Mail Order Bride - Westward Secrets: A Clean Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 13)

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Mail Order Bride - Westward Secrets: A Clean Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 13) Page 21

by Linda Bridey

  Tessa chuckled. “You’re speaking of Gina.”

  “I am. If I hadn’t been relieved of duty, I might never have tracked all of you down and then I wouldn’t have met her. The universe has a way of knowing where our destiny lies. We just have to listen,” Rick said.

  “I agree. I feel the same way about setting out on my own and marrying Dean. So I understand what you’re saying,” Tessa said.

  “I’m sure you’re excited that Mike is coming home for Thanksgiving.”

  “Oh! You have no idea!” Tessa’s eyes shone with joy at the thought. “I miss him so. I can’t believe I have to look up at him now.”

  “He’s a good boy. You’ve certainly raised your kids right. Speaking of that, I want to ask your advice on something,” Rick said.

  “Oh? I’ll certainly help if I can,” Tessa said.

  “What was it like marrying Dean when he already had two kids?” Rick asked.

  “Wonderful. We got along from the first time we met. Sadie was so sweet and Jack was so funny. He spoke his mind then as much as he does now. That hasn’t changed and he’s always had a voracious appetite. Right away he wanted to know if I cooked.”

  Rick laughed. “That sounds like him, all right. How soon was it that they started calling you ‘Mama’?”

  “Not too long after we were married. Perhaps a month or so. Jack started it, actually. It happened suddenly one day when I was disciplining him. He thought Dean would intervene on his behalf, but Dean felt that it was time they learned that they had to listen to me. And I’ve been their mother ever since. I’ve never tried to take Sarah’s place, but I’ve made my own place. Why do you ask, as if I don’t know?” Her eyes smiled at Rick.

  Rick couldn’t keep the broad smile from his face as he held up a finger and strode over to his chest of drawers. He came back to her with a ring box.

  Tessa grinned as she opened it and said, “Oh, Rick! You certainly have good taste in jewelry. How could any woman refuse such a ring?”

  “I’m nervous as hell about asking her, but it’s time. I can’t live without her now and I’ve fallen in love with those kids,” Rick said.

  “Well, I am certain that she will accept your proposal. When do you plan on asking her and how?” Tessa asked as she handed the ring back to Rick.

  “That’s for me to know and you to find out,” he told her.

  “You’re shameful to tease me that way! At least promise that you’ll tell me all about it,” Tessa said.

  “I promise,” Rick said.

  Tessa cleared her throat and said, “The other reason I came is to invite you to Thanksgiving dinner. We would love to have you.”

  Rick’s face underwent a dramatic change from smiling and happy to closed and slightly angry. “Thank you, Tessa, but, no. I can’t run the risk of arguing with Maddie and I haven’t heard anything from our father, so I will not come and end up ruining the day for everyone. There’s no guarantee that I wouldn’t become surly and I don’t want to do that to you.”

  She sighed. “I thought as much, but I wanted to ask anyway. I’m so sorry about Maddie. I’ve tried and tried to talk to her and she won’t budge. Papa and I have worked some things out, but it’s been hard.”

  Rick nodded. “That’s good.” He fixed their tea and gave her a cup. “Enough about that. Tell me which parts in that last journal were your favorites.”

  They spent the next hour talking about his journals and she told him more about her childhood. Brother and sister bonded even more and Rick felt a little part of his heart mend.

  The Dwyer household was thrown into a frenzy as preparations for the holiday kicked into high gear. This would be the first time Rick would be attending the function and he was amazed at the quantity of food that would be prepared. Joe told him this was largely because of Black Fox because the man ate more than Jack.

  Mitch sent he and Sammi’s adopted son, Mason, to the office one morning to let Rick and Jack know that Sammi was having their baby. Another little girl named Olivia entered the world early that afternoon. Jack joked that the area was indeed having a bumper crop of babies.

  “It’s Uncle Marcus’ fault for helpin’ all these fellas get brides,” Jack joked.

  Gina and Rick’s relationship intensified with each passing day and Rick grew to love Chloe and Ryan more and more. He craved being with all of them and made sure to see them at some point every day. There were times when he went to see Chloe at recess and he played with all the kids when they had a kickball game going.

  Chloe confided to Rick that she had a crush on J.R., which amused Rick. She loved to hear J.R. play fiddle and thought he was incredibly handsome.

  “See? I told you that you’d meet a handsome boy,” Rick said. He didn’t see the harm in the crush because Chloe wasn’t related to J.R. by blood.

  She’d pushed his shoulder a little and said, “Stop teasing me.”

  Rick had laughed and told her to go back to playing.

  Thanksgiving dinner was just as boisterous at the Dwyers’ as always. Joe and Lacey presided over the affair with ease and aplomb. Their employees saw to the guests’ every need and Joe made sure that they also took turns to sit down and eat with everyone else.

  Rick enjoyed the eclectic mix of guests that came and went. There were many children present who ran around playing and laughing, even during the meal. Joe entertained everyone and participated in almost every conversation at some point; Rick still didn’t know how he did that. The food was beyond compare and included Lakota dishes, which Rick immensely enjoyed.

  Although he was having a wonderful time, Rick still felt a pang of disappointment that he wasn’t able to celebrate the holiday with his family. Maybe next year, he thought. He wasn’t quite ready to give up hope. He couldn’t let go of his desire to belong to them.

  That evening, the games added an even more riotous element to the celebration. Hilarity ensued and no one minded acting the fool. Even Black Fox stayed for them this year and when it was his turn for charades, he acted just as silly as anyone else. Wind Spirit, his wife, and his son, Raven, laughed until they had tears in their eyes.

  As the next game started, Rick took Gina’s hand and said into her ear, “I want you to come somewhere with me. Lacey’s going to watch the kids.”

  Gina said, “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “You and your surprises. All right. Let’s go before I die of curiosity,” she said.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  When they arrived at Rick’s house, Gina looked at him with questions in her eyes. He just smiled and helped her out of the carriage.

  “Come with me, Lovely,” he said as he took her hand.

  He led her around back of the little house and down the trail that led to all of the critters he kept. She thought he would stop at the new llama pen. They had arrived two weeks prior and were a big hit with the kids. However, he continued down a path that had been recently made.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked.

  “You’ll see,” he answered enigmatically.

  As they continued down the path, Gina saw a house come into view. It was a large, white, two-story structure with a wraparound porch and large windows. In the dark, it was hard to make out, but the shutters looked to be dark green in color.

  “Rick, it’s a beautiful house. Whose is it? Are we on someone else’s property now?” she asked.

  “It’s mine. I’ve been renovating it,” Rick told her.

  Gina looked at him in wonder. “You’ve been keeping it a secret from me.”

  “Yes, but for good reasons. Come on. I want to show it to you,” Rick said.

  They mounted the steps onto the porch and Gina turned around to look behind them. Even in the dark, the whole of the property could be seen. Rick took her hand.

  “Come on, Lovely,” he said.

  He opened the front door and led her inside. The door was beautiful with an oval glass inlay that allowed one to see out
onto the porch. On a table just inside the door sat a lamp, which Rick lit right away.

  Gina gasped as she looked at the foyer. It was a large space with a chandelier. Just beyond the foyer, an elegant staircase was situated on the left side of the hallway. It was a short corridor that opened up into a large parlor. Gina’s gaze traveled around the room. Rich walnut wainscoting covered the lower half of the walls. The upper half of the walls was covered in gold and cream patterned wallpaper.

  “It’s just like I described to you! Have you been renovating based on what I’ve told you?” Gina asked.

  “Guilty,” Rick said. “Gina, I hope you know by now how much I love you. I can’t imagine my life without you and I need you by my side. You are everything I could ask for in a woman and so very much more. You and the little people are the most important part of my life now and I want all of you to be mine.”

  Rick took her hand as he knelt on one knee and took out the ring box from his pocket. “Giavanna Francesca Silvetti, will do me the great honor of becoming my wife?”

  Gina felt as if she were living the most wonderful dream that could ever be dreamed. Never did she expect this. As she looked down into Rick’s warm, brown eyes, she saw the love for her in them and her own love for him grew even as they looked at each other.

  Rick made her happier than she could have ever thought she’d be again. And that he always put her children’s welfare first told her what a good stepfather he’d be to them. She desperately wanted to share her life with him.

  Her lips trembled and her voice was a little shaky with emotion as she said, “Yes, Rick. I will become your wife. I want to marry you more than anything.”

  She watched in amazement as he slid the most gorgeous ring she’d ever seen onto the appropriate finger. Then he rose and took her into his arms.

  “You’ll never regret marrying me,” he said. “I’ll make sure of that. I’ll do my best every day to make you and the little people happy.”

  “I can believe that about you. And I’ll do the same for you. I love you so much. You certainly took me by surprise when we came here.” Gina smiled as she laid a hand on his cheek. “You are the most remarkable man and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.”

  Rick kissed her hand and said, “I sure wasn’t expecting you, either, but I can’t adequately express how happy I am that you came to Dawson. I love you.”

  Their kiss told each other how deep their feelings ran and was filled with promises. When they slowly drew apart, Rick said, “Come with me, future Mrs. Westlake. I want to show you the rest of our house.”

  Gina was impressed with everything about the house, from the large kitchen with a brand new stove, to the elegant dining room, and secondary parlor. There was a small toilet downstairs, as well. Upstairs, Rick took her into the master bedroom. When he lit another lamp, Gina’s gasp was audible in the room. She looked at Rick with wide eyes.

  “You really did listen to everything I was saying.”

  Rick nodded. “Yes, I did.”

  Gina reached out and touched the exquisite emerald green cloth wallpaper with tiny gold flowers throughout. The heavy cream brocade drapes at the three large windows were the perfect contrast for the walls and the huge Chinese rug in shades of green that covered most of the floor.

  “Oh, Rick, it’s so beautiful that I don’t really have the proper words for it,” Gina said as she took it all in.

  “I’m glad you like it. Now, let me show you the kids’ rooms,” he said and led her out of the room.

  Chloe’s room was almost an exact replica of her room at the Dwyers’ house.

  “Oh, Rick, she’s going to love it,” Gina said.

  “She loves that room so much that I thought that she should have it here. It will help her make the transition of moving so soon again, I think,” Rick said.

  Gina hugged him and said, “Thank you for being so thoughtful.”

  Rick kissed her and said, “No thanks needed.”

  Ryan’s room was every little boy’s dream. A mural depicting a cattle drive covered one wall, while on the one opposite, a Lakota hunting scene spread across it.

  Gina was so excited about it that she squealed, making Rick laugh. “You sounded like Abby.”

  “Oh, Rick, he’s going to have so much fun with that. I have a question about all of this, but I don’t want to offend you,” Gina said.

  “You can ask me anything, Lovely.”

  “On your salaries, how could you afford it all? I can’t imagine they would be enough to do something like this,” Gina asked hesitantly.

  Rick chuckled. “I have another secret. I’m well off. My mother had a large estate, which I inherited. She was part of high society and her family was prominent in New York. I’ve never spent much of it because I didn’t have a need to. So we will never want for money.”

  Gina’s mouth dropped open and Rick closed it for her. “You’re rich?”

  “That’s one way to put it. Yes,” Rick said.

  “Then why do you work?” Gina asked.

  “Because I like the work. I like helping people and I also like tossing people out on their asses when they can’t behave. I don’t plan on quitting either job. I have one more thing to show you,” he said as he gave her Cheshire cat grin.

  He trotted down the hallway and Gina followed suit. He stopped at another door and said, “Close your eyes.”

  “Rick, what are you up to now?”

  “Close them.”

  Once she’d shut her eyes, he opened the door. Taking her by the shoulders he guided her inside and lit a lamp. “Ok. Open them.”

  Gina did and once again found her jaw dropping open. She couldn’t speak as she looked around the room. “A sewing room!” she cried.

  Material racks, sewing dummies, a cutting table, and everything else that a seamstress would need filled the big space. She inspected everything and grew more and more excited as she did so.

  She squealed again and hugged Rick so hard that he grunted and laughed.

  “I take it that you like it?” he asked.

  Gina jumped up and down a little as she hugged him. “I adore it. You are the most wonderful man in the world. You’re smart and kind and handsome and funny and strong and—”

  “—Whoa, whoa! You’re really going to make my head swell,” Rick said and kissed her. “I forgot, there’s one more thing.”

  “What else could there possibly be?”

  Rick just smiled and crooked a finger at her. As they went back towards the stairs, Rick patted a door and then opened it. “I thought maybe this room would make a good nursery.”

  Her eyes quickly found his. “You want children?”

  “No, I want more children. Surely you know that I’ve come to think of the little people as my own. I couldn’t love them any differently if they were my blood, Gina,” Rick said as he searched her face to see her reaction to his statement.

  Gina put a hand to her lips as she tried to stop their trembling. It was all too much for her and she couldn’t stem the flow of happy tears.

  “Oh, sweetheart, don’t cry,” Rick said as he enveloped her in his embrace.

  Gina shook her head against his chest. “I’m just so happy,” she choked out.

  “Me, too. Shh. Dry your eyes, honey,” Rick said as he handed her his handkerchief.

  Gina laughed a little as she dabbed at her eyes and said, “Am I dreaming?”

  “If you are, then we’re having the same dream. Shall we go tell the little people?”

  “Yes! Oh, yes!”

  Rick laughed when she grabbed his hand and began pulling him quickly down the hallway.

  When they arrived back at Joe and Lacey’s, Gina kept her ring hidden because they wanted to tell the children before anyone else. They took them into Chloe’s room and shut the door. Gina sat them on the bed and Rick sat on a chair close by. Rick wasn’t worried about Ryan being happy about their news, but he was unsure of Chloe’s reaction.

; Gina said, “What we’re going to tell you is very important and I hope it will make you happy. Tonight Rick asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

  Ryan let out a big whoop and ran over to Rick. He scrambled up into his lap and hugged Rick’s neck. Rick returned his embrace and stroked his soft hair.

  Ryan took Rick’s face in his little hands and said, “That means you’re my daddy now, right?”

  “Uh, well…” He looked at Gina for help. She just laughed. Clearly she was leaving this matter up to him. He made the decision quickly. “Yes, that’s exactly what it means, Deputy Ryan.”

  The little boy hugged him again and laid his head on Rick’s shoulder for a moment before scrambling down and sitting on the floor. Rick looked at Chloe and saw the guarded expression on her face.

  “Chloe, I know that you didn’t want your Mommy to get married again, but I know you like me and I’ve come to love you and Ryan very much.” He swallowed as he remembered Tessa’s words. “I will never try to take your Daddy’s place. He sounds like he was such a special man and I wish I could have met him. But I promise you that I’ll always be there for you and love you. Maybe I could make my own place in your heart.”

  He got down on one knee and took a ring box from his pocket. “I’m not only marrying your Mommy, I’m marrying you and Ryan. Would that be all right with you?”

  He opened the ring box to reveal a small ring with a tiny diamond setting. Rick took it out and held it up.

  “That’s for me?” Chloe asked in disbelief.

  “If your answer is yes, it is.”

  Chloe looked at the ring and then at Rick and nodded. “Yes. It’s ok with me.”

  Rick felt such elation as he put the ring on Chloe’s right hand. “We’re going to leave your left ring finger free so you can marry that handsome boy at school someday.”

  Chloe giggled and blushed as she looked at the ring in awe. “It fits.”

  “I’m glad. I took a guess.”

  Chloe got off the bed and hugged Rick as he knelt. “Thank you for making Mommy happy. You make me happy, too.”

  “I’m happy that you’re happy, and that Mommy’s happy, and that Ryan’s happy; so I guess that makes everyone happy.”


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