Personal Best 2

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Personal Best 2 Page 11

by Sean Michael

  He grabbed a simple rubber cock ring out of the wardrobe and turned to go back to the bed, freezing and moaning at the sight spread out on the bed for him. Mike was all stretched out, legs spread, the end of the dildo visible from his ass, nipples clamped, collar bisecting his throat and his sweet cock dark with blood. Mike’s lean hips were moving, rocking, just barely riding the dildo. Each motion made Mike’s belly tighter, made the chains connecting Mike’s sweet nipples shift.

  Jessy stood and watched for a moment, sliding a hand on his own prick. Then he gave himself a shake and went over, dragging his fingers over Mike’s belly on their way to grab the long cock.

  “Need you….” He could smell it, musky and salty and rich in the air.

  He wrapped one hand around Mike’s cock, tilting it up. “Feeling’s mutual.” Then he stretched the rubber cock ring and worked it down over Mike’s prick.

  “Don’t. Please, Jess. Let me….” Mike rolled, drawing his knees up, his pretty balls tight.

  “You need to wait for me, and I’m not finished with you yet.” He got the ring settled at the base of Mike’s cock, moving his fingers to cup and roll the tempting balls, before sliding back beyond them, playing with the dildo again. In and out, the rhythm was as familiar as breathing.

  “Evil, evil son of a bitch.” Mike moaned, moving again, sweet as anything.

  “Oh, I can be evil.”

  Bending, he took the tip of Mike’s cock into his mouth, moaning at the salty liquid that exploded on his tongue.

  “Jessy! Love!” Mike’s hands landed in his hair, tangling.

  He nearly pulled off to growl over Mike using his hands, but the slightly desperate tugging changed his mind. He liked feeling that. He went down on Mike’s cock, right down to where the hot, silky flesh gave way to the rubber. Mike’s cries and moans filled the air, Mike bucking up, fucking his mouth. He tugged on the nipple clamp chain, the metal warm from Mike’s body. He pushed the dildo in and out with his other hand. He gave Mike every sensation he could.

  “Please. Please. I need….” Mike’s fingers tightened, tugging his hair.

  He drew languidly up off Mike’s cock, lips tight, suction hard the entire way. “Soon. I want you to remember this all week long.”

  “I…. You will. I mean. I… I will….” Jessy loved making Mike incoherent.

  “Good.” He nibbled his way up to Mike’s nipples, flicking the clamp on one with his tongue as he tightened the collar slightly.

  “Jess. Jess. Jess.” His name sounded like a prayer, moaned over and over again.

  He pushed the dildo in deep and hard, moving his tongue to work the other nipple clamp. Mike’s noises made him just fly, and he wanted more. Wanted as many as he could get.

  “Gonna. Need. Jessy….” Mike jerked, rolling them suddenly, humping furiously against his belly.

  He blinked up at Mike and laughed softly. “This is why we usually use the cuffs.” He slid his hands down Mike’s back, fingers coming to rest on the dildo, tugging it partway out.

  “Sorry. Sorry. You feel so good.” Mike kissed him, hard enough to sting.

  He pulled the dildo the rest of the way out. “So do you, baby.” He tangled his tongue with Mike’s, taking over the kiss but letting Mike continue to rub up against him. Mike worked himself up into a frenzy, grabbing and rubbing, pushing and moaning into his lips. He wrapped one leg around Mike’s hip and brought him in closer. “Clamps,” he muttered, taking the first one off.

  “Fuck!” Mike’s teeth sank into his shoulder.

  He bucked up, tugging the other one off and rubbing Mike’s abused nipple. Growling, he flipped them, putting Mike on the bottom again.

  “Need you.” Mike’s legs wrapped around him, demanding, pushing.

  “Greedy. So greedy.” He slid his cock behind Mike’s balls, rubbing but not pushing in.

  “Goddammit.” Mike glared at him, pulling him closer.

  He laughed, nipping at Mike’s lips and then kissing him hard, rubbing and rubbing. Grabbing Mike’s hands, he held them up against the top of the bed. “You ready, baby?”

  “Yes. Ready. Now. Please, love.”

  “Yes. Now.” He shifted, searching with his cock for Mike’s stretched hole. He pushed in as soon as he nudged against it, groaning as the silky walls of Mike’s ass grabbed him tight.

  Mike stilled, eyes rolling back as Mike grasped him. “Yes….”

  “Uh-huh.” He started thrusting, pushing into Mike’s body again and again.

  There was nothing like this. Nothing.

  Mike relaxed, feeling it, feeling him, letting him drive them both higher and higher. He tightened the collar by increments, holding Mike’s eyes, making sure he didn’t take it too far. Faster, harder, tighter. Faster, harder, tighter.

  Mike’s lips moved, Mike’s pretty ass squeezing him like a fist.

  “Soon, baby.” He got a hand between them and tugged off the cock ring, then tightened the collar again.

  He got a sob, a gasp and Mike parted his lips.

  “That’s it. Just like that.” He shifted, finding Mike’s gland and pegging it over and over watching Mike gasp for each breath.

  Mike looked fucking beautiful—reaching for him, crying out for him.

  Coming for him.

  He kept thrusting, pushing Mike through it, hitting Mike’s sweet little gland and making it last and last for his baby. Then he hit the release on the collar, seeing the color flood into Mike’s face, as he reached for his own orgasm.

  “Love you.” Mike’s whisper was joined with the barest clench of Mike’s sweet ass.

  “Mike!” He shouted, cock throbbing as he shot deep into Mike’s body.

  A shudder went through him, and another, and then he was collapsing onto Mike, the lean body warm and damp and good. Mike nodded, nuzzling into him, panting.

  He slid his hands, moved on Mike’s body, touching randomly. “Love you, baby.”

  “Jess.” Mike was already asleep, worn out. Sated to the core. There’d be no midnight swims tonight.

  Jessy quietly cleaned them both up and tossed the toys over onto the bedside table before wrapping around Mike and pulling the covers over them.

  They were back on track.

  Chapter Seven

  JESS STARTED pacing again and had to force himself to stop.

  It was just a little meet. Mike had to get back on track again, start working his way up to the Olympic trials. This was just dipping his feet back in. Of course, Mike had barely qualified for the final heat, and Jess was worried, because the kid had never held back in a race before, whether it was a medal race, a qualifying heat, or a simple swim with a friend.

  He watched Mike climb up onto the block and take off perfectly when the starter’s pistol sounded.

  The first two hundred meters were solid, sharp, but Mike started to slow, and lost ground on the three hundred, energy just fading. He gamely kept going, but he was a couple body lengths behind the front runners by the time he finished up. Damn. Jessy didn’t think they’d lost that much ground.

  The trick was going to be getting Mike up to speed without the kid going all out and overdoing it. Mike’s face was blank, eyes furious as he pulled up onto the coping, heading straight for the locker room, not a word to anyone.

  Jessy congratulated Jeff Samuels, coach of the winning boy, and followed, dropping a hand onto Mike’s shoulders as the kid shoved his stuff into his bag. “We knew you weren’t going to be on top of your game.”

  Mike nodded, pulled on his clothes. Then the sunglasses, the headphones. Oh, someone was pissed.

  “You want to stop for pizza?” he asked.

  He got a look, a shake of the head. “Home.”

  “Okay.” He pulled Mike against him, giving the kid a quick, hard hug. “We’ll work it out, Mike.”

  “Yeah.” Mike turned the music up and headed out to the parking lot, shoulders drawing up around his ears. Sighing, Jessy followed.

  One of the UT kids caught up to him
before he went out. “Is Mike okay, Coach?”

  “He will be. Takes a while to come back from a back injury, you know?”

  “Okay. See you soon?”

  “Yep, next practice at Jamail Hall.”

  Then he went out to the car and glanced over at Mike as he started the engine. Mike’s eyes were closed, a dot of bright red on each cheek. He reached out and put his hand on Mike’s thigh, just touching, letting the kid know he was right there.

  The ride back from Houston was interminable, his normally bouncy swimmer silent and still, hidden. Any attempt at conversation was ignored, and when Jess offered to make a pit stop, Mike just shook his head.

  Jessy was tense and exhausted by the time they pulled in.

  Mike hopped out, grabbed his gear, and went right inside. It was like watching a wounded cat, all slink and growl. He followed, trying to decide if it would be better to herd Mike out to the pool or up to the playroom. Mike decided for him, going straight to the pool and stripping down, diving in without a word.

  Sighing, Jessy gave in to the urge to pace, walking the length of the pool over and over again, keeping an eye on the clock. It was to be expected. Mike had taken over a month off; he’d eased the kid back in gradually.

  Hell, maybe it was even a blessing—even at the top of his game, Mike wasn’t necessarily going to have enough to beat the world leaders, and if he couldn’t take losing…. All right, so Jess didn’t believe that the kid was ever going to be last, not once he got his form back. But Mike had to realize it was going to take time. Maybe another couple of months before he was anywhere near his old form, and going nuts now was only going to set him back.

  Mike swam, up and down the length of the pool, over and over, refusing to back off, to back away, just pushing and pushing. Sometimes Jessy thought he could see Mike as a little boy, doing lap after lap, wishing for his folks to come home. He dove into the water when it was time for Mike to come out, matching Mike for a few laps, sliding closer, brushing against the kid.

  Mike’s dark eyes met his, unhappy, angry, Mike beating himself up.

  “Okay, Mike. Enough. Get out of the pool.”

  “I’m not tired yet.”

  “But you’re done swimming. Out.” He wasn’t taking no for an answer. There were other ways of tiring Mike out if he wouldn’t talk.

  Mike growled—growled—and Jess saw Mike’s eyes flare.

  “Talk to me, kid. Get out of the pool and talk to me.”

  “I’m not a kid.” Mike hit the wall hard, growling. “I. I fucking sucked today. I died in the three hundred.”

  “Yep. You aren’t back up to where you were before you were hurt. We knew that. And, yeah, we need to step up the training, work you a little harder, a little faster. But that doesn’t mean you go all out twenty-four seven now. Because that’ll just land you back to needing surgery.”

  He crowded against Mike. “Now get out of the pool.”

  He could feel Mike wanting to fight him, wanting the outlet, but Mike hauled himself out, started pacing.

  Jessy climbed out as well. “Upstairs.” He’d give Mike a safe place to struggle, to fight, to scream and rail.

  Mike slammed into the house, hitting the stairs. Jessy followed more deliberately, grabbing a bottle of juice and a couple bottles of water, leaving his clothes in the hamper before going into the playroom.

  Mike was still pacing, still muttering, bleached curls standing straight up, when Jessy got upstairs.

  “Bed. Back. Now.” No use wasting breath when Mike wasn’t going to listen.

  “Bossy.” Mike threw himself on the bed, frowning.

  “Yep. You got something to say?”

  “I’m pissed off. I sucked today.”

  “Yeah. It happens. You move on and race another day.”

  “You don’t want to fucking know what I’m thinking, don’t ask.”

  “Did I say I didn’t want to hear what you had to say?”

  “No.” The growl was cute.

  “If I didn’t want to hear you I’d gag you, Mike. I haven’t done that, and I’m not going to.” He took one of Mike’s arms and put it in the cuff. “I am going to tie you down.”

  “I should be better. I shouldn’t have slacked.”

  “You think the doc and I led you wrong?” he asked, cuffing Mike’s other hand before moving down to do his lover’s ankles as well. “What would you have done differently?”

  “I would have worked harder. Pushed harder. I got lazy.” Jessy listened, let Mike let the poison out.

  “You got hurt, Mike. There’s a difference. You think I would have let you get lazy?”

  “This isn’t about you. I know I could have pushed harder. I should have fought you on it. I should have been able to dig deep.”

  “Mike…. You had a herniated disk. You had swelling around the vertebrae in your neck. Not to mention a rotator cuff that you very nearly needed surgery on. If you pushed harder, you would have bunged the whole works up, maybe even wound up in a wheelchair.” He shook his head. “This is an old argument, and what’s past is past. You need to take this anger and energy and refocus it, work on getting your form back as quickly and safely as possible.”

  “I’m trying. I came home and swam, didn’t I?”

  He shook his head. “You were just blowing off steam, reliving the loss.” He stroked Mike’s face, that blond-tipped hair. “You have to let it go.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “Then let me love it away.” He slid his hands over Mike’s shoulders, squeezing, working at the tension there.

  “Oh.” Mike moaned, beginning to relax. “I let you down out there.”

  “You telling me you held back?” He kept working Mike’s muscles, kept his voice casual.

  “No. I got tired. I just didn’t have it.”

  “Then you didn’t let me down.” He gave each of Mike’s arms a quick, deep massage. “I’ve been with you every day, Mike. I know you give it your all. And I know you’ll get back on top of your game.”

  “Promise?” God, in some ways Mike was so young, so dependent on him.

  “I do, baby.” It was a risky promise. If Mike got hurt again, it could be years before he was ready for the international scene, but if he didn’t, there would be no stopping him. Mike relaxed slightly, that reassurance enough, Mike’s trust enough.

  Jessy finished the massage and then bent and kissed Mike’s sweet lips, opening Mike’s mouth with his tongue. Mike opened to him, letting him in, letting him do his job. He moved his hands over Mike’s skin, arousing now instead of soothing, pinching the sweet little nipples.

  Mike twisted, just beginning to tug the cuffs. Jessy purred, pinching again, rubbing himself against Mike.

  “Pushy.” Mike arched, nipples tight, sweet.

  “Me? I’m the pushy one?” He chuckled and slid down to bite one of Mike’s hard little bits of flesh.

  “Damned pushy. Bastard.” Mike moaned, cock filling.

  He grinned and licked the skin he’d just bitten. “Takes one to know one, baby.”

  Mike chuckled, rolled his eyes. “I’m in a bad mood, Jess. You’re going to ruin it.”

  “That would be just awful.” He bent to lick at the tip of Mike’s cock and then nipped at Mike’s fine abdomen, nibbled a nipple, and brought their mouths together again, kissing Mike hard.

  Mike gasped, pushing up hard against him, demanding.

  He backed off, smiling down at Mike. “Hold that thought.”

  Then he got up and went to the cupboard, finding the nipple clamps, the ones with the plastic teeth. They were more tight than biting. He turned, let Mike see what he was getting. Mike groaned, cock throbbing, body showing what it needed. He grabbed a slim plug as well, something he’d be able to thrust in without undoing Mike’s ankle cuffs.

  Back at the bed, he settled between Mike’s spread legs, letting the nipple clamps drag along Mike’s skin.

  “Tease.” The chains on the cuffs rattled, wrists and ankl

  “I try.” He winked and hit one of Mike’s nipples with a clamp.

  Mike twisted away a little. “Gonna make you try harder.”

  He chuckled and bent, working Mike’s right nipple with his tongue, making it hard so he could put on the clamp. Mike rolled and pulled the cuffs, playing. Humming happily, Jess let the hard flesh go and then put the clamp on it, watching the skin right around the clamp go white. He tweaked the other nipple with his fingers and quickly clamped it as soon as it hardened up.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh.” Mike’s hips pumped the air, rolling and thrusting.

  He put his hand on Mike’s belly, pressing Mike down against the bed, the skin beneath his fingers twitching, rippling as he flicked each clamp.

  “Bastard.” Mike growled at him, sweet as fuck.

  “Yep.” He wouldn’t deny it. Not that it wasn’t exactly what Mike wanted. What Mike needed.

  He let his fingers slide down to stroke Mike’s hip, the hollow right next to it. The kid was fucking gorgeous, all lean lines and muscles. It made him hard just to watch Mike writhe in the cuffs.

  “Love the way you look at me.” Mike panted, shifting again. “Like I’m all you need.”

  “Christ, baby—you are all I need.”

  “I don’t want to let you down, love.”

  He shook his head. “You put in your best effort every single fucking day, Mike. That’s all I need. That’s all I’ve ever asked you for.”

  A soft ripple slid through Mike, long body stretching in the bonds. Jessy watched a moment longer, dropping a hand to his own cock, enjoying the way Mike’s long body rocked. Then he slicked up the long, thin plug he’d chosen and slid a finger inside Mike’s body. Mike rode him immediately, eyes bright. Purring, he pushed in another finger. Mike was so fucking tight like this, body holding his fingers in.

  “Jess.” Mike rocked, moving harder, faster.

  “Yeah, baby, I’m right here.” He let his fingers slide away and pushed the plug all the way in, in one smooth motion.

  “Oh….” Mike shivered, lips parting.

  He let Mike’s hole close over the base of the plug and then jostled it with his thumb, wiggling the clamps on Mike’s sensitive nipples with his other hand. Mike grabbed the chains, muscles rippling. He nodded, knowing Mike’s focus was this now, the plug and the clamps, the chains, all the sensations twisting together and forcing Mike to let everything go but the feeling of it.


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