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Tequila Page 10

by Toppen, Melissa

  Hudson: I think I’m capable of deciding what I have time for and for you, Luscious Lennon, I definitely have time.

  I smile so big my face hurts, wishing the simplest things didn’t make me so giddy. Maybe then I wouldn’t feel like I’m already in way over my head.

  Me: Well when you put it that way...

  I hit send and then quickly type out another message.

  Me: Any idea on what you want to do while you’re here?

  The message shows delivered but doesn’t switch to read for several minutes. I keep closing out of the message thread before going back in to see if it’s changed.

  I’ve just started to doze off again when my phone buzzes against my chest, startling me back awake.

  Hudson: Sorry. J was updating me on some scheduling stuff. Are you still awake?

  Me: Barely. It’s been a long day.

  I rub my eyes with my hands, hardly able to keep them open at this point.

  Hudson: I’ll let you get some sleep. As long as you promise to dream of me.

  I smile, knowing there’s no way I won’t. He’s consumed every dream I’ve had since last weekend. No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to focus on anything but him.

  Me: Now that’s a promise I can keep.

  It’s only seconds before his reply comes through.

  Hudson: Dream sweet, Lennon.

  Instead of typing out a response, I drop my phone onto the nightstand and roll to my side, pulling the covers up over my shoulder.

  With nothing but Hudson swimming through my head, I close my eyes and within seconds am sound asleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  I haven’t finished rinsing the soap off my body when I hear a hard knock on the front door. At first I think it might be someone knocking on my neighbor’s door – she’s known to have visitors at all hours – but the sound comes again, louder this time, confirming that it is my door being knocked on.

  Not sure who it could be, given that it’s nearly two in the morning, I rinse as quickly as I can before turning off the water and stepping out into the crisp air conditioned room.

  Wrapping my hair in a towel, I’m slipping on my floor length fluffy white robe when the knock comes again.

  Hurrying from the bathroom, I flip on the hall light as I go, tripping over the heels I kicked off in the middle of the floor after I got home from having one too many cosmos with Emma.

  Another knock, this one so hard I swear the entire front wall of my condo vibrates against the assault. Pushing up on my tip toes to look out the peep hole, my stomach sinks the moment I catch sight of Gage on the other side of the door.

  “Come on, Lennon. I know you’re in there. Open up.” Another knock.

  Not wanting to answer but also not wanting him to wake every neighbor in my building, I lean my forehead against the door and loudly grumble, “What do you want, Gage?”

  The last time he showed up at my door was three months ago. He was shitfaced drunk, crying about how much he missed me, and even though it was the last thing I wanted to do, I let him crash on the couch. I may hate him for what he did to me but I didn’t want him getting behind the wheel of his car, knowing if he hurt someone I would carry that guilt forever.

  So, I sucked it up, threw a blanket at him and locked myself in my bedroom, making sure I was gone before he woke the next morning.

  “Open the door, Lennon.” He knocks again, the action causing my teeth to chatter slightly.

  I step back, far too buzzed to be dealing with my ex but also knowing he won’t go away until I acknowledge whatever it is he wants. Letting out a slow sigh, I reach for the dead bolt and, against my better judgment, click it to the left before pulling the door open.

  “Are you trying to wake the whole building?” I lean in the doorway, arms crossed over my chest like I couldn’t be more annoyed right now.

  “We need to talk,” he says, his eyes scanning the room behind me. “Are you alone?”

  He seems cleared eyed and even toned, which leads me to believe this isn’t a repeat of last time. Thank god.

  “Um, last time I checked. Though I’m not sure why that matters. Shouldn’t you be at home with your very pregnant girlfriend?” I snip, tightening my robe when Gage’s eyes trace over what I’m currently wearing. Or rather not wearing for that matter.

  “That’s why I’m here. Seriously Len, can we talk?” He slides past me in the doorway without waiting for me to answer.

  “By all means, come on in,” I grind out sarcastically, closing the door.

  “The baby isn’t mine,” Gage announces, running a hand through his uncharacteristically messy blonde hair. He’s pacing back in forth through my living room, not looking at me.

  “What?” I say, not hiding my surprise.

  “She had the baby. And he isn’t mine.” He stops mid stride and turns to face me.

  “Wait. When did she have the baby? And how do you know he isn’t yours?”

  “Earlier tonight.” He blows out a hard breath before continuing, “Dark complexion, dark hair, dark eyes. Does that sound like a child I fathered?” he asks, gesturing to himself.

  Gage is tan but that’s from spending so much time outside surfing and jet skiing. In the winter he becomes almost as pale as me. Blonde hair. Light green eyes. I struggle to remember what she looks like, having only met her once when Gage played her off as an old friend when she’d showed up to a party at our house.

  “Maybe the baby takes after her family,” I offer, not really sure what he expects me to say.

  “She’s got blonde hair and blue eyes, Len. Practically her whole family does.”

  “So, not all children come out looking like their parents.”

  “She admitted it,” he yells, his voice exploding through the condo as he quickly resumes his pacing. “Apparently she was still sleeping with her ex-boyfriend when she got pregnant. I thought the condom had failed. Turns out she wasn’t using protection with him.”

  “Well that’s an interesting turn of events.” I don’t even try to hide the humor in my words. Why should I? Serves the asshole right for what he put me through. “Guess it’s true what they say. Eventually everything comes back around.” I almost snicker, knowing I shouldn’t find this so funny, but the alcohol buzz swimming through my veins does nothing to dull the one emotion I didn’t expect to feel with this visit – humor.

  I spent weeks crying over our breakup and even longer trying to drink away the memory of it all. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve looked at him, or even thought of him for that matter, and not felt the familiar pang in my chest from losing him.

  “Why are you smiling?” Gage stops dead in his tracks, his eyes slicing through me like knives. “This isn’t fucking funny, Len.”

  “From where I’m standing it kind of is,” I retort.

  “Are you even listening to me?” he practically growls. “She fucking ruined my life. She ruined me. She ruined us. And it was all a lie.”

  “Pretty sure you ruined us, Gage.” My smile slips as the anger starts to seep in.

  “I loved you, Lennon. I still fucking love you. I was only with her for the baby. And the baby isn’t even fucking mine!” he roars, both hands tugging through his hair this time.

  “Why are you here, Gage?” I lean against one of the stools that line the breakfast bar, urging him to make his point.

  “As soon as I found out, as soon as she admitted the truth, all I could think was I had to fix this.” He gestures between him and I.

  “Fix what exactly?”

  “Us, Lennon. You and me. The baby isn’t mine. There’s still a chance for us.”

  Laughter rises in my throat and bubbles over, despite my attempt to reel it in.

  “After the hell you put me through you have the audacity to show up here unannounced with the news that the baby you thought you created when you cheated on me isn’t yours and you thought what? That I’d just take you back?”

  “Len.” He steps toward m
e but I hold my hand up to stop him.

  “Get out.” I raise my eyes slowly to meet his as I point toward the door.

  “Lennon, I know it will take time but we can work this out.”

  “I said, get out,” I snip, my teeth clenching.

  “No,” he refuses. “Not until you hear me out.”

  “There is nothing to hear out. You said everything you needed to say when you chose her over me.”

  “I didn’t choose her. I chose the baby I thought was mine.”

  “You chose her when you stuck your dick in her while I was at home waiting for you. You chose her when you lied to me over and over again. You chose her, Gage. Every single time.”

  “I love you, Lennon.”

  “You love me?” I push away from the stool, throwing my hands in the air. “News flash, you don’t do shit like that to someone you love. Now I will say this only one more time, get the fuck out of my house.” I point violently toward the door.

  “I’m not giving up on us.” His voice is low, full of steely determination.

  “There is no us, Gage. And you know what? I’m happy you cheated on me. I’m happy. You saved me from a lifetime of having settled for the wrong man.” I can tell my words sting but I don’t care. He deserves everything I throw at him and then some.

  “You don’t mean that,” he objects.

  “Yes I do. Now please, do us both a favor and go.”


  “I said leave, Gage. Now!”

  “This isn’t the end of this.”

  “Yes it is.” I walk to the door and rip it open, my entire body faltering when I see Hudson on the other side, hand raised as if he was preparing to knock.

  “What are you doing here?” The question comes out as barely a whisper, my eyes wide with shock.

  “Surprise.” His eyes take in my flushed face and pissed demeanor before darting to the man standing in my living room, his expression instantly shifting.

  “Who the fuck is this?” Gage bites as he crosses the space toward us, stopping just inside the foyer.

  Turning toward Gage, I give him the best fuck you smile I can muster. “The right man.”

  Instantly, Gage looks like he’s been punched square in the stomach. His eyes jump from me to Hudson who’s now standing so close to my back I can feel his heat radiating against my body.

  “Lennon,” Hudson says from behind me, warning in his voice.

  “Gage was just leaving.” I turn sideways so I can look at Hudson but still keep Gage in my peripheral vision. “Isn’t that right, Gage?” I glare in the direction of my ex who looks at Hudson again, clearly thinking twice about starting something.

  Gage is not little by any means, but his lean frame has nothing on Hudson who towers him by at least four inches and has a body that looks like it’s carved from stone.

  Without another word, Gage nods once, quickly sliding past me through the doorway, glaring at Hudson as he does.

  “Sorry about that.” I pull Hudson’s attention back to me, grabbing his hand to pull him inside.

  Closing the door and sliding the lock in place, I don’t give Hudson a chance to say anything before I launch myself into his arms, my lips crashing down on his.

  He stumbles back slightly from the impact but quickly rights himself, reaching underneath my thighs to hoist me up and support my weight as his tongue dips into my mouth.

  Grabbing the towel on my head, I quickly pull it off, allowing my long wet hair to topple down my back.

  The kiss goes from a four to a ten point five in an instant and everything else melts away until there is only us. Hudson, me, and the undeniable chemistry that sparks between us.

  All too soon Hudson pulls back, his chest heaving rapidly against mine.

  “Don’t stop,” I pant, pressing my lips to his again.

  “Lennon,” he whispers against my mouth, arching back slightly to look into my eyes. “You good?”

  “What do you think?” I smile, looking down to see my robe has fallen open.

  Hudson groans deep in his throat, his dark eyes meeting mine after doing a slow sweep of my bared chest.

  “I’m trying to be the good guy here since I clearly walked in on some shit a minute ago, but you are seriously testing my will power.” His arms shift beneath me so that only one arm is supporting my weight as the other climbs up the back of my thigh until it reaches my bare ass cheek. “Fuck,” he groans, realizing I don’t have panties on either.

  “Fuck will power.” I smile wickedly before taking his mouth once more.

  Hudson turns, pinning me against the front door. His mouth works down my neck and across the base of my throat while his free hand slides the robe from my shoulders, the thick material falling to the floor.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes,” I point out, reaching between us to gather as much of his shirt as I can before tugging upward. It comes with no resistance and the second it’s over Hudson’s head his mouth is on mine again, growing less controlled by the second.

  “Put me down,” I whimper against his mouth, dying to get my hands on him.

  Hudson pulls back slightly, sliding me down his body until my feet softly hit the floor before pressing his weight back against me.

  My hands explore his broad chest and the ripple of his ab muscles before sliding lower. Popping the button of his jeans, he blows out a heavy breath when I drag the zipper down at a tortuously slow pace.

  Grabbing the material at his hips, I tug, taking his boxer briefs and jeans down in one quick sweep before I lower myself to my knees in front of him.

  “Lennon.” A groan from deep in his chest falls from his lips as I slide him into my mouth, taking him all the way to the back of my throat.

  His hands find my hair, his fingers tangling in the wet strands as I work him up and down. My hand moves along the base, my mouth taking as much of him as I can.

  I slide in slow, dragging him back out even slower. His legs start to shake beneath his weight as I work him up and down, making him chase his release over and over again.

  It’s the sweetest kind of torture, and not just for him.

  When he’s taken all he can, he leans down and hooks me under the armpits, pulling me to my feet so fast I’ve barely gained my balance before his mouth is on mine, rough and full of need.

  I barely register the rip of the condom packet, not once questioning where it came from, before Hudson hoists me back up, my back once again flush with the front door.

  “Now’s your chance, Lennon. If you don’t want this say it now, tell me.” His voice is hoarse, his mild country drawl more prominent under the strain.

  “I want this,” I confirm, pressing my weight downward so I can feel him hard against me. “I want you.” I slide my arms around his neck and kiss him hard, crying into his mouth when he enters me with one quick thrust.

  Hudson doesn’t give me any time to recover before pulling back and pounding into me again. He sets a punishing pace, driving into me so hard my back knocks into the door over and over as our movements become almost animalistic. We’re clawing, biting, tearing at each other so intense it’s likely we will both have battle scars to show for it.

  My orgasm hits me without warning, building so quick that before I can vocalize what’s happening, I’m already exploding around Hudson, his name on my lips over and over as I ride out the almost unbearable pleasure.

  Hudson follows right behind me, slamming into me two more times before spilling his release into the condom, burying his face into my chest as he does.

  I don’t know how long we stay with my back pressed to the door, Hudson still buried deep inside of me, neither of us able to calm our rapid breathing or hammering hearts.

  Finally Hudson pulls back and hits me with a dimpled smile. “Best damn welcome to Florida I’ve ever had.” He pushes up and kisses the tip of my nose before sliding out and slowly lowering me to my feet.

  I locate my robe on the floor beside me, sliding it on while
Hudson rights his pants, not bothering to look for his t-shirt before pulling me back in his arms.

  “So, you wanna tell me what all that was about when I got here?”

  I should have known he wouldn’t let me off the hook so easy.

  “Not really,” I admit, pulling back to look up at him. “Have you eaten?” I change the subject.

  “I haven’t.” He grins, shaking his head.

  “How about I make us something to eat and we can talk about it later?” I offer.

  “Now she’s going to feed me,” he says to himself, smirking. “Keep it up, Lennon Claire. You may never get rid of me.”

  “Maybe that’s my plan.” I wink, turning before taking off toward the kitchen.

  Hudson slides into one of the stools at the breakfast bar, his eyes never leaving me as I pull ingredients from the pantry and refrigerator to make us sandwiches.

  “Do you like ham?” I ask, laughing when he crinkles his nose. “No ham,” I answer my own question. “Turkey?” He nods like an excited little boy. “My man likes turkey,” I say without meaning to and instantly wonder if I’m pushing this way too fast.

  I glance up at Hudson to find him still watching me. “What I like is watching my woman prepare my turkey.”

  An instant wave of relief washes over me but it doesn’t stop the word vomit.

  “Am I your woman?” I ask.

  “I just had my dick inside of you and now you’re making me something to eat. If that doesn’t make you my woman, I don’t know what does.” He chuckles.

  “That’s all it takes?” I gawk at him playfully.

  “What can I say? I’m easy to please.”

  “Clearly.” I laugh, holding up bottles of mayo and mustard.

  “Mustard, please.” He nods toward the yellow bottle in my hand.

  “Anything else you want?” I ask, squeezing some mustard on top of his sandwich.

  “I can think of a few things.” He wiggles his eyebrows up and down at me suggestively.

  “I meant on your sandwich, perv.” Before I even think about what I’m doing, a piece of bread goes flying in the air toward him.

  “Did you just throw bread at me?” He laughs when the dough lands on the bar a couple feet from him.


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