Return to Flint

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Return to Flint Page 4

by Treasure Hernandez

  “A’ight, well, I guess if we aren’t going to rest anyway, it’s time to split up,” Tiana said, getting up from the bed.

  Cee Cee sat up and stretched the kinks out of her still-aching limbs. Tiana wanted to make nice with Celeste before they split up, so she walked over to Celeste’s bed and sat down next to her.

  “It’s all going to work out, Cee Cee. Nobody knows it was us. Just like we planned. Nobody won’t even suspect us. With Dr. Syed gone now and no one to block us, we going to go back and get our revenge on motherfuckers who wronged us. Just like we’ve been planning and talking about. It took us months to figure out how we were going to get out of that hellhole, put all of this in place, but look at us. We did it. We fucking did it, Cee,” Tiana said with feeling, trying her best to rally Cee Cee.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I got everything in all messed up in my head. Now that we’re on the outside it’s all worth it,” Cee Cee said, cracking a halfhearted smile.

  Tiana felt better now that she had patched things up with Cee Cee. They were back on the same plan. She didn’t want to part ways with Cee Cee being upset with her. She couldn’t leave things on a bad note like that. Tiana smiled back, softening at the edges.

  “Just remember: you mess with me, you mess with three. We don’t let anyone hurt us again,” Izzy stated.

  “That’s right,” Cee Cee agreed.

  “That shit kind of corny. We sound like an afterschool special,” Tiana joked.

  “Yeah, it does sound corny as hell.” Izzy laughed. “You and Tiana stayed talking about all that shit when y’all was gone off that Klonopin and Adderall.”

  “You mess with me, you mess with three,” Cee Cee said in a mocking voice.

  “Yeah, we was high as fuck off all that shit they was giving us when we made that up,” Tiana joked back. Tiana, Izzy, and Celeste laughed and hugged each other tight.

  * * *

  Tiana was the first to step out of the hotel room. She surveyed the surroundings and then signaled for Izzy and Celeste to come out.

  Tiana gave the girls a quick pep talk. “Stick with the plan and this shit with Dr. Syed will all blow over soon.” They hugged again before they parted ways. The girls had their mission on their minds, and nothing else mattered.

  Chapter 5

  There was one more person Tiana needed to see right away before she made her way back to her old neighborhood. She hadn’t even told Celeste and Izzy about her plan on this one, but once it was said and done, she would let them know that there was one less person they had to worry about.

  Tiana knew that her father would’ve warned her against going to deal with a hit alone since she hadn’t carefully prepared like she had been taught. Tiana didn’t care. She felt a gnawing urgency for revenge against this person almost as much as she had felt for Dr. Syed.

  Tiana couldn’t focus on anything else until she paid a visit to Daniel Black, a perverted orderly and one of Dr. Syed’s minions from Rollins Hospital. Daniel had done some unspeakable things to Tiana during her stay in the hospital, but nothing stuck out to her more than the day he had pissed on her. Tiana could still remember the feeling of the hot, acidic urine splashing onto her face and soaking her hair. After that day, she had prayed daily that she would have the opportunity to find out where Daniel lived so that one day she could see him outside of the walls of the hospital.

  Tiana had been overjoyed the day her prayers were answered. It was during one of those fateful days that Daniel and Dr. Syed had performed a variety of sordid sex acts on Tiana, when she found Daniel’s wallet under the bed. Tiana had lain balled up in a fetal position with her insides throbbing and her head pounding when she’d noticed the little black wallet. It had fallen from Daniel’s pants pocket when he’d dropped his pants so he could force himself into Tiana’s mouth and vagina, right after Dr. Syed had previously spent an hour doing the same thing. Finding the wallet had given Tiana a newfound strength and a new sense of hope. Tiana had raided the wallet before she made sure she put it back in the same place. She had gotten hold of Daniel’s driver’s license with his address on it and noted it before Daniel realized his wallet was gone and came looking for it. Tiana had taken the discovery of the wallet and getting Daniel’s address as a sign from God, an invitation to pay Daniel a visit and pay him back.

  Now, she stood in front of the address listed on the license feeling a mixture of emotions. Tiana knew Daniel worked the night shift at the hospital so she wasn’t worried that she wouldn’t find him at home that time of day. She touched the steak knife (courtesy of the hotel’s room service) she had stuffed in the front pocket of her hoodie, and she repeated to herself the areas of the body her father told her would cause a person to bleed out the fastest. In her assessment, all she had to do was be smart, fast, and careful.

  Tiana paced outside of Daniel’s building until she saw someone coming out. When she saw the man exiting, Tiana slid her hood over her head and put her head down so the man couldn’t see her face.

  “Oh, goodness, finally. I forgot my keys at work, and I have to pee so badly. Thank you for holding the door,” Tiana said sweetly, using the most proper English she could manage. She was sure to keep her head down and avoid eye contact with the man as she slipped through the door. He mumbled something to her like he was annoyed, but he didn’t stop her from going into the building.

  Smart man, because you woulda got it today.

  “Apartment three-D,” Tiana huffed as she opted to take the stairs up instead of the elevator. Once she made it to the right floor, Tiana stopped for a few seconds and took three deep, cleansing breaths.

  “You can do this by yourself, Tiana. You have to do this,” she spoke to herself.

  Tiana raised the knocker on Daniel’s door and slammed it down three times, silently praying that he was home. She felt sweat running a race down her back. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Suddenly her bladder felt like it was going to burst, and her nerves were on edge.

  After a few moments, she listened to the locks clicking on the other side of the door. The hairs on her neck and arms stood up. Yes!

  She swallowed hard and silently rattled off in her head what she had practiced to say. Then she thought, This dumb nigga ain’t even ask who was at the door. Finally, she heard the final lock click. The door to the apartment swung open, and Tiana looked up into the face of her next mark.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Daniel growled, shock registering on his face and nervousness dancing in his voice.

  Tiana blinked wildly for a few seconds before her brain sent the right message to her tongue. “I came to see you because I need help,” Tiana said, feigning urgency by moving restlessly on her legs. “I will do whatever you ask me to do if you just help me,” she pleaded, using her best acting skills.

  “Wait, when the fuck you get out?” Daniel asked, tilting his head to the side and folding his face into a confused frown. “I was out on vacation for one week, and nobody said anything about you getting released before I left. I didn’t see you on the monthly release list.”

  “Um, no. I was released by Dr. Syed. He said I was at the end of my treatment plan,” Tiana lied. “Please don’t turn me away. I’m all alone out here. I have no place else to go. I have no family, and I am desperate. I’ll do anything. I just need a few dollars, a hot shower, and some food.” Tiana continued with her lies, throwing on her best “damsel in distress” face to take her act to an all-time high. Tiana could see Daniel’s eyes light up with perverted thoughts when she said she would do anything.

  “Please. I just need a few hours. I am exhausted,” Tiana begged.

  “All right, but I gotta leave for work in a few,” Daniel relented, standing aside so Tiana could come inside. A mixture of excitement and fear flitted through Tiana’s stomach, causing a wave of cramps to stab through her abdomen.

  “Can I use your bathroom to freshen up?” Tiana asked.

  “Do what you gotta do,” Daniel answered, watc
hing her lustfully. “But remember what you promised, Miss Caldoron. I don’t have to help you, so you better keep your word or else out on the streets you go. I know how stubborn you can be.”

  Tiana shook her head up and down acting like she understood just what he was saying. She smiled to herself as she walked through his apartment toward the bathroom. She noticed that his laptop was open on the table in his living room. Tiana made a mental note to avoid going near it or passing it just in case it had some sort of camera running on it.

  “I want to thank you for letting me in. I know it seems wild that one of your crazy patients showed up at your door but, trust me, I am grateful,” Tiana called out to Daniel, making her way into his bathroom.

  He was saying something in response, but she couldn’t hear him because she had turned on the shower. She locked the door and pulled out the steak knife she had secreted into her pants. She put it under her foot, stepped down on the blade, and broke the handle off of it.

  “Too big with the handle on it. Just be careful not to cut yourself, Tiana,” she whispered to herself. She looked around the bathroom for anything else she could use as a weapon, just in case things didn’t go so well with the knife. Daniel was a pretty big guy so Tiana couldn’t be too careful. “Shit,” she cursed. There was nothing she would be able to use right away, but she had some ideas for a few things she’d spotted.

  Tiana got out of her clothes and hung them on the back of the bathroom door. She would need them to stay completely clean because she didn’t have anything else to wear. She stepped into the shower, quickly wetting and soaping up her body so that Daniel would be convinced that she’d actually showered. She stepped out of the water after a few seconds, grabbed a towel that was folded on a rack above the toilet, and wrapped it around her body. She took the knife blade and hid it in the roll of the towel. Tiana took in a lungful of air, blew it out, and exited the bathroom.

  “That felt so good. I’m so glad you agreed to help me,” Tiana sang as she came out of the bathroom wrapped in the towel. When she didn’t see Daniel, she spun around, making sure he hadn’t left or that he wasn’t somewhere trying to sneak up on her. “Hello?” Tiana called out tentatively, taking a few steps backward.

  “I’m in here!” Daniel yelled from another room. “The bedroom!”

  Tiana let out a sigh of relief, then followed the sound of his voice to a back room. Her eyebrows dipped on her face when she saw him lying stark naked on his bed looking like a sloppy, fat beached seal with his dick lying like a limp noodle on his thigh.

  “I helped you; now come help me with this,” Daniel said, lifting his puny dick and running his hand over it, staring at Tiana with a lecherous gaze.

  Tiana felt her nervousness and fear hardening into a fiery nugget of fury, but she put a fake smile on her lips anyway. She sauntered sexily over to the bed, teasing Daniel by moving the towel aside and showing him a quick glimpse of her neatly shaven mound. She had actually shaved while she was at the hotel.

  “Sss, you cleaned it up real nice for daddy. I always thought you were the best looking girl in there,” Daniel panted, still stroking himself. “You were the sexiest and had the best body.”

  Tiana bit her lip to keep herself from going off on him. She would’ve had no wins if she’d gotten into a fight with Daniel, who was six foot three inches and 300 pounds.

  “For real? Me? Nah, I never would’ve guessed that,” Tiana said in a throaty, seductive voice. “I would’ve thought you preferred Celeste or Elizabeth.” She climbed onto the bed and slowly crawled toward him. The closer she got, the more she could smell that Old Spice deodorant he would always wear. The scent was giving her flashbacks of when he would pin her down and hold her arms over her head. He would then get on top of her and begin to suck and kiss on her neck. When he was done and he’d bring her back to her room, that deodorant smell would be all over her. It was taking everything inside of her to keep the act going. Tiana knew if she had had a gun at that moment, Daniel’s head would’ve been blown off already.

  “Yeah. You have that pretty, innocent girl face but you got that ruggedness about you that makes your pussy that much better,” Daniel huffed, smiling and lowering his eyes hungrily.

  “Good, then that will make this time all the more special,” Tiana replied, her jaw stiffening and her eyes flattening into dashes. She straddled him, wearing a wicked smile on her face and evil dancing in her eyes. Daniel began breathing harder and stroking himself rougher.

  “Yeah, bring it here,” he panted excitedly.

  “This is no fun unless you close your eyes. Let me give it to you, since all of the other times you just took it,” Tiana said.

  Daniel chuckled excitedly, snapping his eyes closed.

  Suddenly a quick memory of Daniel forcing his wide body between her legs and his slimy dick into her desert-dry vaginal opening flashed through Tiana’s mind. Tiana remembered how she had squealed from the burning pain as he drilled into her dry opening and how Daniel forced his chunky, sweaty palm over her mouth and nose, cutting off her air supply until she gave up fighting and let him have his way with her. By the time he was finished Tiana’s labia was so swollen she could barely walk for days.

  “Whatever floats your boat. Open eyes, closed eyes; this is your show,” Daniel wheezed hungrily, anticipation of what he thought was coming taking his breath away.

  Tiana looked down in disgust at his shit brown skin and the layers of fat that made up his stomach, and she felt her insides grind with nausea. Wasting no more time, she swiftly flicked the towel from her body and retrieved the knife blade. She was so incensed that she gripped the blade tightly, and she unwittingly cut herself. The adrenaline coursing through her body didn’t allow her to feel the pain.

  “Keep those eyes closed now,” Tiana whispered in a low growl as she ground on top of Daniel. When he felt her bare skin touch his, he began panting and drooling like a dog.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about,” he gasped, getting ready to open his eyes.

  “Uh, uh, uh. Keep those eyes closed,” Tiana warned, as her legs tightened around him. She felt his erect dick pressing on her clit and the skin-to-skin contact fueled the maniacal thoughts running through her mind. She wished she had a bigger knife or maybe a chainsaw. Daniel tried to move so that he could enter her.

  “Ut un, un. Let me do all the work,” Tiana scolded. “Now, do you remember the first time you fucked me?” she asked, her voice hoarse with anger.

  Daniel shook his head up and down in the affirmative. “It . . . it wasn’t my choice to do it like that. I mean, I would’ve preferred to, um, you know, do it like this. But, um, Dr. S made us do that, you know, act rough with y’all so that we would risk being in trouble if we ever told on him. I . . . didn’t like to do it like that. You know, hitting y’all, forcing y’all, and tying y’all down. None of that was my idea,” Daniel stammered. He tried to open his eyes again, but Tiana quickly warned him against it.

  “Oh, no? You didn’t like forcing yourself on us, huh?” Tiana repeated. “What about running up in Celeste while she was still bleeding from that botched abortion y’all did on her? Or, what about hogtying Izzy and fucking her in the ass until she bled and couldn’t shit for a week? You didn’t like none of that?”

  Daniel shifted uncomfortably, but Tiana pressed her weight down on him. “Well, I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope there are little girls for you to rape in hell,” she growled, raising the knife blade and driving it into Daniel’s jugular vein with the accuracy of a surgeon.

  “Oh, shit!” Daniel squawked. His eyes shot open in shock. He threw his hands up and attempted to grab for Tiana’s neck. She snaked her head away from his grasp and quickly twisted the knife blade to make sure she not only hit the external jugular but the internal one, too.

  “Ahh!” Daniel gagged, his hands instinctively grabbing at his own neck. Tiana stood at the side of the bed and watched as his body bucked wildly. Daniel rolled around, trying to remove the knif
e blade from his neck, but Tiana could see that he was getting weak. Blood gushed from his neck and soaked the entire bed.

  Tiana remembered her father telling her that it takes about two minutes for a person to bleed to death if the internal jugular vein is cut, which is larger than the external jugular vein. It was more effective if the victim was lying down like Daniel was. Tiana was hoping she had hit Daniel’s carotid artery, too, because she knew he would bleed to death in one minute if she did.

  “You might as well stop fighting. It’ll only be a few more seconds. I hope it was all worth it. You and Dr. Syed ruined me. Y’all turned me into a fucking monster who can’t go back to being an innocent little girl. Y’all turned me into an abused one,” Tiana told him, her voice eerily calm. She cocked her head to the side and watched blood bubble up out of Daniel’s mouth like a geyser. He let out a few more ghastly choking noises before he finally asphyxiated on his own blood. Tiana gagged a few times as the smell of the piss and shit that leaked from Daniel’s body got to her. She knew the complete release of bodily fluids meant Daniel was dying. A smile curled on her lips as she took a sick sense of enjoyment watching the life leave his body.

  When Daniel went completely still, Tiana went to work making sure she didn’t leave any traces of herself behind. “Shit,” she cursed, remembering that she had cut her finger on the knife blade. Tiana couldn’t be sure that she hadn’t mixed her blood with his, but she also knew she couldn’t focus on that now.

  She raced into the bathroom and retrieved Daniel’s toilet plunger and, as a final “fuck you,” Tiana went over to his naked body, took the plunger stick, and forced it into Daniel’s anus.

  “You like to fuck little girls, bitch? Now this little girl fucked you back,” Tiana said through gritted teeth as she pushed the stick deeper and deeper, until Daniel’s insides kept her from pushing it any farther. Tiana stepped back, looked at the defiled dead man in front of her, and smiled like a lunatic proud of her handiwork.


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