Listen Pitch

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Listen Pitch Page 12

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  It was all to distract her, of course.

  It wasn’t because seeing her in those tight black leggings that she had on under her dress gave me a hard-on, nor was it due to the fact that when she’d bent over in front of me earlier during our security check, all I could think about was her pink thong that I knew I could see an outline of under her dress.

  Nope. Those were definitely not deciding factors.

  What was a deciding factor was the way she was currently digging her nails into the palms of her hands.

  I reached over and dragged one blunt fingertip down the length of one thigh, getting mightily close to the apex of her thighs.

  Her breath hitched, this time for a completely different reason than due to the turbulence.

  “Rhys,” she whisper-hissed. “What are you doing?”

  I let my fingers do my talking, one hand drawing lazy circles on the inside of her thigh.

  I don’t know why she’d chosen to wear a dress. My guess it was due to her wanting to impress my sister.

  Whatever it was, I was damn glad that she’d done it now.

  The ease of access was heart-racingly beautiful.

  I’d tried so fuckin’ hard to keep my hands off of her since this morning, but over and over again I’d failed.

  A little touch there. A swipe of my hand against hers here. Wrapping my hand around a tendril of hair until she turned her attention to me.

  All the little touches were turning into something much, much more.

  And my dick was about finished.

  It’d had enough.

  It wanted way more than what I’d given it—had wanted more for a very long time.

  It’d been patient.

  Now, it was done being patient.

  It wanted her. Any way it could get her.

  “Come to the bathroom,” I whispered.

  She halted me before I could get my belt unbuckled. “I’m not leaving.”

  I didn’t miss the finality in her words.

  But before I could so much as look saddened by her words, she was unbuckling me and sliding out of her seat.

  “Switch seats with me,” she ordered.

  I did, wondering where she was going with this.

  The moment my ass was down in the chair, she didn’t take up the remaining seat like I’d expected of her.

  She dropped down to her knees, causing my heart to pound.


  “You’re going to give me this,” she whispered, looking around the cabin.

  I did, too.

  No one was able to see us. With us being in the back section of first class as we were, there wouldn’t be a single person able to see us unless someone stood up.

  And with the way the plane was so dark, and the personnel was seated and would be until the captain deemed it safe for them to get back up...this would be the best possible time to do it.


  She unzipped my pants, and every single protest—although miniscule—I’d been able to muster, fled.

  Her hand delved inside my pants, and before I could say ‘holy fucking shit’ she had her mouth on the crown of my cock.

  How did we get here?

  What if someone saw her?

  Seriously. This was the best and worst idea I’d ever had.

  I reached for the blanket that was in my seat and spread it out, laying it gently over her body.

  How in the hell had this gotten so out of hand? There I was, trying to offer her comfort during the flight from hell, and the next thing I know, I’m the one on the receiving end of her attentions.

  This wasn’t how this was supposed to go.

  This wasn’t…holy shit.

  Her mouth devoured the head of my cock, taking just the top inside as she let it slide against the roof of her mouth. My eyes closed, and if I was a praying man, I’d have prayed to anyone that would listen to help me hold onto just a semblance of control.

  I swallowed as that talented tongue of hers flicked at the underside of my cock. Once. Twice. Three times.

  I squeezed the armrests, and inadvertently squeezed the button that would unlock the seat, allowing me to twist freely from side to side now.

  I bit my lip painfully and tried to compose myself, letting go of the lever and hoping that it locked back into place.

  The plane chose that moment to bump, causing several passengers to cry out in surprise.

  Me? I cried out—but it had nothing to do with the turbulence, and everything to do with the goddamn suction that she just treated my dick to.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” I breathed, trying not to reach for her hair.

  Turbulence shook the plane again, and this time a whimper left my mouth, once again disguised in with the other passengers’ cries.

  I took deep breaths, trying to will my come to stay where it was at for just a few moments longer. Then my willpower snapped.

  Whoever was in the seat in front of us leaned their seat back, which pushed Henley forward. Straight onto my cock.

  She took another inch that she likely would have never taken, and I saw stars.

  I couldn’t even scrounge up enough willpower to care.

  I couldn’t even muster an ‘are you okay?’ Not a pat on the forehead. Not anything.


  Because I was coming.

  I was coming hard, down her throat, and she was swallowing convulsively around me like she was devouring her last meal before she died.

  Her throat muscles flexed and convulsed as she swallowed, and my belly started to clench and release right along with the pulse of my cock.

  My release flew out of me like an explosion, and I had a second of thought that maybe I should’ve warned her before I’d come.

  But, again, that thought was fleeting seeing as I couldn’t even tell myself to breathe.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed, staring at the emergency lighting like it was something new and alien-like.

  And just before I was reaching under the blanket to wrap my hand around her chin, the fasten seatbelt sign went off.

  “All passengers and personnel free to move about the cabin,” the captain’s voice said over the speaker just as the lights turned on overhead.

  Henley stood and dropped the blanket on my lap to cover my naked cock.

  “I’m going to the restroom,” she whispered to me.

  I fiddled with my pants and shoved my semi-hard cock back into my jeans, wondering if I’d ever be able to ride on an airplane again without thinking of this particular experience.

  My guess? Probably fucking not.

  Chapter 21

  The older I get, the earlier it gets late.

  -Henley to Alana


  We arrived in the maternity ward just in time to hear a very loud, “Go fuck yourself!”

  Rhys didn’t hesitate, just kept right on barreling along, passing doctors, nurses, and mothers-to-be as he made his way to where he knew his sister to be.

  “No!” the woman cried again. “I will not have this baby until my brother is here!”

  It was then that I knew the woman screaming was Renata.

  But before he’d pushed through the door, he stopped and knocked loudly, calling out, “Rennie?”

  “Rhys!” Renata cried out. “You, there, cover up my vagina so my brother can enter.”

  I wouldn’t laugh. I. Wouldn’t. Laugh.

  “I don’t care if the baby’s face is right there. It’s my understanding that they breathe through the umbilical cord until they’re out. And you better be careful about what you say. I can read lips, you fool,” Renata snarled.

  I licked my lips and tried not to burst into a fit of giggles.

  “Jesus, Rennie,” Rhys said as he pushed through the door, holding it open for me. “The least you could do is act civilized.”

  That’s when a half cup of ice flew past Rhys’ face, barely missing his bod
y by inches.

  “I cannot believe you come in here, after not seeing me in half a year, and think that it’d be okay to lecture me on how to treat someone who thought it’d be okay to say ‘bitch’ underneath her breath!”

  I turned the corner just in time to hear her continue. “Get away from my vagina. I don’t want you near it anymore. My luck, you’ll fuck it up.”

  I started to laugh. I couldn’t help it.

  That laugh was wiped off my face when the woman who’d been kicked out turned, and then muttered a nasty word underneath her breath. Not loud enough for anyone to hear, but damn near perfect in my line of sight.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am,” I stepped aside. “But she’s not an s-word. She’s Italian. There’s a difference between being of Mexican heritage and being of Italian heritage, in case you were wondering.”

  The woman’s eyes turned up to meet mine.

  “And yes, I can read lips, too.”

  No one said a word as the woman continued to file out.

  “So…” Renata said. “Who wants to go find me a new doctor?”

  “That was your doctor?” I breathed, worried now.

  “There’s a nurse practitioner out there. She’s delivered many babies before,” a nurse said at her side, looking as happy as could be.

  Before either Renata or her husband, who was huddled in the corner looking white as a sheet, could answer, Renata went into another contraction.

  “Oh, sweet baby Jesus! Owwwwwww!”

  The nurse lowered the drape that’d been covering Renata’s lower half from her brother. Her brother looked, and then promptly joined his brother-in-law in the corner, his face white as death.

  I looked over at Renata, glancing from her husband to her, and said the only thing I could think of to say. “So, we made it in time for the birth.”

  Renata laughed the rest of her way through the contraction she was on.

  “Oh, yeah,” she wheezed. “And they weren’t lying. This really does feel like a ring of fire. Does it look bad?”

  I looked down at Renata’s vagina and tried to hide my wince. “Well…it’s a good thing that vaginas are made to stretch, or I’d be worried you couldn’t come back from this.”

  She laughed, which then turned into a groan as Renata curled over her belly and started to push.

  I stepped forward just as the nurse did, too.

  And together we stood there as the baby fell into the nurse’s hands.

  “Well…” I said breathlessly. “That was fun.”

  The nurse with her freaked out eyes didn’t seem to be agreeing with me.


  “That was fun.” Renata wiped her eyes as the hilarity continued to overtake her. “That was not fun! We’re never having another baby. Not unless Henley wants to be our surrogate. Then I could get on board with that.”

  Rhys made a disgusted sound. “That’s just plain weird.”

  “No, what’s weird is when your brother sees your vagina while you’re giving birth and doesn’t do anything but turn green. What’s weird is when your brother’s on his deathbed, and he comes back to life, then forgets to call you and tell you that he’s going to live. That’s weird,” Renata snarled.

  I stood up. “I’m going to go to the cafeteria and grab everyone something to drink.”

  Dewight stood up with me. “I’ll go with you.”

  We were out of the room before either Rhys or his sister could disagree.

  We’d made it out of the room before I halted Dewight. “I’m not quite sure you’re allowed to take the baby off the floor.”

  “Oh, shit.” He turned around and went back inside. Moments later, he returned sans baby.

  I gave him a small smile. “So…do they fight often?”

  He gave me a droll look. “You have no idea.”

  Our walk to the cafeteria was filled with chatter.

  I asked how he was taking this new fatherhood business, and he said he was still unsure about it all.

  It was when we’d arrived at the elevators that something had him stiffening.


  He reached forward and gently took me by the hand and had me behind him before I could draw my next breath.

  One second I was reaching forward past a guy in a suit to press the up button, and the next I was staring at Dewight’s t-shirt-clad back.

  “Umm, Dewight?” I asked in confusion.

  “What are you doing here?” Dewight snarled, startling me.

  In the short time that I’d spoken to him, today in person and past days on the phone, never once had I heard him sound like that. Even when he was annoyed at his brother-in-law for not calling to let him know that he was okay.

  “I’m just here to meet my precious grandniece,” came a thick Italian voice. “I want to make sure she gets this gift. It’s not every day that a new life is born into the Ribera family.”

  “You mean the Camden family, correct?” Dewight corrected him. “Because our child isn’t a Rivera or Ribera, whatever the hell you want to call them. She’s a Camden.”

  Camden was Dewight’s last name. Rivera was Rhys’. I’d never heard Ribera before.

  “Back in Sicily…it translates to Ribera, yes?”

  Dewight growled. “She’s not a Rivera. She’s a Camden.”

  I peeked around Dewight’s shoulder and saw a well-dressed older man with inky black hair that was turning white at the edges, staring at Dewight like he was a piece of fluff on his shirt.

  The moment that I did, the man’s shrewd, calculating eyes came to me.

  “Ahhh,” he smiled, making my bones chill. “If it isn’t Rhys’ wife.”

  I felt my stomach plummet.

  It didn’t take a genius to know who this man was.

  Rhys’ ‘Uncle’ Pablo.

  I stepped out from behind Dewight and studied the man casually.

  He didn’t look like an Italian mob boss.

  He looked like an old man that would probably blow over with a stiff wind.

  But, as I glanced around the hospital, it didn’t go unnoticed that the man was obviously not alone. There were two men a half dozen feet away, dressed similarly as him, watching us with too much intensity to be anything other than this man’s muscle.

  I felt a shiver of unease roll down my spine, like someone cold and dead had just drug their fingers from the base of my neck all the way to the top of my tailbone.

  My stomach clenched in reaction, and I wondered how long it would take for Rhys to get to me if I screamed.

  Probably too long.

  No matter how many times Rhys assured me that his ‘uncle’ didn’t hurt women, that wasn’t what I was reading in his eyes right then.

  “I’m Henley Rivera now, yes,” I confirmed.

  That was the first time I’d said that aloud.

  I’d read it quite a few times on documents, but other than hearing it from the judge’s mouth when he’d pronounced Rhys and me man and wife, I hadn’t said it.

  But the happy feeling it gave me, replacing the sickening one Pablo had produced, was enough to make me smile.

  Which Pablo saw instantly.

  His eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms.

  The movement made the gun at his hip briefly flash.

  I refrained from saying that guns were illegal to have in hospitals. I was fairly sure that the mafia was illegal as well, so I wasn’t sure he really gave a damn if he was doing anything within the lines of the law or not.

  I felt my phone ring in my pocket, and I was glad that it was still silenced due to the flight we’d been on earlier.

  The flight from hell that Rhys had tried his utmost best to make me forget.

  He’d succeeded. Barely.

  I’d still been a bit frazzled by the time we’d landed, which was apparent when I felt my phone buzz instead of heard it.

  There were certain things that I never took for granted, and the
ringing of my phone was one of them.

  I needed to hear it. It wasn’t rational, but it was something that I loved to hear.

  That’s why I always made it my favorite song at the time.

  But as it continued to buzz against my back pocket, I wondered if I could answer it without the men in the hallway noticing.

  But then thought better of it when I decided that if it was my mother, she didn’t need to hear what this man was saying to me.

  Just in case.

  She was still under the illusion that Rhys and I had the fairytale marriage.

  We didn’t. The less she knew, the better.

  “You’re very pretty,” Pablo commented. “Not as pretty as my Kitty, but still more than capable of holding your own next to Rhys.”

  Well, that I didn’t agree with.

  Rhys was gorgeous. I looked like an ogre next to him.

  Not that I would be telling this man that.

  “You’re right,” Rhys’ purr sounded at my back. “She’s beautiful. More than capable of standing at my side. But you’re wrong. Your ‘Kitty’ isn’t more beautiful than my Henley. Henley makes my heart race every time I see her, whereas your Kitty makes me want to rip it out of my chest and stab it.”

  I bit my lip to keep from high-fiving Rhys for that one.

  I didn’t care who this ‘Kitty’ was they kept talking about. My guess, it was Pablo’s daughter.

  Whoever the fuck she was, Rhys had just earned major bonus points.


  Pablo made a disagreeing sound in the back of his throat. “Dewight, your wife needs you.”

  Dewight didn’t so much as hesitate.

  He turned and walked away without another word, not stopping until he reached the door to their room. Once he was there, it closed with a resounding thud, making it known that whatever happened out here, we were very much on our own.

  As it should be.

  “Now that it’s just us,” Pablo drawled, pulling a half-smoked cigar out of his pocket and placing it to his lips. When he would’ve lit it, I interrupted. “You can’t smoke that in the hospital,” I told him bluntly. “Do you have any idea the amount of oxygen that runs through these walls? This place is like a fucking powder keg. It’s not just because smoking is gross. Use some common sense, for God’s sake.”

  Pablo flicked his lighter open during my speech but dropped both the cigar and the hand with his lighter moments later as I spoke.


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