The Outlaws: Jess

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The Outlaws: Jess Page 18

by Connie Mason

  "Did you have time to look for the wanted poster?"

  "No," she lied, "the sheriff was in his office the whole time."

  "Forget it, it doesn't matter. Is that all you want to tell me?"

  "That's it. I'm sorry, Jess, I guess I'm just tired."

  "Go crawl in bed, sweetheart, I'll finish up here."

  Another healthy jolt of guilt smote Meg. Why did Jess have to be so good?

  "Maybe I'll take you up on that," Meg said, rising. "Just pile the dishes in the sink. Are you sure you don't mind?"

  "Not at all, as long as it's my bed you crawl into. Go on, I'll be up shortly."

  Meg gave him an uncertain smile and left the room. How was she going to find the courage to leave? she wondered distractedly. How would she survive without him? She was going to leave him tomorrow, and made up her mind to savor him one last time tonight. Yes, she decided, tonight she'd love him as she'd never loved him before. She wanted to give him enough memories to last a lifetime.

  Jess finished his supper and cleared away the table, his thoughts deeply disturbed as he piled the dishes in the sink. Something was troubling Meg. He knew her well enough by now to know when she was disturbed. He was fairly certain Arlo Skully was involved and decided to let her tell him in her own good time. He loved Meg too much to badger her.

  Jess finished in the kitchen and slowly walked up the stairs, his lust for his beautiful Meg nearly uncontrollable. The thought of having her in his bed every night made him hard as stone. He hoped she wasn't asleep.

  Jess's wish was granted. Meg had changed to her nightgown and stood by the window, staring into the darkness. Jess came up behind her, surrounding her with his arms.

  "What are you thinking?"

  "I wasn't thinking at all. Just enjoying the fine night."

  Jess knew darn well she was lying but didn't press her.

  "Come to bed, sweetheart."

  Meg turned in his arms, her eyes glowing like emeralds in the lamplight. Her arms crept around his neck and she pressed her body against him. Lifting her head, she offered him her lips. Jess didn't hesitate, taking her lips in a deeply satisfying kiss. He breathed in her scent, savoring her taste. the very essence of her. His hand closed over her breast. His groan came from the deepest part of him as he swung her into his arms and carried her to bed.

  He whispered sweet love words against her lips, then flicked open the front ties on her nightgown. Her hands fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. With a groan of impatience he flung off his shirt and tossed it aside.

  Meg struggled to control the guilt she felt over her decision to leave tomorrow as Jess removed her nightgown and cupped her breasts, his warm, rough palms rubbing circles over the tips. They pebbled in response. She stroked his cheek, then ran her hand down the column of his strong neck. She could feel the stubble from his day's growth of beard. Her hand moved lower, until it rested over his heart. She felt the strong beat against her palm and felt connected almost spiritually to him.

  He moaned a sound of male pleasure against her mouth, a deeply moving sound that touched her to the depths of her soul. Suddenly she pushed him down and loomed over him.

  "Let me love you, Jess. Let me give you the same pleasure you give me."

  "That's not necessary, love."

  "To me, it is. Lift your hips so I can remove your trousers."

  He quickly obliged. She heard his harsh breathing and reveled in the power she had over him. The same kind of power he held over her during their intimate moments.

  Then he was naked; the turgid shaft of flesh jutting out from its bush of brown hair captured her attention. He was magnificent. She climbed over him, pressing her palms flat against his hips and her face against his belly. The earthy scent of his arousal filled her nostrils, sending her senses spiraling out of control. She had to taste him or die.

  She traced the column of dark hair running down his naval, enjoying the sensation of tautening muscles against her tongue. Her hands slipped between his thighs to test the weight of the tender globes hanging between his legs. She squeezed gently, amazed at their softness, at the taut skin surrounding them. Then she ran her hand up his shaft, enclosing it fully in her palm. She felt his life's blood pulsed strongly against her hand and lowered her head to taste him.

  "Meg, no!" Jess cried on a hoarse groan. "You'll kill me."

  "You'll live," Meg said moments before her tongue licked a fiery trail down the sensitive underside of his shaft. He nearly bucked her off him when she licked over the pulsating head and took him it into her mouth.

  A cry of raw agony escaped his throat and suddenly Meg found herself flat on her back with Jess looming over her. "I have to have you. Now," he panted into her ear. "You've driven me to the brink of madness."

  He entered her. She felt his hardness, the hot, thick, rigid length of him, the pulsing fullness moving strongly inside her. Her fingers dug into his shoulders. Solid muscle bunched as she pressed her lips to his hot skin.

  His lips seized hers, his tongue thrusting inside to the same rhythm of his thrusting below. He moved in deep nudging strokes, angling himself to stimulate the hidden peak of her sex. Everything blurred as he probed deeper, harder. His hands slid under her buttocks, bringing her up to meet his pounding loins. She tensed, feeling violent contractions clutching at her innards. She exploded. Arching, cresting; shimmering waves of ecstasy spread outward until her body was inundated with vivid sensation.

  She was still lost in the throes of excitement when she felt Jess's body go rigid, heard his hoarse cry of completion echo loudly in the silence.

  "I love you, Meg."

  No, Meg's heart silently responded. Don't love me. Please don't love me.

  Afterward, Meg rested in Jess's arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. Leaving the man she loved was going to be the most difficult thing she'd ever done. But she had to do it. Jess was too good a doctor to be reviled and scorned because he'd married a woman with an unsavory reputation.

  Jess's soft, even breathing told her he was sleeping and she cuddled against him. She wanted to saver every moment of her last night with him.

  And Jess gave her plenty to savor. Sometime during the darkest part of night he awakened her with kisses and made love to her again.

  Meg awakened before Jess. She washed and dressed quickly, then went down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. The last she would ever cook for Jess. Jess entered the kitchen just as she was setting the table.

  He gave her a big hug and a kiss, then sat down at the table. "I'm famished. Your cooking is going to make me fat."

  She set a plate piled high with food on the table. "Flapjacks and bacon. I used Zach's recipe for flapjacks."

  Jess dug in with gusto. When he noted that Meg merely sipped coffee, he asked, "Aren't you hungry? You should be after last night."

  Hiding her breaking heart behind a smile, Meg replied, "I couldn't wait. I ate my breakfast before you came down."

  Jess had just lifted the last bite of food to his mouth when the jangling doorbell announced a patient. He glanced at his watch. "They're arriving early today." He swallowed the rest of his coffee and rose. "Looks like it's going to be a busy day. Do you have anything planned for today?"

  "I thought I'd ride out to the house and pack the rest of my clothes," Meg said, refusing to look at Jess. "I'll leave something for your lunch and see you at supper."

  Jess smiled and nodded as he headed out the door. Meg knew he'd soon be immersed in his patients and wouldn't have a spare moment to think about her.

  Meg packed her carpetbag and fixed something for Jess's lunch before she left. She saddled her own horse and headed out to Zach's place. Once there, she packed the clothing she'd left behind the day before. Then she donned her leather britches, vest, fringed jacket, and battered hat. With cold determination, she strapped her gunbelt around her slim hips, placed her five hundred dollars in a pouch, and tied it around her neck with a leather thong.

  Then she rode back to town
and left her horse in the lean-to behind Jess's house. The next part was more difficult for she had to slip away to the train depot without Jess seeing her. She needn't have worried on that score. When she peeked through the waiting room window, she saw that the office was crowded with patients. Jess would be far too busy to notice her absence.

  Hefting her carpetbag, Meg strode down the street to the depot, ignoring the curious stares following her. The train was already in, discharging passengers. She spied Arlo standing near the platform, anxiously checking his watch. He saw her approach and met her arrival with a scowl.

  "It's about time. You nearly missed the train."

  "There's plenty of time," Meg said dully. God, how she hated this man.

  Arlo sent her a disparaging look. "Why are you dressed like that?"

  "I wanted to be comfortable." She held out her hand. "Give me the wanted poster."

  "Not a chance."

  "We had a deal. Give me the poster."

  His eyes narrowed, as if considering her request. "When the train leaves the station and not before."

  Meg gave a curt nod.

  "You don't look like my Meg dressed like that."

  "I'm not your Meg. You no longer frighten me. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

  He opened his mouth to say something then quickly shut it as passengers began pushing past them. "It's time to board. We'll talk about this later. I don't feel comfortable with you packing guns."

  "Neither did any of the outlaws I brought to justice," Meg stated boldly. She wanted Arlo to be aware that he no longer intimidated her.

  Meg smiled inwardly at Arlo's disconcerted look as they found seats midway down the car. She stared out the window until the train jerked forward and slowly rolled out of the depot. Then she held out her hand. "The poster, Arlo."

  Arlo obliged. "Giving you the poster doesn't mean a damn thing," he maintained. "I know where Gentry can be found. A telegram is all it will take to put him in jail."

  "But you won't do that, will you, Arlo?"

  "Not if you do as I tell you."

  "Of course," she lied.

  "Where are we going?" Meg asked, directing her gaze out the window.

  "Denver," Arlo replied. "I hear the pickings are good there. Lots of silver being mined in those parts."

  Meg's determined expression should have warned Arlo. She hadn't decided until just now that Arlo had to be taken care of so he'd never be a threat to Jess again. She didn't know how, but she fully intended to rid the world of a man who had beaten her so severely she'd nearly died. A permanent way to dispose of him would take serious thought.

  Jess hadn't seen Meg all day and was eager to hold her in his arms again as he closed and locked the office door after his last patient of the day had departed. The day had been long and exhausting. Word of his skill had reached outlying areas and a stream of farm families, cowboys and townspeople tramped in and out of his examining room. Jess considered hiring a nurse, if one could be found, to assist him.

  Despite his busy schedule, Jess felt good about his work. Treating patients, diagnosing their ailments, those were the things that made his life rewarding. Medicine and Meg. They were all he needed to make his life worth living and to fulfill his destiny. He prayed that fate would allow him to enjoy his profession and the woman he loved.

  Jess walked into the kitchen, expecting to see Meg working over the stove. The kitchen was empty; no delicious smells wafted from the oven. The sense of emptiness, of coldness, clutched his heart with icy fingers. He raced through the house, calling her name. The bedrooms were empty. A terrible suspicion seized him as he tore open the dresser drawers. Every last piece of clothing she'd brought with her was missing.

  Had she moved back to Zach's place? If so, why? There was only one way to find out. He ran outside to saddle his horse and was stunned to see Meg's horse in the lean-to beside his own mount. Relief washed over him. Meg had merely walked to town and would be back shortly.

  Minutes turned into an hour, and Jess began to worry in earnest. He paced in front of the house until a blanket of darkness settled over the land. Suddenly he knew that something was terribly wrong.

  His first thought was that Arlo Skully had hurt Meg, and that thought sent him into a towering rage. If Skully touched one hair on her head, he'd make the bastard sorry. Returning to the lean-to, Jess saddled his horse and headed over to the sheriff's office. Perhaps Bufford knew something he didn't.

  Bufford wasn't at his office but Jess found him at the Whistle Stop, trying to subdue a rambunctious cowboy who'd had too much to drink.

  "Howdy, Doc," Bufford said as he pointed the drunken cowboy in the direction of the door.

  "Can I speak with you in private, sheriff?"

  "Sure thing. Let's step outside."

  Jess followed Bufford out the swinging doors. Before Jess could state his business, they were joined by Deputy Taylor.

  "Is it all right if my deputy stays?" Bufford asked.

  Jess nodded. "Has either of you seen Meg Lincoln today? She mentioned earlier that she intended to ride out to Zach Purdee's house, but her horse is still in the lean-to. Her clothes and carpetbag are missing and I don't know what to make of it. We were going to be married next week. I can't believe she'd up and leave without a word."

  "Congratulations on your upcoming marriage," Bufford said. "Have you been out to Purdee's house yet? Maybe she hired a wagon."

  "I saw Miz Lincoln today," Deputy Taylor injected.

  "When?" Jess asked eagerly.

  "At the train depot. I saw her board the three o'clock to Denver."

  Jess felt as if his world had tilted. "That's impossible! Meg wouldn't leave without telling me. We were going to be married. Just last night we..." His words ended abruptly as he recalled the passion they had shared last night. "It must have been someone else you saw."

  "No sir, Doc, it was Miz Lincoln, all right. I remember because she was dressed in britches and packing guns. Oh, one more thing. She wasn't alone."

  Jess paled, not certain he wanted to hear the rest. But of course he had to. "Who was she with?"

  "That fancy gambling man," Taylor answered. "The one with the funny name."

  "Arlo Skully?"

  "Yeah, that's the one. Thought it strange that she was with him, but since nothing looked amiss, I didn't interfere."

  "The bastard," Jess growled. "I'll kill him."

  "I think it's about time you told me what's going on," Bufford said. "Shall we stroll over to my office? There's not too much you can do right now. Besides, I want to know about Arlo Skully."

  Jess fumed in impotent rage as he accompanied Bufford and Tayler to the jailhouse. He paced back and forth while Bufford waited for him to begin, his fingers steepled in front of him.

  "At one time Meg was married to Arlo Skully," Jess revealed. "She was sixteen. For reasons I'm not free to explain, Skully savagely beat Meg a few days into their marriage. Zach Purdee found her wandering on the prairie more dead than alive and nursed her back to health. Eventually Meg filed for and was granted an annulment.

  "She never thought Skully would barge into her life again, but he did," Jess continued. He claimed they were still married and wanted to take her away. She refused."

  He turned to Taylor. "Are you sure Meg wasn't being forced by Skully? He could have had a gun in her back."

  "Meg had her belongings with her," Bufford reminded him. "She must have planned this ahead of time."

  "She hated Skully," Jess protested, still fighting for reason.

  "Women change their minds."

  As much as Jess wanted to believe otherwise, he feared Bufford was right. Meg had planned this all along. Arlo might have beaten her to within an inch of her life, but obviously she still felt something for him. It hurt like hell to think that Meg could be so easily led astray by the fancy man. Didn't she know he would hurt her again?

  "You saw her yesterday, sheriff, did she mention anything about leaving town?"
/>   "No, our conversation was brief. She collected her reward and asked to look over the wanted posters again. I had business elsewhere and left her to peruse the posters."

  A stunned expression marched across Jess's face. Meg had told him she hadn't had a chance to remove his poster from the sheriff's drawer. What the hell was going on?

  "That's the last I saw of her," Bufford continued.

  "As I said before, the last time I saw her she was boarding a train," Taylor repeated.

  "I'm sorry, Doc," Bufford offered. "I didn't know you two were getting hitched. Maybe Meg just decided to go after an outlaw and didn't want to tell you. She knew you'd worry and fuss at her."

  Jess shook his head. "I'm afraid it's more than that, sheriff. I reckon I'll go back home and try to make some sense out of this."

  "Do you think this Skully fellow will harm her?" Bufford asked. "Meg always struck me as a woman who could take care of herself. She wouldn't have lasted in the bounty hunting business as long as she did if that wasn't true."

  Jess had to agree, but that didn't make him feel any better.

  "Good-bye, sheriff, deputy. I've got a heap of thinking to do."

  Jess rode home in a daze. He took care of his horse and let himself in the door without memory of doing so. His brain was muddled, his thoughts confused. He lit a lamp and carried it up to his bedroom, too upset to eat. He pulled a chair to the window and stared morosely into the darkness, trying to figure out what the hell had gone wrong.

  Last night Meg was the woman of his dreams. Warm, passionate, loving. They had loved and slept and loved again, their passion unquenchable. Why had she lied about the poster? He didn't give a damn about anything as long as she loved him. And though she hadn't said the words, he knew intuitively that she did love him.

  Love illumined her eyes when she looked at him. It flowed from her heart and filled her soul. He wasn't born yesterday. She loved him. She did!

  But what if he was wrong? What if she were the best damn actor in the world? What if she loved Arlo? What reason would she have for making a fool of him?


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