Tempest And The Warrior (Unearthly World Book Book 7)

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Tempest And The Warrior (Unearthly World Book Book 7) Page 3

by C. L. Scholey

  “Oh, how I missed butter and salt.” Using his fingers, he picked up the carrots dripping in seasoned liquid. “Ain’t you gonna eat?”


  “That makes sense. I bet you eat a lot and that way you would be able to carry more if you already ate.”

  The boy was bright. Cy had stuffed himself at his vessel and changed into clean clothes, the beasts’ blood was a bitch to remove, and he had been spattered again. Thankfully, the replicator worked. He’d have to figure out how to transport the machine onto the alien vessel. The alien craft was a mystery. It ran, but the controls were different, the shields were down. Cy was determined to fix them. The Angano had a sleeping room, which surprised him. With few alterations from the replicator, it would come in handy with the female and child.

  Braylon paused. “Can you leave a replicator when you go?” His gaze was full of hope and sorrow.

  Cy cupped his chin. “You go me.”

  “Mom too?”


  Braylon whooped and jumped up to do a strange dance.


  The boy stopped then raced to his mother. “Mom, the Zargonnii, his name is Cy, I think, who saved us, saved you and me again. He brought food and chocolate, and he says we can leave with him and he is so cool and has honor and doesn’t lie and he came back and stomped another hyena…”

  The female gazed at Cy warily as Braylon paused. This was the biggest hurdle Cy knew. Getting the female’s trust. She had been abandoned. Who knew what horror the Tonan put her through? Now she was faced with another strange alien. Tonans were big but not as big as Cy.

  “Did you bandage my head?” she asked.

  “He did, Mom. You fell on the ladder and while you dangled there upside down, I fell out of the cave and he caught me. Then he climbed up the side of the cliff like Spider Man in those old comics daddy had and lifted you up and made sure I was okay. He said your hand is hurt.”

  “Doesn’t he speak?” She cradled her hand closer to her chest.

  “Yeah some, but it’s like Mike’s baby sister. Remember, before we were taken? Mike always knew what she was sayin’ when nobody else did.”

  “So you’re a translator?”

  Cy was watching the exchange with amusement. He didn’t realize children spoke so fast without needing to take a breath. Then again, he hadn’t been exposed to many children. And no human male child before today.

  “How do you feel?” Cy asked.

  The female blinked at him. “No wonder he doesn’t say much. What the heck kind of language is that? Was he speaking or burp growling?”

  “Mother,” Braylon said out the side of his mouth in a harsh whisper. “He understands you.”

  “Well, I didn’t get any of that.”

  “He wants to know how you feel. And maybe if you’re hungry.”

  “You got all that from him?” She was definitely skeptical.

  “He fixed your head. You’re holding your hand like it’s sore. He’d be curious, right? He brought lots of food and boy, is it good. No offense, but I ain’t eating the squashed root sticking out of your pocket.”

  Cy pulled out a thermos and poured a dark substance into it. He handed it to Tempest. She sniffed the contents, her eyes widened.

  “This is broth.” Surprise lit her features. “He must have known my tummy wouldn’t be interested in a huge amount of food.”

  “Yeah, he’s pretty smart like that.” Braylon was all smiles. “He brought more water and clean clothes, too. And look.” He clapped his feet together. “New shoes.”

  Tempest sipped at the broth. She eyed him warily. Cy knew she had good reason. He had a bad temper, and she had witnessed it. He was dangerous as hell when he needed to be, sometimes when he didn’t need to be.

  “Sleep,” he rumbled.

  She shakily handed him back the empty cup. Her eyes blinked with exhaustion. She was weary, injured, and tired. Cy knew for now she would listen to him. He also knew females were fighters. The moment she recovered, she would question his every move. Other Zargonnii warriors didn’t mind females like that. In Cy’s world, females and males didn’t mate for life nor coexist. They met once every two years to procreate during the Holiday, and the battle could be brutal. Cy knew how ruthless, he almost killed a female, disfigured an arm heartlessly. The act was unforgivable. He had then kidnapped Titus’s mate, also unforgivable.

  I have to be forgiven.

  Cy vowed he would be. He would take his prizes home and be welcomed back. Every day he would strive to keep his temper in check, and he would. Even if he could never breed again with the Zargonnii females, their demands before Titus banished him, everything would work out as long as Cy was home. This female and little male would be welcome. Another warrior would love them, or a gift for the Castians. The boy could be bitten by a Castian warrior and turned into a warrior. Braylon wouldn’t be as helpless anymore. All he needed was to get them back safely. Tempest. The name meant trouble; he just knew it. As soon as she was well, she was liable to punch all of his buttons. Cy hoped he could keep his temper in check until he got them home.

  I will.

  Chapter 3

  When Tempest woke, the sun was streaming into the cave opening. Her mind wasn’t as muddled as the night before though her head throbbed. A brilliant fire was blazing and for a second, she basked in the heat. Gathering firewood or anything burnable was a chore and a half. She was forever chilled when the cooler season hit. It didn’t snow, but the rainstorms were fierce. During the worst weather, they had a heavy tarp they muscled into place to keep the rain and sleet from entering. It was showing signs of wear and tear, and they kept their distance from it when in use in case debris struck it. The colder season was coming. Tempest wasn’t looking forward to two months of almost nonstop high winds and damning weather. Their meager wood supply wouldn’t last. There was no food except what the warrior gave them.

  Thinking about the Zargonnii had her up and she winced. Her head throbbed harder along with her hand as she gazed around the cave. Terror gripped her. The warrior was gone, and he had taken Braylon from her. Her heart pounded. She stumbled to the edge of the cave. The ladder was where they kept it. She made out voices.

  Below she could see the pond where they got water. Both the warrior and Braylon were swimming. Hand to her heart she breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the cave wall. So many times, she wanted to give in to tears when Braylon wanted to swim and she knew they couldn’t risk the exposure. To be clean again was a dream she had stopped thinking of. Braylon’s laughter was a gift. She was afraid of the warrior but if it weren’t for his actions she would have woken, dangling from the ladder to gaze at her dead son’s body, or his remains.

  Rustling in a near bush at the edge of the pond caught her attention down below and she saw a beast slinking near the water. Before she could cry out a warning, the beast yelped and fled with its ass on fire. She heard Braylon howl with laughter. The warrior tossed the boy into the air and captured him to his chest. Tempest could see her son was safe.

  With her good hand against the wall, she stumbled back to her bed and noticed the thermos from last night near her. So was the cup. Tempest opened the lid and poured herself breakfast. She inhaled; the meaty smell was intoxicating. The broth was still as warm as it had been the night before. The item was temperature controlled.

  He has a replicator.

  If the warrior had a replicator, then he must have a ship. He was odd to look at but not hard on the eyes. Anything new was a feast for her gaze. The planet they were stranded on was so lonely. After the large carrion birds were slaughtered if they landed on the small cave ledge, they stopped coming, even after Grey left. Only the hyena beasts never ceased their vigil, and she was forever terrified she might die and leave Braylon all alone. Or worse, something might happen to him. Now she was injured and facing freezing seasonal temperatures in her wake. Tempest had to make sure when the warrior left, they would be leaving with

  Grey liked her better when she was complacent and docile. For a while, she did as she was told. The Tonan was scary when pissed. He had the strangest gray shield that covered him completely with fangs, talons, and claws. A black tattoo adorned his cheek when shielded. He claimed to be omnipotent. She knew he was deadly. Those talons disemboweled their fair share of hyenas. When shielded, he had a tail. She learned when he lied the tail would grow. She believed him when he said he would be back for her and Braylon because his shield stayed down. She wondered what happened.

  The Tonan could be cruel at times. She sensed he liked to be, then would as easily be sorry, then annoyed he was sorry. Grey was a warrior who warred within. There were times his hands could be gentle. He had been wonderful with Braylon, treating him almost like a son, but never getting too attached. Thinking about Grey brought a lump to her throat and then anger. They had survived without him; she had kept her son alive. She didn’t need Grey; she hadn’t in three years.

  Tempest finished her breakfast and noted the clean clothes near her bed. A huge bulging sack with a washcloth was nearby and fresh water. Tempting odors were emanating from the bag. Tempest bathed her face, trailing the cloth down her neck. She was surprised the water was so warm. She shivered, enjoying the luxury. Her body carried months of grime, bathing was infrequent. Hastily, she turned to look at the cave opening. She could hear Braylon’s peel of laughter from a distance. She stripped off her tattered shirt and washed her bare breasts.

  Gently, she cleaned her sore, bruised hand and slipped the clean shirt back on. She again glanced at the cave entrance. Struggling a bit, she shimmied from her torn jeans and washed herself. The clean water was a heaven they rarely indulged in, it was too precious to wash with. For a moment, she considered dumping some of the contents over her head but refrained.

  She slipped into clean pants made of an unknown material that covered her from hip to knee. Her feet were next and she grimaced at the filth. The cloth was heavenly between her toes. She couldn’t possibly wash it all off with her hand paining. The warm water was almost black when she finished and she struggled to put the new shoes on. Wincing, she was able to put on one, slipping the strange material over her ankle. She heard Braylon laugh and was surprised when he and the Zargonnii came over the ledge. The warrior clutched him to his massive chest. They were both dry, which startled her; they had been in the water. They both sparkled with cleanliness. The way her son’s eyes lit up when he gazed up at Cy worried her. If Braylon were to be betrayed again, if she were….

  “Are you taking us with you when you leave?” Tempest blurted.

  The Zargonnii seemed surprised. “Yes.”

  “He said yes, Mom.”

  Tempest rolled her eyes. “I know, man cub. I understood.”

  “Watch out, she looks pissed,” Braylon whispered in a loud voice.

  “I’m not pissed, just a little on the cautious side. And don’t say pissed.”

  “You better?”

  The growled grunted words were strange. It was like listening to a dog trying to talk. Tempest took in all of the warrior’s differences in the light of the day. He set Braylon on his feet and hunkered down. He was powerfully built, a tank really. Black pants and large black boots covered him from foot to waist. Hair covered a great deal of him. His eyebrows were one long strip sliding down the sides of his face. He wasn’t ugly—his blue lips were full and intriguing. He just wasn’t human. Grey looked human when not in warrior mode. Grey had been so incredibly handsome. His eyes were gray, his hair jet black. But there was something that kept her from complete trust. His betrayal was still a sore spot. She wondered if Cy could be trusted.

  “I feel a little dizzy when I stand,” she said.

  She made an effort to pull up the shoe the warrior brought. Her sore hand made her cringe. Cy removed the shoe. The blood rushed to her face when she noted her still somewhat dirty feet. There was only so much cleaning filthy water could do. Cy dumped the blackened water, rinsed the bowl and from a bag poured more water. He gazed at the liquid and she realized how he heated it before. His eyes brought steam from the bowl. Cy picked up the cloth she’d abandoned and with deft fingers he wiped the rest of grime away and warmed her dry before putting on her clean shoes. Her eyes were wide. No one had ever washed her feet for her, not even her late husband.

  “You rest. Boy me.” He was pointing as though the exaggeration would help her to understand. The elaborate hand signals only confused her further.

  “Er.” Huh?

  “He wants you to sleep, and he and I are going to his ship,” Braylon said practically bouncing.

  “I don’t know,” Tempest muttered.

  “Come on, Mom. I’ll be okay. You always say you’re sorry I don’t nap anymore. Cy won’t let anything hurt me.”

  “Not leave,” Cy said.

  He looked earnest, and she wondered how he knew she was afraid he’d take off with him.

  “I can’t lose my son.”

  Cy’s gaze grew intense. She wondered if he understood what she meant. She couldn’t lose Braylon; she would rather die. She would rather he kill her now and get it over with. Cy stood and to her shock he began to grow. He was taller, the wrinkles on his bald oval belly smoothed out and the spaces between his teeth filled as his teeth expanded. His fingernails were longer in length, deadly black claws. His gaze settled onto the fire which burst into larger brighter flames. Despite herself, Tempest jumped at the act.

  “Uh oh, Mom, he’s pissed.”

  “I can see that.”

  “It’s an honor thing,” Braylon said with a loud whisper.

  Cy took in a few deep breaths, and she could see he struggled with his anger. Tempest didn’t flinch when the warrior dropped to one knee in front of her. He gripped her chin, but for all his strength and his huge hand, he was gentle. The claws never touched her flesh. His red eyes heated her face in a pleasant way. He was unthreatening and larger than life. Her heart pitter-pattered making her catch her breath. The warrior was stunning.

  “No leave,” he growled.

  Tempest had her answer. He could crush her without breaking a sweat. She thought to ask him to keep her son safe, but she realized he would. Cy had honor, she could see that. Tempest also sensed there was something else he wanted. Something of great importance, and she and Braylon were a huge part. Time would tell. But come hell or high water, she and her son were going to leave with him. Of that she had no doubt.

  * * * *

  Cy rose to his feet and scooped up the boy, securing him tightly to his chest. He rumbled to the child to hang on, but Cy knew nothing would shake him from his grip. Braylon twisted a bit.

  “Don’t freak out, Mom. He doesn’t use the ladder and we’ve done this before. I’ll be fine. No worries.”

  Cy chuckled when he stepped off the cave’s edge, he heard her sharp squeal and saw her peering over the side of the entrance. She was a quick little thing even when injured. He was glad to see there were no beasts skulking around. That would have scared the shit out of her, if he had jumped into the midst of animals holding her child. Not that it would have mattered to Cy, he would have slaughtered the beasts. He liked this male child. Cy was never gifted with a son of his own and holding the little male to his chest fired age old instinct. He couldn’t keep the boy, but he enjoyed the paternal emotions he invoked.

  Braylon waved at his mother and Cy took off in a dead run. His hair cradled the child next to him keeping his hands free. Cy was surprised at first he was capable of a fatherly instinct, but the child was a boy. In his culture, the male children were given to their fathers to raise. It was a human custom that children could go with either sex.

  Cy knew he would never have a son. He was forbidden to ever copulate with a Zargonnii female. He didn’t want a human female or the female offspring she would bring him. He clutched Braylon that much closer, knowing the boy wouldn’t be his for long. Tempest was beautiful in her human way. Touching her bare flesh aroused a
need within. Thankfully, the boy was a deterrent or there might have been a problem. Cy always had a huge sex drive. Female was female.

  Tempest had washed, and her scent assaulted and filled him with an unchecked response. For the first time in a long time, his loins tightened. The simple act of touching her feet made a groan catch in his throat. But she was too small for his needs. Cy enjoyed the battle to have sex. It was the Zargonnii way. Both males and females wanted a coveted offspring, but they also enjoyed the dominance. Normally, the females dominated, they were larger and stronger, and they needed to be to keep their children safe on his planet.

  Zargonnii females fought the massive creatures of his planet, cyrons, keeping the males safe. Cy’s father had been killed by a cyron, and he had been a powerful warrior. He gave his life for his child. Normally, a male’s mother battled the beasts. Cy knew what he did was wrong when he injured the female he fought, only after the fact. The fight was intense, but so were all the others. Cy Holidayed often when chance permitted the actions. Each battle was formidable until he finally dominated every female he came across. The female he unknowingly injured was well suited to him, young and beautiful. He didn’t realize he’d hurt her so badly he paralyzed her arm and she suffered daily. Worse, it kept her from being able to Holiday again, thereby taking any chance of offspring away from her, and other males. Thankfully, their healer Finn was able to heal her. Cy hadn’t copulated with the female. If he knew how badly she was damaged, he would have taken her to Finn himself.

  “Whoa what’s that?” Braylon shouted.

  They had come to the vessels. Cy strode to his first and set the boy down. The door was hung haphazard and he yanked it back. He detected nothing within. Cy encouraged the boy inside. The replicator could make him anything. He smiled indulgently when the boy asked for ice cream. Braylon polished off three bowls in three different flavors hardly taking a breath before slowing down. He shivered.


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