It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 53

by B. , Ivory

  Bianca watched as Jah made fast steps to the door and she knew he was going after Keema. She took off after Jah; she knew she would have to think of something and fast to get his attention off of Keema. When Jah stepped out of the courthouse he looked around and didn’t see Keema anywhere. Unbeknownst to him Keema was sitting in her X5 directly across the street. Keema gripped the stirring wheel tight willing herself not to cry. She could see Jah looking around as if he were looking for someone. She figured he was looking for her but at that moment she didn’t care. Suddenly Bianca appeared behind him and tapped him on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear. Keema used everything in her might to refrain herself from jumping out of that car and causing a scene.

  Buzz, buzz, buzz Keema’s phone vibrated. “Hello, Keema said sounding blue. “Keem, Keem what’s wrong mama? Did you make it?” Keema couldn’t even answer Lucky she was too busy stalking Jah and Bianca, watching and dissecting every single body movement trying to detect if Jah had anything going on with her. “Keema what’s wrong?” “Um… Luck yeah I made it.” Lucky could hear the emotion in her voice. “Keem what happened? Talk to me.” “They um…they continued the child support ruling until paternity testing. And they’re supposed to do that next week sometime.” “Oookay,” Lucky said. Dragging the okay to push Keema for more info. “So what up? Did you talk to Jah?” “No girl that nigga treated me like I was a problem. Oh and baby mama was a mess girl. It’s going down if that’s his child. I can see already by just looking at her she want Jah. You know us women can see it. But it seems to go right over niggaz heads. That bitch is pretty though, I ain’t gon lie. Lucky you think he been over there with her while he been gone?” “No Keem, I haven’t heard anything either because you know I would’ve put you on.” “The hell with that, I’m not stressing over this inconsiderate bastard no more. I have my baby to worry about. If we through we through. That bitch can have him.” Keema revved up her engine and took off after giving one last glance at Jah and Bianca in her rearview mirror.

  The day had finally come, Jah wasn’t a bit nervous. He was just anxious to know the truth. He had been thinking a lot in the past week about him and Keema’s relationship especially since Bianca’s comment after court. She had questioned him if that was Keema in court. He confirmed that it was, and she came out and said she didn’t think Keema would accept Taj. That comment threw him for a loop, he never even considered Keema not accepting the child. He assured her that Keema wasn’t that way. She wasn’t the type of person to hold a grudge against a child that was really innocent in the whole matter, but for some reason Bianca kept insisting that Keema would have a problem with her son.

  After producing two forms of identification, being photographed and thumb printed it was finally time to take the tests. Jah, Bianca and Taj were called into the room. Two examiners came in and explained the first test they would do which was the buccal swap. One of the examiners picked up an instrument that looked like a long Q-tip. She explained that she would rub the inside of their cheeks to collect tissue that would be used for DNA testing. Every swab was color coded and everything was recorded with a surveillance camera in the upper corner of the room. Jah looked around he could not believe these facilities went to these measures for a test that only took minutes.

  Right after that was done it was time to draw blood and Taj cried at the sight of a needle. It was quick but he cried for a while. Jah reached over and took him from Bianca who was trying unsuccessfully to calm him down. Just like that he stopped crying. Jah had noticed that Taj had taken an automatic liking to him. He was nervous about bonding with the child with the verdict still out on whether or not he was his father. They had been to three separate facilities and everyone seemed beat from all the running around. Jah said his goodbyes to Bianca and Taj and headed to see his aunt. He knew if he could count on anyone besides Keema to help him through a stressful situation it was her.

  “Hey Baby!” Cathy screamed and threw her arms around Jah’s neck. She backed up to get a good look at him and touched his face gently. “Boy you need some sleep.” Jah smiled slightly he knew his aunt would start worrying. As soon as he walked in the large foyer he was hit with the smell of food. “What you cooking Auntie Kit Cat?” Jah didn’t even wait for her to respond he nearly ran to the kitchen. Yeah if your ass was at home you wouldn’t be so hungry.

  Jah wolfed down two large plates of food then looked as if he would doze off at the table. Cathy had to laugh at him, his head was falling all over the place as he sat and slept. “Baby go upstairs and get some rest.”Cathy suggested “Nah I’m good, I’m good.” “What you mean you good? You were just sitting up sleeping. Boy you got niggaritus eaten and falling to sleep.” Jah laughed. “Where’s my girl Keema? How is she doing?” Cathy knew damn well where Keema was and how she was doing. She wanted to see what Jah would say. “I don’t know Keema ain’t called me in a whole week,” Jah admitted. “Good for her.” Jah looked at his aunt in disbelief at what she had just said. “Well what you expect? You think she supposed to chase after you for the rest of her life? Boy please. ” Jah sat there staring off into space.

  “Now what’s going on with this baby mama drama? Did you go take those tests?” “Yeah today.” “Humph, that’s right boy, you better handle ya scandal, handle ya scandal. If he yours you already know what you have to do,” Cathy said as she packed up food in a Tupperware container to bring to Keema, she wanted to make sure that lil one was eating good. Jah could hear the disapproving tone in her voice. “I don’t know how many times I’ve told you boys that one night of pleasure can cause you a lifetime of heartache and pain. Well in your case most likely drama and stress for the next 14 more years.” Jah shook his head. “Man I hope not, no drama. She already talking about she can tell Keema don’t accept her son.” Jah covered his face with both hands and blew in frustration. “Before she said that I never even thought that could be an issue. But I know Keem enough to know she won’t hold no malice towards a kid that’s really innocent in this whole situation.”Ohhh that little Chickenhead is cunning. She trying to draw a wedge between them already, pitting the little boy against Keema. “You know Keema better than that. But I ain’t gotta tell you that, since when do anyone have to ever tell you anything about Keema?” Before he could even respond his phone went off, it was Bianca.

  “Yo what’s good ma?” “Hey Jah, Taj isn’t feeling good. He’s running a fever. I think it was all the running around we did today and the blood test we took got him feeling sick.” Jah felt a little guilty about that since his lawyer insisted that they not only do the cheek swab but also take blood specimens. “Jah I know your probably real busy but he’s hot and I was wondering if you could bring some children’s Motrin. I thought I had some but I only have Tylenol.” The phone went silent and Jah’s mind was working on overdrive. He really didn’t feel right it was close to 11pm, but if he said no what would that look like? “Yo you ain’t got no one else that can bring that to you?” “Well I guess I can call my mom. I’m sorry for bothering you.” “Nah, nah, nah I’ll bring it, alright. Its gon take me a minute I’m not close.” When he hung up the phone he looked up to see his aunt staring at him disapprovingly. “What? Auntie Cat I haven’t done nothing, I swear.” “Umm hum,” was her only response. She reached up and hugged him as he got up to leave. “Remember what you have in Keema.” “What? Aunt Cat I know what I have in Keema.” “Oh do you really?” She questioned with a raised eyebrow. “Like I said, I know what I have in Keema,” Jah said taking a little offense to what his aunt was implying.

  Bianca came to the door with Taj following behind her. When he saw Jah he screamed his name and ran past Bianca nearly knocking her over. “Taj no!” Bianca tried to grab him before he ran onto the porch with no shoes on but it was already too late. Jah scooped him up and could feel the heat coming from him. He was really running a fever. “Thanks,” Bianca said while grabbing the Walgreens pharmacy bag from Jah. She looked in to find pedialite, Campbell’s ch
icken soup, 3 bottles of ginger ale and the Motrin. “You can come in.” Jah walked into the house and was impressed. She had a nice little condo.

  Jah ended up sitting on the couch watching a movie with Taj. After Taj took his medicine he seemed to mellow down completely. He was lying on the couch with his head leaned on Jah’s chest. Jah watched the boy as his eyes started to get heavy then he drifted off to sleep. Bianca was somewhere in the house moving about cleaning. She had left them both in the living room long ago. The dim lighting and sounds of Taj sleeping had put Jah to sleep as well.

  Jah slept and dreamed of Keema which was a regular occurrence lately. However, this dream was so vivid, so real, he could actually feel Keema. Jah let out a loud moan and grabbed the back of Keema’s head as he guided it gently into him driving his dick further down her throat. Keema was giving him unbelievable head. It felt so good to Jah he felt himself about to explode, “Oh shit I’ma bout to cum,” he mumbled in his sleep. “Cum for me Daddy.” In none of his dreams did Keema ever talk and that definitely wasn’t Keema’s voice. Jah’s eyes fluttered, then he opened his eyes. To his horror, he looked down and saw that it wasn’t Keema but Bianca; naked as the day she was born making his dick completely disappear down her throat as she played with her pussy. Jah jumped as if he felt the fire of the devil himself. He pushed her head away. “Ayo what the fuck?!” Jah barked, he was past angry. “Bitch is you fuckin stupid, dumb, or slow which one is it? What the fuck is it you not gettin? I told you I have someone, then you pull this shit. Rockin a nigga off while I’m sleep with no condom!” That last comment hit him like a ton of bricks. He realized the compromising position she had put him in. He knew Keema would murder him if he ever did her grimey and pulled some shit like he had in the past.

  Bianca was speechless; she sat there on her knees stiff as a statue with tears welling up in her eyes. What just happened? She thought Jah would be all for it, he was enjoying it. Jah looked around and noticed that Taj was no longer on the couch. He jumped up and rushed to the bathroom in the hallway. He grabbed the first thing he saw which was a decorative hand towel that went with her bathroom ensemble. Yanking the hand towel off the rack, he put the water on full blast grabbed a bar of soap and went to work. Jah scrubbed his dick mercilessly and squatted so that he could wash his balls. Bianca stood in the doorway extremely offended with Jah’s actions. She wanted to curse his ass out for using her damn Martha Stewart decorative hand towel and then for scrubbing himself as if she had HIV. When Jah was done he pulled up his boxers and jeans with one swift movement and headed towards the door in a hurry. He needed to get the hell out of there and fast. His thoughts were scrambled Damn! What the fuck did I do? What if Keema find out about this? I shouldn’t have come over here that was a sucka move. What if I caught some shit? Bianca ran after Jah trying to prevent him from leaving.

  “Jah wait I’m sorry, please don’t be mad at me. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you but I really love you. Wait Jah please!” “Love me?” Jah said looking at Bianca as if she lost her mind. “Ayo B, don’t fuckin call me unless it got something to do with that lil nigga in there, other than that keep ya looney ass away from me.” Bianca tried to grab his arm but he yanked away. “Jah please don’t leave,” Bianca cried. Jah rushed out of her condo hopped in his whip and peeled out taking his frustrations out on the road. He kept looking in his rearview mirror as if he was afraid he would see Bianca following him. The look in her eyes was frantic and crazed as she cried and begged him to stay. In all the time of knowing her he had never witnessed her like that.

  Jah was stressing and paranoid that he may have caught something. He knew damn well that soap and water couldn’t cure no STD. His thoughts were running amuck. He wondered if topping him off was all she had done while he was out. He knew how he could get when he was overly tired, damn near comatose but he convinced himself that there was no way nothing could’ve happened with his balls still full. Jah cringed at the pain he was feeling, blue balls was no joke. Yeah I’m straight, I’m straight unless that bitch can get pregnant by mouth. She can’t come on no slick shit. He cursed himself for being so stupid. He should have been on point when he knew her intentions.

  His phone rang breaking him out of his thoughts. “Yo!” Jah answered the phone. Los could hear the irritation in Jah’s voice. “Yo what’s good wit you son? You handled that today right?” Jah took a deep breath relieved it was his cousin. He picked his phone up without looking at the screen, he thought it was Bianca and he was about to go in on her. “Yooo!” Jah said letting out a hard exhale “Some crazy shit just popped off, ya boy is fucked up right now.” Jah gave Los the run down on the events that took place that evening.

  “Dayum fuck thirsty, chick sounding dehydrated out this bitch,” Los commented then burst into laughter. “Nah but on some real shit, things coulda been a whole lot worst though. She could’ve straight jumped on ya joint while you was sleeping then what? If you was at home with Keema you wouldn’t be out there like that.” Jah exhaled hard he knew his cousin was right. “A nigga so low right now, I need strength, I need strength, I need Keema. I need to go home to Keema.” “I think that’s about one of the smartest things you done said in a while. So then take ya ass home.” “I am first thing tomorrow.” “Why not tonight?” “I’ma get checked out first make sure everything is everything before I go home. If I bring some shit back home to Keema she gon dead a nigga fast.” Los laughed so hard he started choking.

  “I’ma go right out to University City to that clinic first thing in the morning.” “Why don’t you go to your own doctor instead of that clinic?” “See nigga that’s why you stay gettin caught out. Imagine me going to Dr. Lynn and getting a full check up for STD’s without Keema. Imagine Dr. Lynn just happen to bring that up in a casual convo with Keema on her next visit. Hell nah! I’m going straight to the clinic.” “A’ight nigga relax; cause you sounding real tense right now. Go get you some lotion or some shit. I know you got blue balls like a muthafucka.” Jah burst out laughing “That shit hurt like all hell, yo that’s not funny,” Jah hollered. Los just continued to laugh. “Real talk, you should’ve just gave that lil freak bitch the ice cream and been done. I’m not saying its right but I would understand. Now look at you son, you all fucked up in the game and gotta whack off tonight,” Carlos burst into a hard laugh. “I’m glad you find this shit funny nigga,” Jah said but couldn’t help but laugh at his own misfortune. “A’ight be easy youngin, make sure you take that ass home tomorrow too,” Los said and hung up.

  “Oh shit!” Jah spat looking at his Rolex it was after 12am. He had intended to lay down for just a nap after going out to the clinic that morning to get his clean bill of health but ended up over sleeping. He ran in the bathroom to freshen up before grabbing both his duffle bags to go home, finally after damn near a month. His heart raced as he neared the home he once shared with Keema. He was anxious the whole ride over about how Keema would react to him coming home.

  He noticed the shocked look Ralph gave him when he walked into the lobby. No one knew exactly what had transpired that day weeks ago with the young black couple that lived in the building, but that didn’t stop people from speculating and rumors from swirling in the building. “Ralph what up? You been holding me down? It ain’t been no dudes coming around here right?” “Absolutely not Mr. Evans. I would’ve had you on speed dial,” Ralph assured him with the most loyal eyes. “A’ight, good lookin.” Jah dapped him out and left a c-note on the counter.

  Jah took a deep breath as he stood at his own condo door hoping and praying he was spared the embarrassment of his key not working in his own door. The whole ride over he wondered if Keema had changed the locks on him but to his relief the key turned and opened. He stepped in the house feeling like a stranger. The apartment was almost back to its normalcy minus some art work and furniture. The hole in the wall was absent as well as the cast that was once on his hand. The cast was removed a couple of days ago and he could not have been happier t
o have his hand freed. He still felt strain like pains in his hand but he chalked that up to a lesson learned in love and war.

  The house was completely quiet and dark. Jah tried to be as quiet as possible he figured Keema was probably asleep. He walked into the bedroom to see Keema sleeping looking like an angel. It was hard for him to even believe that this was the same woman that had said some of the most hateful things, she looked so innocent. She was hugging a pillow with nothing on but Jah’s t-shirt. Jah took notice that she had nothing on underneath, not even panties. The t-shirt was hiked up on her exposed thigh and ass. Jah tried mercifully to keep his thoughts clear but his eyes kept falling right back on her soft skin. Staring down at Keema he knew without a doubt that she was his soul-mate. He knew she was special from the moment that soda can left his hand and hit its target, Keema was his. Aside from his family she was his everything, the reason he even moved back to Philly. He leaned in and placed one kiss on her forehead and another on her lips as she slept. Keema stirred awake, once she opened her eyes she just stared at Jah as if she were trying to determine if seeing him was real or not.

  “ Meema what up?” Jah said just above a whisper. As if hearing Jah words hurt, Keema flinched and closed her eyes shut.”Keem look at me ma.” Keema didn’t respond nor open her eyes. She rolled over and gave Jah her back. Hot tears fell down her face. Keema had so many emotions pint up inside. She was confused, part of her was overjoyed, another part of her was angry. Jah knew this would be an uphill battle, he wasn’t really expecting Keema to be waiting on him to come home with open arms. “Meema, come here.” Jah reached over and pulled Keema closer into him. She tried to push him away as he was pulling her in, suddenly she stopped trying to push him away and gave into her emotions and cried. He gently turned her around to face him and kissed her softly on the lips.


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