Healing the Broken: A Kindred Christmas Tale (Brides of the Kindred)

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Healing the Broken: A Kindred Christmas Tale (Brides of the Kindred) Page 24

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Oh…oh my,” Sarah whispered as she watched Chandra, a few benches down, lean forward and swallow the long, thin shaft of her breeding partner to the hilt. Did they expect her to be able to do that? Because there was no way it was possible. She’d had only passing glances at Sazar’s equipment but if she tried to swallow it all like that, she would surely choke. He was much too big!

  “Woman, why are you not worshipping your male’s cock?” The cool, severe voice in her ear made Sarah jump in surprise. She turned her head and saw one of the white-clad, androgynous breeding attendants frowning severely at her.

  “Oh, well…I just…” She looked up at Sazar for help but he was scowling. Clearly he was trying to think of a way out of this but Sarah was pretty certain there was no way.

  “Well?” the attendant demanded. “What are you waiting for?”

  “Nothing. I just…wanted to be certain I was in the correct position.” Instead of kneeling on the floor, Sarah settled herself on the end of the breeding bench.

  The white-coated attendant scowled even more fiercely.

  “What are you doing? Drop to your knees as the female who services The Lord Magnate is doing!”

  “But I can’t,” Sarah explained. “My, uh, pair partner is too tall for me to reach him that way. Look.”

  She reached for Sazar and for a moment she thought he wouldn’t come. He frowned at her so fiercely she was almost afraid. But then she lifted her chin again. They had to do this—there was no faking this part. Not with the attendant standing right over them. Besides, how bad could it be? She’d never touched male equipment before but from the few brief glimpses she’d had of the big Kindred’s, his was rather nice.

  “Come on, Sazar,” she said coaxingly, tugging lightly at his trousers when he stayed stubbornly out of reach of her mouth.

  “You shouldn’t have to do this.” His voice was a low growl.

  “But I want to,” Sarah protested and knew that it was true. She wanted to taste him—to know him as he had known her the other night. “You put…put your mouth on me,” she reminded Sazar in a soft voice. “I…I just want to repay the favor.”

  “But you shouldn't…” Sazar shook his head and sighed as Sarah pleaded with him with her eyes. “All right,” he said at last and stepped closer to the bench.

  Tentatively, Sarah unfastened the magnetic tabs which held his trousers closed and reached inside. Something long and thick and hard met her seeking fingers.

  For a moment she almost felt burned—he was so hot—hotter than she’d ever expected him to be. And so big too.

  His skin was smooth and soft here, ridged by veins and his shaft seemed to pulse in her hand as she drew it out of the loose trousers.

  “God,” she whispered, looking at it, half in fear and half in admiration. It was a good thing he’d promised not to put this in her tonight—she didn’t think her little virgin pussy could handle it. She ran her hands up and down its length and tried to circle the thick base with her fingers but couldn’t. He was huge.

  A muffled groan from above reminded her that the amazing shaft she was exploring belonged to someone—namely her boss. She looked up quickly to see Sazar looking down at her, his eyes half-lidded and flashing from pale to red.

  “Ladara,” he murmured. “Your soft little hands…”

  “Are not nearly enough,” the attendant, who was still watching, declared, glaring as Sarah. “Well? When are you going to get started? You must take him in your mouth to worship him properly.”

  “Oh yes—yes of course. I’m sorry,” Sarah murmured. She leaned forward, examining the broad, plum-shaped head which was darker than the rest of his shaft. There was a small slit at the top of it and a shining bead of clear liquid was welling from it.

  Since there was no way she was going to be able to swallow him down her throat, the way Chandra had done with her breeding partner, Sarah decided to take a different approach.

  Leaning forward once more, she put out her tongue and lapped away the little droplet. A salty flavor like the ocean filled her mouth and she felt her entire body respond. Her nipples were instantly hard and her pussy was suddenly liquid between her thighs.

  Numalla, she thought, remembering what Sazar had said about females who make a lot of honey. Was a numalla also good at other things? Like licking and sucking cock?

  Sarah decided to find out.

  She swirled her tongue around the broad head, drawing a groan from Sazar. His big hands were fisted at his sides, she saw, and his big body was rigidly still as though he didn’t trust himself to move—or maybe he just didn’t want to hurt her.

  She suddenly felt deliciously in control of the situation, despite the watching attendant. It was a heady sensation to know she had such power over the big, muscular Kindred—to know that she could make Sazar tremble with her touch.

  She licked him again, starting at the base this time and dragging her tongue upwards, as though he was her favorite flavor of ice cream and she wanted to eat it all before it melted.

  “Gods, Ladara.” Sazar’s deep voice drew her eyes upward. “Your sweet little mouth is so soft,” he murmured. “Love to feel you tasting me.”

  Holding his gaze with hers, Sarah dared to take the entire broad head of his cock in her mouth. Licking and sucking, she worked the long shaft with her hands. She had no idea where she got the courage to act so shamelessly but somehow it seemed right…and felt deliciously naughty.

  She’d never wanted to act this way before—for most of her life she’d been running from sex. But now she realized it wasn’t really sex she’d been running from—it was the abusive males she didn’t want to have sex with.

  Sazar was different—she wanted him. Wanted to touch him and be touched by him…wanted to taste him as he had tasted her. His deep, male musk invaded her senses and she sucked harder, lapping at the tip to get more of his salty precum as she stroked his shaft.

  Suddenly the breeding attendant was pulling her away.

  “Enough!” he (or she?) proclaimed. “You will cause your male to spill his seed outside your pussy, which is sacrilege. You must not profane the ritual in this way.”

  “Oh…I’m sorry,” Sarah gasped. “But how was I supposed to know? You asked me to worship his, uh, his equipment, so I was worshiping it.”

  “You must not profane the ritual,” the attendant repeated. “Either through action or inaction.”

  “Seems to me you’d better make up your fucking mind,” Sazar growled. “First you force her to suck me, then you say she’s sucking too much. What in the Seven Hells do you people expect from us?”

  The white-faced attendant’s eyes flashed.

  “We expect you to do as you’re told,” he or she snapped. “Now come—it is time for the breeding proper to begin.” He/she made an imperious motion to Sarah with one white-clad arm. “Turn over and lie face down upon the breeding bench. It is time to submit your pussy to your breeding partner's cock so that he may fill you with his seed.”

  Oh God, here we go! Sarah felt a shiver go through her—a tremor of heat which started in her belly and moved outward. How were they going to fake this with the attendant standing right over them? But there was nothing they could do but try.

  Taking a deep breath and shooting a silent look at Sazar, she turned over and laid face down along the padded breeding bench. Her breasts just barely fit through the oval hole in the upward curving end—clearly it had been made for girls with much smaller endowments than hers. She rested her chin on the padded curve and gripped the wooden cross-pieces which came off on either side, forming handles.

  Then she spread her thighs.

  When she opened herself she could feel a little breeze, like a chilly finger, invading the hole in the back of her breeding panties. Then the breeze was gone as Sazar stepped up behind her. Instead of a chill she felt the heat of his big body up and down her spine and especially between her spread thighs.

  It suddenly occurred to Sarah that even though faking
was better than actually doing the deed, the fact remained that the big Kindred’s cock was going to be awfully close to her unprotected pussy.

  He would actually be rubbing against her and even though the breeding panties would hide the act, she would still feel his naked shaft sliding against her bare pussy lips—he might even slip inside her slick slit and rub right against her swollen clit. The breeding panties were tight and would hold him close to her as he thrust, simulating the breeding act.

  It would be awkward to be so intimately close to her boss, especially in public with the attendant watching, but Sarah told herself she could handle it—could handle the feeling of his naked shaft rubbing against her bare pussy. She had to handle it, after all—there was no way they could get off Alquon Ultrea until the Breeding Ball was over and everyone thought they had participated in the ritual.

  Soon enough, she felt his muscular bulk and the heat of his big body as he bent over her with his chest to her back.

  “Are you ready, Sarah?” he murmured in her ear.

  “Y-yes.” She stammered the word and her voice came out sounding high and uncertain in her own years. Sarah cleared her throat and tried again. “Yes,” she said more forcefully. “Yes, Sazar, I’m ready. You can…can breed me now.”

  “Good,” the watching attendant said and motioned at Sazar. “Go on—thrust it in her, nice and deep. Fill her with your shaft.”

  The sounds of breeding were all around them now—the low groans of males thrusting and the higher pitched gasps and cries of the females being bred by them. The slap of bare flesh against bare flesh and the creaking of the wooden breeding benches. But somehow Sarah managed to block it all out so thoroughly she could hear the low rumble of a groan behind her as Sazar prepared to take her—or at least, prepared to pretend to take her, she reminded herself.

  His big, warm hand caressed her inner thighs and stretched the hole in the back of her breeding panties. Then something warm and broad and slightly slippery was pressing its way inside the hole in the gold lame' fabric and rubbing against Sarah’s outer pussy lips..

  For just a moment the head of Sazar’s cock actually lodged just at the entrance to her pussy and she wondered if he was going to thrust inside her for real. If so, should she try to stop him? But how could she do that without being found out? No, if the big Kindred decided to fill her pussy with his thick shaft, there was nothing she could do but spread her thighs wider for him and submit to his fucking.

  The thought sent a shiver of illicit desire through her and Sarah berated herself. How could she want such a thing? It was wrong to imagine her boss’s cock inside her pussy, thrusting deeper and deeper until he filled her with his seed. And yet somehow the mental image persisted, though she tried to drive it away.

  After a moment of tense anticipation, Sazar pushed forward, though not inside her. Instead she felt the broad cock head parting her pussy lips and sliding deep within her furrow, rubbing against her swollen clit just as she’d imagined he might.

  The jolt of pleasure Sarah got was beyond anything she’d ever imagined. Goddess, to think the big Kindred’s cock was rubbing against her open pussy! The very thought made her that much wetter and Sazar slid against her with ease, his hands tight on her hips as he pressed against her, for all the world as though he really was buried balls-deep in her tender pussy.

  They went on and on like that until Sarah thought she was going to go crazy with pleasure and need. Though she knew it was wrong, it seemed her pussy was crying out to be filled and she could feel herself building to climax, though she knew it would be shameful to come on her boss’s cock.

  “Oh,” she moaned, unable to help herself. “Oh, Sazar—yes…yes.”

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” he growled in her ear as he continued to pump his hips, simulating fucking her. “That’s right, spread your sweet little pussy wide and let me get deep inside you.”

  Sarah thought half-deliriously that they were putting on a damn fine show. Part of that was the fact that she wasn’t acting. Every stroke of the big Kindred’s cock against her open pussy pushed her higher and every time the head of his shaft accidentally came to rest against her pussy entrance, she wished he would enter her.

  Everything might have been all right and they might have finished and gone back home to the Mother Ship without incident if only Sazar’s shaft hadn’t been so long. Unfortunately, it was—much too long to be contained by Sarah’s low slung breeding panties.

  As he pressed forward, rubbing his hard, throbbing length against her swollen pussy, the flaring crown of his cock was protruding from the front of the panties, clearly showing for anyone who dared to lift the side of his robe and observe their progress up close.

  Unfortunately, their breeding attendant dared.

  “Here now—what’s this? What’s this?” the attendant demanded, pointing to the offending sight. “Stop at once and explain,” he/she demanded of Sazar. “Why are you not filling your breeding partner’s pussy but instead only rubbing against her?”

  Sarah was panting at that point, with a mixture of pleasure and fear of exposure. The grike was looming large in her mind and she was certain the big Kindred was thinking of it as well. It didn’t help that when she looked around, it seemed that everyone in the room—including The Lord Magnate—was watching them.

  “It…it’s a Kindred tradition,” Sazar growled at last. “We warm up our females first by rubbing against them. This enables a male to get his female wet and stimulated enough to take his large shaft. It also gives pleasure.”

  “That’s very well,” the breeding attendant said sternly. “But I’m afraid the purpose here isn’t pleasure but breeding. You,” he or she snapped, pointing at Sarah. “Take off your panties. Yes, you heard me—take them off. I have to make certain your breeding partner’s shaft is going where it’s supposed to.”

  In vain did Sarah try to protest about privacy—the strict attendant wouldn’t hear of it. He or she commanded her to take her panties off again and Sarah knew there was no saying no—not if they wanted to avoid the grike.

  Can’t help it, she thought despairingly as she saw The Lord Magnate’s aquamarine eyes narrow as he stared directly down at them from the golden dais. There’s nothing else we can do. I have to take them off…and Sazar has to breed me for real.

  With trembling fingers, Sarah slid down the golden breeding panties, leaving her pussy completely bare, completely defenseless. She wondered if it would hurt, trying to take the big Kindred’s massive shaft inside her—or if the excessive honey she made would help ease his entrance. She hoped desperately for the latter.

  “Very good.” The breeding attendant nodded, clearly somewhat mollified when the panties came off. “Now,” she said to Sazar. “Let me see you put it in her—for real this time.”

  Sarah glanced over her shoulder and saw the big Kindred giving her a look which was both unhappy and uncertain. She could almost hear his thoughts. Should he obey and fill her pussy with his cock even though he had promised not to? Should he take her virginity though he had sworn he wouldn’t? Would she hate him if he did this to her?

  Sarah could see the indecision and self-loathing on his face and suddenly she wanted to reassure him.

  “It’s all right, Sazar,” she whispered. “You can…can slide it inside me. I don’t…don’t mind.”

  “But I swore—”

  “Never mind what you swore,” Sarah murmured. “I swear I don’t want to end my night in the belly of a giant fish with teeth as long as my arms. Now come on—do it.”

  He leaned over her and she felt the blunt head of his cock rubbing against her inner thighs.

  “I’m only going to do it once, then,” he murmured, his voice hoarse and rough. “Then, when the attendant turns away, I’ll slide out again.”

  “And get us caught? No.” Sarah shook her head. “No, you’d better just…just slide it in and leave it there, Sazar.”

  “But I swore I wouldn’t—wouldn’t take your
virginity and breed you,” he protested, even as he lined up the head of his cock to the slick entrance of her pussy. He was leaning over her as he did this, his deep voice no more than a breath in her ear.

  “You can’t…can’t help the virginity thing. And it’s not really breeding,” Sarah insisted as she felt the broad head of the big Kindred’s cock slide into the mouth of her pussy. “Not if you just hold it there in place. Breeding would be if you moved back and forth and…and came in me.”

  “I will certainly not do that,” Sazar growled softly. “Thrusting inside you would cause me to fill you will my seed.”

  “Exactly,” Sarah whispered, biting back a moan as he pressed another thick inch into her naked pussy. God, he was so big she wondered if her little virgin pussy could take him—but she had no choice. He had to be inside her—the attendant was watching.

  “I won’t fill you with my seed,” Sazar said again.

  “No, of course not. But, well…just holding it inside me isn’t so bad,” Sarah panted. “It’s not…not really breeding—right?”

  “I suppose…” Sazar still sounded uncertain but his cock had no such qualms. It was as though it knew exactly where to go as the big Kindred pressed slowly foreword, stretching her unprotected pussy with his thick shaft. There was a sharp little pain which made her gasp and tighten around him and then Sarah felt the broad head of his cock kiss the mouth of her womb.

  “Oh, Sazar!” she couldn’t help moaning as he finally bottomed out inside her. “God, you’re in me so deep.”

  “You’re so tight, Ladara,” he groaned softly in her ear. “Gods, your pussy is so tight and wet.”

  But though he was in her deep, the head of his cock kissing the mouth of Sarah’s womb, he didn’t move but only held himself still inside her. She felt his big body trembling and knew he must be fighting with himself not to move, but he didn’t thrust, not even a little bit.

  They might have finished the Breeding Ball and have gone back to the Mother Ship with only that one awkward intimacy between them and tried to forget about it. Sarah really thought they might be able to get away with it, since the breeding attendant had suddenly become busy with the couple beside them.


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