It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 10

by B. , Ivory

  “My yute what up?!” Biggaz shouted with a smile on his face. Jah looked up with a big smirk plastered on his face. Biggaz and Jah had become pretty tight during Jah’s years in Miami. Biggaz had initially agreed to look out for the younger man as a favor to Carlos. He and Carlos had a long standing business relationship and friendship before Jah moved to Miami. Biggaz had a section of Miami on lock and Los asked him to look out for Jah while he was in Miami, and make sure the youngster didn’t get himself into trouble. Shortly after Biggaz met Jah they just clicked. Biggaz realized Jah, although young and reckless at the time had lots of potential. He even believed that with a little guidance Jah could one day be in the same position as Los himself. Not long after Jah touched down in Miami he basically migrated right into Biggaz team and began getting money with them. As far as Los knew Biggz was supposed to look out for Jah and make sure he didn’t get into too much trouble, but hell they got into more shit together.

  “What up?” Biggaz asked again before both men embraced in a manly hug. “Aint shit I’m missing them summers in Miami,” Jah admitted. “I hear you, Jah you gotta bring ya ass home soon. Them Cuban broads stay running up in the clubs lookin for you,” Biggaz hollered while crossing the street, heading towards his car. “I’m coming down no doubt but I’ma break a lotta hearts. Ya boy done found the one.” Biggaz stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Jah. “Say word?” “Word nigga,” Jah responded looking open as ever with the thought of Keema. Biggz shook his head, never had he witnessed Jah look all dreamy eyed when talking about some chick. There was no doubt in his mind Jah was serious. “Bring wifey down too then, we need to meet.” “Will do,” Jah said throwing a pound in the air as Biggz pulled off.

  Los turned his attention from Jah and Biggaz focusing back on Lucky standing on the sidewalk fidgeting with her hands nervously. “Baby girl c’mere,” Los said motioning with his finger for her to come to him. Lucky did without hesitation. Feeling the beginning onset of butterflies, she couldn’t understand why she always got so nervous around him. She opened the passenger side door and slid in. Carlos grabbed the two shopping bags she was holding and placed them in the backseat for her. Lucky sat stiffly in the passenger seat and Los picked up on her nervousness immediately. He couldn’t understand why she always clammed up around him like he was the Boogeyman. Lucky could smell him from where she was sitting and his scent was doing things to her body she would be too embarrassed to say aloud. He looked over at her and puckered up his lips exaggeratedly leaning towards her for a kiss. Lucky chuckled before placing two sensual peck kisses on his full soft lips. The laughter seemed to ease Lucky’s tension and nervousness.

  “You missed me?” Los asked looking deep into her eyes. Damn how the hell does he seem to see right through me? “No. Not really,” Lucky replied. Los chuckled aloud and his dimples popped out. “You frontin, I heard you sounding all sad last night when I told you I wasn’t gon be able to come through.” Lucky sucked in her bottom lip trying not to smile being that Los had called her out. “Tell your cousin you about to slide wit me.” Lucky turned towards the window and called Ty over. “I’m about to leave, I’ll see you at home tonight.” “Alright,” Ty said before bending down hugging Lucky through the open window. While hugging Lucky Ty cut her eyes at Los, she was still mad at him for being a shit starter. Los caught the dirty look she shot him and started laughing again. Lucky gave him a look that said cut it out and he did. His actions even surprised him; no woman besides his mother had ever made him do anything. Lucky turned back to Ty, who had a huge smirk on her face. Ty could not believe it; her baby cousin had this nigga trained already. She wanted to laugh but didn’t want Los to feel stupid and start acting up. “See you later Luck. You got your keys right?” “Yeah I do,” Lucky answered before Los started to slowly pull into traffic.

  Ty watched Lucky disappear up the street and couldn’t help but smile. Who would’ve ever thought, little scary Lucky done bagged herself a boss. She turned around to catch Ebony looking at Nice lustfully and immediately caught an attitude. “You ready to go?” Ty asked in a snotty tone. Ebony overlooked the attitude thinking it was more about the little spat Ty had with the dude she was drooling over. Just as they were passing Nice heading towards Ty’s car he reached out and grabbed Ty by the hand. Their eyes locked, looking deep into each other’s eyes it seemed as if they could read each other’s deepest secrets. In that moment Nice knew there was no denying it, she wanted him just as bad as he wanted her. Ty just couldn’t cross that moral line and mess with him after her cousin did. Her soft hand stayed enveloped in his until he couldn’t hold on to her any longer and her fingers slipped through his. She glanced over her shoulder and shot him the sexiest little grin ever. He smirked and nodded his chin towards her, before she turned around and continued to walk away putting that extra switch in her hips because she knew he was watching. He watched her walk off out of sight almost hypnotized by the way her healthy ass and hips swayed with each step she took. Jah broke into his train of thought “Damn my nigga, you got it bad.” Nice laughed Jah’s comment off as he watched Ty until he couldn’t see her any longer.

  By the time Lucky and Los got off of South Street it was close to 9pm. The street was jammed packed and traffic was moving at a snail’s pace. Everyone and their mama was walking or driving up and down South Street. It was a nice day and even cooler and comfortable night, so everyone seemed to be out. The charcoal grey Massarati with its deep natural brown interior was drawing a lot of attention, people seemed to stop and stare as Lucky and Los drove down the street with the windows down, system blaring, enjoying the night air. A couple of dudes threw pounds in the air and shouted Los’s name, or what up as he drove by. He returned the gestures by a tap on his horn and kept it moving. Now that they were out of the bumper to bumper traffic Los turned down his stereo and focused on Lucky. He reached over and pinched her soft cheek, making her smile.

  “You hungry baby girl?” Just as Los expected Lucky shook her head no, he knew even if she was hungry she would never admit to it. He cocked an eyebrow and shook his head with a smirk. “Well, I’m hungry,” Los admitted. Not long after they were pulling into the Cozy Spot a soul food restaurant that had some of the best soul food in the city. The restaurant was well known despite the fact it was far from five star. It was more like a hole in the wall hood restaurant that reputation rang bells from its tasty food. The owner was well known because she used to sell plates from her home in the hood at all hours of the night before she hustled up enough money to open her own restaurant.

  There was a small crowd of dudes hanging in the parking lot when they pulled up. Lucky felt a little uneasy as she watched Los’s hand instinctively go to his waistband and tap. The movement almost seemed second nature to him. He gave Lucky a reassuring smile that seemed to put her at ease immediately. A couple of dudes called out to Los saying what up. He nodded towards them while keeping Lucky close making her feel safe. When he wrapped his arms around her from behind she damn near melted.

  Los ordered just about everything on the menu. Lucky shook her head listening to him order, she couldn’t figure it, maybe it was a macho thing with him. She had no idea why he insisted on ordering so much food knowing he couldn’t eat it all. The restaurant was mostly a takeout styled establishment; it did however have a small dining area set to the side where customers could eat. Lucky shifted uncomfortably as she watched Los make his way over to the dining area sitting where he was facing the entrance. She felt awkward eating there because the place was so hot. There was always a whole bunch of people running in and out, ordering food or hanging out in the front. She sat down at the table with Los and he wasted no time digging right in. He wasn’t the least bit shy to eat in front of her. As he did before at the casino he scooped up a fork full of food and fed her. After feeding her a second fork full of food, Los stopped and stared at her with amusement. “A’ight baby girl, I got you spoiled already. You won’t even feed ya’self, You better pick that fork up and
act like you know,” Lucky looked at him and started laughing but did exactly as she was told. She grabbed the second fork on the tray unwrapped it from its napkin and helped herself to some food. Los found himself watching her small, pouty lips make the fork disappear in her mouth; he wandered if she knew what to do with them lips. Noticing Los’s gaze Lucky batted her eyes and blushed “What?” Lucky asked. “Nothing,” he responded and continued to eat.

  They were enjoying their food and one another when they suddenly heard a female’s voice. “What up cuz?” Los looked up to see a regular hood chick named Mo who claimed to be everybodies cousin, including his. Los nodded towards her and she switched her short dumpy ass over to their table. “What up Los? I aint seen you in a minute.” Mo said, then turned to look at Lucky giving her the once over boldly looking her in the face then up and down. She turned to Los as if Lucky wasn’t there, “Oh she pretty. She the flava of the month?” Lucky’s whole face flushed with anger, she couldn’t believe this crazy looking chick rockin some dirty ass air force ones would have the audacity to come at her like that. Los looked over at Lucky and the fire in her eyes tickled him because Lucky looked so harmless until now. “Nah she aint no fly by night shit. She a potential candidate for wife. What you think?” Los asked with a smirk. “I’ve seen you wit badder chicks,” Mo stated bluntly with attitude. “I aint hating though, she pretty and all but she could do without those contacts. I don’t know why black people always wanna have colored eyes.” “Bitch! Who the fuck is ya dusty ass talking to?!” Los eyes got big as saucers. He didn’t think Lucky could even get that raw with her mouth. She didn’t even get that mad when Shasona was trying to stunt on her that day they rode to the casino. Mo didn’t have a chance to respond before Los did. “Ayo you being disrespectful, fuck outta here,” Los fumed with fire in his eyes. The look that Los flashed Mo made the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stand up. “My bad,” Mo said with a hint of attitude before quickly grabbing her food and exiting afraid Los might start acting up. Lucky sat there with her arms folded across her chest bouncing her leg up and down anxiously, she was past heated. Los looked over at her with sympathy. “Ma c’mon don’t let shit like that get you upset. Broads gon stay tryna come at you sideways cause you wit me, its jealousy. It’ll be alright,” Los said reaching over stroking the side of her face gently. Lucky leaned her face into his hand and looked up at him with sad eyes. “Stop lookin like that,” Los said before pinching the tip of her nose making her smile despite the fact she was still pissed. “You ready to go?” he asked. “Past ready.” He paid the bill on the way out and they left hand and hand.

  After driving around aimlessly for about 20 minutes Carlos pulled up to a playground. He got out and walked around the car to help Lucky out. The park was dark, only dimly lit by the streetlights across the street. A park which would be bustling with children and parents during the day was now deserted. Besides the cars and people who walked by periodically there was no one out there but the two of them.

  Carlos walked over to a swing and sat on it motioning with his hand for Lucky to take a seat on his lap. She walked over attempting to sit with her back facing him. “Nah the other way.” Lucky looked at him like he was crazy and wandered how the hell she was going to accomplish that. He reached out for her hand placing it on his shoulder. “Grab the swing with your other hand.” Lucky complied all awhile hoping she didn’t bust her ass. “A’ight, you ready?” Los asked looking into her eyes. Lucky shook her head yes trying to stifle a nervous smile. Los grabbed both of her hips and hoisted her up on his lap as Lucky slithered her legs on either side of him. So there she sat straddling him in a playground on a swing. This is crazy, she thought to herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by a hard material sticking her in the leg. Los could tell by her facial expression and the way she shifted she was uncomfortable, so he lifted her up a little to take the burner from his waistband. He took the safety off then placed it on the ground beside them studying her facial expression carefully as he handled the gun. This wasn’t Lucky’s first time seeing a gun, so she wasn’t freaked out or scared, she just didn’t particularly care for guns. But she wasn’t naïve enough to think he wouldn’t have one. Shit this was Philly aka Killadelphia; a gun was a necessary evil when you in these streets.

  He placed one of his hands on the swing chain and the other on her butt for extra security. Lucky wrapped her arms around his back and rested her head on his chest inhaling his scent. When he pushed his foot off the ground they went swinging back and forth slightly. Lucky had her eyes closed caught up in the moment and feel of being pressed against his strong chest when she felt them sway and the wind lightly kiss her face. She giggled at the absurdity of how this must’ve looked; they were a little too old to be playing on a playground. Without warning he leaned forward capturing her lips kissing her passionately. The kiss intensified and Lucky felt her hips along with other parts of her body come alive at their own free will. Before she knew what she was doing she had broke into a nasty slow grind on his lap while tonguing him down. Los pulled away from their kiss reluctantly, “Cut that out, you ain't ready for all that,” he mumbled with his lips against hers. Lucky ignored him continuing to grind on him feeling the bulge in his jeans grow larger by the second. “Ma I’m telling you for real cut that out before I have you face down ass up on that merry–go-round over there,” Los warned between sensual peck kisses on her lips. Lucky stopped and burst out laughing. “Please, I don’t think so.” “Word? You must ain't heard, I got a rep of turning good girls bad.” “Not this one partna, its gon take way more than stiff dick and bubble gum,” Lucky retorted right before popping a bubble with the gum she swiped from his mouth while kissing him. Carlos raised an eyebrow before cracking the hell up laughing, Lucky was really something else. After their laughs subsided a silence fell between them as they stared into each other’s eyes. He couldn’t help but admire Lucky’s beauty, her face was bare, not an ounce of makeup on besides lip gloss and she was still shitting on bitches out here, she was effortlessly beautiful. Their stare down was broken when they both heard giggling coming from the sidewalk. They turned towards the noise to see four young giggling teenage girls.

  “Oooh! I wish that was me!” one girl yelled. “I’ll ride on ya swing daddy!” another one screamed. The girls were feeding off one another. One said one thing and the other would say something nastier to try and top what was said previously. One of the girls out of the group said nothing; all she did was shake her head with a smile on her face. “I love you Los! You look so damn good! You can beat this pussy like a drum!” “Nah daddy you can get it from all doors, shit windows too!” Now all the girls were giggling as they walked up the street out of sight.

  Lucky turned her attention from the sidewalk back to Los with a smirk. His facial expression was blank; he looked as if he wasn’t even moved by the cheerleading squad that had just left. “You must love all the attention you be getting. I know you be eating that mess up.” He looked at Lucky as if she had two heads “Hell nah, I don’t pay that no mind. Them some lil ass girls. And I don’t fuck wit little girls. Ain’t nobody out here gon ever be able to call me Chester the Molester or Kellz.”

  Lucky laughed but stopped abruptly when Los pulled her in closer and buried his face into her chest. He made a show of sniffing her making exaggerated noises and all. Moving from her breasts to her neck. The sniffing noises he made tickled and caused her to laugh. She smelled like something familiar to him but he couldn’t put his finger on it. “What you got on? That scent is familiar but I can’t pinpoint what it is?” She looked at him with a confused expression, not knowing what he was referring to because she hadn’t put on any perfume that day. He looked at her with wide eyes as if he had a light bulb moment. “I know what it is, you smell like a baby.” Lucky smiled truly amazed at how good his sense of smell was. “You talking about the baby lotion I have on, I use it because it doesn’t irritate my skin like some lotions do.

  His expression became rea
lly serious before he asked her “Do you have a kid?” “Hell no! I mean…I love kids. But no I don’t have any.” She looked at him and realized she didn’t know much about him personally either, and he may have not one but a few kids. Swallowing hard she asked him the same question he just asked her, hoping and praying his answer was the same as hers. She didn’t discriminate in dating men with kids or anything; however, she had yet to date one. What she heard from her girls who had dated men with kids was that baby mama drama is as serious as cancer. “Yeah I do. I have a daughter.” Lucky’s heart sank, she was so disappointed. But what could she do if he already had a child? Nothing but respect it. He pulled out his IPhone searching through the photos until he came up with one of a little girl who looked to be around 2. She was caramel complexed with long dark brown hair styled in two long pigtails that hung way past her shoulders. Lucky looked down at the screen and couldn’t help but smile. Damn this nigga make some pretty ass kids. Suddenly the child’s age hit her like a ton of bricks. She came to the realization that there was a big possibility he was still dealing with his baby mama. No matter how much a dude claimed not to have anything to do with his baby’s momma, when the kid is that young most likely there is something still going on between the two parents. Los read her facial expression and had to do everything in his power to keep himself from laughing. “Wow she’s beautiful,” Lucky complimented looking down at the screen. “Her mother must be really pretty.” “Nah not really, that’s all her daddy that you see.” Lucky rolled her eyes at his arrogant comment. “So is this the only one you have? Or am I going to find out later on that you have two or three more?” She didn’t care how much she was feeling him one of the biggest turn offs for her was a man who denied his own flesh and blood. Carlos looked offended momentarily “Nah I don’t have any more out here. None that I know of. Furthermore I’ma grown ass man and I would never deny mine; little boys do that, not men. This the only one I have. I don’t want any more either.” Lucky’s eyes got really big before going back to normal, she knew right then and there things would probably never work out between them. She wanted a family of her own someday. He read the look on her face and couldn’t help but burst out into laughter


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