Soul Bound (The Soul Mark Series Book 2)

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Soul Bound (The Soul Mark Series Book 2) Page 19

by Cara E Holt

  “No.” I tell her giving her a mischievous wink. “I thought we’d surprise him.”

  She smiles and blushes again as we climb into the car.

  “So how did your parents take you coming here?”

  She shrugs. “They understood. They realise that I need to discover who I am but of course it is hard for them.”

  I touch her arm and smile in understanding. Throughout the drive Lorcen keeps the conversation flowing. He is much better in social situations than I am. I would describe myself as socially awkward. My shyness gets the better of me. Lorcen holds my hand across the console of the car and I see Alanas eyes fall on our mate rings.

  “It looks like it is inked into your skin.” She comments.

  “It is. There’s no way of getting this off.” He smiles at me as he squeezes my hand.

  “What if one day you split up?”

  Lorcen keeps his eye on the road ahead as he answers her. “Soulmates don’t split up. They are together until death, or in our case forever.”

  I see Alana’s eyes widen. “Forever! You mean?”

  I give Lorcen an exasperated look, I was hoping to save the news that she is an immortal being for another time. I turn and look at her. “Yeah that’s another thing about us, we are immortal. We won’t age and we won’t die and neither will our mates.”

  “No way!” she replies, her mouth hanging open in shock. She stays silent for the rest of the car journey and I guess she is, like I did, taking it in that she will see everyone around her age and die and she won’t. I had been where she is and understand how hard and sad that knowledge is to comprehend.

  We arrive back home and I give her the tour while Lorcen takes her bags to her room. She has brought a full-size suitcase with her so I am hoping she plans to stay for a while. I show her the room and she states that she loves it and sits herself down on the bed and tilts her head observing me.

  “What’s wrong?” She asks and I give her a puzzled look in return.

  “Nothing why?”

  She shrugs and looks down at her feet. “I don’t know. This is weird but it’s like I can sense your emotions. When you were in the car and we were talking about the whole soul mate thing you seemed in turmoil.”

  I look at her speechless. She picked up on that? I give her a sad smile. “I’ll explain why another time. Why don’t you get freshened up and I’ll contact Blaine and ask him to come over?”

  She smiles excitedly. “I’d like that.”

  I leave her to freshen up and go downstairs to find Lorcen watching TV. I ring Blaine and ask him if he can come over as I need to speak to him and he promises to portal over in the next ten minutes.

  Less than ten minutes later the portal in our living room opens and Blaine walks in. He looks good today. He’s wearing track pants and a baseball top.

  “Hey guys, what’s up?” He sits himself down on the sofa awaiting a response from me.

  “I have a surprise for you.” I tell him, unable to wipe the massive grin off my face.

  He cocks an eyebrow. “Okay, let’s hear it.”

  I stand and sift upstairs and find Alana in her room giving herself a quick once -over in the mirror.

  “He’s here. You ready to see him?”

  Alan takes a deep breath and nods and I take her hand in mine and head downstairs. Lorcen and Blaine are chatting away when we come down and I see him look my way and look away and then his head swivels quickly back as he realises who is walking down the stairs behind me.

  “Alana.” He jumps up to his feet and wears the happiest smile.

  Alana’s eyes meet his and she blushes slightly and returns his smile. “Hi Blaine.”

  We reach the bottom of the stairs and he moves around me and takes her hands in his.

  He studies her face as if memorising every fine detail. “You’re here.”

  She nods biting on her lip nervously. “I’m here and I’m staying, for a while.”

  I didn’t think it was possible for Blaine’s smile to get any wider, but it does. “That is the best news I have heard in a long time. You want to go get a drink?”

  Alana looks like she is about to say yes when I step in and spoil the fun. “Erm it may be best not to venture out, unless you go somewhere out of town.”

  They both look at me puzzled. “You look just like me. I’m not sure there is a way of explaining that to people.”

  Alana sighs realising where I am coming from.

  Blaine looks downhearted for a second. “Wait couldn’t you say that she is your twin and that she had to stay behind in England for a while?”

  I rub the back of my neck, feeling like I am putting such a downer on their reunion.

  “That wouldn’t work though when Scott knows nothing about her or about me.”

  Blaine nods sadly as he gets what I mean. His smile returns though and he squeezes Alana’s hand.

  “We’ll go out of town then.”

  Alana looks at me like she wants to say yes but she feels like she is being a bad guest if she goes straight out when she has only just arrived.

  “Go.” I tell her smiling. “Have fun.”

  Alana gives me a thankful smile and then tells Blaine she will grab her jacket before dashing back upstairs to fetch it.

  Blaine stands there with that daft love-sick grin on his face looking up the stairs as she retreats. I prod him in the chest to get his attention. “Look after my sister, okay?”

  He chuckles at me. “I’ll protect her with my life Ebs, you should know that.”

  Alana bounds back down with her jacket on and the two of them are off quicker than a race horse at the starting line.

  The next day is a school day and I feel torn at having to leave Alana at home. Blaine quickly announces that he will miss school and hang out at mine with her, eager to spend as many of his waking hours with her as he can. Leaving them together over breakfast I sift home to my mum and dad’s house and find my Dad and Scott having breakfast together.

  “Good news.” Dad beams when I walk into the room. “I’ve just spoken with the hospital. They say if mum keeps progressing this well, she will be home for the weekend.”

  “That is just the best news Dad.” I reply giving him a quick squeeze before I sit down beside him. I can tell they are missing my mum because the only food available at breakfast is cereal or toast.

  “Are you not going to school?” I ask Scott realising that he is still just in boxers.

  Scott shakes his head and gives dad a look. “No, uh I’m not going in today.”

  I look at my brother puzzled. Over the years I have become expert at knowing when my brother is lying. For a start he cannot look you directly in the eye when he lies, secondly, he tends to pull at ones of his ears when he is not being truthful and he is doing both those things currently.

  I look at Dad who just gives me discreet wink. “Yes, Scott has a medical appointment.”

  I decide not to push the matter and then it dawns on me that it must be gate watcher related as Scott thinks I have no clue about this. A car horn beeps outside and I quickly grab another slice of toast and sling my bag over my shoulder. “I’ll catch you guys later then.”

  Outside my mate waits for me in his car, leaning out of the window with his sunnies on he smiles warmly at me and that smile sets me up for a great day at school.

  We arrive home after school and I can hear giggling coming from the lounge but when we walk in I can’t see anyone and then suddenly two heads pop up over the sofa. Blaine and Alana are both flushed and both of their hair is stuck up and dishevelled.

  Lorcen laughs beside me as he guides me past them and into the kitchen.

  “Hi. How was your day?” Alana asks sitting up and readjusting her top.

  “Good thanks. Yours?” I ask teasing.

  “Uh yeah. We just hung out, watched some tv.”

  “Netflix and chill huh?” Lorcen asks grinning and I jab him in the ribs and he shrugs as if to say he couldn’t help himself with
that jibe. My head snaps up when Alana lets out a yelp and I look up to see the portal has opened and seconds later Drustan stands in our living room.

  I follow Lorcen into the living area as Alana is steadying her rapid breathing. I laugh and pat her shoulder.

  “That happens pretty often in this house, so you’ll get used to it eventually I promise.”

  She looks at me with her hand on her heart. “I think it will take a while to get used to.”

  Drustan coughs interrupting our conversation. “Sorry to barge in but I have some news. I have located a witch who may be willing to help us.”

  “A witch, who?.” I ask and the grief immediately washes over me thinking of Mel.

  “An elder witch, she is someone Vartan knows and he believes she will be able to lift the spell on your sister here.”

  I turn back to Alana. “We don’t want to pressure you into to anything you aren’t ready to face but, well we don’t know how long we have before the cauldron is activated.”

  Alana chews on her lip and looks at me and then at Blaine. “I’m ready to see the real me and take my part in this new world.”

  Blaine gives her a big smile. “That’s my girl.”

  “So, tomorrow night then?” Drustan asks and we all looks to Alana who nods in response with a nervous smile on her face.

  Chapter Twenty Seven.

  The next night everyone is gathered over at our house in the basement where we have a bit more room to fit everyone in. Drustan portals in and with him a tall slim woman, who looks to be in her late forties, early fifties. She doesn’t much look like a witch. She doesn’t have that gothic style that Mel had down to a fine art. In fact, she is wearing a blouse, pencil skirt and heels.

  “Everyone this is Martha. Martha has agreed to help us tonight.”

  “Thank you for helping us.” Lorcen tells her warmly.

  “I expect payment, as agreed Drustan.” She tells him and I’m about to ask her what her payment is when Drustan shakes his head at me and mouths ‘leave it’ to me.

  Martha pulls some chalk out of her bag and kneeling down in her heels begins to draw the circle. Wanting to help I offer to put the candles out and she passes them to me.

  “Okay the girl needs to stand in the circle.” She commands pointing to the middle.

  Alana reluctantly steps forward from under Blaine’s arm and stands in the centre. I take her hands in mine. I need to prepare her for what is coming. “I’m not going to lie, but this is going to hurt. What I can say though is it is over quickly.”

  Alana nods bravely. “I can do this.”

  “Okay. Everyone else needs to stand back.” Martha shoos us all back from the edges of the circle. She lights each of the candles and then stands directly in front of Alana. Lorcen wraps his arms around me from behind me as he, like me knows that this could be equally as painful for me.

  Martha begins to chant and as she does the room begins to dark and dark shadows begins to form around the magic circle. A low humming sound surrounds us and then I feel it at the same time my sister does and as she screams I do too. Alana falls to her knees, her back arched and screams in pain. The darkness envelopes her until you cannot see her but I can feel her pain, it rips through her body, feeling like her blood is boiling from the inside out. A sharp terrible pain rips up my spine and causes me to struggle to take in a breath and then as quickly as it began, it ends. The dark shadows clear and there in the centre of the circle is my sister. The sight of my sister leaves me speechless, she kneels there, her head hung and behind her are two beautiful wings, full of black feathers that shimmer with flecks of red in them.

  She lifts her head up and looks straight at me. “Did it work?”

  Noah who is very rarely speechless walks round to the front of the circle and gawps at her wings he then turns to me and looks at me with the same shocked expression.

  “It worked.” I assure her. “Your wings are amazing Alana.” They truly are amazing and I can’t help feel a pang of jealousy that she got these wings and I got the hideous bat style ones.

  Alana looks up at me. “Yours are truly gorgeous. Are mine the same?”

  I give her a puzzled look and look to Lorcen but I am surprised that he is staring behind me with a look of awe on his face.

  “What?” I ask him unsure why he is looking at me and not at the amazing sight that is my sister and her wings.

  “Your wings are out love.” He explains and it is only then that I look up and over my shoulder.

  “No fucking way!” I whisper as I take my wings in. Gone are my hideous bat style featherless wings and in their place are two beautiful black feathered wings. “They’ve changed.”

  Lorcen smiles still looking at me in awe. I look to Drustan for answers and he looks just as perplexed and amazed as me. Blaine moves to Alana and helps her stand and she wobbles slightly when she does as she is unused to the weight of her wings.

  I call on my magic and imagine a large ornate mirror and sure enough when I open my eyes one stands before me. I offer out my hand to Alana and Blaine helps her walk over to me. She takes my hand and I stand her in front of the mirror.

  “Woah.” She states and leans in closer. Her eyes fall first to her wings and then to her face as she observes the slightly more almond shape to her eyes. She pushes her hair back and stills when she sees her fae ears.

  “It’s a lot to take in, trust me I know.”

  I wait for her reaction, unsure whether we will have tears and then she goes and releases the biggest grin.

  “This is fucking awesome!”

  I look at her shocked, she isn’t upset? In fact, she looks really happy.

  She turns to Blaine and grasps his hands. “Can you teach me to fly?”

  He laughs and pulls her into his arms. “Sure thing, beautiful.”

  I stand there in shock. She has taken this far better than I expected and far better than I did. Lorcen takes my hand in his and rubs my palm with his thumb trying to provide some reassurance to me. Alana twirls herself round and flaps her wings.

  Alana runs back over to me and grabs my free hand. “Can we go flying, like now?”

  I blush feeling so pathetic. “I… I don’t know how to fly.”

  She wrinkles her brow in confusion. “You can’t fly?”

  I shrug and look uncomfortably at my feet. “I haven’t tried.”

  She chuckles. “Let’s learn together tonight.”

  I release my hand from hers and retract my wings. “I’ll pass, but don’t let me stop you.”

  She continues to look at me like I am crazy but then grabs Blaine’s arm and pulls him towards the back of the house.

  Noah chuckles and breaks the silence in the room. “Well that went well.”

  “Thank you for helping us.” Drustan says to Martha who has been stood there observing all of this.

  She nods and picks up her bag from the floor. “I have done what was requested. Remember Drustan I expect payment by the end of the week.”

  Tonight, had not been what I expected. It turns out my sister is much more adapt at adapting than I am. She had embraced her true form without hesitation whereas I had lived in denial and still was in some ways. My hideous wings were no more and in their place were two beautiful feathered ones that were as black as night. My magic also felt different, it felt amplified, like I could do anything. It hummed through my body like it was waiting to be let loose. My magic had gained its full strength and I felt indestructible.

  It is at that precise moment that my vision glazes over and before me I see a girl stood before a mirror looking at her reflection and reaching and touching the black wings behind her. I realise then that this girl is the girl from my dreams. The girl who is me but with blonde hair, the other part of me, my other sister. I gasp in surprise when Devlon comes up behind her and wraps his arm around her waist. He kisses her neck and she leans back against him and closes her eyes.

  “You will be unstoppable now my love.” He tells her and
she smiles at him through the reflection in the mirror, her eyes turning red with a cunning smile in place.

  “She is with him.” I gasp out as my vision returns and I find Lorcen stood before me, worry written across his face.

  “Leora is with Devlon, as in with him, in a relationship with him.”

  Drustan grumbles. “This is not good news. He will manipulate her and use her to his own gain.”

  I frown and shiver. “She believes in him, I could see it in her eyes.”

  My sister was sleeping with the enemy. I would have to fight against my sister in this war, just as Lorcen would have to fight his brother.

  The rest of the week flies by. Alana is so keen to learn as much as she can and spends every hour of the day training her magic with Blaine and Drustan. Like me she has all the four elements. She has mastered the basics of flying and badgers Blaine at every opportunity to take her to Cat Rock so that she can fly freely. My time is running out and it feels like each day passes quicker than the rest. Lorcen and Alana both try to convince me to try to learn to fly but I come up with whatever excuse I can not to. I am having visions frequently now. The second time I had seen Alana and Blaine at their mate bonding ceremony. The third time the vision had been of myself, my eyes blood red and my hands covered in blood. Whose blood I had no idea. My eyes in the vision had been what had haunted me, they looked devoid of any emotion, empty.

  I had disclosed to no one about my deal with the devil as I knew that if I did whomever I told would try to dissuade me and tell me we would find another way, but there was no other way. I was at the mercy of the devil with no way of escape. That evening Lorcen is back in the unseelie realm and Alana is out with Blaine. Alana would be going to the seelie court this weekend to meet Blaine’s family. While everyone is out I take this opportunity to write my goodbye letters. I write a letter to my parents, thanking them for being the best parents a girl could wish for and asking them to take care of my brother. The letter to my brother was one of the hardest, I hated the fact that he would know I was not actually his sister by blood. My letter to Lorcen broke my heart and I cried so much as I wrote it that the paper was stained with my tears. I begged him not to hate me for what I would do but to understand that I had no choice. I asked him to forgive me and told him that I wanted him to have a good life, to move on from me and to find someone to be happy with.


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