Dark and Beautiful Nights (The Vampire Covenant Series Book 3)

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Dark and Beautiful Nights (The Vampire Covenant Series Book 3) Page 12

by Betty Shreffler

  He glanced down at her, his offensive posture easing.

  "Let me go." She eyed the wolves, eighteen of them, she'd counted. Tony led their way in, his head tilted, clearly surprised to see her.

  She stepped forward, running her tongue across her fangs.

  "Tony, Tony, Tony, you're turning into quite the trouble maker."

  "Miss Salvitto." He put his arms out in front of himself as if to hug her and then dropped them, scowling at her. "I wish I could say it's a pleasant surprise." His malevolent eyes cast down at her. "You are looking quite lovely, though. Much better than the last time I saw you."

  Her lip curled at the memory. "Cut the bullshit. Why are you here?"

  He clicked his tongue against his cheek. "For the serum that the McCabe clan is wrongfully withholding from us."

  "Is that all you're here for? There seems to be an awful lot of werewolves here for a request for serum."

  Her eyes narrowed at the other wolves. Their menacing eyes danced between her and what was behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see that the entire McCabe clan had joined the crowd as well as the Covenant members.

  "Of course, that's all we're here for. We simply feel we should have access to what is rightfully ours."

  She sighed, irritated. "The serum is still in the early trial stages. It's not ready for disbursement. The permanent effects are still unknown."

  He motioned to Cass. "He seems to be doing quite well."

  She could feel his dominating presence approaching behind her. He and Logan joined her, standing on each side.

  Logan's chest straightened, growing several inches. "You're out of line assembling this many wolves and trespassing on our territory," Logan threatened.

  Tony's head tilted. A glimmer sparked in his predatory eyes. "We're here for what's rightfully ours," he insisted.

  "You could have called or arranged a meeting. This kind of visit leads me to believe you're here for more than the serum." Logan eyed him questioningly.

  "Well now, I am an older alpha, with more experience handling a clan and business affairs. Many clans could surely benefit from my…guidance," he said carefully.

  "Are you suggesting you are more capable than my brother?" Cass asked, his tone threatening.

  Tony smirked. "Now, Cass, aren't you technically the alpha of the McCabe clan and, surely, you don't believe that you are better equipped than I?"

  Cass' jaw tightened. "We're not handing over the serum. There's more tests to run. Now, gather your mutts and go home, otherwise, I'll be forced to wipe that twisted grin off your face."

  Another werewolf stepped forward. His posture and authoritative expression on his darkened skin screamed alpha. His large, brown eyes studied them.

  "Carter," Logan nodded.

  A deep voice came from his lips. "What gives your clan the right to withhold the serum? It belongs to all of us."

  "It's dangerous to hand it out to werewolves without knowing the effects. We don't know if the serum changes us and makes us more like vampires. If taken, we may never be able to have children. Our population would become threatened. If we take it and we can still have children, our population could quickly become out of control," Logan explained.

  The alpha werewolf with long, thick, tied-back dreadlocks and equally roped muscles as Cass seemed to contemplate the information. "Still, the decision should be ours. The effects can be resolved later on. You shouldn't keep it from us. It has brought us to this." He waved an arm at all the werewolves.

  Logan eyed Tony with venom in his eyes. "I don't believe the serum is the only thing that has brought you all here."

  "It is for the Louisiana clan," Carter replied.

  "Where's Phillip?" Cass demanded between gritted teeth.

  Tony's sly smile widened. He glanced back into the crowd of wolves behind him. Two large, menacing werewolves, one with a scar on his cheek and another with tatted sleeves, dragged Phillip's battered, bloody body forward.

  They dropped him just behind Tony. Logan's fangs extracted. His fists clenched. Kayci could see he was ready to do damage. She glanced at Cass, whose eyes were deadlocked on Tony, marking him for death.

  Tony licked his lips and grinned. "I'll offer a trade. His life for a vile of serum."

  Kayci's irritation level had reached its boiling point.

  "Enough!" She stepped forward, inches from Tony's face, her hands rich with flames. "There won't be any negotiating." She glared at the wolves who'd dragged Phillip over. "Help him up."

  Their eyes danced over her and then to Tony, awaiting their alpha's command. Tony's glossy eyes stared down at her hands. He nodded to the others.

  "Let him go," he told them, never taking his eyes off her.

  In her periphery, she saw the wolves raise him and shove him into Logan's arms. Phillip collapsed against him, his chest heaving raspy breaths. Phillip's battered body exchanged hands and was carried to the back of the crowd behind her.

  Kayci glared at Tony, her eyes narrowing. "I know what you came for. I chose to give amnesty for your prior actions, but this—coming to challenge Logan, injuring one of the McCabe clan members, demanding the serum—will not go unanswered. Your amnesty has come to an end. Your defiance has come to an end. The McCabe clan is not handing over the serum. Leave now or we'll be forced to take action."

  Tony's slick smirk revealed his fangs. "Lovely, Katerina, I hoped you'd say that."

  The changes happened rapidly. Werewolves shifted and lunged forward. Logan and Cass shifted on each side of her, striking the nearest wolf in front of them. Sounds of flesh tearing and violent growls sounded in her ears. Tony's giant, fanged, and hairy body towered over hers. She snapped into action, swinging her body, kicking her leg out and knocking him backward. He rebounded instantly, aiming his claws and fangs for her. She let the energy coil and escape her body, sending him flying through the air. He landed against the iron fence, shook his head and came again, lunging through the air, fangs bared.

  She let the rage and darkness fill her, welcoming its powerful embrace. Her eyes darkened and her hands outstretched.

  "Tolle corpus et animam! Revertere in terram se finxit!"

  Tony's werewolf body convulsed mid-air, slamming to the ground. He twisted and writhed, fighting her magic. Unable to stop it, his body rose, swirling viciously as if caught in a windstorm. Seconds later, his ashes and remains swam to the ground.

  With the dark magic coursing through her veins, seducing her with its warm embrace, she scanned her surroundings, finding Cass fighting against another werewolf. Cass' back revealed claw marks down the side, already regenerating. His fangs and claws launched their attack on his assailant. Her feet raced across the grass. Raising her hands, she sent the werewolf flying into the air.

  Cass took the advantage, pouncing on the werewolf, his fangs ripping into the wolf's jugular.

  She turned to find Logan. He'd taken a vicious bite. A gaping wound on his arm had blood pouring onto his hairy limb and torn clothes. Sweat gleamed across his brow. He was tiring from the loss of blood. With vampire speed, she cleared the distance between them in seconds. She lunged after the tatted-sleeved werewolf, grasping his face into her hands and snapping his neck as she landed her feet to ground.

  "Stop her!" she heard a harsh, commanding voice bellow.

  Several strong hands grabbed her from behind, dragging her away from Logan. She reached her hands out to let the flames ignite. She screamed out in pain as several fangs tore into her limbs, forcing venom into her veins. Logan came for her, shouting for Cass' help.

  Her vision grew blurry as the large volume of venom attacked her vampire body. Claws tore at her back, burning lines through her skin, as the flesh peeled away from her bones. They were going for blood and making sure to get it. She dropped to her knees, seeing Logan take a fist to his jaw as he tried to free her.

  Claws seared her skin, ripping open the flesh in her neck. Her body trembled as she tried to fight the venom. She gathered what streng
th she had, forcing a hand out and scorching the closest werewolf. A growl escaped the werewolf's lips. Another slash seared her lower back. She screamed a deafening howl and swung her body, aiming her hands at them. The werewolves seized her hands before she could use them. They forced her arms out, stretching them and preparing her for something awful. In her blurred vision, she could see a woman approaching.

  Her raven hair blew in the breeze; her bright green eyes gleamed wildly as the dark magic swarmed in her hands. She aimed them for Kayci and she instinctively cringed, prepared for the hit of magic against her battered body. It came, slamming into her like a barreling semi truck. She flew out of the werewolves' iron grip and landed on the ground behind them. Her body writhed as the spell tore at her insides.

  Through her barely opened eyelids, she saw Thorne plow into the sorceress' side, his fangs digging into her neck.

  "Get her out of here," she heard Logan yell to someone.

  Hands lifted her weightless body as darkness consumed her, pulling her to death's door.

  Chapter 15

  Adrian's green eyes stared down at her, smiling. He swept his hand over her forehead, his touch gentle and comforting. She stared up at his beautiful eyes, surprised to see him. He seemed to be speaking to her, but she couldn't understand the words. His mouth moved but no sound came out.

  "I can't understand you."

  He pointed to something. She looked at the wall. A clock hung on the white wall, without any numbers—just a circle of time with no beginning or end. She glanced behind him, a black abyss filled the opposite side of the room. He stood and she reached for him.

  "Don't leave. I'm so sorry, Adrian. I'll find a way. I'll bring you back. I promise. Please forgive me."

  His eyes held sympathy in them. He smiled again, trying to comfort her. His hand fell from her grasp. He turned toward the black abyss. She could only watch as his silhouette faded into it.

  Her fingers tingled. They twitched, alerting her to her senses, to her live body. Her eyelids opened to slits. A dim, amber lamplight came into view. The side of her face clung to a pillow. She was lying on her belly. The air teased her naked skin. She raised her hand, the tingling sensation fading. She tried to raise herself, the effort feeling awkward with her sleepy limbs. Something crinkled from her movement. She scanned her body. Long, white bandages had been placed along her back and neck, protecting the wounds she'd suffered.

  Why haven't I healed?

  She eased her hand to her lower back, going for the most accessible bandage. She peeled it back to find her skin red and puffy with a rigid scab at least eight inches long. She assumed each bandage covered a similar wound across her back. She eased herself up, grimacing from her fatigued and sore body.

  She glanced around the room. She'd been brought somewhere new. She'd been laid in a queen size bed with a beautifully hand-made wood frame. The comforter was simple—a charcoal gray with soft matching sheets. A dresser and TV sat across from it. One painting covered the left side of the wall. Next to it, a door led to a bathroom. She could see the mirror from where she sat. The opposite side of the room had a bay window. She raised herself onto her shaky, weak legs, draping the sheet around her. The scent of werewolf accosted her as she stood, gaining balance, her senses finally catching up with her wakened body.

  She closed her eyes and, for a long moment, she sucked in the earthy pine scent. Her tension easing with each breath. Where is he?

  She moved to the window and gasped at the view. Outside was dark mountain tips, silhouettes of pine trees souring to the sky, dark green grass, and a lake disappearing into the gray horizon. The view was stunning and not like anything she'd seen before. He'd brought her west. A private cabin?

  Just outside the window, she saw Cass' bare back flexing with each swing of his axe. The wood split in two and he piled it atop the already voluminous stack of logs.

  Warmth spread through her abdomen and into her thighs at the sight of him. She tore herself away from his damp, roped muscles and coasted, taking each step with more grace, toward the open bathroom.

  She stepped into a beautifully designed bathroom with a tiled blue floor, a large walk-in shower, a horseshoe shaped bathtub on the opposite side, and a sink with a modern copper-colored faucet. She opened the shower door to find the same shiny, copper-colored knob and showerhead. She turned the single knob, adjusting it to her optimum warmth. She positioned herself in front of the mirror and used it as a guide to pull off each bandage. As she did, she noticed the redness and puffy skin had already lessened. She tossed the bandages into a nearby trash can and stepped into the shower, the water instantly a pleasurable sensation to her awakening senses. She washed along her body, pleased to see Cass had stocked the shower with her own body wash. The familiar vanilla-honey scent comforted her senses as did the soft buttery feel of the milky soap against her skin.

  She carefully reached for her back. Surprise filled her when her fingers grazed over smooth skin. She'd healed. Thankfully. Her fingers twitched as memories aggressively flashed through her mind. She stumbled against the shower wall. Her hand reached out for something, anything to catch her fall. She gulped in heavy breaths, clinging to reality, to the here and now.

  What happened to everyone? Where were they? Where am I? What happened to me? The thoughts swirled in her head. She turned the knob and stumbled from the shower. A towel barely made it into her hand as she crumpled to the floor. Why am I so weak? My mind awry?

  Pull it together, damn it! She used the shower door handle to raise herself. She slowly wrapped the towel around her body. She moved to the mirror, studying her features. She looked tired. As a vampire, she never looked tired. She touched her face. What's wrong with me?

  She dried herself and found her duffel bag beside the bed. She rummaged through it, finding something comfortable to wear. After nearly exhausting herself from dressing, she sat on the bed, catching her shallow breath. Hunger gnawed at her insides as though she hadn't fed in days. Her fangs extracted from the simple thought of feeding.

  She heard a door open and her ears twitched. The scent of sweat, earth, and delicious werewolf drifted through the air.

  He stepped into the room, clearly surprised to see her awake, showered, and dressed.

  He took the few steps, removing the space between them and pulled her into his arms, kissing her until her lips tingled. He withdrew his kiss, holding her face in his hands. He stared into her eyes. She could see the relief, the love, the excitement.

  "You don't know, Kat. You don't know how worried I've been. Damn it, don't ever do that to me again."

  She eased herself out of his vise grip. "Where are we? How long have I been sleeping?"

  "You've been unconscious for four days. We're at my cabin in Washington. No one knows the location except Logan. Sofia put a masking spell on you before we left Colorado. No one can find us here."

  She was shocked. She fell back toward the bed. He caught her in his arms. "You need to feed. You're weak. Take some of my blood now and then we'll hunt later." He pulled her into him. Her fangs instinctively reacted to the pulsing vein in his neck. She bit into him, drawing his savory blood into her body. With each draw, it soothed her sore muscles, gave clarity to her mind, and sent her body drifting into euphoria.

  "Kat—" His voice coaxed her back to reality. She noticed his rapid, thudding heartbeat and pulled away, licking softly at the remaining blood escaping the tiny holes, now healing.

  "Sorry. It's been too long since I've had it."

  He rubbed her face gently, caressing it with his thumb. "It's okay. You can have more of me, in moderation." He winked.

  She smiled up at him, affection warming her body. "You saved me, didn't you?"

  He nodded. "The sorceress, her name is Deirdre. She is Drima's younger sister. She was working with the Southeast clan. They attacked you, wounded you, so she could cast a spell on you. She hexed you, cursed your body, or at least tried to. I wasn't sure how much of the spell had latched on
to you, until I saw you now. You must have fought it, or she didn't have a chance to finish the spell. Thorne attacked her when she was casting it. She went down from his bite, but she countered a spell against him and then fled."

  Her eyes widened and her chest ached with fear. "Is Thorne all right?"

  He took her hand in his, rubbing it, giving her comfort. "He's fine. Sofia was right behind him. She protected him from the spell."

  "What about the others? Alex? Vladimir? Logan?"

  He sat her down on the bed, bringing himself next to her and placing a hand on her thigh, rubbing it affectionately.

  "Alex is fine. He went back to Naples. Thorne and Sofia did as well. Frederick had taken a pretty severe wound to his leg. It took him a day to heal. Once he did, he returned to Naples. Vladimir stayed with him at the McCabe homestead and traveled back with him." He rubbed her leg gently, clearly not wanting to say the next words. "Alaric did not survive. He died the night of the battle."

  She sucked in a breath. Her hands went to her mouth. "No." Her heart ached for him. He'd been a loyal member of the Covenant, a dear friend to Adrian, and he was a good man. Her head lowered as the sadness filled her eyes and grief knotted in her stomach.

  "I'm sorry." Cass pulled her against him, kissing her temple and stroking her hair.

  "What about Logan?"

  "Logan is alive. He took a wound to the arm, but he'll be fine. We lost two of our pack—Andy and Greg."

  She held onto him, sorrow filling her chest. "I'm sorry, Cass."

  He stroked her hair, kissing her head beneath him. "There probably would have been more deaths if not for you and the Covenant. I saw you fight, Kat. You're incredible."

  She pulled away, looking up at his stunning hazel eyes. "I wish I could've done more."

  Cass put his finger to her lips, stopping her words. "No, beautiful. You did much more than you realize. The Southeast and Louisiana clans are both without an alpha. Logan will have the opportunity to choose their next leader as punishment for their betrayal and for the attack against their own kind. Logan will ensure that the next-in-line, for both clans, will be better leaders and loyal to us. You've helped us reach peace."


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