utopia unraveling (The Virtagwala Series Book 1)

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utopia unraveling (The Virtagwala Series Book 1) Page 11

by Kyle Malinowski

  Grabbing her shoulders, he looked deep into her eyes, “Dr. Rove, I would never think of using you as a pawn. I need you for what’s up here,” he pointed to her head.

  Rachel instantly became less tense, “And what do you mean by that?”

  Continuing to look into her eyes for a few moments, he finally released her. She stumbled back. She instantly noticed the lack of warmth from where his hands had been, and that unspeakable comfort she found in them. Shaking her head, she stood silently as he went for the letter again. Clearing his throat he walked over to his wall, “Dr. Rove do you know what I do for a living? Do you know what we produce for the people of Virtagwalla?”

  Thinking it was a dumb question, “Excuse me Mr. Larynx, I don’t know where you are going with this?”

  Larynx rolled his eyes and swooped his shoulders a little bit, “Oh Dr. Rove, don’t give up at playing my game just when I am warming up. You’re have a PhD, of course, you know the answer to my silly question,” she looked at him, lost and bewildered, as he continued “We build and maintain the most technologically advanced light rail system in the world. Corporations and countries are chomping at the bit to get a piece of the knowledge and innovation coming out of those labs down there,” he pointed into the terminal. “And although we have built miles and miles of tracks we still have yet to completely unify this city, and this island. Cheap, smooth, and progressive mass transit is the only way to secure a society for generations to come.”

  Rachel was spellbound by Larynx. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him as he stood across his office from her. He was pointing to the map of the island, with the lit up tracks on it, “If I am not mistaken you have a son don’t you Dr. Rove?”

  Rachel nodding mumbling, “Michael” under her breath.

  “As I am sure you love him, you too want the greatest future for him. You want him to grow up in a world, and into a world where anything is possible. Where his dreams can become a reality, and he doesn’t have to be afraid? We at LLR believe the same thing. That is why we have worked tirelessly over the past decade to provide this city with a system of mass transit to move its population from point to point as cheaply, safely, and as hassle free as possible. Since the completion of the Ponchertrain network the unemployment rate has fallen to its all time low of just above 2% of the total population of those that can hold jobs in this city. With the advent of the island loop, commerce and trading with our smaller neighbor to the west has moved us one step closer to being a more efficient and connected nation. But there is an issue. Do you know what that issue is?”

  Rachel couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The way that Larynx spoke to her, and walked her through the knowledge was flawless, even to her detail orientated mind. She shook her head again without speaking. He too nodded and continued, “We need to connect Ponchertrain and Villaggio one last way; the fastest way between the two cities. Highway 100 serves as the perfect route to take. It will reduce the travel time by nearly half and offer as the primary mode of communicating, shipping, and securing both major populations of this great nation. But the Parliament seems to have an issue with my highway 100 plan. And thus is why I have asked you to come here today,” He climaxed by pointing to the path of highway 100 on his map and then glanced back at Rachel.

  She was leaning on the back of the sofa when he finished. She needed a few moments to catch up. When she did, she swallowed, and spoke slowly without ever breaking her eyes off of him, “And what would that be Mr. Larynx?”

  He smiled and walked back towards her, “Dr. Rove the Parliament feels this project could have some harmful side effects on the ecosystem of the jungle. I was recently informed that you are one of the top minds in the field of Environmental Engineering and that you may be able to help me prove to the Parliament this project would not have long term harmful effects.”

  Standing very close to her, she nodded, “I, I can for sure do that. How long would I have?”

  He casually shook his head, “As long as you need. The sooner the better would be preferred but I have no idea how long these things usually take. I mean, you are the doctor in this field, not me.”

  As if breaking from the trance again, she nodded her head sharply many times, “Okay. Sure. I can probably have it completed in two weeks. Is there, uh, anything else I can help you with?”

  Grinning again, he moved away back towards his desk, rummaging around in one of his drawers he produced a folder full of papers. Walking back towards her he sighed, “Do you know anything about thermal power generation?”

  She smiled sheepishly, “Not really, but I can probably talk to someone who does. Why? Thinking about getting into that business as well?”

  Handing her the folder, “These are the plans for the future track. I think they will help you to determine exactly where you need to do the research for the Parliament,” sighing he slid his hands into his pockets again, “You know, with this whole Republic Power Company’s unraveling and destabilizing, threating the entire island, it got me thinking,” moving back off again, “This company relies greatly on the RPC. I mean my trains wouldn’t move without the power it produces. And with the recent rise in rates, and its ever looming potentiality of collapse, I have been thinking that looking into my own source of power would be in the best interest of this company.”

  Rachel laughed, “Well if you wanted to go thermal you are going to need to find a thermal pocket or vent. I know a guy who could probably point you in the right direction.”

  He turned back to her, “That’s why I love you academics. You all are always flaunting your work, so that you eventually know someone in every field that could provide you with advice for every walk of life,” he looked out the window, and then snapped back to her, “How about I give you three weeks, and you come back to me with that environmental impact study, and some information on thermal geysers. After which, I can make a very handsome donation to the Environmental Engineering department to be used by its chair for whatever she wishes,” his toothy grin shined in Rachel’s eyes.

  Biting her lip, “Three weeks it is then,” taking out her cell phone, “Here let me give you my personal cell phone number in case you need to get in contact with me about anything between then and now.”

  “Don’t you worry Dr. Rove, I already have it. That’s the blessing of having a diligent secretary,” Reaching out his hand, the two of them shook, he said, “It’s a deal. I will see you in three weeks Dr. Rove.”

  She couldn’t help but smile as she left the Larynx Grand Central station in route to the campus of the University of Virtagwalla.


  “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,” Elisabeth Mooring wiped her nose with a tissue. She had come down a little bit of a sniffle the night before and was attempting to not allow it to interfere with her duties, “I realize this morning I briefed you on the situation unfolding in England with its bank, the United Bank of Britain. However I would like to speak a little more to that subject since we have received more information since then. As a recap, at approximately 8:30 London time, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the United Kingdom’s Minister responsible for Her Majesty’s treasury, and the Bank of England took control of the ailing United Bank of Britain. For days the Chancellor and the Bank of England have been watching as the UBB attempted to save itself. However after a particularly brutal day on the London Stock Exchange the bank’s stock could no longer be supported. Therefore the bank was seized by the British officials, and placed under stewardship by the Bank of England. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Martin Allistar, has established an emergency committee who has been ordered to investigate each bank and financial institution in the Kingdom. He has also given that committee the authority to make official recommendations to the Bank of England and Allistar’s office of other institutions that either need to be rebuffed with extra support or taken into full stewardship,” she bit her lip, “The announcement of the UBB’s collapse has rattled the stock market’s around the world with
many British and American stock indexes taking tumbles into double digit percentages. The British Prime Minister and Chancellor Allistar have attempted to reassure the British people that the Sterling Pound is still strong and will continue to have, and I am quoting here, “sterling character”. “

  “Lis, has the President expressed concern that our own bank, the Virtagwalla World Bank, could be facing some of the same issues this British Bank?”

  “No Dave he has not expressed that concern,” she nodded, “Steve?”

  “What is the President’s stance on ordering Finance Minister Jacqueline Sensado and the Ministry of Finance to step in and potentially prevent a bank before it completely collapses? Like with one of the smaller banks on the island?”

  “He has full faith in Minister Sensado and the Ministry of Finance to be able to make appropriate decisions and to execute them properly concerning the financial health of any bank on the island. Thanks, that’s all for now.”


  Jon Pacer had a modest upbringing. He was educated to be a plumber, but fell into politics when his posters, advertising his trustworthy plumbing services, were confused for political broadsides. He was elected to the Ponchertrain city council without making one speech, or collecting one cent in campaign finances. His genuine demeanor and consistently positive reputation helped to rocket this world-class plumber into the life of civic service. After serving the City Council under two different mayors, he was selected as the interim Mayor when the acting Mayor, Xavier Rove, won his bid for the Presidency. Pacer took the City Council and almost instantly elevated its recognition amongst the community as a body based on solid morals and straightforward Virtagwallan values. After serving as the interim mayor for a year, he won in a glorious landslide special midterm election solidifying his legitimacy as the Mayor of Ponchertrain.

  Jon Pacer was a quiet man. When he spoke however he spoke with power and conviction. People listened when Pacer said something and they believed him. He had a political mind with an average person’s vocabulary. His sense of right and wrong was not marred by a dirty political accent, but instead came into power as if he were meant to be there. He was a methodical thinker. One of Pacer’s greatest personality traits was that he was a no drama, straight shooter. He argued the good argument but knew when enough was enough. Although his stature was squatter than most men, and his lightly balding crown made him seem older than he really was, Pacer was the image of the everyday man. People liked that about him.

  So the day that Jon Pacer came into Xavier Rove’s office frustrated and outwardly showing it, Rove was taken aback. He arrived with an entourage of Jacqueline Sensado, and the President of the Metropolitan Foundation Service, Peter Riddle. Pacer and Riddle looked quite ready to tackle Jacqueline Sensado, as Kay Lyons, the President’s darling secretary, shuffled them through his lobby into the attached conference room. It was as ornate as the President’s office, certainly presidential. Private Harvey, stood guard at the door eyeing the occupants of the room.

  Kay Lyons then left the conference room, and returned to the Presidential Suite. She knocked softly on the President’s office doors and opened them, “Mr. President, Mayor Pacer, Minister Sensado, and Mr. Riddle are here for your meeting with them in the main conference room,” she said confidently, affirming eye contact between her and the Chief.

  Hampton Ray shut his folder, took off his readers, and stood up, “Mr. President I do have two more things I want to speak to you about.”

  Rove stood up closing his glasses, “I have a headache today Hampton,” he put them into his pocket, “My contacts just were not feeling it this morning. Walk with me to the meeting and talk to me about your last few points.”

  Leaving the office the President shouted back for Lyons, “Ms. Lyons can you please have someone bring me the file on the Metropolitan Foundation Service’s budgets for the past two decades. Thank you!”

  “Mr. President, I have two rather important things,” Hampton said opening up his folder as they moved into the hallway.

  “I am all ears for approximately,” the President glanced at his watch, “Forty seven seconds. Go.”

  Ray nodded, “First of all, we have been exceptionally cautious about releasing information about Mr. Kompco’s murder.”

  The President winced, “Are we sure it’s a murder Ray?”

  “Mr. President the National Guard has not officially decreed whether it was a murder or not, but they are very confident it will end that way.”

  “How confident is “very confident”?” Xavier prodded.

  “I can not give you exact numerical percentages but I can assure you the number’s high,” Ray said coy flipping a page, “I think we should reaffirm that the investigation is still continuing.”

  “Fine,” Xavier sighed, “Have Lis run something at her briefing this afternoon. But make it quick,” he commanded pointing at Ray.

  Ray nodded, starting to walk again, “I realize my time is most likely far over due.”

  “Has been for months now,” Xavier laughed.

  “Yes, well, I do have one other thing that I think you should be aware of,” Ray said, stopping again, “I know you already know that two days ago the United Bank of Britain, one of the largest and most influential financial establishments in the world succumb to its financial weaknesses and closed its doors. This morning, Minister Blanco of Settlerstown came forward on international television stating that he has evidence there are other major financial institutions in the international financial environment that could be facing similar demises.”

  Rove didn’t respond immediately, and then lowered his eyes, “Damn Blanco. Opening his damn mouth and talking to things he doesn’t even understand. Just to get a little face time with the media. What does this mean for Virtagwalla, Ray?” he asked solemnly.

  Hampton measured his response, “Well, sir, at the least a couple dozen employees of the UBB will have no place to go now. The Economic Advisory council is still working out long-range details. But I have this uncomfortable feeling that a certain massive bank on this island may be one of those the Minister claims to have evidence about.”

  “The Virtagwalla World Bank?” Rove asked putting his hands on his hips.

  “I don’t even want to think that,” Ray shook his head, “I will keep you posted throughout the morning,” he said moving again, this time just to be in front of the door. Lyons was already waiting for them.

  “Thought you got lost,” she said joking to Ray. The President looked at her, and asked her for the folder on the MFS budgets. She knocked softly on the door, which opened immediately, and responded, “It will be here shortly.”

  Everyone in the room stood, and Rove waltz in, “Everyone sit down, we have a meeting to get to,” the President said sitting down, an aid handing him a folder with information on the budgets and then leaving quickly. The room was silent as the President slid on his readers and glanced at the sheets inside the folder. Looking up he could sense there was an elephant in the room.

  “Finally replaced ol’ Ray, haven’t you Mr. President?” Peter Riddle asked sarcastically.

  The President looked confused, and Riddle gingerly pointed to the armed National Guardsman at the door.

  Xavier shook his head and rolled his eyes, “Let me assure you, Mr. Riddle, no one this side of Hawaii can replace Mr. Ray,” he affirmed affably. Taking off his glasses he pointed with them to Harvey, “No, this is my personal National Guardsman, stationed to protect the President,” he said looking back at Peter who gave a sheepish smile.

  Private Harvey, with his round shaved head and broad shoulders didn’t move or express anything on his face. Riddle looked between him and Rove, and then asked, “So is he going to be in here the whole time?”

  Rove nodded his head, and got up, “Private, if you could please give us a few moments. I am adequately confident that we will be fine in here alone. I mean the coffee maker does look different than usual, but I feel as though that is more of a Capital
Aide’s handy work rather than a terrorist,” he winked at the individuals sitting around the table. Standing up, “It may get heated in here, however I am sure I can handle them. I will shout if I need your help.”

  Private Harvey nodded apologetically saying, “I’m sorry Mr. President, but I cannot. I am under direct orders from General Laurels, and Prime Minister Zhang that I cannot leave your side. Your life is my responsibility, one in which I do not plan to take lightly.”

  Rove didn’t say a word. He merely stared at the young man. After a few tense moments, the private nodded his head, saluted, and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

  Sitting down Rove took a few moments to digest what had just happened. Tuning back into the people around the table, he asked clapping his hands “Ok, where were we?”

  Sensado, Rove noticed, had a tense look on her face, while Pacer and Riddle simply mauled over what they just saw in silence. Sensado was the first to ask, “So he is a side of effect of this weekend’s flurry of activity at your house following James Kompco’s death?”

  Rove sighed rubbing his eyes, “Yes I got placed with Private Harvey because some people were a bit skittish for my safety. He’s got solid intentions but whew, he follows me around like a lost puppy. I am kind of feeling smothered,” he joked pointing to the door.

  “Okay let’s get this party started. Mr. Pacer, Ms. Sensado, or Mr. Riddle can you please explain to me why we are here?”

  Riddle leaned forward, “Shouldn’t the Prime Minister be present for this?”

  Rove and Sensado both shook their heads, as he remarked, “The Prime Minister had something suddenly come up. He sends his regards but says he trusts Jacqueline’s opinion on this matter.”


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