Gem of Gravane (The Northern Knights)

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Gem of Gravane (The Northern Knights) Page 17

by Amber Dane

  After all Thomas had done to her, she’d still wanted his life spared. , Aric grunted at the memory. He wished now that he’d done more than beat that peacock within an inch of his life that day he had dared raise a hand to her. Then all this could have been avoided.

  Now, Thomas could not be found. But he was not going to tell her that for he knew Danielle would blame herself for some of it.

  He would simply increase the guard as he had already ordered around her, even though she did not like it. He smiled at that. She had been brave this morn, but her eyes and trembling had told him different. He was finding that he was starting to take pleasure in the feelings she stirred in him.

  He stood, naked and stretched as the last of the servants brought in the buckets of water to fill the tub for his quick bath before he went and greeted her.

  She lay on her side with a hand curled under her chin. Aric stood naked next to the bed. He was glad that she slept. Glad for the reprieve of not having to tell her the news this night. Pulling back the covers, he climbed in the bed beside her. Immediately she turned and snuggled against his chest.

  He slid an arm down her back over the thin shift and pulled her tighter against him. She smelled good and he felt a stirring in his loins, but the weariness in him caused him to close his eyes.

  “You are well, Aric?”

  His eyes shot open in surprise.

  She did not sleep.

  He groaned and she raised her head. Aric could see her eyes shining down at him with the dim light still in the room. The candle he had not blown out next to the bed glowed on her face and he caught his breath. Her eyes were swollen.

  He lifted a hand to caress her cheek. “Why do you not sleep, Danielle?”

  “I could not until I knew you had returned.” Danielle did not care that the words fell from her mouth. She had been so afraid.

  Aric heard the catch in her voice and wishing to ease her fears he teased. “Did you not think that I would? So little faith in me, eh?” He regretted it when she stiffened against him.

  “I knew you would return, Aric. Do not jest so.”

  The wetness in her eyes pained him and he slid his thumb across her bottom lip with a heavy sigh. “Aye, you are right. This no jesting matter. I do have some news to share.” He cleared his throat and taking one of the hands she had splayed on his chest in his own, he held it tight. “’Twas a bit of trouble near your cousin’s home. A few rebels were caught and Danielle…” there was no easy way to tell her, so he hurried to finish, “we were too late to do anything for Rose.”

  Her gasp came out in a whoosh as she tried to sit up and pull her hand back. Aric held her fast

  Nay.” Her cry of disbelief filled their chamber.

  “Aye. I am sorry, Danielle.” He rose up and pulled her with him, still holding her hand in his. He watched the play of emotions flit across her face as her words came whisper soft.

  “I admit I hated her more times than not. She was oft times as cruel as Thomas, but I did not wish her dead. How?”

  Aric squeezed her hand. She had a heart of gold for had it been any other her cousins would have been dead a long time ago. She asked him for the details and he was reluctant to tell her. But when he saw the determination in her eyes, he gave in and told her what had happened.

  The silence stretched between them as she digested the news.

  After a moment she raised her sorrow filled gaze to his. He was angry at the sight and that she shed tears for her tormentors. They did not deserve her sympathy. But Aric kept his thoughts to himself.

  Danielle said, “I shall say a prayer for her. Mayhap her spirit will find the rest that she could not when she was alive. And Thomas?”

  “He lives.”

  Danielle gave him an odd look. He was holding something back. But, nay, if he had told her about Rose, she knew he’d not hesitate to tell her about Thomas too.

  “Come.” He moved to pull her back down next to him. But Danielle resisted. He frowned at her. She needed to know what he was not telling her. “Is that all, Aric?”

  His firm answer came out loud. “Aye.”

  Something was amiss. Danielle sat straighter and moved away from him a little. “He escaped you, didn’t he?”

  Aric’s face darkened. His wife was not dumb. After all she had known that Thomas was robbing from Gravane. Had she not changed the ledgers?

  “He and a few of his men managed to escape.” He had not actually lied. The man had gotten away for the time being. “He will be found, Danielle. I will deal with Thomas.”

  She stared at him. He knew she was considering her words as she sat there, her legs crossed, hands twisting in her lap now.

  “That day in the study. I did not understand his rage. Not that it took much to set him off where I was concerned. But that time ‘twas different and I could not put my finger on it. He’d carried on about that mess he had left in there. ‘Twas naught but junk and all of it was sent to his place.” She shook her head, waiting for him to respond.

  “Not all of it.”

  She leaned forward, her hip pressed against his hard thigh. “What is your meaning?”

  “All of it was not junk, Danielle. Some…Some of it rests in a safe place.” ‘Twas all Aric was willing to reveal to her now and he leaned up to press a kiss near her temple.

  She was not swayed by his attempt at seduction and pulled back to look at him. “What for? There was nothing of import, just papers and the like.”

  Her husband’s dark eyes bored into hers as he said, “Proof of his crimes were in there, Danielle.

  Your cousin plots with the rebels nearby and has assembled his own rogue group with some of the coin he stole from you. Thomas and his friends are unhappy with their new king. His aim is an uprising that I will squash before it sees the light of day. These are serious crimes. He knows not his folly.”

  Danielle’s eyes widened. She had known what Thomas had done with his thievery and such, but plotting to usurp the king. That seemed too complex and dangerous of a deed, even for Thomas. He must have read her thoughts, for Aric released her hand and lay back against the soft pillows. “Enough. Come, sleep.”

  “When you catch him, will you have to take him before King William?” Her anxious tone and his weariness caused him to snap at her.

  He looked away from her widening eyes. He was angry. As overlord now, he had judicial power over his vassals and peasants. “Would you have me bring such a trivial matter as this to William? Am I to show our king that the man he awarded such a vast demesne to, as his loyal vassal, that I cannot handle such a fiefdom? Am I to make him think I am not ready to overlord in truth or am capable in running such? Nay, that is not an option, nor truth.” His hands were now fisted at his sides and his dark look impaled her. “Pray tell, Danielle do not say you plan to beg mercy for your cousin again. ‘Tis too late. Time to sleep.”

  Danielle wanted to take her words back when she saw the pained look in his eyes before he closed them, shutting her out.

  He was worthy, intelligent and more than his own man to do that and more. She felt ashamed that she caused him to believe she doubted his ability. Balwain’s words in the garden came back to her as she thought. To her, Aric was a righteous, noble and fierce man to be reckoned with. Yea, he was indeed honorable.

  Had he not shown Thomas mercy at her pleading that day? Had he not shown her the only kindness she’d ever known? Had he not shown her his gentle side that caused her to love him so?


  Danielle looked at his dark face and a smile split her lips.

  Yea, she loved the Norman warrior.

  She did.

  Emotion filled her to near bursting but she tried to tamp it down. Her back stiffened and she vowed to make herself control the new emotion. She would not say aught of it to him now. He was tired and angry. She would wait.

  Wait until he showed her that he too cared for her. He was fond of her, this she knew by his actions. But she needed him to see her as more
than his vessel for his desired heir.

  Aric was oblivious to his wife’s emotions as he felt her body slide over his. He was angry now and he would not open his eyes to her. He would sleep and deal with her in the morning. If only it were that easy, he shifted as her hands slid up his torso and covered his chest. He could feel her warm breath as she leaned over him, then the pressure of her mouth as she pressed her lips to his.

  “Aric, I did not mean-“

  “I know, Danielle. ‘Tis naught to worry about. Come. Are you not tired?” He asked. His eyes still closed even as he tried to ignore her tongue licking a hot path down his throat.

  “Nay.” Came her muffled response against the side of his neck.

  “Well I am bone weary. Now go to sleep.” He reached down and swatted her bottom but it still did not stop her. She moved and sat astride him with both her legs on either side of his hips.

  “You do not lie well, Aric. This part of you begs to differ.” Her next movement, sliding her moist heat over his hardness proved the lie he tried to conceal.

  Aric lost it and groaning, he pulled her down onto him, impaling her in one smooth thrust before rolling her over.

  Danielle threw her head back, with a moan escaping her parted lips. “I need to feel you. I need you tonight. Erase the darkness, Aric. Oh!”

  Aric shook above her. He knew what she meant and he needed the same. Tonight he would make them both forget what tomorrow would bring. He licked her lips and she cried out in pleasure.

  “I need you too, Danielle.” She trembled against him and scratched her nails down his back. Aric knew sleep would be a long time in coming to both of them this night.

  Chapter 24

  Three more days passed and no word or sign of Thomas’s whereabouts reached Aric. He walked with his hands fisted at his back, his mood dark as he wore the grass down under his boots. Balwain and a few soldiers stood nearby watching him. They had just cleared up camp a few miles away from Gravane.

  The areas of the hillside they had covered in the past few days were absent of any sign of the rebels. All of England was united for the most part, but the few bands that yet remained were still bothersome. The one he searched for was like a vile burr in his side and a threat to his wife. And that, Aric could not withstand.

  He was growing more furious and his patience waning as Thomas had not shown himself as he would have thought. He had gleaned naught from the prisoners he had secured. What they knew gained him no new information. Nay, Thomas was hidden deep and no doubt being held back by the rebels to stop him from doing something rash.

  That would not last long.

  A knowing smile curled up the corner of Aric’s mouth at the thought. Thomas was past that and he would show himself soon enough. Until then, Aric’s goal was to assure no harm came to Danielle or their people. Gravane was impenetrable.

  In the aftermath of what had happened at Thomas’s home, he had given in to Danielle’s request to have Rose interred in the family burial ground, yet he did not let her see her cousin’s body. He’d stood by her side and studied her. She had cried and he was not sure if it had been from Rose’s death or from the torment the woman had reaped upon her over the years. Aric deduced it was a little of both.

  She was not allowed to venture out to the village, not until Thomas was found. She did not like it, but said naught and busied herself with overseeing the daily chores of the manor and her gardening.

  Little Jacob had been brought to the manor twice for her to check on the little boy’s wound. Watching her with the little boy had stirred a longing in Aric’s heart. Visions of her one day holding their own babe had flooded him. A frown creased his brow. She had not yet gotten with child and a feeling he could not name burned inside his chest. What if she were barren?

  Nay, she could not be.

  Those lush hips were made to bear children. He would think no different. Though they had been intimate numerous times, Aric smiled with that, mayhap more time would be needed for his seed to take.

  Smiling, he knew he would take great pleasure with seeing that happen. Her passion matched his. Her reserved nature was all but next to gone and Aric felt warmth flood his face. Aye indeed he was very pleased.

  “The men are ready, milord.” Balwain’s words at his back cut through his musings and turning, Aric cast a sidelong glance in his friend’s direction.

  “Good. And tonight?” He asked.

  “All is in order.” Came Balwain’s quick reply and Aric nodded. They may as well return to the manor, dusk was beginning to settle and he was itching to see his wife.

  Danielle fussed for a moment over the fresh flowers and vase she arranged for the umpteenth time that she’d placed on the desk in the study. Aric had finally started to use the room just days ago and she was thrilled. He had looked magnificent and large sitting behind the desk. The room looked good, but she had found it lacking something and that something was fresh color from her gardens.

  Ah, just right.

  The bouquet of flowers fit perfectly on the edge of his desk. He might not wish them there, but he would leave them. Danielle smiled. She knew it for he’d not want to hurt her feelings.

  Yea, she knew him well.

  She stood back and planted her hands on her hips as her gaze swept over the room once more.

  She made a tsking sound when she noticed the small door to the cubby near the floor stood ajar. She moved to it, ready to close it when a slip of color caught her eye. Opening the small wooden door further she frowned at what she was seeing.

  The cubby was filled to nigh bursting with roll after roll of fine linens and wool in royal blue, burgundy, green, yellow and more. Danielle did not know that she held her breath until she felt the fine silk of the burgundy under her fingers and her chest burned.

  “Ah, I see you have found your gift early, Danielle.”

  Aric’s soft voice beside her did not make her jump. She was getting used to his wraith like approach. She stood and gazed up at him. She heard his sharp intake of breath as he reached out and wiped a tear from her cheek.

  “Danielle” he said thickly.

  “For me?” She choked out overcome by his precious gift.

  “Aye. From the finest dress shops in London.” His heart ached at her saddened look. “My aim was to see you happy. Not to cause you more sadness, Danielle.”

  She reached up and kissed his lips, saying against them, “I am happy, Aric. Very happy.”

  Aric leaned back, an unsure look upon his face. “Do you cry always when you are happy?”

  She laughed a little and slid her arms around his waist. “Nay. But your gift pleases me, a great deal. Thank you.”

  “You deserve no less.” He kissed her tears away and held her tight all the while silently damning Thomas for yet another neglect he’d stolen from her.

  She stripped off his boots and stood to remove his pants. Aric let her as he was too distracted, his thoughts on what he had to do later in the night. He would wait until she slept then he’d be outdoors to meet with Balwain. They were in their chamber; a few candles illuminated the room. Her soft hands at his waist drew him back to her.

  His sweet Danielle.

  He looked down at her now as she reached for the hem of his tunic to help him remove it. She’d been so bold of late in and out of the bedroom. Her mood changed more than the weather in the past few weeks.

  The woman had a strong backbone and Aric had come to the realization that she’d not really been that vulnerable after all. Except when it came to her self-worth. She had indeed come a long way out of that shell she’d lived in.

  They’d shared much over the past few nights in learning about one another.

  What a beauty she was.

  Even now with that luscious brown hair in a single braid to the side over one shoulder. Dressed in a robe, which gaped into a v to show a glimpse of her hidden treasures and the swell of those globes caused his mouth to water and fire to stir in his loins.

  Would i
t always be like this? he wondered.

  Aye, he smiled at her when those grey-blue eyes met his. It would. Her eyes reflected what shone in his own.

  Her lips parted and she laid his tunic on the back of nearby the chair.

  Tilting her head to the side, Danielle reached out to caress his cheek. His soft whiskers tickled her palm and she found herself giggling. “I was rather busy today. But did not tax myself to the point that I’ve no time left for you, Aric.” She slid her hand down over his chest. ‘Twas all it took. He picked her up and carried her over to the bed.

  “Well, I did tax myself a bit. So I may have to take my time this eve.”

  Danielle smiled as she let him remove her clothes. She caught the playful gleam in his dark eyes. She grasped his hands and pushed him onto his back. “Then ‘tis best you lay here and rest whilst I see what I can do about making it less strenuous for you.”

  Aric enjoyed this playful side of her. Her eyes were ripe with her desire as she pressed him back on the bed, her hand in the center of his bare chest. He would let her have her way for a bit before he took the lead.

  He wanted to take back what he thought moments later, after Danielle had kissed them both senseless. Her kisses rained over his neck, chest, and stomach and now, he would not be able to bear it, her hands rested on either side of his hips. Her soft braid was caressing his thigh. ‘Twas too much.

  Aric looked down. He could not tear his gaze from hers as she looked up at him. Her ruby lips swollen from their deep kisses. His tone was gruff. “Danielle.”

  She smiled with a devilish gleam in her eyes. “Aric.” She whispered softly back. Her warm breath sent shock waves of pleasure over his lower half.

  “Come here.”

  “Nay.” She responded. Aric reached for her but she scooted out of his reach. Her bare breasts jostled slightly and his mouth watered at the sight of her erect nipples.

  “Danielle.” He hissed when she gripped his hardness in both her warm hands. He spoke on a ragged breath and was surprised to hear the shakiness in his tone. “Let go.”


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