Runt of the Litter (Halfbreed Chronicles Book 1)

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Runt of the Litter (Halfbreed Chronicles Book 1) Page 13

by Hemlock, Isabelle

  Avery doesn’t feel all that hopeful that we’d be able to procreate, simply because most interspecies couples don’t. But I feel like we might already be expecting. I don’t tell him this though, I need to wait to be sure, and even then, with the way he’s going on about not being able to have any, I do wonder a bit, if maybe he doesn’t want to. A part of me would be okay with it, but if there’s any part, that allows it to be up to me, I’d choose to have a small litter.

  We even talk about our future plans, and Avery shares that he hopes to work more closely with the Council, to help other half breeds come into their own. There’s still so much stigmatization, and though I never felt that way about halfbreeds, he tells me gently, that unfortunately most purebloods don’t feel the same. I’d follow him anywhere, so if he wants to move closer to a Council’s headquarters (there’s several throughout the country, but the main one is in London, England), then I’ll be right there beside him.

  So this morning, our last one at the beach, I figure it’s as good as time as any to discuss it a little more, “What are you hoping to do at headquarters, more accounting work?”

  He nods his head, and pulls me a little closer. I would love nothing more than to sit on his face right now (like I have for the last two mornings), but I’m holding back, for now, “I want to become the secretary of treasury, eventually.”

  I sit up on my elbows and look down at his face, he’s being serious, and before he says anything else, seems to be waiting on my reaction, “My oh my Avery, I didn’t realize my man was so ambitious.”

  He smirks back up at me, and trails the side of my body with his hand, “I know it’s a pipe dream. The Council has never had a halfbreed as an elected official in the upper ranks, but luckily, even if they decline to let my try out for the job, I can ask for a general vote, and maybe if I can convince enough people, they’d vote me in. With, or without, the Council’s approval. After that, I’ll earn their respect with my work.”

  My own hand cups his cheek, and I study his face for just a moment, ready to kiss those worry lines away, “Even if it’s an uphill battle, I’ll be there with you.” He instantly relaxes, knowing he’s got my full support, before he smiles, seemingly self assured now, “I’ve overcome harder obstacles, than trying to convince the Council to hire me.”

  I’m wondering if he’s referring to me, but he lets me in on his thoughts soon enough, “I’ve had to convince myself I’m worth more than what I gave myself credit for, and I had to convince your Dad I’m worthy of you - “

  “You are worthy,” I’m quick to chime in. I don’t like how dismissive he sounds about himself, “Mother Nature wouldn’t have had us as mates, if you weren’t.”

  He merely snuggles me closer, our faces almost touching, “I know that now. A lot of things are different. I know who I am, a shifter like my brothers. I still can’t believe they got to have their abilities at 18, while I had to wait till I had sex to come into my own.” We both laugh a little, because it’s what I had been trying to explain to him since our first date, “And now I feel more whole, more confident than ever. I know what I want, who I want it with, and nothing is going to stop me, besides myself. I’ll go by the book, try to convince the Council to hire me, but if they don’t, I’ll campaign for the position.”

  I shake my head a little, playing coy, “You want me to be stand up there behind you at the podium, playing your first lady?”

  Avery looks a little more serious than I would have figured was warranted by my banter, and I’m not quite sure what to make of it, till he gives me a kiss, which deepens quickly. Only when we need to come up for air, do we separate, and I look up at him, “What was that for?”

  He’s silent though, and reaches behind him, into the nightstand. I’m a little confused, but lay there, never quite letting go of his arm. It’s a subconscious decision, but even now, I can’t quite allow him to sever the physical connection we have going on. When he turns back to me, he keeps his hand behind his back, and I’m about to ask what’s going on, when he fills me in, “Riley, you’ll never stand behind me. Only beside me, with me, as my equal partner. Yes, I want you to be my first lady, my everything. For always.”

  My eyes widen as I realize what’s happening - a proposal. I never expected one. Our mating bond is stronger than any piece of paper from the human world. But as he pulls the ringbox around, I can’t help but want what he’s asking for, something I never knew I did before. I don’t know what to say, I’m almost overwhelmed, tearful, but happy. And as he pulls my ring finger to him, I grin, “I haven’t said yes yet baby - “

  Avery slides the ring (a beautiful ruby, on a platinum band) onto my finger, and smiles from ear to ear, “Oh but you will, won’t you.”

  It’s not even a question, as much as a statement, and I chuckle, “Besides the point babes, I think getting some has made you cocky.”

  He wraps his arms around my waist, and rolls me under him. I giggle as he begins to trail his lips over my collarbone, but it quickly turns into a moan, when he positions himself between my legs, “I’ll show you cocky.”

  Chapter. 29 - Avery

  We knew we’d have to come home soon enough.

  I still have a job (for now), and need to save as much as I can, before we can move to Atlanta in the spring. And Riley needs to pack, seeing as she’s moving in with me. Lou doesn’t mind, he understands - besides it’s only for a few months, then he’ll have the place all to himself.

  Of course the first thing I got when I walked through the side door hours ago, was a big ol congratulatory slap on the shoulder from Lou, and promises to take a run with him and Liam, during the next full moon. I’ve never phased before, so I think having them beside me would be a good idea. Though I can’t help but imagine Riley in her wolf form joining me. And soon enough, I have to wonder if we’d mate under the moonlight in the middle of the woods . . .


  Liam and Haley are behind me, having just arrived for another family dinner with Riley’s family - and I pray this one goes better than the last one. Everyone knows we’re mated, our scents are all over one another now, and I look slightly different from having come into my own. I’m certain I’ve gained ten pounds of muscle, and leaned out a little. I look stronger, and am more confident now, standing tall; and though my brothers will always tower over me, I will never be the runt of the litter again. So when I turn around, I smile down at Haley, and she looks genuinely happy for me. If anyone in this family has always been kind to me, it’s her, and I know it makes her overjoyed to see me come into my own.

  “You look amazing,” she says in her usual sing song voice, and I can tell I’m blushing a little, while Liam ropes his arm around my neck, and pats my chest, saying out loud what I was planning on keeping internal, “Yup, and all it took was you getting laid!” I’m sure Lou’s booming laugh would roar through the house, but luckily he’s still at the festival site (having gone there shortly after I arrived), in order to help set things up, like he does every year. Haley just shakes her head giggling. But I’m not embarrassed. I’ll never be, not when it comes to my Riley. Even though we’ve only been apart for a few hours, I’m ready for her to be here with her family. We haven’t told people we’re engaged, though it’s not an unexpected step after mating. Not all mates get married, but most do. And I can’t wait. I want to tie her to me in every way I can, in every way she lets me. I love her, and I need her by my side soon.

  The festival is in a few days days, and we’re expecting someone from the Council to stop by tonight, after the sun sets, to go over the bloodwork Haley sent in. It’ll be good to know what the results are, if anything, so we can make plans. Limbo has to be the worst feeling, and I’ll be glad for everyone, when we can find out what’s going on with the baby.

  Liam and Haley seem as relaxed as can be expected and they settle in the living room, while I finish dinner. After helping me get it all set, I hear the doorbell ring, and practically run to it, grateful when Riley�
�s smiling face is on the other side. I pull her right to me, and she manages to get a tiny little laugh out, before I cover her mouth with mine. It’s not a deep passionate kiss, after all, everyone can see us; but it’s enough to make me feel better, at least for a few hours until dinner is over.

  When I look into her beautiful bright eyes, I smile, and she leans back into me, resting her head on my shoulder, “I’ve missed you.” I cling to her, already regretting that we checked out of that cabin. We should have stayed a week, “I missed you, too.”

  “Alright, alright enough of that - let’s eat. I’m starving,” her Dad (at least since I’ve met him) has always gotten straight to the point. And luckily, the dinner passes uneventfully. There’s even some laughter, and family tales shared; and for a little bit, we forget all about someone from the Council coming – well at least I did. Just as soon as the dessert plates had been set, Haley jumps a little when the doorbell rings, and Liam is quick to wrap an arm around her, to hold her steady. She does such a good job smiling for everybody, that it makes me sad to realize she was hiding her anxiety. I’m really hoping the council member brings some good news.

  With Liam helping Haley to the living room, Lou still not back yet from the festival site, and me with my hands full in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on a cake, I look over at the dining room table, and ask if someone wouldn’t mind getting the door. Both Savannah and Riley suggested they would, but Savannah is the one who ends up at the door first. I can see the dining room from where I stand, but not front area, so I have no idea what’s on the other side of the door. But by the time I carry the cake into the room, I greet what looks to me, to be a very pale man in his early thirties, with long black hair, which is slicked back, and tied into a ponytail. He’s maybe an inch taller than me, but has a smaller build (accentuated with a buckled maroon colored vest).

  And I’m sure he feels practically unsafe in a room full of shifters, and werewolves. Because it doesn’t even take me a full whiff to realize, he’s a vampire.

  I’ve only ever met one before, and even that was brief. The Council stripped them of their immortality a long time ago, and vampires can’t procreate. They are made, by special orders, and it is absolutely forbidden to bite anyone but your mate. All vampires feed off of donated blood, and retain several abilities. If I wasn’t so worried about the news for Haley, I’d probably chat the guy up, because I’m genuinely interested in other creatures (especially one with such high prestige among most supernatural beings).

  Seeing that he hasn’t stepped inside yet, I welcome him and place the cake down on the table. He nods, and Savannah moves aside to let him in. Riley even offers her hand to shake his, and he reaches out with a gloved one, “Thank you for allowing me to visit, I can see you are in the middle of things, so if I could speak to Mrs. Gallagher, I can try to get out of your hair quickly.” (the hair pun in a room full of werewolves doesn’t go unnoticed by me, and I smirk, seeing as the guy has a sense of humor).

  When I lead him to the living room, Liam and Haley rise instantly. There’s quite a bit of tension in the air, and I think Savannah is trying to lighten the mood, by quickly inquiring if the vampire wouldn’t like to stay for dessert. But he doesn’t even look at her, instead keeping his focus on Haley, as she shifts nervously, “Thank you, but I cannot stay.”

  Savannah seems bummed, and Riley joins my side, while her father mumbles under his breath, “Good riddance.” I’m not sure if the vampire heard, but as soon as he leaves the room, Savannah actually slaps her father’s back - I didn’t think the little one had it in her.

  While her Dad remains behind to lick his wounds, I follow Savannah and Riley as we try to listen in near the living room threshold. We are poor spies, and I know all too well that Liam, Haley, and the vampire realize what we’re doing. But they are kind enough to indulge our curiosity, and begin the meeting even with our prying, “Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher - I wouldn’t dream of keeping you in suspense much longer. I have come bearing good news about the fetus.”

  We are instantly relieved, and before he can even elaborate, we practically barrel into the living room. The vampire is resolute on sitting firm, and stiff, and not at all phased by our accolades of well wishes to Liam and Haley. But of course, there’s the test results to go over, so as we gather around the couple, the vampire opens an envelope to show a few graphs, and labs, and explain what the Council found, “After separating your blood from the fetus, we studied the genetic make up, and I’m not sure how you feel about it, but the good news is you won’t have to be on bedrest at one of the Council safe houses.”

  Liam, naturally, asks what he means, “The baby you are carrying is a human. A full blooded, average, baby. Of course there are always things than can happen, but trying to deliver a creature baby, won’t be one of them.” Haley is so shocked, she can barely say a word, while Liam pulls her to him, and kisses her face all over. Neither of them would have cared if the baby came out purple, but knowing that she can expect a relatively safe pregnancy and delivery, is leaps and bounds above anything we could have hoped for.

  Finally, when the congratulations settle, the vampire rolls the papers together, to hand to Liam for his own review, then actually smiles - sort of, “Would you like to know the sex of the fetus?” I know I would want to know, but that’s for Liam and Haley to decide, and they enthusiastically reply ‘yes’. The vampire clasps his hands together over his knees, “It’s a girl.”

  I’m pretty sure we’re going to scream this house down in excitement. Within moments, we’re crowded around Liam and Haley, and even Riley’s Dad is sneaking on over to congratulate them. This house is being filled with love right before my eyes, and I’m honestly just so grateful that the baby is okay, and healthy. The anxiety that had been clouding all of us, is just evaporating. The baby is okay, I’m engaged, and as soon as the vamp leaves, we’re going to celebrate into the wee hours of the morning.

  Thinking of, I spot Savannah leading the vampire back to the door, and though he seems to be doing his best to ignore her, she actually touches his sleeve just enough to make him freeze. I’m not exactly sure what I’m witnessing here, but I think there might be something going on. It’s then I realize, I didn’t even catch the guy’s name - I mean, he worked the labs, and even made a house call to give the news, and I’m being rude by not even asking the name. Though Riley’s just as reluctant to let me go, as I am of her, I tell her it’s just for a moment.

  Gliding over to the front door, the vampire is almost down the stairs, with a very quiet Savannah standing in the doorway. Irregardless, I push forward and introduce myself, apologizing for not having done so sooner. I extend my hand, and he graciously takes it, “I’m Frederick Noble, it was to nice to meet you, and your family.”

  I can’t help but ask, because suddenly the idea just pops into my head, “Would you be the one who’d handle all the family’s lab work?”

  He nods, “Most likely, I handle most of the area, and the next three counties surrounding here.” He looks at me, and puts his hands behind his back, “Are - are you planning on needing my services for any other labwork soon?”

  I can tell I’m blushing, and even in the dark, I’m sure it’s noticeable thanks to the porch light behind me, “Um I’m not sure, I don’t think so. At least not yet.” I’m fumbling, but luckily Savannah saves me, jumping into action. She practically bounces against me, and takes my arm in hers, hooking it, before turning to look up at Frederick. He’s at least a good couple of inches taller than her, and though he tries not to stare back at her, she’s speaking directly to him, so it’s kinda hard not to. He strikes me as the kind of guy who doesn’t want to appear rude.

  As her voice rolls up to him, I see his eyes glow slightly in the moonlight. I’m sure it’s a natural part of his ability to attract his prey from ages old, but right now, I’m not sure why they seem to be glowing, looking at Savannah . . . and then I figure it out.

  Oh my God. Her dad is going to flip.
It was hard enough for him to accept half of a werewolf. The idea of a vampire son in law? Might as well hide the stakes, I’m pretty sure their Dad wouldn’t hesitate. But Savannah is still underage, and so even if she wanted to, it’s not happening for at least three more months. But I don’t think Frederick wants to engage this topic, and even if there’s glimmer of it on his end, he’s definitely holding back - I recognize the look. Savannah however, seems to be foaming at the mouth, and ready to run off with the guy right now. I better get her back inside, before they both end up in trouble, “Well Frederick, thanks for coming by, and I’m sure we’ll be seeing you again at some point.”

  “But Avery - ,” Savannah chimes in, the slightest whine to the tone, but neither I, nor Frederick pay attention to it, and when he turns, I turn. Pulling Savannah in with me. The whole time, she’s looking back, but it’s not till we reach the door, that I say anything to her, and in a whisper, just in case anybody else might be listening in, “Savannah, just give it till you’re eighteen. Then we can go talk to your Dad together, alright?”

  She grips my arm tighter, probably certain that she had been coy enough not to arouse suspicion. But now, she doesn’t even look back at me, probably a little shy at having been caught in the first place, “Alright.”


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