It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 39

by B. , Ivory

  “Alright then let’s go cause I’m starving,” Lucky said. She started looking around trying to locate Los. He wasn’t where he once was a few seconds ago. “Ty have you seen Carlos? I’m ready to go, shit I’m starving.” Ty gave Lucky a sneaky smile and shook her head no. Lucky sucked her teeth “Well what time is our reservation for?” “I don’t know Lucky,” Ty responded with the same look on her face. “Come on let’s just go they probably in the parking lot waiting,” Ty suggested. The group of women started to head towards the street. Staying together in the thick crowd was proving to be a difficult task but they managed by holding hands.

  Lucky made it to the curb and froze. There sat pulled up to the curb was one of the flyest whips she had ever seen in her life. It was a red Bentley coupe. With a huge platinum colored bow on it. The bow matched the chrome detailing and rims on the car to a tee. Lucky felt strong arms wrap around her from behind suddenly. Without even having to look in back of her she knew who it was “Congratulations baby,” Los said while placing a pair of keys in her hand. Lucky was shocked beyond belief nah this not my car, can’t be. She looked at the keys in her hand. Lucky spun around looking both surprised and shocked, “This my car?” She asked wanting to confirm the obvious.

  Los just gazed at her for a few seconds saying nothing “Lucky remember that first night we got up with each other, and you had to leave your car with Jah? You told me if he wrapped ya whip you wanted me to replace it with a big boy whip, do you remember what I told you?” Lucky thought about it for a minute and then a smile crept across her face “Yeah I remember. I told you that if Jah wrapped my whip I wanted you to buy me a big boy whip, and you laughed. And told me that ain’t no chick had ever gotten that far with you. And to get a gift like that I would have to be on some wife status,” Lucky laughed. “Well ma you got that far with me, and further. I love you Lucky. You my heart and that’s you right there,” He pointed over her head towards the car. Lucky looked in his eyes and she started crying. Every word he spoke was true there wasn’t a hint of deception in his eyes. She jumped up in his arms and started showering his face with kisses. She squealed and demanded that he put her down. Lucky spun around excitedly and started running towards the car screaming as if she was running down the aisle on the Price Is Right TV show. Tina stood back flashing pictures and laughing. “Oh my god! Look at my car! Ahhhh!!!”

  Keema’s eyes bugged out of her head. She hadn’t seen the car or heard anything about it unlike Ty who had heard about Lucky’s graduation gift through her mother. Keema looked over at Jah and Jah turned his head. He already knew what was coming, because Lucky got a gift like this Keema wanted either a car just like it or something comparable in style and price. Jah wasn’t trying to hear that though, although he loved Keema to death, buying her a car like this would be like throwing money out the window. The brand new X5 he had given her was already baring the evident marks of a beginner driver. He had gotten the car repaired twice already for dents and scratches.

  Taneisha’s mouth nearly hit the floor. She knew Los was holding, that much was obvious, but not like this. She had met him a couple of times before once when he came to pick Lucky up from school in a Maserati and another time when she was at Lucky’s place having a little study session. He was always cordial and polite he would say hi but that’s about it, she never heard him really talk.

  All the women had congregated around the car and started screaming right along with Lucky. Random people were stopping and taking pictures of the car with their cell phones. The scene was embarrassing but no onlooker could say anything because they knew if they were in Lucky’s shoes they would be acting the same way. Lucky got in the car adjusted the seat and started investigating the car looking in the glove compartment flipping through the Bentley manual then tossing it over her shoulder in the backseat; she looked in the counsel between the driver and passenger seat smiling from ear to ear, pushing buttons in the car to adjust mirrors and windows. “Baby I’m not riding with you to the restaurant okay I’ll meet you there. You mad?” “I’m not mad. I figured you was going to drive there anyways. Go head get used to ya whip, I’ll meet you there,” He kissed Lucky on the forehead and whispered “I love you. I’m so proud of you.” while his lips were still planted against her forehead. Lucky looked up at him. “I know baby and I love you more.” Taneisha and Keema hopped in the car with Lucky, Ty wished she could as well but Douglas had driven with her since his license were suspended and she wasn’t about to let him drive her car with a suspended license. Plus, she doubted if anyone there would give him a ride. “Go head Lucky you ain’t hot. You don’t even know what to do wit that. I told this dude to just cop you a Prius.” Nice yelled with a smile. Everyone started laughing. “Whateva Nice, Hater!” Lucky screamed over her shoulder as she revved up her engine, put the car in gear and took off.

  The entire group made it to the restaurant except the honoree, Lucky was around 20 minutes late already for a dinner celebration that was in her honor. “Oh goodness Carlos you should’ve just waited to give her little happy go lucky ass that car after dinner, shit people hungry,” Tamika fussed. That got a laugh out of people who heard her. The restaurant had set aside a private area for the group. Everyone was eating and drinking for free at this expensive restaurant since Carlos was footing the bill. The restaurant had everything from lobster and steak to some of the best Italian dishes.

  While the tables were being prepped the whole group stood and sat around a private bar. “It’s about time,” Tamika commented rubbing her stomach when Lucky, Taneisha and Keema came walking through the door laughing. Lucky started towards Carlos who was sitting at the bar on his phone. She got a few inches near him and without looking over at her he lifted his arm allowing Lucky to slither between him and the bar and bury her face in his chest. Everyone looked on in adoration, they looked so good together. Lucky got so caught up in Carlos she almost forgot that she had invited a friend that barely knew anyone and left her by herself. “Baby I’ll be right back,” Lucky said looking up at Carlos. He gave her a pleading look and shook his head no. Lucky started laughing “Daddy I’ll be right back,” she whispered while tracing her tongue over his earlobe. She felt his manhood stiffen up even harder as he held her. She knew she would have to hook him up tonight, she had been depriving him of sex. She knew it was wrong but most of the time thoughts of his cheating crept up and it killed the mood. Carlos gave her a look that said he was going to tear that pussy up tonight. Lucky gave him a seductive smile and winked confirming that he had the green light. He could’ve jumped for joy but it wasn’t in his nature to act thirsty, so he tried to play it cool. Lucky saw right through him though, she knew he was overjoyed. She hadn’t sexed him in almost a week which for them before all the drama would’ve seemed like an eternity. Hell yeah I ain’t get my dick sucked in a minute. She gonna have to work off some of her debit for that Bentley tonight. Los thought as he eyed Lucky’s small waist and fat ass as she walked off to join her little clique. Los decided to do the same.

  While Los and Lucky were sitting over at the bar all loved up, something weird happened that almost had Ty jump out of her skin. Ty was standing against a wall with Ky in her arms, it was the first time she had gotten a chance to hold the child because Nice was being such an asshole towards her throughout the day. Every time Nice would come close enough for Ky to reach out for Ty and start crying out for Ty to hold her, Nice would walk off. Ty was finally holding her only because she had gotten her from Los right before Lucky arrived.

  Ty was standing with Ky on her hip leaning up against a wall playing with Ky’s little hands while Douglas stood beside her. Douglas was right up under her not wanting to socialize with anyone else. Ty looked up from Ky’s little hands to see Nice was suddenly standing in front of her staring at her intently. Ty had on a deep V-neck fitted dress that exposed the top half of her cleavage and it turned Nice on to no end. She was just as beautiful as before but he had to admit he preferred her ten to fifteen pounds
heavier. Ty had lost a lot of weight and her shape as well. She still had a ass on her but those thick thighs and baby making hips were a thing of the past. And her face was slimmed down, making her look slightly different, her eyes told it all though that nigga wasn’t making her happy.

  Ty looked up at him oh god what do he want? Nice looked at her and smirked, as if he had a secret to tell. Ty felt immediately uncomfortable having him so close after all this time. Without warning Nice leaned in and gently picked up the butterfly pendant that was lying on top of her cleavage brushing his fingers across her flesh causing her to shiver. The pearl covered by her southern lips jumped to life “Ty I see a nigga must be taking really good care of you.” Ty felt embarrassed and put on the spot. What the fuck is he trying to pull? “No, actually my mother bought this for me, not a nigga,” Ty said in a snotty tone. Nice froze for a few seconds and stared at her before raising an eyebrow “Oh yeah?” He said. “Yeah,” Ty responded. Tina overheard Ty claim that she was the one who had bought that diamond necklace for her and was shocked. Tina was under the assumption that Douglas was the one who had purchased the necklace and bracelet for Ty, at least that’s what Ty told her. Now she didn’t know what to believe. One thing she did know was that she didn’t buy the jewelry. She would never buy any jewelry that expensive. Tina just didn’t believe in spending that much money on jewelry. But, she had her daughter’s back, so she would surely back Ty’s lie if ever asked about the jewelry. Nice let the pendant go, he watched as it fell on top of her breasts. Right after Ty made that statement she wished she hadn’t. Ty saw a quick flash of hurt spread across his face but he played it off good. Before he backed away he looked over at Douglas coward ass, who was standing there and hadn’t said one word. Pussy ass nigga, any man that let another man approach his woman on some shit like I just pulled and not say one word is a lame. This mufucka look like Steve Eerkel. Nice nodded his head towards Douglas as to say what up? Douglas just stood there with his hands in his pockets looking stupid.

  Ty took a deep breath, she was scared, she didn’t know what Nice was trying to pull, or if he were going to put her business out there and let everyone know about that night. Ty followed Nice with her eyes even though she was trying to be discreet about it Douglas caught her looking at Nice. He saw the way Nice picked the pendant up from the top of her breast as if it were familiar territory, like he had touched her once before. He didn’t know what was going on but he was damn sure going to get to the bottom of it. No it wasn’t as if he were being faithful but he would be damned if she tried to cheat on him with someone like Nice. The thug type, he couldn’t imagine himself losing a woman to someone like Nice.

  “Damn Los been holding out on us about these college chicks, man they got it. It was some bad ass bitches out there,” Buju commented. “Hell yeah,” Real agreed. All their attention turned towards Lucky who was standing with her friend from school. “Like chick right there, she a banga,” Real commented. All the men shook their heads in agreement. “Yeah she cute as hell, I think I might bag that, put her on my team,” Nice said loud enough for Ty to hear. Although Ty knew that it was probably a ploy to get her jealous, it worked. Ty felt a sudden wave of jealousy towards the girl, even though she knew it was wrong, she couldn’t help it.

  The food was really delicious everyone toasted to Lucky’s accomplishment and ate until they couldn’t eat anymore. Lucky and Los were so into each other they were oblivious to anything that was going on. He had just presented her with her last graduation gift which was a diamond charm shaped like a cap and gown to add to her already ridiculously iced out charm bracelet. Lucky started boo hoo’ing and kissing Carlos like they were the only ones there.

  Ty had Kynah sitting on her lap throughout dinner. Ty had fed her and was now busy feeding her ice cream for dessert. The whole situation was so weird for Ty. Tina had insisted that Nice sit beside Ty so that he could be close to his daughter. And of course, Douglas was sitting on the other side of Ty. There was Ty with Nice sitting on her right side and Douglas on her left. Kynah being 3 years old thought she was 23 and insisted on feeding herself. Ky was doing pretty good, when she scooped up some ice cream “Daddee eat, eat.” Nice turned and looked over at his daughter, who was sitting in Ty’s lap with a huge smile on her face, along with ice cream all over her mouth. Although he was past stuffed he leaned over and ate the ice cream anyways. Kynah made him eat two big spoonfuls of ice cream, then she scooped up another spoonful and put it towards Ty’s mouth “Ha Ty, Ty.” Ty looked at the ice cream that Ky was offering her from the same spoon that Nice had just eaten from. It was an innocent gesture on the child’s part but Ty didn’t know what to do.

  Cathy and Tina gave each other a look, these two women were wise. And even if no one else seemed to be catching on, they sure had. Ty leaned over and ate the ice cream. Taneisha saw the exchange between the three and thought it was so cute, she felt compelled to say something. “Ty your daughter is so pretty. She looks just like you, she looks a lot like her father too,” She pointed at Nice. “But, she looks like you more. You guys make a really nice looking family.”

  Everyone at the table fell over with laughter. Taneisha suddenly felt self conscious and embarrassed. Why the hell was everyone laughing? She looked over at Lucky for some type of support but even Lucky was laughing. Ty felt her face flush and she became red in the face. Nice didn’t really know what to say, truth be told, he was a little nervous about what Ty’s response would be. He had always thought Ky looked like she could be Ty’s biological daughter. He just never voiced it, now that someone had, it felt weird. To the unassuming stranger this didn’t seem too farfetched. If you asked any stranger on the streets who they thought Ky’s mother was at that table they would most Likely assume Ty was. The complexion of both Ty and Kynah, along with the dark long brown hair and the similar small noses, made it look like Ty could have given birth to Kynah. Just as Ty went to correct her assumption, Douglas butted in “That is not her daughter,” he said in a nasty tone.” The comment got everyone’s attention. It was so unnecessary for him to say it like he did, as if there was something wrong with Kynah. Nice took immediate offense.

  “Ayo what the fuck is ya problem!? I will beat the shit outta you nigga!” Nice barked. Lucky became panicked. Oh shit! Not on my day she thought to herself. She looked over at Los for help because Jah was definitely not going to be of any assistance. He was mean grilling Douglas all day and he couldn’t wait for shit to pop off so he could fuck him up. Los hopped up and walked in between Douglas and Nice. Douglas was so relieved he could have kissed Los for that. “Ty take ya man somewhere,” Los ordered with attitude. Tina stepped up and grabbed at Nice’s arm “Nice honey this is not the place nor time, this is Lucky’s graduation. Let’s not scare all these white people out here and confirm a stereotype they already have of young black men.” Tina reached over and took Ky out of Ty’s arms. Cathy grabbed Nice’s arm and shook her head. “Let’s go,” she said in a no nonsense tone. Nice glared at Douglas for a few seconds longer contemplating if he should just lay his ass out. He was real offended by Douglas’s comment, but truth be told his pride was crushed. He couldn’t believe that this was who Ty chose over him. He cut his eyes at Ty and gave her a look that said I hate you, before storming off bumping hard into Douglas trying to provoke him, so he could have a reason to lay him down. “Kamar! That’s enough!” Cathy screamed.

  Ty stood there for a second feeling as if she were going crazy. This was a little too much for her to be dealing with, so she walked off to the bathroom leaving everyone there stumped as to what all just happened. She was in the bathroom for a good two minutes with the water running on full blast splashing water on her face, when Keema came bursting into the bathroom. “Girl what the hell did you do to that nigga? He buggin out. He got a taste of that wet wet and he don’t know how to act. So tell me Ty what you do ride that nigga backwards? Or sit on his face, which one was it?” Keema said through laughter. “What!” Ty said trying her
best to sound shocked at the accusation. “Oh bitch please, I’m your best friend don’t try to play me, I know. I can tell.” Ty stood there for a second “Shit! Damn that nigga went bragging on his dick. And Jah can’t hold water when it comes to ya ass. Don’t front talkin bout you can tell, you know Jah pussy whipped ass told you.” “Hold up hoe, don’t get dropped talking about my man,” Keema said playfully. Ty started laughing, “Keem so what you gotta say? I know, I know, I’m fucked up. I shouldn’t have fucked with him considering he messed with Nona. I know its trife, so what you gotta say?” Keema jerked her neck back “Girl please, ya cousin is a fucking smut and that’s real talk. I know that’s your cousin and yes in usual circumstances there would be no excuse for you to ever cross that line but it wasn’t like that between them trust me. Jah put me on. She talked to him for like a coupla weeks on the phone, he brought her to the Casino and fucked her and that was it. On top of that she fucked Buju and Real too, she be straight lovin the crew.” Ty waved her off. “I don’t care, that shit really has nothing to do with me and what I did. If my mom hears about this she would hit the roof.” “I bet you she wouldn’t,” Keema challenged. Ty sucked her teeth “That man hates me anyways. You should've seen the way he looked at me.” Keema laughed “ “Hate you? Girl you talking crazy, more like that man loves you. You know how Nice is, that nigga ego probably bruised right now. You know he think he the shit.” They both started laughing. “Keem, keep it on the low,” Ty said in a pleading voice. “Damn bitch! I ain’t gonna say nothing.” “Lucky don’t know do she?” Ty asked. “No, not that I know of ,” Keema said.“She going to be so disappointed if she finds out I know she is.” “Ty I got you, you know I ain’t saying shit. Tell me this though how do you feel about him?” Ty looked up at Keema and stared at her for a second “Girl I kinda think… I love him.” “So follow your heart, You see I did, I couldn’t be happier and that’s real.”


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