Equinox: Celestial Awakenings Book One

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Equinox: Celestial Awakenings Book One Page 11

by Lux Miller

  Drake shakes his head quickly. “For what purpose?”

  I give Drake a dirty look and stomp past him, motioning into the chest beside Finn. “Got anything in there to attach this to? I’m not shoving a sword, no matter how small, into my pants.”

  Finn smirks, biting down on his bottom lip as his eyes widen, and I can tell he’s doing his best to keep an inappropriate comment to himself. Rolling my eyes at him, I shove him aside, and he stumbles over his feet, catching himself on the wall. I kneel down in front of the chest and dig through it, pulling out a scabbard belt. I stand and fasten it low around my hips, then attach the sword’s scabbard to it and sheath the sword. Before Drake or Finn can open their mouths, I squat back down in front of the chest and begin to rifle through its contents. I toss gold pieces and all manner of treasure onto the floor behind me, the metal tinkling as it clinks on the stone tiles.

  When I reach the bottom of the chest, I stand up with my arms laden with treasures as I turn to face the guys. Both are standing several feet behind me, staring at me with looks of surprise on their faces. “What? You really don’t expect me to sit around here like the prim and proper princess that I’m not while you two go out there and try to fight off zombies, do you? For fuck’s sake, Drake’s got one functional arm… I’m no warrior, but I’m not useless, either… I can shoot a gun and wield a knife, and I’m smarter than I look... “

  Finn glances at Drake and then at me as he motions to the bundle of leather and wires in my arms. “What’s all that?”

  I shrug my shoulders and let the goodies I found in the chest fall to the floor. “An idea, but I’m going to need a few more things to make it functional.”

  Drake approaches me cautiously, like he’s worried I’m going to lash out at him. I laugh and shake my head at the obviously confused man. “Drake, I’ve got nothing against you. I’ve no doubts that you’re perfectly capable of wielding a weapon like this, but I’ve had a lifetime of being treated like I can’t protect myself. Am I going to willingly go toe-to-toe with another pack of Navian hounds? Not a chance in hell, but I’m on their radar no matter where I go now because of this…”

  I motion to the necklace that’s fastened around my neck. “I don’t know what it is or why it’s so damn valuable. It was worth a month’s rations to Skink… and the Navians sent their best bounty hunter after me when I stole it. I’d be willing to bet it’s not just some pretty bauble that a man wanted to give his wife. Trinkets don’t get people killed. This necklace could be something important, disguised as an insignificant piece of costume jewelry. It’s small and easy to transport, right under the noses of people who wouldn’t recognize it for what it may really be. And it could really be a piece of junk that someone, somewhere whispered was worth something. Entire civilizations of man have fallen because of rumors. They can be powerful tools against those you consider your enemies...”

  Drake steps over to me, and I flinch when he reaches out to touch the necklace that falls at the hollow of my throat. He lifts the crystal off my skin, resting the back of his hand against my chest as he examines it. “It’s jagged, like it was broken instead of cut, so it may be part of a larger crystal. It’s brilliantly clear, and we’ve already seen that it’s a perfect prism. It’s rare, but it’s rough around the edges. It’s not what one would consider to be something sought after for its beauty. A diamond in the rough if you will...”

  Drake looks up from the necklace, and his gaze meets mine, sending a shiver down my spine. I wrinkle my nose, because his stare on me is almost as uncomfortable as the dead silence that falls over the three of us with his statement. Behind us, Finn clears his throat as he tosses the other cutlass at Drake. “Maybe the two of you should have matching weapons since there’s practically cartoon hearts floating in the air around you.”

  Drake’s eyes widen as we break apart. The chain of the necklace jerks roughly against the back of my neck as he belatedly lets go of the crystal to grab the cutlass out of the air. Finn snorts and shakes his head. “Good grief, I was kidding, but the sexual tension between you is insane. You should seriously just fuck and get it over with. Then we can all move on with this mission and go get us some trees without worrying about googly eyes knocking us off our game.”

  I can feel my cheeks flush as blood rushes to my face, my eyes wide as saucers as Drake stares at me in disbelief, shaking his head quickly. “It’s not like that, man.”

  One of Finn’s eyebrows crawls up his forehead until it nearly disappears underneath his bright blond hair. He gives us the biggest shit-eating grin I’ve ever seen. He nods thoughtfully, and it’s obvious that he’s not buying it. “Right. So, that wasn’t your dick halfway down her throat last night? And it wasn’t your cum dribbling down her chin when you spent yourself in her mouth? Okay, yeah, it’s not like that at all.”

  Drake clenches his fists at his sides, standing to his full height as the slight smile on his face fades. I step between the two before Drake can advance on Finn, facing Drake. “Don’t let him goad you, Drake. Think about what he said… you’re the one I was with last night. Whether that’s the only time it ever happens, or whether it’s just the beginning of something long-term, it’s something he’s not ever going to have. From me, anyway. So you two can quit trying to engage in a pissing contest, because there’s no prize to be won...”

  Stepping closer to Drake, I grab his hands and look up at him earnestly. “But it’s going to be the end of everything if we don’t repair that boat, because nothing about this place is normal. And we aren’t alone. There are voices here… I can hear them. And they’re not all friendly. Plus, the Navians are well-aware that we stole the necklace and their flagship. They may not know we crashed it into Atlantis yet or that the necklace is what we stole, but the world’s only so big, Drake. They’re not complete idiots. They’re going to find us eventually.”

  Finn shrugs as he gives me a quick glance-over. “I was kinda kidding to push your buttons. I didn’t realize you two were seriously that up each other’s butts, but suit yourselves. I’m not here to get myself tangled up in someone’s complicated feelings. You’ve made your intentions known.”

  Drake tugs me against him possessively, wrapping one arm around my waist and gives Finn a quick nod. “Now that that’s settled, let’s finish checking for weapons we may need and move out. It’s daylight. The days are short, so our time is limited. The faster we can get out of this god-forsaken place, the better…”

  Finn’s eyes flash, and it’s disconcerting due to them being different colors. I can’t tell if he’s excited or angry, but his voice has an undertone of warning to it as he speaks. “I couldn’t agree more on the urgency of getting things done, but this place is far from god-forsaken. In fact, I’d be willing to bet it’s anything but… but you are right about one thing, they’re not all friendly…”

  Drake narrows his eyes at Finn, “Who?”

  Finn snickers, his lips twisting into a wolfish smile, “The gods…”

  Chapter Sixteen


  “We’re never going to make it into the forest, be able to scout out enough trees, cut them down, and make it back to Atlantis tonight if you don’t quit stopping every five hundred feet to twiddle your thumbs and stare off into space!”

  My scouting partner ignores me, continuing to stare at the horizon like it’s going to offer up some kind of advice on where to enter the forest to find the sturdiest trees. Growling, I glance over and wave my arms in the air in frustration. “Seriously. It looks the same as the last time you looked up at the sky, except the sun’s crept across the sky a bit more. Before long, it’s going to be starting its descent back down, and we’re going to start running out of time. There’s a lot to be done, so if you’re done doing whatever you’re doing, can we move on now?”

  A pair of eyes narrow at me as a haughty voice replies, “Did you bring a map on how to get back to Atlantis?”

  Blinking in surprise, I shake my head quickly. “Uhm, no. One
doesn’t exist for this part of the world. Not anymore, anyway. Besides, the actual city is on the ocean floor. The part we’ve been habitating is just the upper section and is in shambles. Why would anyone make a map to ruins?”

  I get a staredown in response, and the look on my partner’s face spells out very clearly that they think I’m an idiot. “So when we’re done scouting and cutting down a dozen trees, how do you suggest we find our way back to something that’s not on a modern map? Close our eyes, spin in a circle, and hope for the best? Or would you rather have a path that leads us back the way we came?”

  Following the outstretched hand, my shoulders slump slightly as I see what it’s pointing out — pieces of torn leather tied around a low-hanging branch. Glancing behind us on the path we just traversed, I can just make out similar strips tied in the branches of trees on alternating sides of the path every few feet.

  “That’s what’s been taking you so long?”

  A nod and a matter-of-fact look follows as my partner lets go of the branch and it swings back into place. The tattered leather dangles from its secured position, just barely noticeable against the twigs of the leafless branch. Unless you know to look for them, you’d never even notice it. It’s a subtle way for us to retrace our steps in this unknown territory.

  I close the distance between us, leaning my face down so close that our breath mingles in the air between us. “I’d have rather been the one who thought of it, to be honest, but I’m glad one of us is preparing for us to actually make it back to Atlantis. Because at the rate I’m bumbling around out here, all I’m going to do is lead us into a trap… or worse, a horde…”

  A chuckle hangs in the air as my partner slips around me and slaps the trunk of a nearby tree. When there’s no answering thud, I approach it with a smile and cautiously reach over my shoulder to pull the axe free of its leather straps. I wince as my shoulder smarts against the activity. “Sounds solid. It’s pretty tall, too. Might work for the mast, but it’ll at least make some good planks to repair those damn cannon holes if nothing else. Good thing I won’t have to haul this damn thing back to Atlantis, though. Not sure the shoulder could handle it.”

  Shrugging and grabbing the second axe with a smile, Nova gives me a slight wink and a nod. “Yeah, good thing you boys finally decided to listen for once to the girl that might actually have some good ideas. Besides, we all know good and well, Finn wasn’t going to leave Kira at the ruins alone. I sure as hell wasn’t staying there while the two of you trapised out here ready to tear out each other’s throats because you don’t know how to say nice things to each other. We can cut them today, and he can haul them back tomorrow.”

  I wrinkle my nose at her and scowl. I don’t want to admit to her that she was right, but she was so right. Finn and I would have bickered the whole time about which way to go, and which trees to cut, and how to cut them… just because we seem to want to butt heads. There’s something about the guy that rubs me wrong, even though he hasn’t done anything worse than be a prick to me about Nova and I hooking up last night. And that seemed to stem from jealousy, like he was mad it wasn’t him. But the dude’s a good looking guy, and he knows it. And despite his arrogance, I doubt he’ll have any trouble getting the next girl he shows interest in naked.

  I don’t know what the future holds for Nova and me, but I’m curious to find out. If last night was the only the intimacy I ever share with her, I can still die a happy man. It was incredible, but I’m not going to stand here and pretend like I don’t want more. She hasn’t indicated one way or another what her intentions are for the future, but we just met. There’s, hopefully, a lot of future and therefore, perhaps, a lot of time to figure out what we’re going to become to one another. But I have to admit that for the first time in my life, my anxiety about giving my all, including my virginity, to a woman doesn’t churn in my gut when I think about Nova. She’s already told me she’s not a maiden, which means she’s fucked a guy before. Not only will she know what she’s doing, which is incredibly hot to consider a diminutive woman like her commanding me to perform, but if she’s not a maiden, she can’t be one of Odin’s that will be sent to enslave me in the life of a Berserker.

  Just thinking of the possibilities has my cock straining against my pants as it engorges with blood. I bite down on my lip as I stare at Nova. I'm trying not to be a creeper and undress her with my eyes, but it’s almost impossible not to try to imagine what she’s hiding underneath the turquoise scraps of fabric that she’s tied around her body. I don’t know if she catches me staring or not, but she smacks me on the hip with the axe, and I nearly yelp in surprise.

  “We have work to do, Drake. This tree won’t saw itself.”

  I at least have the decency to drop the head of the large axe onto the ground so that the handle somewhat obscures the outline of the very obvious erection that’s stuffed into my tight pants.

  “I’ll make you a deal, Drake. In the spirit of good fun and all…”

  I jerk my gaze up to hers to find her staring at my crotch with one hand on her hip and a smirk on her lips. Clearing my throat, I know I probably shouldn’t take the bait, but I’m genuinely curious to find out what the hell she’s talking about. “What kind of deal?”

  She shrugs her shoulders and reaches behind her back, pulling a crudely crafted makeshift backpack around in front of her as she digs through it. Her face lights up as she grins and pulls out what looks to be an old pocketwatch. She holds it up by its rusty chain and dangles it in front of my face. “Care to make a wager on how fast you think you can cut down this bad boy?”

  She pats the trunk of the tree again, then looks dead at me with the most serious look on her face that I’ve seen seen. Swallowing down the nervous lump in my throat, I ask her, “What kind of wager?”

  Her smile widens. “You tell me how fast you can do it. If you can meet or beat your time, then I’ll take care of that little problem in your pants.”

  I glance down at the erection that the handle of the axe is doing nothing to disguise, then back up at her. “And if I can’t meet or beat that time? What’s your prize going to be?”

  She shrugs nonchalantly as her eyes travel up and back down my body slowly. “That’s to be determined. There isn’t much I need that you can provide me, but I’m sure I can come up with something if you can’t manage. Consider this a test of your strength to see how well that injury of yours is healing. And how deep you can dig to find the tenacity you need to make things happen. To be honest, I don’t expect you to fail, but I’m just giving you a little extra incentive to get that tree cut down faster. I imagine knowing that you could be coming in my mouth again by nightfall should be a pretty good one. You seemed to enjoy trying to ram your dick down my throat last night. I must admit, it was kinda hot to watch a man as barbaric as you at my mercy as you came apart the way you did.”

  Groaning at her implication, I pick up the heavy axe and walk over to the trunk of the tree. Nova shifts out of the way as I pick it up in both hands and give it a hefty swing. The sharpened steel bites into the side of the tree as the crown above me shudders from the impact. Leaves in every color swirl through the air around us as they fall out of the tree. Yanking the axe back out of the trunk, I examine the damage done by the blade. I narrow my eyes at the depth of the cut, computing a quick series of basic arithmetic in my head, then declare, “Give me seventeen minutes. No more, no less. Seventeen minutes and that tree will be on its knees…” Swallowing hard as she clicks the stopwatch with a smirk, I clear my throat and add as I adjust my now very engorged cock in my pants, “...and so will you…”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Convincing Drake to let me reward him with a blowjob was definitely easier than getting him to allow me to join him on this excursion in the first place. I guess he wasn’t disappointed by the first one. That, or he’s got some seriously dirty thoughts running inside his head. If I didn’t already know how big his dick is, there’d be no question n
ow because his too-tight pants leave nothing to the imagination. There’s a clear outline of it in his trousers as he swings the axe with all of the might he can muster with his bum shoulder. I have to admit I’m almost drooling as I watch him.

  This man is hot, and I’m not even ashamed to admit it. The fact that he and I hail from the same people is the icing on the cake, but I’d be thirsty even if he wasn’t a nomad. His body is sculpted like an artist took their time carefully shaping clay into a masterpiece. He has broad shoulders that taper into a slightly narrower waist that sits atop massive legs that are each as wide as a small tree. Calling this man sturdy would be a disservice to the artistic marvel that he is. His arms are rounded with corded muscles that pop and shift with every swing of the axe as I stare at him in amazement.


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