Soul Bound (The Soul Mark Series Book 2)

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Soul Bound (The Soul Mark Series Book 2) Page 15

by Cara E Holt

  My mum looks at me sadly. “They have all passed.”

  I look at her puzzled. “How is it that gods can die? I mean aren’t they immortal beings?”

  “They are.” She smiles. “But they can be killed by hands of another god or by our own weapons.” She looks back at the three goddesses. “There must always be the Morrigan, you and your sisters are the new generation. They are the balance of life and death, of day and night, of good and evil. Together they are very powerful. Once all three of you have awakened you will gain your full powers.”

  I nod, deep in thought as I stare at the three women before me. “I understand why you gave me up, to protect me from Lucifer but why give up my sisters too?”

  A sad look passes my mother’s face. “When I met your father I was betrothed to another. We had a secret affair and I fell pregnant. My aunt Fodla, whom you met earlier, told me that I carried the Morrigan three in my womb. She had foreseen that there would be those in this realm and in the fae realm that would seek to hurt you or possess you due to the power you yield over a battlefield. “She sighs sadly. “So to protect you all I gave you up. She told me to hide you all in the human world and to use magic to cloak your true form and magic.”

  “That must have been hard for you, to give all three of us up.”

  Her eyes full with tears and I squeeze her hand in affection. “It was the hardest thing I have ever done.”

  I look back at the picture before us. “So, am I her? The black haired one?”

  She shrugs in response. “You have the same dark hair and one of your sisters was blonde haired and one red. We won’t know the full extent of your individual gifts and powers until you have all awakened.”

  My mother holds me by the shoulders and look at me seriously. “You must find your sister Alana before Devlon does. The sooner you are together the safer you will be. The three of you together are unstoppable. Your sister Leora is already with Devlon, you need to convince her to stand with you and your sister Alana.”

  “I will find her.” I tell my mother in determination. “I will find her and I will bring both my sister’s home to you.”

  She smiles and pats my arm. “Come let us eat. I would like to show you my home.”

  “I’d like to see it too.” I smile and she smiles back at me and it is like a mirror image. It is strange this is the first time I have seen my mother since I was a newborn baby but I feel this instant connection to her. She takes my hand in hers and we sift and the landscape we sift to is different. It is green and reminds me of the lake district back home. Nestled between the green hills is a large house. The front is mainly glass and it is modern and minimalist in style.

  I laugh. “I expected a castle.”

  “Something more like this.” She asks and as she says it the house before us transforms into a small grey stone castle.

  “Flippin nora, that’s amazing.” I state in awe and gawp at her like she is some enigma. The house changes back to its original form and we walk towards her home.

  “What kind of goddess are you?”

  “I am the goddess of sleep and dreams.” She tells me.

  “Ah, so you are the reason for the strange dreams?” I ask her it suddenly making sense to me.

  She laughs. “I may have had some influence over some of your dreams, yes.”

  Chapter Twenty One.

  We enter her home and it isn’t what I expected. It is ultra modern and looks like it has been personally designed by Kelly Hoppen.

  “Your home is beautiful.” I tell her as I walk in further and admire the space.

  She looks pleased with my compliment. “Thank you, I do love it. I do tend to change up the design quite regularly.”

  A thought crosses my mind then about my mother telling me earlier that she had been betrothed when she had met my father. “Do you live here alone?”

  She shakes her head and looks at me a little unsure. “I live here with my mate and our two sons.”

  I look at her surprised. “I have two half brothers?”

  She grins. “You do. You will meet them later. They are eager to meet you. For now though let us enjoy our time alone together.” She puts her hand to my cheek. “I’m not ready to share you just yet.”

  My heart swells at the idea that my mother wants me to herself and to be honest now I have found her I want nothing more than to talk to her and get to know her better. She leads us into a room that holds a small round table and two chairs and as we sit the table fills with food and drink and for a few moments I sit there and gawp at the table. My stomach growls in delight at the feast before me.

  “I have had a room made up for you. I am hoping you can stay for a short while?” She asks and I can hear the hope in her voice.

  I look at her hesitantly. “I cannot stay long. Lorcen will be anxiously waiting for me to return. He wasn’t happy that he could not come with me.”

  She smiles and bob her head in understanding. “You love your mate?”

  I look wistfully at the gold band around my wrist. “I do. More than I ever thought possible. He is everything to me.”

  She grins. “I felt the same way about your father. The first moment I laid eyes on him, I knew that I would love him from that moment on.”

  “Do you ever see him?”

  She shakes her head and looks down at her hands and touches a ring that sits on her right ring finger. The ring looks very old and very expensive. It is a red ruby surrounded by small diamonds. It must have been a gift from my father I presume. “No not since the day you were born. We knew deep down that our time together was limited. We could not be together.” I can tell from the way she talks about him and how her eyes light up that she is still very much in love with him and likely always would be.

  “So, you don’t love your husband?”

  “Oh, but I do. I grew to love him over time. It wasn’t like the love at first sight thing with your father, it happened over time. He is a good man and a good father to our boys.”

  I look at her confused and she pats my hand. “Yes, my child, it is possible to love two people at the same time.”

  I shake my head. “I can’t imagine ever loving anyone but Lorcen.” I pause and look at her. “He still loves you, you know. I could see it in his eyes when he spoke of you.”

  Her eyes flash with happiness. “I think of him often. I have had a happy life here, but it will never truly be fully happy until I have all my girls together.”

  I look at her and smile in sympathy and she looks at me with a look of wonder in her eyes. “I still can’t quite believe you are here, after all this time.”

  She reaches across the table and takes my hand in hers. Noise in the hallway pulls us from our tender moment and my mother stands and clasps her hands together. “My sons are here.”

  I take a nervous breath and smooth down my hair. The door opens and two dark haired boys enter the room. One looks about thirteen and the other around ten. Both have my mother’s dark hair but their eyes are dark brown which I presume they get from their father. They stop their conversation when their eyes fall on me.

  “My sons I would like you to meet your eldest sister, Ebony.”

  I wave awkwardly. “Hi.”

  “Wow Mama, she looks just like you.” The younger boy says staring from me to our mother. The older one steps forward and nods his head to me.

  “Hi I am Miach and this.” He says as he ruffles his brother’s hair playfully, “Is my pain in the neck little brother Aengus.” Aengus pull a funny face at his older brother before turning back to me smiling.

  “It’s lovely to meet you both.” They are both very alike in looks and I can see my mother in them. They are both dressed in dark blue trousers and tabard style tunics, much like the style fae men wear in the fae realm. The younger one tilts his head to the side and studies me. “You do look like mother.”

  “Is father home?” Miach asks his mother.

  She shakes her head in reply. “No, he is still at the c
ouncil chambers.”

  I look at her surprised. “He is?” I find it strange that if he was in there earlier why she did not introduce me to him.

  She nods and looks somewhat awkward. “Yes, you spoke to him before, Lugh.”

  “Lugh!” I wrinkle my forehead. “But I thought he was your cousin?” I wince inside as I say this, realising I probably should think before I speak. Miach laughs at my reaction and looks at me puzzled.

  “Do cousins not marry where you are from?”

  I shake my head firmly. “No. It is forbidden. It is considered unlawful, wrong to marry someone in your own family.”

  Miach laughs and looks at me like I am strange. “How odd. It is very common here. It helps to keep the Tuatha blood line pure.”

  “Seriously?” I ask and I must look disgusted as my mother looks uncomfortable. “Sorry I don’t mean to sound judgemental, it is just not acceptable where I am from.” I look back to my mother.

  “So, you do not have soul mates here?”

  She shakes her head and Miach laughs and answers for her. “Gosh no! Here we must make alliances that keep the bloodline going and that will benefit our family.”

  My Mother continues to look uncomfortable. “Once we would marry Fae royalty but when we created our own realm we reverted to marrying within the family.”

  I inwardly thank god that I wasn’t born here. “How come I was born with a soul mark then?”

  She shrugs in response. “No one knows why. Fodla believe the fates gave you the mark. Your sister Alana was born with one too, but not Leora.”

  I look up at her surprised and an idea comes to me then. “Was Alana’s mark by any chance the same as mine?”

  My mother looks deep in thought for a moment. “Why yes I believe it was the same.”

  “I knew it!” I exclaim delighted and clap my hands together. They all look at me strangely and I feel the need to explain. “It’s a long story but I think I know who my sister’s soulmate is.” I cannot wait to get home and share this news with a certain prince of the seelie court.

  “Now let me show your sister to her room, she must be tired after today’s events and we are having a celebration later to mark your return to us.”

  “We are? Why that is lovely of you all. It will be nice to get a chance to properly meet everyone.” I tell her, she takes my arm in hers and I say a quick goodbye to the boys before she leads me up a grand glass staircase. My room is lovely. It has a floor to ceiling window that looks out on to the beautiful countryside.

  “I’ll leave you to rest and will wake you when it is time to get ready.” I nod and embrace her and she kisses my cheek and tells me she will be downstairs should I need anything.

  Once I am alone I throw myself on the bed and smile. I am here in my mother’s house. Today has just been amazing. I have two sisters, together we are triplets. I think back to the dream I had the other night when I had been standing before the mirror looking at my reflection and my reflection had been me but with blonde hair. Is it possible that somehow I had seen my sister? I wondered how Lorcen was faring, he would be worried about my safety after all the last time he saw me I dived into a lake and disappeared. I wonder, could our connection possibly work over this distance? It was worth a go I tell myself. I close my eyes and picture my mate and of my need to talk to him.

  “Lorcen?” I say tentatively in my mind. “Lorcen can you hear me?”

  “Ebs? Is that you? Where are you? Are you okay?”

  I laugh. “Woah! One question at once. I am fine, pretty boy. I am still in my mother’s realm. Lorcen, she is amazing! I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

  “I can’t tell you how worried I have been. When will you be back?”

  “Tomorrow.” I reply. “I have much to tell you and things I now need to do.”

  “Okay, tomorrow. I love you.”

  I smile to myself. “I love you too. See you in the morning.”

  I’m not sure how we managed that when we were both in different realms but I feel so much better now I have spoken to him. This would be our first night apart since we had been mate bound and it was strange how quickly I had gotten used to sleeping beside him. In such a short time he had become so central to my world. I close my eyes and try to clear it of all the thoughts buzzing around in there as I am tired and a sleep would be good.

  I feel a hand on my face and I open my eyes to find my mother stood looking down at me smiling. She sits down on the bed.

  “Did you have a good sleep?”

  I nod and yawn. “I did thank you and I managed to speak to Lorcen so I feel more relaxed now I know he isn’t worrying about me.”

  My mother looks at me puzzled. “You spoke to him? I don’t understand.”

  “Ah okay. Well Lorcen and I can speak to each other in our minds, without actually speaking. I wasn’t sure we’d be able to over such a distance but it worked.”

  She shakes her head in disbelief. “Do you know how rare that is? The two of you must have a very deep bond.”

  I nod and blush. “Lorcen had said it was rare. We haven’t really mentioned it to anyone. It does come in handy though.”

  An hour later I am standing in a glass domed grand room. My mother had created a dress for me of lilac chiffon that is full length and falls down my arms in wide sleeves. The dress has an off the shoulder design that gives it a Grecian look. I am formally introduced to all my family, including my mother’s husband who while polite does not exactly seemed thrilled that I am here. I meet several cousins including a boy about my age who tells me that we would have likely been married had I grown up in this realm. I try to keep my face from looking horrified at the idea and tell him that it was clearly not fates intention for such a marriage. The best part of the evening is spending time with my half-brothers who I have to say are an absolute delight. Aengus asks me all about the human world and tells me that it is the one place he wishes to visit more than anywhere else. Miach is intrigued by my demon genes and asks me lots of questions about my demon magic which I tell him I am still learning about. He is super impressed when I get my eyes to turn red and persists in asking me another two times to do it and then studies my eyes with fascination. My grandmother Banba joins me when I sit down to have a drink. She smiles at me and looks over to where my mother stands chatting with Fodla.

  “This is the happiest I have seen your mother in a long time.” I smile and follow her gaze to where my mother is.

  “It has been a very happy day for me too.” I tell her. “I must find my sisters now and then she can truly be happy.”

  My grandmother pats my knee. “I have no doubt that you will find them my child.”

  “I haven’t told her yet but I must return home tomorrow. I think she was hoping I would stay at least a few day’s but I cannot.”

  My grandmother nods. “She will understand.”

  There is a smash across the room and I look to see Fodla has dropped her glass and it has smashed on the floor. My mother holds her steady as her eyes glaze over and turn all white.

  “Is she okay?” I ask my grandmother worried.

  My grandmother nods. “She is having a vision.”

  I watch her in fascination. Everyone else carries on chatting and enjoying themselves, clearly, they are used to these episodes. Fodla stumbles slightly and my mother supports her and then her eyes return to normal and she looks around the room until her eyes find mine. She hurries over to me with my mother following closely behind her.

  “You must return home now.” She tells me leaning down and taking my hands in hers. “Your sister Leora is deep under Devlon’s influence. She has decided tonight that she will activate the cauldron for him.”

  “No!” I exclaim. “Why would she do such a thing?”

  Fodla smiles sadly. “Your sister did not have the upbringing you and your other sister had. She did not grow up surrounded by love. Devlon makes her feel loved and like she finally belongs somewhere. She has no reason to doubt his version of ev
ents. You must go and find your other sister as soon as possible.”

  I nod and look behind her to my mother and she nods telling me that she is okay with me going. “How exactly do I get home? Do I have to go through the water again?”

  My grandmother smiles. “No child, we will get you home and should you wish to return here in the future just think of our realm and you will be able to sift here and next time bring that young man of yours I want to meet him.”

  “I will, He’d like that.” I stand and kiss my grandmother on the cheek.

  My mother takes my hand. “Come, let us get you home.” I can tell she is sad that I am having to leave so soon but I can tell she also knows it is necessary. She walks me out of the party and guides me to a secluded garden room just off the main building. She holds my hands in hers and looks at me with tears brimming in her eyes.

  “It feels like I have only just got you back and now I have to lose you again.”

  I smile sadly. “I know but this time it isn’t for seventeen years. I will be back as soon as I am able to. The next time I come back I will bring my sisters with me.”

  She smiles and cups my face in her hands. “That would be wonderful. Stay strong my beautiful girl.”

  I nod returning her smile and a tear rolls down my cheek and she wipes it away.

  “Now you have been here all you ever need to do to come here again is simply think of this place and you will appear here. To go home simply think of the place like you would do when you sift and you will arrive there.”

  I bob my head in response and give her a quick hug and then I close my eyes and picture Lorcen in my head.

  Chapter Twenty Two.

  I open my eyes and I am standing in the sparring rings in the unseelie court and in front of me with his back to me is my mate. Lorcen is topless and dripping with sweat and wields his sword in his hands. The fae soldier he is sparring with sees me and lowers his sword and bows his head which results in Lorcen turning to face me.


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