Dark and Beautiful Nights (The Vampire Covenant Series Book 3)

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Dark and Beautiful Nights (The Vampire Covenant Series Book 3) Page 7

by Betty Shreffler

  "I think it's time to call it a night," Cass told them all.

  Thorne nodded. "I agree. It's late and we should all prepare before traveling tomorrow."

  Everyone slipped out silently, clearly wanting to avoid her temper. Even Alex tiptoed next to the others and snuck up the stairs, a bag of chips in hand.

  "Every time I see that kid, he's eating." Cass attempted to receive a smile. She stared at him, a scornful expression on her face.

  "Why are you angry with me?" he asked, getting to the point.

  "Angry isn't exactly the right word. Livid, yes, livid that feels more appropriate. What made you think it was okay to tell the entire Covenant that I'm your mate? Now Liliana thinks I don't give a damn about Adrian or his predicament. She practically called me a heartless cheating whore."

  Cass took a breath. The woman was fuming. "Did those words actually come out of her mouth?"

  Kayci crossed her arms. "They didn't need to. She implied it just fine."

  Cass took another step forward, testing his limits. When she didn't attempt to melt him, relief filled his chest. "I told them the truth. I think you know by now that I'm an honest man. Alaric questioned why I'd come here. Told me to stay away from you. I admit, the jealousy took over and I wanted to declare it for each of them to hear. You're my mate."

  Kayci huffed. "I'm tired of hearing that. I'm going out. When I get back, I expect you to be gone."

  Cass' shoulders tensed, his chest expanded as he stood straighter. "You're not going anywhere angry. I'd rather we talk about it."

  Kayci ignored him and made a direct line for the door behind him. Cass put out his hand and gently placed it on her stomach. Her body instantly responded and it pleased him.

  "Kat, we need to talk this through. You shouldn't leave angry."

  Her shoulders relaxed, but her eyes still displayed their vampire gold and a fierceness he'd only seen once before, when she'd found out her friend, Rosemary, had died. He only knew one way to resolve this. He placed another hand around her back and pulled her into him, bringing his lips down on hers and slipping his tongue in to meet hers before she could pull away.

  Her buried hunger rose with a vengeance. She moaned beneath his kiss before her eyes snapped open and she shoved him backward.

  "Don't try to use your sexy alpha pheromone enticing body to get me to forgive you."

  Her heavy breaths told him all he needed to know as did the hunger in her eyes.

  "I know I've told you this before, but you're incredibly sexy when you're angry."

  Her eyes rolled and she folded her arms. "Is that what you tell all the ladies?"

  Ouch, she's going for the low blows. Cass chuckled. "No, Kat. I've never met a woman with a temper quite like yours. The kind of temper that is sexy and passionate. If it was any other woman, I would've walked out by now."

  Her eyes narrowed, but he could see the tenderness forming in them.

  "And did I hear you correctly? Something along the lines of my body being sexy and enticing?"

  She chuckled.

  That's my girl. "I don't think you want to stay mad at me. I don't think you're upset about what I said to the Covenant members. I think you're upset about the things Liliana said to you. You're not the only one she insulted tonight. I wouldn't let it bother you like it has."

  Her folded arms fell to her sides. "What did she say to you?" Her expression changed, becoming concerned.

  "Nothing of any value," he assured her.

  She stepped forward. A step closer and he could have her in his arms again. He ached to touch her.

  "I'm sorry she was rude to you. She doesn't know what she's saying. I can only assume she has stronger feelings for Adrian than I realized and she misses him and is angry I haven't found a way to get him back."

  There was no holding back any longer. He stepped forward, cupped her lower back and pulled her toward him. She eased into his arms, her tense body softening. He ran his hand along her cheek and pushed a stray hair behind her ear.

  "You'll get him back when the time is right. Right now, it's our time."

  She bit her lip and smiled. "I don't think anyone's ever lulled my temper that quickly."

  He ran his thumb across her bottom lip and grinned when her fangs extracted and desire filled her eyes.

  "I've never had a woman's temper turn me on like you have."

  She laughed and that smile lit him up. "I'm taking you upstairs."

  Before she could object, he scooped her up in his arms and made a direct line for the stairs.

  Chapter 9

  His hand kneaded into the ball of her foot. She purred with pleasure. "After this, I'm returning the favor."

  Cass grinned. "Looking forward to it."

  As he switched to the other foot, she watched his desirous gaze sweep over her. She admired his bare chest, his muscles flexing every time he applied pressure with his thumb. The man was ridiculously handsome. She wanted to lick his body and sample it before taking a delicious bite out of him.

  "Kat—" Her name sang from his lips. "I know that look."

  She grinned.

  He stopped kneading the ball of her foot and slid his hand along her leg, coming face to face with her on the bed. His hand settled on her hip, gripped it and pulled it toward him. The heat between her legs became a scorching fire. She lifted her leg, wrapping it over his side. His hand caressed as it lowered, rubbing softly on the outside of her thigh. He rested his head in his hand.

  "Do you know how much I enjoy touching you?"

  "As much as I enjoy having you touch me?"

  Cass' genuine smile illuminated the tenderness in his eyes. He leaned in, bringing his hot breath to her ear before kissing it softly. His hand slid beneath her shorts, moving the satin out of his way and slipping his fingers into her. She inhaled as the pleasure swam through her. As his fingers caressed, he nibbled on her ear, licked it, and bit at it intimately. The ravenous fire exploded in her belly. Her hand took hold of his roped bicep as he gave her what her body ached to have.

  "Do you know how much I want you?"

  His hot breath sent anticipative shivers over her body.

  "Yes," she breathed.

  "I'm not sure you do. I ache to be inside of you, to have you moaning beneath me. I want to have you. I want to feel that fire scorching me, surrounding me. You turn me into a panting, aching, swollen wolf."

  His touch filled her deep, applying just the right pressure. Her hips arched forward and her fangs extracted.

  "Do you want me, Kat?"

  He knew just how to draw the words from her lips. "Yes."

  His touch eased, caressed, and then pulsed again, driving her to insanity.

  "How much do you want me?"

  "Cass, please."

  "Not yet, beautiful. I'm not done."

  She couldn't take anymore. Her body burned with desire and her vampire need demanded to be sated. Her eyes widened when he withdrew his touch. She knew his intent when he lowered himself on the bed and tucked his fingers beneath her shorts, removing them from her hips. He eased her thighs apart, taking a moment to admire her. His eyes glimmered with hunger.

  He glanced at her and grinned, just before bringing himself down and taking her into his mouth. His skilled tongue drove her senses wild. She arched beneath him, wanting more of what he had to give. Her hand gripped his hair as his tongue swirled, flicked, and nipped in all the right places. His strong hands held her firmly on her thighs as she trembled with pleasure.

  Unable to control her rising hunger, she pulled him to her. His muscular frame shifted over her. He licked his lips as his piercing wolf eyes trailed over her face. He knew the pleasure he'd given her and he clearly enjoyed it.

  "Can I have you?" she asked, her voice trembling with need.

  He didn't answer. With a sinful grin, he pulled her to him. As she sank her fangs into his neck, he guided her hand to him. She unbuttoned the top of his jeans, lowering the zipper with ease, giving freedom to his massiv
e erection. She stroked him as his head tilted back, moans escaping his lips. Her strokes grew in intensity as his hips surged forward and her name sounded in her ears. She eased off her sucking as his climax peaked.

  His glazed eyes met hers before he took her mouth with his. He laid her down beneath him, letting his kisses speak for his emotions. The passion in his lips and caressing touch seeped into her very core. This man was undeniable as was his touch. She gave into his kiss, flicking her tongue across his modest fangs. The sensation sent a tantalizing shiver over her body.

  He pulled back from her, staring into her eyes. She could see the tenderness, the love. Her heart responded, making room for him within it. She bit her lip and his eyes followed as he caressed her jaw and cheek.

  "You're beautiful, you know that?"

  "You're making it hard to deny."

  He smiled, his genuine smile that made her heart skip a beat every time she glimpsed it.

  "You're incredibly beautiful and undeniably the best thing that's ever happened to me."

  The words melted her. She touched his full, delicious lips, running her finger along them.

  "You've snuck right into a place so deep in my heart, I don't think I can ever be rid of you."

  "Then don't. I told you, I selfishly want you all to myself. You belong with me."

  A knot tightened in her gut.

  "Don't, Kat. Don't think of him. Not now, not in this moment. I need you here with me."

  He brought her hand to his lips, kissing her fingers tenderly. She smiled as he began nibbling on them.


  "Yes, beautiful?"

  "Do you think your immortality will last?"

  He stopped nibbling her fingers. She instantly missed the touch of his lips.

  "The Council hired a hematologist. He took my blood, ran countless tests. Without being able to look into the future, the conclusive answer is yes. Yes, Kat. I've been given the good fortune of spending an eternity with you."

  Her body warmed as the words sunk in—the knowledge of not having to love him and then lose him.

  She leaned up and kissed him tenderly. When she pulled back, she could see the affection in his eyes. "I'm really pleased to hear that."

  He brought her fingers to his lips once more, nibbling them and taking pleasure in the laughter that escaped her. The smile that lit up her face and stunning smoky blue eyes caused a swelling pride in him. He enjoyed giving her pleasure of any kind. Little did she know how much pleasure he would give when the time was right. He'd have her and when he did, he knew she'd never want another man's touch, not even Adrian's.

  "I need to get cleaned up, why don't you join me?"

  He saw the interest spark in her eyes. He didn't give her a chance to say no. He stood, dropping his unfastened jeans to the floor. He grinned when her eyes swam over him, sparkling with satisfaction.

  "Like what you see?"

  Her grin sent a bolt of heat right to him, stiffening him. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to him, lifting her shirt over and off.

  "Like what you see?"

  Her wink did him in. He turned her quickly and slammed his palm onto her ass. The red print brought a hungry growl from his lips.

  When she giggled and ran for the shower, his predator instinct leapt awake. Damn, this woman!

  He followed her into the bathroom, the hot water already fogging up the shower door. She slipped in just ahead of him, giving him a perfect view of her ass and his fading imprint, provoking his arousal. Stepping in behind her, he took her waist in his hands and pulled her backside against him. He stiffened as he pressed against her. He caressed along the imprint he'd left and nuzzled her ear, nibbling it. He gave her behind a squeeze and grinned when her nipples hardened. His hand reached over her chest, taking one breast into his hand. Her head leaned back against him as her eyes closed and a pleasured expression filled her face.

  "You have to stop me, Kat. I want to take you now."

  He rubbed his erection between her ass and thighs, feeling her warmth against him, hardening him further. His hand left her breast and held her at the base of her neck as his other hand wrapped around her, cupping her other breast, kneading the fullness of it between his fingers. He slid against her as the warm water gave them added pleasure.

  "Do you feel that…how much I want you?"

  The quickening of her pulse beneath his hand answered for her. "Yes," she replied, her breath heavy. He leaned down, nibbling her neck. His fangs grazed her skin and she reacted, slightly pulling away from him. It reminded him she wasn't ready for him to have her, she wasn't ready to completely be his. She wouldn't take his bite, not yet.

  He kissed her neck and pulled himself away from her, controlling his desire as he reached for the soap. He ran it under the water and lathered it over her as he continued nibbling on her ear. He laid kisses at the nape of her neck and smiled at the little whimpers that escaped her.

  She turned in his arms, taking the soap from him and rubbing it over his chest and abdomen, slowly admiring him as she massaged the soap into his muscles. She lathered her hands and then placed them on his swollen, aching erection. Her seductive eyes stared at him as she massaged him, cleaning him entirely, base to tip. His hand reached out and took hold of the wall as his throbbing need increased, enlarging him further. His fangs fully extracted as he held onto every ounce of self-control he possessed.

  She stepped back, letting the water rinse him and then she lowered herself, taking him in her hand and pulling him into her mouth. Cass leaned his head back, letting out a growl of relief as she sated his aching need.

  "Heaven help me, I knew you'd be good at this."

  His fist tightened against the wall as his left hand took hold of her hair, pushing more of himself into her mouth. She sucked and licked, and stroked, coaxing the orgasm from him. When he felt it near, he pulled himself from her, letting the water and gravity take it.

  She stood and he pulled her to him. "Thank you for that."

  "I'm sorry I couldn't finish for you."

  "No beautiful, never let sorry escape those perfect lips after giving me something as good as that. I wouldn't have you any other way than just as you are, a beautiful sexy vampire sorceress—my perfect mate."

  His eyes roamed over hers and, for the first time, she felt it. Love. She was falling in love with the stunning, beautiful, passionate, caring, protective wolf in front of her. Her chest tightened from the ache of it, the pure, undeniable truth of it, and the confusion it brought with it.


  He trailed a finger over her wet lips. "Yes, beautiful."

  "I'm falling in love with you and it scares me."

  Cass moved her damp, messy hair away from her face and caressed her cheek and jaw before pressing his lips against hers. He met her eyes, seeing both the love and fear in them. "You have nothing to be afraid of. You have me now. I'm yours. I'll always be yours. I'll never hurt you and I'll never let anyone else hurt you either."

  His chest tightened when he saw the hesitation in her eyes. His jaw tensed.

  "Kat, what do you really want? Me or him?"

  She felt trapped, like a furry, little creature in a hunter's snare. She turned the knobs off and stepped out of the shower, grabbing the towel from the rack. She wound herself in it and squeezed the water from her hair. Cass' arms rested against the wall and shower door as he stared at her expectantly.

  "You haven't answered the question. Is it me or him?"

  "It's not that easy, Cass."

  He stepped out, coming to her and placing his arms on her sides.

  "For me, it is that easy. I've chosen you. I've made it as clear as I can how much I need you."

  Her back straightened. "Yes, you've shown me how much you want me intimately, but there's more to a relationship than that."

  Damn it, what does this woman need from me to understand how much I need her, how much I love her?

  "What do you want from me? No, what do you need from me? I'
m willing to give it. Anything to make you understand how much I…"

  He stopped, he wasn't ready to say it to her. Why? He needed more from her too, before he could say the words he felt. The words he'd never said to any woman.

  He reached behind her neck, ignoring the confusion in her eyes. He gripped her hair into his fist and pulled the length of it over her shoulder. She relaxed beneath his touch.

  "Why don't we spend tonight getting to know each other better without intimacy?"

  Her eyes softened and his tense muscles settled.

  "Can you do that? Keep those hands to yourself?"

  Cass grinned. "I said no intimacy, that doesn't mean I can't touch you."

  He ran his hand across her face and she leaned into his touch. "Besides, I don't think you really want me to keep my hands completely to myself."

  His thumb grazed her lips and he stiffened from the sensual look that filled her eyes.

  "There's no point in denying it, Kat. I can see it in your eyes."

  She took his hand in hers, gently removing it from her face. "You're right. I can't deny it."

  "Do you believe me, then? That you're my mate?"

  "I'm beginning to believe it's possible."

  His body warmed. Finally, her heart was opening to him.

  "Why don't you put on something comfortable and I'll braid your hair." He flicked the strands dangling over her towel-covered breasts. He grinned when the surprise swept over her face.

  "You know how to braid hair?"

  He nodded. "Don't ask me how."

  He gently caressed her chin as he stepped past her, heading to her bedroom. The cooler air shocked his heated, damp body. He turned around for a towel and smiled appreciatively when she handed one to him.

  "Thank you." He winked. "I guess you do care about me."

  She huffed and he enjoyed seeing the spark of her temper.

  "Of course I care about you. Cass, I'm sorry, I," her hands flew up in the air, "this is incredibly difficult for me. I'm trying to do what's right for everyone."


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