Billionaire Bride

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Billionaire Bride Page 2

by Ava Catori

  After a meal that would satiate gods, the men headed their separate ways. Ross ran to the store to pick up a few things, while Scott headed home. Hawk stuck around for a few more drinks.

  Twenty minutes later, Scott’s phone rang. “I think I just met the woman I’m going to marry,” Ross whispered into the phone.

  “Is that so, Mr.-Slow-Moves? I’ll bet you don’t even know her name,” Scott teased.

  “Brooke London. I just met the girl of my dreams in the produce aisle,” Ross insisted.

  “Did you ask her out?” He pushed for more.

  “No. Not yet. You know, maybe one day if I get to know her better. There was just some great chemistry, playful glances, flirting,” he said.

  “But you didn’t ask her out?” Scott shook his head in disbelief.

  Ross admitted defeat. “At least I asked her name.”

  “Smooth. And she got away?” Scott jibed.

  “She got away.” Ross sighed. He’d stalk the produce aisle if he had to for the next few weeks. After all, it was his store. Did she recognize his face from the ads? He needed to see her again. He wouldn’t let the opportunity pass him. The spark he felt was massive. It was as if electricity jolted through his chest, trying to bring him back to life. The problem was that he second-guessed what she might be feeling. His looks easily landed the woman of his choosing, but his nerves always shattered, and the anxiety of rejection always held him back. It stemmed from a seventh grade dance where he’d taken two months to get the courage up to ask another student to their ‘end of the year’ dance. She mocked him and laughed in front of everybody, as if she’d be seen with him. He’d had girlfriends in high school and college, but they were either friends that turned into lovers, or drunken encounters that happened on more than one occasion with the same girl. Otherwise, he always talked himself out of things.

  The one girl that stole his heart in college took a job clear across the country and didn’t ask him to come along. His confidence dropped lower, so he threw himself into his career. As the face of Modern Markets, he was comfortable in print ads or in commercials, but it didn’t give him an ego to match.

  Hawk was the sales guy, able to strike the best deals as smooth as velvet. He had a way of talking that made every person he talked to seem like the most important person in the world. Scott on the other hand was the money guy. He was good with numbers and building their future. They were all heavily invested, and each did more than their ‘one’ position, but each knew their strength and weakness, which helped keep egos in check and they’d know who the right person for the job was at all times.

  Scott piped up. “So, I’ve been thinking about this bet of ours. I’m short on time, and I’m not sure the best way to approach her is. Last time I saw Kennedy, she was throwing her shoes at me. One of those damned spiked heels almost hit me in the head. Thankfully, I ducked just in time.”

  “She’s a feisty one,” Ross laughed. She was hardly a pussycat. Scott had a tigress on his hands. She was feisty, snarky, quick-witted, and apparently a good aim. At least it was just a shoe that she’d thrown.

  After hanging up from Ross, Scott contemplated his first move. He figured he’d start with the traditional peace offering of flowers, but knew it wouldn’t be enough. Maybe if he didn’t sign the card, it would add a hint of intrigue, making her a little more interested. Of course, with only a few days to pull this off, he couldn’t waste time.

  Simple roses wouldn’t do. He finally just talked it over with the florist and opted to send her Gloriosa, native only to South Africa and Asia. As an added touch, he sent a Patek Philippe Grand Complications wrist watch in rose gold, with a note that ‘time stood still without her’. In for a penny, in for a pound… He hated putting out that much cash without a commitment, but if he didn’t pursue her hot and hard, he’d run out of time. Let’s just hope she understood that was no ordinary watch.

  Chapter 4

  Kennedy woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It wasn’t enough that she was having a bad hair day, but her first appointment of the morning had already canceled. How was she supposed to survive at this rate? She needed another commission soon, or her bank account would run dry.

  Knowing she wasn’t scheduled for another showing until later in the afternoon, she decided to stay home and work on research for a new market. There were a lot of new builds a few towns over, and the possibility of more sales. Or not. Most people just went through the builder. Either way, if things didn’t pick up in her market, she’d need to find another.

  Bzzzz. Kennedy stood to answer the door. Who was bothering her now? She hated unannounced company. Plodding from her office to the living room, she opened the door to find a man standing before her with flowers and a box.

  “I need you to sign for these,” he said, shoving the flowers at her.

  “Wow, for me?” She took a sniff of the fragrant Gloriosa and then turned to the delivery man still waiting. “Oh, right.”

  He held out an electronic clip board, asking her to sign in the little box. Satisfied he’d done his job, he handed her the second part of her delivery, and then turned away.

  Kennedy’s heart raced. Somebody sent her flowers! She hadn’t gotten flowers in ages. She had no idea who sent them, but it brightened her day. The arrangement was so unique and gorgeous. Curiosity pushed her to find the card. There was nothing. Placing the flowers on the counter in the kitchen, she looked at the small box she’d also received. Fidgeting with the edges, she finally got the box apart. Looking inside, she found a small card with a watch. It was pretty, but she had no idea who this no-name watch was. They could have at least sprung for something she’d recognize. She’d have to look it up. She’d never even heard of Patek Philippe. It was still pretty none the less.

  “Time stands still without you,” the card read. No signature. She flipped it over, checking the back. Still nothing. Somebody had gone through a lot of effort here and then forgotten to sign their name. She’d have to call the delivery place and see if they had a name on file so she knew who to thank.

  Heading back to her office, she started to look up the delivery company’s phone number on the web, but then searched for the watch brand first. Patek Philippe, hmm? Her eyes went wide. She scanned the website, with small notations to call for pricing. Yikes, if they don’t list it… Kennedy searched for pricing information on other sites. Her heart stopped on seeing how much it cost. The wristwatch cost more than her car did. Dropping her head back against her office chair, she only knew one person who could afford such an extravagant gift. But he wouldn’t….would he?

  No way. She couldn’t keep it even though it was gorgeous, and even though if she decided to sell it she could happily pad her empty bank account. But if it came from him…no way, no thank you, she wasn’t interested. He couldn’t buy her back like some commodity. Is that all he thought she was? Snap his fingers and she’d come running? Shower her with gifts? Well, it was a big mistake. Kennedy wanted absolutely nothing to do with Scott Bishop. He was the only one that could afford a watch like that on a whim. There was no signature, but putting the price tag on the watch told her everything she needed to know.

  As much as it pained her to send back the watch, it was the only thing she could do. If she kept it, he’d mistake it as a chance. And he didn’t have a chance in hell with her. Not a single one. She should keep it just to make up for all the crappy situations they’d been through. Kennedy shook her head. Why? Why would he even be interested again? They’d already tried twice, and both times he blew it. He grew bored and strayed. If she wasn’t enough for him twice already, a third time wasn’t even a possibility.

  Scott Bishop was the only man she’d ever fallen head over heels in love with. Scott Bishop was also the man that broke her heart, not once but twice. It was too good to be true. She should have seen it coming the second time, but she was blinded by love - foolish girl. Not again. There was no way in hell she’d let him back into her heart and mind.

Kennedy placed the watch on her desk and went back to her market research. Stopping for a moment, she eyed up the watch. Reaching over, she figured she could just try it on. The idea that it cost more than her car blew her mind. She’d always been happy with the Timex she picked up at the local department store. She never even realized there were watches that expensive. It was pretty, but it was still just a watch. Kennedy turned away from it. No. Send it back now.

  She got up to dig through her phone for his information. She’d ship it back to him this afternoon. She could stop at post office on the way to her next appointment. The longer it sat on her desk, the more she’d want to put it on, wear it, or even sell it. Nope, it was going back first thing.

  Who spends close to $70,000 on a watch? She shook her head. It was mad. He was mad. It made zero sense. That was it. She was going to do it in person. She needed to make it crystal clear that she wasn’t some object that could be bought or bribed with gifts.

  Chapter 5

  Scott’s thoughts were scattered. They’d been trying to acquire some premium real estate, but were up against another company vying for the same piece of land. Scott knew a bidding war would ensue, but he needed to be careful not to let his ego drive the deal. He didn’t want to overbuy just to win, and yet it was a great location.

  He wondered if his delivery had arrived as planned, and hoped he’d be hearing from Kennedy soon. Only, when she showed up at his office, angry and ready to hurl the watch at his head, he knew he’d have to rethink his game.

  His assistant stood behind Kennedy. “I told her you were busy,” she stammered. “She wouldn’t listen.”

  “Damn right. Do you know what your boss tried to do? He sent me flowers and a watch that costs more than a car, thinking I’d come crawling back to him. Well, he’s a fool,” she spewed out.

  “Right, I’m going to wait outside,” the assistant said before turning to leave.

  “And it’s great to see you too,” Scott started. The plan worked. She was standing in his office even faster than he thought she would be. He sort of expected it to play out this way. If Kennedy was anything, she was predictable. “You don’t like it?”

  “It’s gorgeous. How dare you,” she spit out.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry I sent you something nice. I’ll use better judgment next time and pick out something crappy.” The sarcastic tone lacing his voice said it all.

  Kennedy’s shoulders dropped. Her voice softened, trying to make sense of it all. “Why? Why would you even send me anything? What are you up to?”

  Scott hated playing with her feelings this way, and yet he couldn’t tell her the truth. She deserved better. He’d put her through enough. The weirdest part was that he was kind of glad she was there. She was curvier than last time he saw her, but that was a good thing in his eyes. She was always so slender, he was afraid he might break her. “You look good.”

  “Don’t. What? No I don’t. I gained a bunch of weight.”

  “It looks good on you. You carry it well,” he added.

  “Don’t. What do you want from me? Haven’t you put me through enough?” She sighed, wondering why she bothered to come see him face to face.

  “I don’t know. I got to thinking about you, and I realized what a mistake I’d made. You didn’t deserve that kind of treatment. I apologize.” He wished he didn’t like what he saw so much.

  “Is this for real?” She shook her head, not sure what to make of the tingle she felt inside. He’d always been the one she thought she’d end up with. She hated that she melted on seeing him, even if he did piss her off. It was probably better to leave, then to stand here and continue talking nonsense. As angry as she was, her feet were glued to the floor.

  “How have you been?” He switched gears. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”

  She let her guard down a little more. “I’ve been. I don’t know; these days I seem to be going in too many directions.”

  “What are you up to?” He didn’t want her to leave yet.

  “Real estate,” she answered cautiously. “After the commercial work dried up, I found my new calling.”

  “Interesting, do you work in residential or commercial?” This might work in his favor.

  “Mostly homes. It’s not that I won’t handle commercial, but I’m not up on my game there.” Kennedy pursed her lips and drew her hand through her hair.

  Noticing the change in her demeanor, he asked her to take a seat. “Sit down, let’s just catch up. No harm there, it would be nice to see how your life is going. So much time has passed.”

  She hesitated and then sat on the edge of one of the chairs in front of his desk, almost afraid to get comfortable. “I can’t stay; I have a client to meet in a short bit. What about you? Still doing well, I see.”

  “Well enough, but things get crazy now and then. I love my work, but it can be overwhelming. Now that we took on the division of markets, well, things exploded. Working for my father was one thing, but working on my own…”

  “Markets?” She hadn’t seen him in way too long. She was out of the loop.

  “You had to know, right? Weren’t we still together when…” Scott stopped, visibly trying to count back. “Yeah, right, that must have all started after we split. I’m part owner of the Modern Markets chain.”

  “Get out. I love those. Of course, I can’t afford them most of the time, but I treat myself now and then. They’re yours?” She was blown away.

  “Partially mine; Hawk, Ross, and I went in together. Haven’t you seen our commercials? It started as a small investment, but kind of took off better than we expected,” he explained.

  “I saw Ross on the commercials, but I didn’t make a connection. You guys own them? Good for you. Glad things are going well. Anyway, I need to get out of here. I need to go meet a client.” She turned to go.

  “Keep the watch,” he said from behind her. “You deserve it after what I put you through. I’m sorry about that. Immaturity is all I can claim. I never set out to hurt you.”

  Kennedy turned around. “I can’t, really. It’s too much.”

  “Than at least let me make it up to you over dinner. We can catch up, have some solid closure and be done with it. I won’t bother you again.” He had a plan.

  “Dinner?” She stood looking at him. She swore she’d given up on bad guys, but Scott seemed different. He seemed almost genuine…almost. What was he up to?

  “One meal, then we’re done. I’d love to hear how you go into real estate, and get your thoughts on a few things. I’m in the middle of a bidding war over a piece of property. Any insights would be great.”

  She was frozen, not sure what to say. He was asking her for help and her opinion. That was different than the old Scott she knew. That Scott was all hands and little talk. After almost saying no, she caved. “Sure, fine. One dinner. This is not a date.”

  “Sure, of course.” It was a date. “I’ll pick you up at eight?”

  “I’ll meet you. Name the place and I’ll be there.” She wasn’t taking chances. If he picked her up, he’d be dropping her off, and she knew what a smooth talker he was. She’d open the door, he’d invite himself in, and one thing would lead to another. She did not need to go there again. She’d drive herself.

  Chapter 6

  It was revealing seeing Kennedy again. She looked nothing less than amazing with her new curves. She’d always had such a pretty face…and that hair. He loved to run his fingers through her lush locks. Scott closed his eyes and drank in the smell of her shampoo that he remembered from long ago. The essence of flowers teased him from memory. It’s almost like she was still sitting there with him. The trip down memory lane tested him. Thoughts twisted through his brain, breathing new life into the spark that twitched and knotted in his belly.

  Doubts crept in. Maybe he shouldn’t go through with it. She’d end up hurt again and never forgive him. It felt cold and calculating betting on her feelings. And yet, a million dollars was at stake – along with his pride. What h
ad he gotten himself into? It was all fun and games, but on seeing Kennedy again he realized taking the bet was a huge mistake. He was in a bind. Scott stood and paced. He couldn’t see right from wrong anymore.

  The guys would razz him endlessly. Scott boasted about getting any girl he wanted, winning every bet, and wore his arrogance loudly on his sleeve. He shook his head, letting the marbles loose. This was a bet, nothing more. He hadn’t thought about Kennedy in ages, so obviously she hadn’t been on his mind. It’s not like he was still in love with her.

  Determined to come back strong, he’d win this damn bet and cut Kennedy lose like he’d done before. There wasn’t room for emotions in a game this big. And yet, guilt plagued him. He’d done this to her too many times. She thought it was about other women, but more than anything it was a fear of repeating his father’s mistakes.

  Scott’s father cheated on his mother when he was younger. When the family split up and separated for a year, he was crushed. His mother ended up forgiving Scott’s father and taking him back. There was a lot of fighting and pain associated with those years. Thankfully after enough time, things smoothed out again.

  When Scott found himself straying back in his college years, he feared he’d never be a good partner. After all, he’d cheated on Kennedy before, not once, but twice. Would he follow in his father’s footsteps and betray every woman along the way? It wasn’t his intention, and yet being tied to one woman scared him more than anything?

  Kennedy called a few moments later, begging off their date. She had an appointment later in the evening for a house showing.

  Scott scrambled, not wanting to lose the contact he’d made. “How about tomorrow; I’ll pick you up at noon. Or do you have plans?”


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