A Houseparty to Die For (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 5)

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A Houseparty to Die For (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 5) Page 8

by Lindsay Downs

  “The same with me, but as I concentrated on ports closer to here, mostly smaller ones, we might hear by tomorrow,” Matt said.

  Justin’s attention was diverted from the conversation when Leland stepped into the doorway.


  “M’ lords, Lord Kelly and Miss Adele Morris request an audience.”

  Hearing who was here, and on his own accord, Justin jumped to his feet along with the others. He came around the desk, hands fisted. Glancing to Nash and Matt, he noticed they had done the same, clinched their fists ready to pommel the man.

  “Bring them in,” Justin ordered.

  In seconds the culprit stood in front of him and bowed. Then Justin focused on the young lady with him, who curtsied.

  “M’ lords, please accept my apologies for my hasty departure and sudden reappearance. I needed to bring Miss Morris with me to aid in explaining that I’m not responsible for Lady Anna’s death. At the time she was murdered I was with the love of my life. Sadly, my parents don’t approve of her.”

  “Yes, m’ lords, what my darling Kelly says is true. The only way we’ve been able to spend time together is if we sneak away. I’d taken a post carriage from London and stayed in the village. He was with me all the time, only returning here when he knew his presence would be missed.”

  “That still doesn’t explain why I caught you coming from the maze the other day with Lady Anna. Would you care to explain yourself on that point?” Nash demanded.

  “Certainly. I needed her assistance in slipping away. I met Miss Morris at the earl and countess’ London townhouse. She is one of the maids, and almost instantly I fell in love with her, and she me. We’ve been seeing each other secretly for over six months, and when my parents learned of the affair, innocent as it was, they insisted I attend this party in the hopes I would find another to take her place. As you know, that never happened.”

  For Justin at least, everything was slowly making sense. Why he nor any of the other guests had seen Kelly. But it still didn’t answer one question. He looked to the others to see if they believed the young man. Getting nods from them all, Justin turned to Kelly. “If what you say is true, and we all believe it to be so, it doesn’t explain slashing the portrait Lady Prudence had been working on. From what we now know, Lady Phoebe instructed you to? Why?”

  “On that, you’re correct. She said if I didn’t do it she’d inform my parents I was still seeing Miss Morris. Granted, they weren’t here, but knowing Lady Phoebe as I do, or did, she’d make everything about our affair even more lurid than it is.”

  “Which is nothing. I can’t even get Lord Kelly to give me a kiss on the cheek,” Miss Morris teased.

  “What do you children plan on doing?” Miles said.

  “Honestly, at this point, m’ lord, we don’t know. I’m afraid my parents might cut me off entirely from any funds, even though I do have some money,” Kelly uttered.

  Justin glanced to the girl and saw she was getting tired, not only from standing but from being questioned by four members of the peerage. He wondered what to do with her as far as sleeping arrangements went.

  “As it’s getting on, and there’s no way Miss Morris will be able to return to London today, might I suggest you put them both up for the night? Then in the clear light of day decisions can be made,” Miles recommended.

  “Yes, but in separate suites with a footman to make sure Lord Kelly doesn’t attempt to sneak down to where Miss Morris is,” Nash added.

  “M’ lord, that’s not necessary. I’ll be happy in one of the attic cells as that’s what I’m more used to,” she replied.

  “That may be so, but it won’t do. Leland, have Mrs. Harper join us along with Holly as Miss Morris will need a gown for dinner,” Justin directed his butler.

  “Again, m’ lord, I don’t need one as I wish to dine with the staff.”

  “First off, young lady and Lord Kelly, I’m sorry for making you stand. Please, take seats on the settee so we can all be comfortable,” Justin requested.

  “And try to relax, my dear. Lord Justin may seem imposing, but once Lady Prudence, my daughter, returns from the village, I’m sure she and her dear friend, Lady Ida will take you under their wings, so to speak,” Miles declared.

  As much as he didn’t wish to admit it, Justin knew the man was correct. No sooner had they settled than the housekeeper and the ladies’ maid entered and curtsied.

  “M’ lord, you wish to speak with us?” Mrs. Harper said.

  “Yes. As you see, Lord Kelly has returned in the company of a young lady. They both need suites and contrary to what Miss Morris wishes, hers should be in the family wing as I know we’ve several currently empty. As for Lord Kelly, he can return to his previous one. Holly, you may have to assist her with whatever a lady requires.”

  “Very good, m’ lord. Now, come along, young lady. We need to get you settled, then I’ll hunt down a more appropriate dress and tea. I’m sure Cook must have some marvelous biscuits to go along with it.”

  Seeing Miss Morris give Holly a weak nod and then stand, brought the men to their feet.

  Justin watched as the poor girl sheepishly followed the matronly woman from the office. With them gone, he nodded to Kelly, dismissing him.

  Returning to his desk, Justin sat then looked to Nash, Matt, and Miles who had also retaken their seats.

  “Gentlemen, it would seem we are still at a loss as to who killed Anna,” Justin stated, then leaned back in the chair.

  “Agreed, but in the meantime do any of you have a suggestion on how to keep those two together?” Miles said.

  “I might. The duke has recently obtained property in India, and is looking for someone to oversee land. I’m sure Kelly wouldn’t mind as it will get him and Adele far enough away from his parents where they can’t cause problems,” Nash declared.

  “Right now in Southampton, I’ve a packet getting ready to take on cargo for there. It should be leaving at the end of next week the captain informed me. I can send him a letter making him aware he’ll be taking two passengers,” Justin announced.

  “But we need to get them wed first. As neither is from here, do you think the minister will forgo the banns and marry them in the next few days?” Miles uttered.

  “I’m sure, with the proper incentive to the church, he can,” Matt added.

  Right now, the last thing Justin wished to do was use the special license hiding in his desk drawer, under the box containing the ring.

  “Let me get the note to the captain written and sent off. Matt, would you be willing to speak with the minister?”

  “Not at all. However, I won’t until tomorrow as the ladies might still be in the village, and it wouldn’t do for them to see me.”

  “Yes, as it will give us time to explain the plan to them. I’m sure they will be in agreement to it,” Nash said.

  “And my wife along with my daughter to make sure Adele is attired for, not only the sea voyage, but India as well. If I don’t miss my guess, Augusta and Ida will also assist,” Miles pronounced.

  “When the ladies return we should meet with them and inform them of the new discovery. On that, I hear them climbing the stairs.” Justin turned and glared at the office door. “Leland, I know you’re waiting in the hall so come in,” Justin called out.

  “Yes, m’ lord.”

  “Please have the ladies join us in the countess’ parlor at their earliest convenience.”

  “Certainly, m’ lord.”

  With the butler gone, Justin peered over to his friends and Miles and saw questioning looks on their faces.


  “We’ve never used that room, so why now?” Matt stated.

  “Considering what we are going to be telling them, I feel there would be more relaxing than here,” Justin explained. I also desire for Prudence to see the room, since shortly it will be hers to decorate to her tastes.

  “Once they learn we wish to speak with them, and where, I can assure you the ladies sh
ould be along very shortly. At least, my wife will as she has a curiosity which rivals that of a cat,” Nash told them.

  Standing, Justin led them down the hall and into the sitting room. Barely had they had time to get comfortable than the ladies, with Amelia in the lead, marched in waving the men back to their seats. Never one to argue with a lady, especially when they were all glowering at him, Justin did as ordered as did the others.

  Once they were all settled beside their husbands except Prudence, Ida, and Augusta, who took the divan, Justin cleared his throat to gain their attention.

  “Simply put, Lord Kelly didn’t murder Lady Anna, and he has the perfect alibi. He was visiting with a young lady he’s in love with. And before any of you say anything, she admitted freely nothing has happened between them. They are also very much in love.”

  As the tale slowly unfolded, Justin saw that Prudence was slowly becoming more and more irritated, most likely with him.

  “Where are they now? Let me guess, you sent the young lady to one of the cells in the attic,” Prudence demanded.

  “No. Lord Kelly is in the suite he previously occupied, while Miss Adele Morris is in one of the rooms in the family wing. Holly, your maid, is making sure she’s comfortable with tea and biscuits.”

  “Ida, come. We must see to the poor girl and make sure she’s properly dressed, then we’ll take her for a stroll in the garden. If anything, that should help settle her nerves.”

  Justin wasn’t surprised at not only her words but actions. What did surprise him, though, was that the other ladies trailed out behind Prudence and Ida.

  “Gentlemen, something tells me we’re all in trouble,” Miles declared.

  Chapter Twelve

  Storming down the family corridor, Prudence, with Ida at her side and the other ladies following, didn’t have a problem finding the suite as she heard Holly’s voice coming from the room.

  When she led the ladies in, Prudence wasn’t surprised when the maid turned and curtsied.

  “No, no. That day dress is all wrong for her. I know it’s the best you could find, but with her hair color we need a brighter one. Go to our suite, hunt down the blue pastel one with rose buds decorating the collar and bring it over. It will look much nicer on her,” Prudence ordered.

  “M’ lady, I’d thought of that exact dress, but without you here, I didn’t wish to take it. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be back shortly.”

  With a head bob, Prudence sent Holly on her way then turned to Adele.

  “My dear, you need to relax. I know everything that’s happened to you must be frightening, and we,” Prudence paused and waved her hand to the others, “are here to help you make the adjustment from maid to a lady. Even though Holly curtsied to me and referred to me as ‘m’ lady, I wish for you to call me Prudence.”

  “And you may call me Ida.”

  In seconds, Prudence started to see the terrified girl begin to relax then focus on the others.

  “I’m Amelia. You met my husband. He’s the tall broad-shouldered, handsome gentleman.”

  “You have my permission to call me Jessica, and my husband is so devilishly striking, ladies are always trying to make their attentions known to him.”

  “My husband is Miles, the stogy one, and I’m Julia.”

  “Regrettably my husband isn’t here, but you’d like him. He’s sweet and adorable. Please, call me Augusta.”

  “After you are in a proper dress, Ida and I will escort you around the garden. With luck, we might meet up with a certain young man. However, you may not be alone with him, but one of us has to be with you to protect your reputation,” Prudence declared.

  “M’ lady…”

  “No, no. Prudence please as I know we’ll become fast friends.”

  “Yes, but I’m only a maid. Why should I worry about my honor?”

  “My dear, from what we’ve learned of you and Lord Kelly, he’s not even bestowed a kiss on your cheek. Imagine what will happen when he sees you in the dress my daughter is letting you have. Then tomorrow, once you’ve had a good night’s sleep, we’ll be taking you in to the village and the dressmaker,” Julia stated.

  “That’s correct as in a few days you and your gentleman will marry before starting on an adventure of a lifetime. Now, as Holly is here, let’s get you out of that rag and into a dress befitting your soon to be new station,” Augusta declared.

  A short while later, having changed into a walking dress and with Ida at her side, Prudence reentered Adele’s suite and smiled.

  “Ah, perfect. Now, shall we take a stroll so we may start instructing you in how a lady would be?” Prudence asked.

  “Yes, but don’t overload her with too much information. Otherwise she’ll become muddle-brained,” Jessica declared from the doorway.

  “We won’t. Would you care to join us?”

  “Only if Matt may come along.”

  “Of course he can. That is, if he promises to behave and not sneak you off to the gazebo,” Ida stated firmly.

  “I’m always on my best comportment when with others,” Matt uttered.

  “Then he may accompany us,” Prudence stated, then turned to Adele. “My dear, shall we be off?”

  A week later

  In the weak morning light, Justin with Nash and Matt at his side, watched a heavily trunk-laden carriage roll out of the Rosewood courtyard. Due to the early departure, the ladies, along with Miles, had made their good byes to Kelly and Adele the evening before.

  Justin knew from experience, having traveled to Southampton several times, the trip would take four long days. With so much baggage, he’d decided to add extra time so everyone wouldn’t be too tired. Turning around, he saw smiles, such as he wore, on the faces of his friends.

  “I never knew a lady required so much in the way of clothes,” he declared.

  “So, you believe Adele acquired a great deal. Don’t forget she had able assistance from the ladies. They weren’t about to send the new bride off with only a few pieces,” Nash stated.

  “When they arrive in India, she’ll be needing even more which will be more suited to the climate. Now, with them off, when will you be offering for Prudence?” Matt said.

  “With everything somewhat calm now, I plan to ask her this evening before dinner. Why?”

  “Only because our wives have been on us about that. I know Ida is also wondering. Not that she wishes to see her friend married as she knows her time will come soon. And on that point, I might have a viable candidate for the position,” Nash stated.

  “Why don’t we discuss it over breakfast, as I’m sure the ladies are still abed,” Justin uttered, and then turned on his heel and strolled back into the mansion then down the hall to the family dining room.

  Walking in, he stopped on seeing four of the six ladies already present. The only ones missing were the two mothers and Prudence’s father. What he also found interesting was that they all were dressed in riding habits.

  Giving them a nod, Justin stepped over to the side table and made his selection of foods. Directly behind him, Nash and Matt did the same. Taking his chair, he noticed grins coming from the ladies, which most likely didn’t bode well for him.

  “Lady Prudence, would you like us to join you?”

  “Um, no. This is a ladies’ outing. Later we’ll be having a picnic luncheon someplace along the river.”

  “So don’t even ask or think about finding where. We’ve already sworn Sawyer, Leland, and Cook to secrecy,” Amelia declared.

  Justin glanced over to Nash and Matt, noting the same expression on their faces. One of wonderment. With a resigned shrug he, along with the others, dug into his first meal of the day. While eating, he continued to study Prudence for any hint to not only where they were going but what the four ladies would be discussing.

  Finished with their breakfast, Justin stood then helped Prudence to rise from the table. Once the others joined him, Justin started to follow her to the front portico.

  “Don’t even th
ink of continuing on with us to the stables. I’ve already arranged for the horses to be saddled, and two grooms will be accompanying us. Might I suggest you do whatever it is gentlemen do when left to their own devices?” Prudence declared.

  Knowing not only the battle, but the war, was lost, he bowed and then with Nash and Matt made his way to the office. Taking a seat at his desk, Justin waved his friends to sit.

  “This is all very interesting. Did either of you get a hint they were planning this little excursion?” Seeing them both shake their heads, Justin decided not to pursue the topic as there was one Nash had brought up earlier which had him curious.

  “Yes, he’s my brother who is a year younger, Warren, Earl of Rochdale.”

  “I believe I do know the gentleman. If I’m not mistaken, he is the current ranking rogue within the ton,” Matt said.

  “Nash, will he be as difficult to have Ida tame him as your wives did you?” Justin teased.

  “Of course, and that’s why he will be the perfect husband for her. As with Matt and myself, and soon you, once love is found it never falters. All we have to do is somehow have them meet and be introduced,” Nash declared.

  “Preferably at a ball,” Justin added.

  “On that you are correct, and I suggest we arrange that when Parliament sits later this year,” Matt added.

  “I know what would make everything perfect. I will have the duchess invite Ida and her parents to the Christmas ball. If things work out as we hope, that will be the perfect venue for the wedding. After all, that was when Amelia and I wed, as you both so well remember,” Nash explained.

  “Nash, do you believe they will get along?” Matt uttered.

  “Yes, I happened to notice on several occasions Warren was studying her, but for some reason he never approached her. And before you ask, no I’m not going to ask him why, considering his reputation. Then, they are both strong willed, which will be interesting to see how he reacts when she enters his life.”

  “We should also keep this from Augusta as she may attempt to spike our cannons, so to speak,” Justin stated. Getting nods of agreement, he turned his attention to the office doorway where Leland stood, several envelopes in his hand. “Yes?”


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