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Tequila Page 12

by Toppen, Melissa

“Do you want another one?” Hudson reaches into the cooler and pulls out a beer, sliding it into his koozie.

  “Yes, please.” I hand him my cup, watching through the dark lenses of my sunglasses as he drops a few ice cubes into it from the bottom of the cooler before pouring a can of Mango-Rita over the top.

  We’ve been out here for hours. Thank goodness for the umbrella – otherwise my fair skin would be burnt to a crisp by now. Even then, I’m not sure I’d care.

  It’s been a perfect day. We swam for a while, played in the sand, and then swam a little more. We’ve talked, we’ve laughed, and we’ve laid here staring at the water, enjoying the peaceful silence that easily exists between us.

  Hudson is everything I expected him to be and yet so completely different at the same time.

  “Thank you.” I smile, taking the cup he extends to me.

  About two hours ago we decided we wanted something more than water, so Hudson ran out and picked up beverages, which we’ve been laying here sipping since.

  Needless to say I’m rocking a pretty nice buzz, which is intensified by the hot sun, the sound of the waves, and of course, the incredible man sitting next to me.

  “What are you doing next Saturday?” I ask, taking a long drink before setting it on the small table that connects the two chairs.

  “Saturday.” He thinks for a long moment. “I’m pretty sure we’ll be in Vegas. Why?”

  “Oh nothing much.” I lay back, turning my head in his direction. “That’s the day Starr is getting married. Thought maybe I could steal her thunder by bringing a hot country star as my date.” I wink, even though I’m not entirely sure he can see the action through my sunglasses.

  “I thought the goal was to not steal attention away from the bride on her wedding day.” He gives me an adorable smirk.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” I tease. “But, alas, you’re busy.” I sigh dramatically, turning my gaze back out to the water.

  “I would come if I could. You know that, right?” he says after a long moment of silence.

  “Probably better that you can’t. The Claire clan is a lot to handle sometimes.” I smile despite the disappointment I feel in my chest.

  It’s not like I actually expected he’d be able to come. Hell, we’re just having a little fun and some really, really great sex. Now’s not the time to over complicate things, especially if I don’t want to scare him off.

  Then again, the thought of him being there with me, holding me close as we dance. It’s something I can’t deny that I want. I want so many things and yet I fear maybe I’m getting a little ahead of myself.

  I mean, seriously. How well do I really know this man? We’ve spent so little time together. We know so little about each other.

  So then why does it feel like I’ve known him for years?

  Everything with Hudson feels so right when we’re together. But then I remember our situation. He’s touring with one of country music’s hottest acts. Hell, he’s well on his way to being right up there with him. Different cities, different women. I don’t know that there’s a way for me to compete with that lifestyle.

  So yeah, while everything is great right now, I’m starting to realize that maybe I’m in a little over my head. I already feel so much for him in such a short amount of time. If I keep letting him in, if I keep letting myself hope for more, I have a feeling I’m going to end up devastated in the end.

  Unfortunately, I think it might be too late to prevent that from happening.

  “What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?” I turn and look at Hudson. His sunglasses are pushed back onto his head and his eyes are locked on me.

  “Nothing. Just thinking is all.”

  “Thinking about what?” He sits up, throwing his legs over the side of his lounge chair.

  “Nothing important,” I lie.

  “Sure looked important,” he points out.

  “It wasn’t.” I force a smile.

  “Lennon,” he pushes, not willing to give up so easily.

  “I was just wondering,” I pause, not sure if I should finish what I was about to say.

  “You were wondering what?”

  “What are we doing here?” I blurt, snagging my bottom lip between my teeth.

  “As in you and me?” he asks, waiting for my nod before answering. “Well, that’s a hard question. We’re having fun. I like you, probably more than I should,” he pauses, taking in the smile his admission brings to my face.

  “But what happens next? I mean, you’re going to be on tour. Is this... I mean, are we...” I can’t seem to get anything out.

  “I’m not planning on sleeping with other women if that’s what you’re asking. As long as you don’t plan on having any other men in your bed.”

  “No,” I answer without hesitation.

  “Then it’s settled. We only sleep with each other and the rest we will figure out along the way. Deal?”

  “Deal.” The tension leaves my body. It’s not a marriage proposal but it’s a start, and right now I’ll take whatever I can get.

  My stomach chooses that very moment to let out the loudest grumble I think it’s ever made.

  Hudson laughs, sliding his sunglasses back in place. “You okay over there?”

  “I think you’re going to need to feed me soon. These Mango things you got me are really hitting me hard and my belly needs food,” I say, holding my glass up as I take another long drink.

  “You want to go out or order in?”

  “Hmm.” I think for a moment. “Out.”

  “You have anything specific in mind?”

  “Have you ever been to Beach Side?”

  “I don’t believe I have.”

  “It’s only about a half a mile down the shoreline. They have a deck that overlooks the gulf, some of the best seafood in the area, and we can walk there. I mean, as long as you don’t think we’re gonna be mobbed by any crazy fans.” I giggle.

  “I’m not well known enough for that just yet.”

  “The waitress recognized you in Nashville,” I remind him.

  “Yes, but that was Nashville. I’ve played there so many times over the years that if you’ve been to a bar downtown you’ve probably seen me at least once. Outside of Nashville most don’t know who I am until I tell them.”

  “Give it time. I doubt that will be the case for long. Especially with how hot you are,” I say, not really meaning to.

  “Keep going.” He smirks, dropping his elbows to his knees and leaning forward.

  “Shut up.” I swipe playfully at him. “If we’re gonna go to the restaurant then we need to head up and take showers to get there before the evening rush hits. Otherwise we’ll never get a table.”

  “I’m in. On one condition,” he pauses, his grin turning wicked. “I get to be the one to wash you in the shower.”

  My skin instantly prickles. Need pools deep in my belly as I take in his hooded gaze and sexy smirk.

  Pushing up, I turn and drop my legs over the side of my chair so that I’m facing Hudson. Without a word I lean into him, trailing my tongue up the base of his throat before peppering kisses all the way to his lips.

  “Deal,” I purr against his mouth before kissing him long and deep.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I feel myself starting to drift. My eyelids heavy. It’s been the longest day, in the best fucking way possible.

  After spending the afternoon on the beach, we headed over to Beach Side where Lennon thought she would be funny and order us shots of tequila.

  One shot turned into four. Coupled with the fact that we had been drinking nearly all day, we were both stumbling a bit by the time we left the restaurant.

  We did manage to sweat most of the alcohol out of our systems shortly after we arrived home.

  Forcing my eyes open, I glance at the clock on the bedside table. It’s just after one in the morning. I’d thought about sleeping for a couple hours, but I knew it would make leaving near
impossible if I did.

  Knowing I need to get going soon, I look down to where Lennon is curled into me. Her legs tangled with mine, arm draped over my middle, her head lying on my chest.

  I push her blonde hair to the side, giving me a better view of the side of her face. She really is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. And what makes her even more so is that she has no clue just how beautiful she is.

  She stirs against me and I reluctantly take that as my opportunity to lift her head from my chest and slide out from beneath her. Trying to be as careful as I can not to wake her, I use the pillow that was propped behind me and place it underneath her head before removing her arm from my middle and managing to untangle our legs.

  She adjusts a couple of times, then rolls the other way. Her back’s now facing me, but she doesn’t wake.

  I don’t know how long I stand there in the dark, watching her shoulders rise and fall with each breath she takes. Remembering the last time I did this exact same thing in this very same room.

  It feels like a lifetime ago. Yet as I look down at her it’s almost as if no time has passed at all. She’s still the same smart mouthed, beautiful, confident woman she was five years ago.

  I wish I could say I knew her well enough back then to be able to note all the ways she’s changed over the years but I didn’t. Despite how well I felt like I knew her at the end of that night, the truth is I didn’t. Hell, I still don’t. But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s already changing me. I can feel the pull to be with her. I barely know her, yet here I am, thinking I’d rather chop off my arm then walk out of this room right now.

  I glance at the clock again. I have eight hours to get back to Atlanta. If I don’t leave soon I’ll never get there in time.

  Letting out a slow breath, I place one knee on the bed and lean down, laying a soft kiss to the side of her head.

  “Dream sweet, Lennon,” I whisper, breathing in her sweet scent one last time before forcing myself back up.

  As I make my way through her condo, snagging my things along the way, I can’t shake the feeling of dread that has rooted itself into the pit of my stomach. Maybe it’s because the last time I left while she was sleeping, I didn’t see her again for five years. Or maybe it’s because I’m quickly becoming very attached to this woman and I don’t want to leave her right as things are getting good.

  Last time was supposed to be a one-time thing. I wasn’t in a position to give her more. I went in knowing I’d likely never see her again. This time around it couldn’t be more opposite. I’m here because this girl is under my skin in a big way and I need to explore this thing between us.

  It’s hard to explain, but in some way I’ve carried Lennon with me since that first night. Thought about her more times than was probably acceptable. Saw her face in countless women. Hell, the first song on my debut album is about this girl for fucks sake. All that after one night together five years ago.

  If she can have that effect on me in such a short period of time, I can only imagine how I’m going to feel tomorrow and or in a week or even a month from now. I’m already too attached and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.

  After double checking that I have everything I came with, I quietly slip out the front door, locking the knob before closing it.

  All I can hope is that I’ve shown her I’m not the same man she came after all those years ago. Only problem is, I’m really not sure that’s true. If I really was so different I would have told her the truth about what happened five years ago.

  Shaking off the thought, I climb into the red Lexus I rented for the trip. Tossing my bag into the passenger seat, I quickly fire the engine to life.

  With any luck I’ll hit Atlanta before sunrise and be able to get a few hours of sleep on the bus before someone disturbs me. Even still, all I can think as I pull away, watching Lennon’s building disappear in the rearview mirror, is that it was totally fucking worth it. I’d go a week without a minute of sleep if it meant every day could be like it was these few days I’ve had with Lennon. And that is how I know I’m already in deep. I just hope I’m not there alone.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I woke to an empty bed this morning but my heart couldn’t have felt fuller. With the scent of Hudson still lingering on the sheets, I took my time getting up, wanting to bask in the memory of yesterday for as long as possible.

  Now here I am, sitting at the table set up on my parent’s outdoor patio, so far from the conversation flowing around me I couldn’t tell you what everyone has been talking about if I wanted to.

  All I can think about is the last two days and the text message I woke to this morning.

  Hudson: On the tour bus. Wishing you were here. Thinking that you should join me for a couple shows soon if you have time in your schedule. Until then I’ll be over here working on a new song. You’re proving to be quite the inspiration, Lennon Claire.

  “Earth to Lennon.” I jump slightly when Starr leans in from the chair next to me, knocking her elbow against mine.

  “What?” I glance at my sister to see her watching me funny.

  “What’s with you?” she whispers, as to not disrupt my father and Mark talking about whatever business they seem to be discussing, or my mother’s clear attempt to pay attention even though she couldn’t look more bored.

  Like my father, Mark has an office job. I couldn’t tell you what he actually does but I know he and my father’s jobs are similar, so I’m guessing it’s something in insurance. All I know for sure is that Mark is pretty high up in management and makes enough money to keep my very particular sister happy. I don’t know that I really need more information than that.

  “What do you mean?” I whisper back.

  She arches a brow and gives me a look that says she knows me better than I’m giving her credit for.

  “You’ve been wearing this goofy grin since you got here and you’re clearly a million miles away,” she points out. “Is it Hudson?” she takes a wild guess, hitting the nail right on the head. “He contacted you?”

  “You could say that.” I try to keep my smile from splitting my face in half.

  “He was here?” she guesses right again.

  I nod slowly, biting my bottom lip as her eyes go wide.


  “We’ll talk later,” I say, realizing our private conversation has drawn an audience.

  “What are you two over there whispering about?” Nana interrupts, eyeballing us from across the table.

  Nana is coming up on eighty and is as blunt and straight forward as they come. She’s a tiny thing too. Not even five feet tall or a hundred pounds soaking wet. She has short stark white hair that she has styled weekly at the salon and always wears button down cardigans, no matter the temperature.

  Growing up I could always fool my parents but not Nana. Nana has always been able to see right through me.

  “Nothing, Nana,” I grumble, shoving a bite of pasta salad into my mouth to keep from having to say more.

  “Just tell them, Len,” Starr chimes in. The look she’s giving me is the same one she used to give me right before she’d tattle on me when we were kids.

  I shake my head slowly, my eyes wide. “Don’t,” I mouth, lifting my glass of iced tea to my lips before taking a long drink.

  “Lennon has a new man in her life,” Starr announces, causing me to suck the liquid down the wrong pipe. I start sputtering and coughing uncontrollably.

  “You alright there, sis?” Starr knocks me on the back a couple times, laughter in her voice.

  It takes me several moments to recover and once I do I feel every set of eyes at the table on me.

  “A new man?” My mom is the first to speak, her gaze going back and forth between me and my sister.

  “Well, he’s not new, new. She met him a few years ago, but reconnected with him in Nashville over my bachelorette weekend,” Starr keeps talking, despite the fact that I’m stomping on her foot in attempt to shut her up. “And
you’ll never guess who it is.” She bubbles excitedly.

  “Starr,” I warn, considering dunking her face into her plate of food to shut her up.

  “Hudson James! The country singer,” she squeals excitedly.

  “You really have no idea how to keep your mouth shut about anything, do you?” I glare at my sister. If looks could kill...

  “Oh lighten up. If you can’t tell your family about your new beau, who can you tell?”

  “He’s not my new beau,” I grind out.

  “Then why did he come visit you when he’s out on tour with Travis Travers?” Starr narrows her gaze at me.

  “Travis Travers?” my mom questions.

  “Only the biggest name in country music, mom.” Starr rolls her eyes dramatically. “The concert tickets Mark got us,” she says which seems to trigger my mom’s memory.

  “Wait, so you’re dating...” My mom looks even more confused as she tries to catch up.

  “I’m not dating anyone,” I interject, but Starr talks over me.

  “Hudson James. He’s not as popular as Travis but he’s just as hot. Strike that. He’s hotter. And he totally has a thing for Lennon. They had lunch in Nashville on Saturday and later that night he showed up while we were out.” I can tell by the way Mark is looking at me that he’s heard all of this already. He gives me an apologetic smile and again I remember why I like him so much.

  “Honey.” He clears his throat, trying to draw Starr’s attention to him.

  “And then he came to visit her. That’s what she was just telling me. Right, Len?”

  “He was here?” my mom questions, still seeming quite lost. God I love her. She never was good with keeping up with the two of us.

  “They are so freaking cute together. Wait til you meet him. Oh my god, you’ll die,” Starr gushes and I swear every single ounce of blood in my body rushes to my face.

  “Sweetheart,” Mark tries again.

  “Wait, who are you dating?” My dad takes this opportunity to join the conversation.

  “Hudson James, daddy. Keep up,” Starr informs him.

  “Musicians are bad news,” Dad says, his voice stern.


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