The Terror of Thorn: Child of War: Book 2

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The Terror of Thorn: Child of War: Book 2 Page 11

by Alonna Lissett

  “He is and hates to be kept waiting.” Xander stated more loudly than his normal speech for the benefit of the onlookers. “He is the Champion of Rangel and the butcher of Ingland. I give you Patrick the Lion Heart.”

  Patrick picked up one of the wooden swords he saw lying on the ground and waved his first victim in. The man Patrick fought was thin for even Thornian standards and went into a fast paced intricate dance like motion waving his sword around faster than almost the eye could see.

  “Your giant should be lucky this isn’t steel” The Duke said smirking. “It is doubtful he would be in one piece after this.”

  Patrick eyed the man and figured he was probably a lot faster than he looked, but had no idea since how fast Patrick was. Patrick had always been bigger than most, but since he underwent the potioning process from the alchemists his mother kept at the magic school, he had grown immensely in size, weight, strength and most of all speed. Patrick purposely took a long slow swing towards the man and made sure he telegraphed it. His opponent looked at Patrick’s are and the way his hips were moving and spun to the side his sword ready to strike. Patrick smiled inwardly at his opponent underestimating him and delivered a blow to the man’s stomach, he didn’t put all his power into it, but he made sure the fight would be over.

  The man doubled over and vomited, losing his sword in the process. Patrick picked up the man like one would a sack of potatoes and threw him towards the Duke.

  “Your man lasted but a few moments” Xander said making sure he put humor into his voice.

  “I see not all Fire Hair fight same, Fire hair here not like you Fire Hair. These fire hair weak, not able to take punch” Rain Water said as she looked at the fallen man.

  “What did your Elf say?” asked the Duke of Best.

  “She said she hoped your other men put on more of a show” replied Xander.

  Duke Best motioned another of his men to fight Patrick. This man did not perform any fancy tricks; he just went right into the attack. Swipe, parry, retreat. This man Xander could see would be a challenge. Any trick Patrick tried the man did not fall for, this was a true swordsman. The fight raged on for ten minutes at this point, a lifetime for a sword fight and Xander noticed the other man began to sweat.

  Patrick wasn’t able to mount much offense against the man, but his speed stayed relatively the same while it looked to Xander his opponents slowed somewhat. Duke best must have seen it also and sent his remaining men in to attck Patrick’s back.

  “Behind you Patrick” Xander called out as Patrick turned just in time to catch his foe by his sword arm. Patrick immediately turned and threw the man into his first adversary knocking them both down before turning around to face his remaining foe.

  “I have seen enough” Duke Best said disgusted. “Your man can do the job.”

  Xander and Duke Best put together a plan of attack. Xander showed him what he could bring to the battle and transported all of the elf warriors, both Dark and Light. Xander could see Duke Best was amazed but tried his best not to show it. Xander and the Duke came to a conclusion that the best time for an attack would be right before sunset, the sun would be in the eyes of the Frahch.

  Xander concluded his plan with the Duke of Best and found many men and women gathered around Patrick all talking excitedly. From what Xander had heard, many were amazed with his size, others wanted to know if he had ever met a witch. Patrick was clearly not used to the crowds as Xander could see he was uncomfortable, many questions were asked about life in Rangel and was it true everyone went to bed with a full belly. As Xander listened though, one question was asked more than others, what was it like to travel with Erik the Red. Patrick tried to tell them he traveled with Xander his son but none would listen. Some of the women though were disappointed he was married to the Princess of Rangel.

  “The attack will happen as the sun drops out of the sky” Xander said trying to save Patrick from the crowd.

  “What will our roles be” asked one of the Duke’s bodyguards when a man came up running out of breath.

  “They have broke through!” the man said as he dropped to his knees.

  Xander listened and could hear men screaming, apparently headed their way.

  “Archers fall back to the rear within the trees, the land we are on now is the killing ground.” The Duke of Best said taking charge. “Enchanter you lead the ground troops, Patrick you are on me”.

  Xander looked as Patrick grabbed his sword and went to the Duke’s side, sending Samantha and Priscilla with the elves. Xander fell the troop back to the left of the position most of the invaders would come through, ensuring they take a lot of arrow fire. The invaders came through faster than Xander thought possible unitl he saw why, they were cavalry.

  The men on horseback came through so fast the arrows only had moderate success. It was clear by the way they rode the Duke was their target as the men on horseback ignored Xander and his infantry all together. Xander and his men charged anyway, trying to take the men down from the side when Patrick went into action. The first man to reach the Duke, Patrick grabbed hold of his lance and used it to throw the man off. Xander looked back and grabbed the Duke, depositing him on horseback. Duke best took off in the wilderness with the animal as men descended on Patrick. Xander began to give chase when the ground troops from Frahse showed themselves. Xander rallied his troops but hated his predicament, he had ground troops at his back, and fighting men in front with nothing but a bunch of farmers to settle the score. Xander figured this was a no win situation since his elves could not even bring their strength to bear. Xander took a deep breath as he focused on his target as he heard a terrible yell.

  Patrick had ripped the front legs off of a horse and was using it to beat a man unconscious. Men all around Xander stopped their charge as Patrick picked up a blade and separated a man’s head from his shoulders. Patrick picked up the head and stuck his fingers in its mouth and began to use that as a weapon as the Frahchmen, scared for their lives began to retreat. Patrick threw the head and began to follow behind the fleeing Frahchmen until Xander stopped him. Xander looked around at his troops and saw although a couple were hurt, none were serious. The enemy only lost about 6 men, but the thought a facing a head wielding giant was more than they bargained for.

  “I don’t care what the Duke says” one of his bodyguards began. “I aint going to the capital to fight the damn Rangelians if that’s what we are facing.”

  Xander quickly rallied the remaining people and marched them towards Frahse. Once Xander got closer to the border, he was greeted by three men on horseback who had a man tied up at their feet.

  “We do not wish to fight Thorn” said the first man as Duke Best rode up behind Xander. “We were just following orders and now we want to escape with our lives. We offer you our commanding officer as a trade for our lives.”

  Duke Best climbed off of his horse and picked the man up off his feet. I accept your trade and may the Gods be with you” was all he said as he walked the man back into Thorn.

  “Enchanter I am reporting to the King all what I saw here, along with your escape into the countryside” Duke Best began. “You have my word that any man who took advantage of the populace will be disciplined harshly, and I will try to repay all debts caused by them. I will write a writ before I depart with my prisoner granting your lady friend an audience with me, and you have my word I will do what I think is right by her for her losses.”

  “We may not be on the same side when we meet again” Xander said.

  “You and your man saved my life this day” Duke Best began. “Patrick, you may be the Champion of Rangel, but on this day let it be known you are also a Champion of Best. No matter what fate has in store for us, all men and women in this land will not forsake you or your trust, be it for the King of Thorn or anyone else in power.” Duke Best loaded his prisoner up on the horse he was riding and left the field to head back to the capital.



e Queen of Rangel eyed her daughter as she barely touched her food. Celeste knew her consort’s whereabouts had to be foremost in her mind. Celeste remembered how the enchanter ran and lived out his days in a forest of elves instead of accepting her hand and here she was worried sick about him. Aubrey was everything Celeste though a queen should be, she was tough but fair to everyone. Celeste had never been prouder when her daughter proved she didn’t play favorites by having the enchanter flogged then forcing him to go to her friend’s ball anyway and act like nothing happened. But here was her daughter, worried sick over a man.

  “Aubrey you have barely touched your food” Celeste began. “You can’t rule Rangel if you starve to death.”

  “My appetite is lost, this is my first war” Aubrey replied.

  “Well it is one we are winning, already Ingland has sued for peace and even gave us some land. The army of junior witches and soldiers came back triumphantly under the Second Witch.” Celeste said knowing the only thing her daughter cared about was the enchanter.

  “You know if they killed him mother there could never be any peace” Aubrey said in a voice Celeste was not used to hearing. “Any treaty you make will be held invalid until anyone who had anything to do with his death would be put to the sword.”

  “Aubrey, all of this over a man?” Celeste began wondering if she wasn’t missing something. “You can have your pick of bed warmers here in Rangel in all shapes and sizes. If red hair is your thing, you could search through the slaves that was sent back from your fight on the border before they meet the arena.”

  “He was not a man mother, he was my man!” Aubrey said as her voice started to grow louder. “No one takes anything from me which I do not give, I would not have this as my legacy. Right now my enemies yearn for their death but I am here, safe in Rangel.”

  Celeste smiled inwardly at her daughter, she had taught her well. Celeste tried her best to give Aubrey the qualities of a true Queen and she succeeded. Celeste was sure Aubrey loved Xander but that was only one of the reasons Aubrey was so upset. She wanted blood from all who was against her and would see her enemies dead. Just the thought of people who had wronged her surviving was sending her over the edge. “You know Aubrey, with the witches back from Ingland, you can take half of the army they traveled with into Thorn to hurry up and end this war. I can press the men into service temporarily just to deal with any uprisings we may have.”

  “Mother I would like nothing more than to go, but this course would likely make the people rebel.” Aubrey said hoping her mother had an answer.

  “I will give the wife of any man who have finished his commitment and choose to come back to temporarily protect Rangel three times the pay they normally receive. That alone should get men out of the house, I will even ask all the slaves that work in the mines if they would like a second chance, many would flock to join the military.” Celeste said thinking she would need to move quickly on such matters.

  “Then mother I will end this war for you and bring peace to our land once more” Aubrey said as she left the room.


  It had been two weeks since Xander and his company had last seen the Duke of Best. After the battle, Xander had transported all the elves home and began on his march to the merchant Javik’s home, the delay clearly getting to Samantha.

  During Xander’s march to her estate, many people joined him, wanting to fight for him, be around him. His legend spread due to the man Joveon and other old timers telling stories about his father. Xander was lost in this thought as he was setting up camp when he heard a familiar story going around about his father, almost everyone had one.

  “There he is, I tell you, he is the spittin image of his Da, you know I fought for his Da back in the Witch Wars, back then Frahse would have never dared to attack us” Xander heard a random person say as he was walking by. Xander smiled inwardly at the number of troops as he began to think of them they were able to gain by doing nothing but passing through their respective towns.

  Xander found out many men were conscripted into service and had no loyalties to a ruler who valued wealth above people. Many Men, some women and even some children joined his fight to put Samantha on the Throne.

  As Xander walked deeper into Thorn, many people started noticing Samantha due to her father’s good works, as his penchant for charity was known far and wide. Many were happy to fight Janus and although they knew Samantha should be heir to the Throne, but the people began to see him as more of a leader. It wasn’t long until people started whispering about Xander being King, a notion he quickly dismissed. There was no way he could beat the witches in combat let alone the massive number of troops Rangel could send. Aubrey would certainly not stand for her husband ruling a nation, if anything she would rule in his stead.

  Xander thought about his earlier notion of owning a little plot of land somewhere, but how long until he is found out? Rangelian gold could buy a lot of loyalty, that with his new found fame would make it hard for him to hide anywhere in this country on his own. Xander thought about this as Patrick and Samantha approached him.

  “Enchanter, my bride tells me we are almost to the outskirts of her father’s lands. One more day and we will be well within its borders. What plans have you then?” Patrick asked as he looked down upon Xander.

  Xander smiled inwardly, he could tell when the huge man wanted something by the way he got closer to you so you would have to look up at him. “I have no plan, other than rescue Samantha’s father, that was the mission given by the Queen herself.”

  “Back to serving the crown again Enchanter?” Patrick said as he took a step back in surprise. “I thought you were blazing your own path and killing everyone in it.”

  “Those were the words of a dreamer, we all know I only have two real choices, live a life of relative unhappiness in luxury, or death. There is no way Rangel would permit me to live anywhere but within its borders. I’m not stupid and I doubt you knew that already.”

  “Enchanter the men here are beginning to think you should lead them, not only in the upcoming battles but even in peacetime” Patrick said as Xander could see he was being tested.

  “Nonsense, the place I would lead these men is to death against Rangel. Samantha is the heir apparent. All we need to do is rescue her father, after that hopefully we could blaze a path to Janus where I will avenge my mother.” Xander said as the words rolled off of his lips making him remember his real reason for this war.

  “I am glad to hear that Xander” Samantha said joining the conversation. “Princess Aubrey adores you, I think you make a great couple and soon, Gods willing, you will have a couple of bundles of joy.”

  “Perhaps, but the only think clear in my mind is the need to defeat Janus. What can you tell me of the road I will take tomorrow to get into your father’s lands?”

  “Xander it is pretty straight forward,” Samantha began “All you have to do is follow the main road until you come to a group of five seemly abandoned buildings. The one with the red roof has a tunnel in the basement hidden by a false wall. Strike the stone with your morning star; it should be dust afterwards unlike real stone. Follow that tunnel about a half a day’s walk and you should come up under his estate. Let my father know who you are as there will likely be guards by the entrance on my father’s side. After that it should be pretty easy, teleport my father to safety and abandon the keep. Let the King attack an empty building while we march to his capital.”

  “Wouldn’t that put an enemy at our back” Patrick began “I doubt it would be long before they realize your father has deserted his home and come for us. Some of us might be able to escape due to the enchanter but at what cost? I think the smart thing to do would be after your father is safely away, me along with the rest of the Soldiers with enchanted weapons and armor should take out the leader or at the very least make him leave the field. Far as we know the witches have been beat back across the border and we are going at it alone.”

  “Our problem is that we do
not know where our allies are in this war. If only there was some way to find out for sure. I am needed here, I couldn’t just go off on a fact finding mission” Xander said as Priscilla walked up.

  “I was thinkin about that Xander, tell me sumthin’, I remember you said you enchanted the floor of the wagon you an yer girlie was riding in. Is it possible that you could make something jus’ like it an give it to someone to carry a distance for you and you could teleport to them, instead of teleporting them to locations you have been already?”

  “I suppose it is possible” Xander said as he inwardly cringed that he did not figure it out sooner. “The problem I see is that a carriage would be easy to spot and likely to get either attacked or requisitioned.”

  “Why does it have to be a wagon” Samantha said as her face told Xander she had an idea. Couldn’t you just make an enchanted rug or paper drawings or something like that? It would be lightweight and a squad of soldiers dressed in the garb of the Royal Army could effectively march to the capital and find out a lot about the war.”

  Xander smiled as left the little group in an effort to find some cloth. It wasn’t long before he had a two crudely drawn but working teleportation circles drawn into some cloth. Men Samantha recognized that owed her father were dressed in the garb of the royal army and sent to the border, hoping they would run into the Rangelian army and given some of the clothes Xander hand on as proof of who they are. The next day Xander started out alone to Javik the merchant’s estate.


  The early part of the day passed along easily until Xander reached the buildings Samantha told him about. As he got closer, he could see the buildings were filled with men who noticed him instantly.


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