look, I grab my bag and head downstairs. Lorcen is at the bottom of the stairs chatting with my mum and I stop in my steps as I take him in. My boy looks mighty fine tonight. He is wearing a blue shirt and black trousers. His eyes meet mine as I walk down to where he waits. I feel him look me over from top to bottom and he smiles.

  “You look beautiful.” He says as I reach him and he leans down to kiss my cheek.

  “You look pretty good yourself.” I reply grinning. Mum insists on taking a photo on her phone of us both, so we stand and smile for her.

  “Go on you two.” She shoos us out of the house. “Have a wonderful time tonight.”

  We arrive at the dance and the school car park is already pretty full and I can hear the beat of the music from here. Lorcen plays the perfect gentleman and comes round and opens my door.

  “So, are you ready to wear your crown tonight?” I tease him, I just can’t resist. He just laughs in response and offers me his arm.

  “You ready for this love?”

  “No, not really but let’s do this shit.”

  We head inside and the dance is in full swing. The room has been decorated in the school colours with matching balloons and streamers. I still can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right. Lorcen leads us over to the drinks table and he get us both a drink and then we go and search for our friends. We find them on the dancefloor where Noah is dancing his ass off with Mel and Lauren. Megan is just to the side chatting with Taylor and Scott and I smile at how great it is to have all my friends and those I love around me. This place was fast becoming home to me which is a strange feeling as I always thought home would always be back in that little village in England. Lorcen pulls me reluctantly onto the dancefloor and we spend most of the night dancing and having fun with our friends. Mel and Lauren look to be getting on really well and whenever I watch them they are smiling at each other and laughing and I see the occasional brush of a hand and a blush from Lauren. It’s great to see Mel here and seeing her enjoying herself. I could never have enjoyed myself if
she would have been sat at home and we’d have all been here. I step off the dancefloor to grab a drink and leave Lorcen on the dancefloor with our friends. I grab myself a drink and then just stand there for a bit watching Lorcen and my friends dance and have fun.

  “They all mean so much to you don’t they.” A deep voice says beside me and I turn my head to see who is standing beside me. The man from the diner stands beside me in a black shirt and grey trousers with a lazy smile on his face. “You look very pretty tonight.”

  His gaze doesn’t leave my friends and he watches them laughing and dancing.

  “Do I know you?” I ask him. He smiles again then, it’s an easy but cunning smile and it sends my blood cold.

  “I think deep down you know who I am Ebony. I have come to collect on a promise made to me.” His dark eyes briefly meet with mine before he turns back to observe my friends.

  ‘Lorcen.’ I hiss via our mind connection.

  “He can’t hear you.” The man tells me confidently and I am shocked to know he could hear what I was saying to my mate.

  “What are you?” I ask him again firmly.

  “I am many names, choose which one you will. To some I am Satan, to others I am the Devil but my real name is Lucifer.”

  I freeze in place as my worst fears are confirmed, he was right that deep down I did know but I just needed it confirming and I’d kind of been hoping and praying that I was wrong.

  “I won’t go with you.” I tell him sounding braver than I felt inside. It’s not every day a girl stands at a school dance talking to the devil himself.

  He sighs turning to face me. “I had a feeling you would say that.” He gestures out to the dancefloor. “Which one would it hurt you the most to lose I wonder. Maybe the blonde girl, or how about the witch. Or should we go straight for the bullseye and take out your mate.”


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