Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget!

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Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget! Page 1

by A. K. Galindo

  Twice in a Lifetime


  Cedar Creek Saga (Book 1)

  A.K. Galindo


  Alex, a well-known international mercenary turned security operative, doesn’t return from an operation gone wrong. He leaves behind his beloved Mary Kate, saucy little Irish beauty, to deal with and face his family and life without him. Travel down the twists and turns of this bumpy road with Mary Kate as she deals with the loss of her soul mate and the running of the family Empire, without him.


  Lost Love

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Building Trust and Finding Love

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Loving Again

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Twice in a Lifetime

  (Cedar Creek Saga: Book 1)


  A.K. Galindo

  Chapter 1

  “Yes, Henry, I know.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “I’ll make arrangements and let you know this evening,” she paused then continued, “Thanks.”

  Mary Kate set the phone down and picked up her wine glass before returning to her favorite spot on the upstairs’ veranda. The last two months felt like three long years, and she had put off the inevitable for as long as she could. The call from the family attorney and business associate, Henry, reminded her what she could not put off any longer.

  Mary Kate had found strength and peace on this island just as Scarlett had found at Tara. With her strength renewed, she knew it was time. The sprawling land that covered half of south Texas had been in the Chavez family for four generations, and the ranch beckoned her return.

  At the time of his father’s death, she and Alex agreed to wait to contend with the will and shifting of the business responsibilities. Legal issues with the company had to be resolved prior to executing his father’s will. It was a logical decision carried out by them both, but Mary Kate never imagined doing it alone.

  Well, not totally alone. Since Alex’s disappearance, Manny and Peter went everywhere with her. Of course, they would as her protectors and business associates. Mary Kate didn’t feel she needed them, yet they were always there. Sometimes she felt that she was even stronger now because she had to be, and she would get through the next several days based on shear strength and determination.

  Mary Kate walked downstairs thinking about travel and business arrangements that needed to be taken care of before she left. She walked in to the kitchen deep in thought. “Isa, I’m leaving in the morning for Cedar Creek and I’m not sure when I’ll be back.” Mary Kate took a deep breath and paused for a second. “Manny and Peter are going with me, but there will be staff in the offices here on the compound. When Manny gets in please ask him to come see me”. Isa had served as the Chavez housekeeper since they bought the villa, and often was Mary Kate’s companion. Mary Kate left the kitchen and returned to the upstairs’ veranda.

  With the next few days’ activities heavy on her mind, she walked to the veranda and stood at the banister looking out over the water at the sunset. It reminded her of the last time she and Alex were at the Ranch.

  They spent the night at the river in the back of one of the ranch trucks with nothing but wine, cheese, bedrolls, and pillows. They laughed, loved, and planned their future throughout the night. Tears trickled down her face as she smiled a little and knew that night would remain as one of her most precious memories.

  One reminiscent thought led to another as Mary Kate wistfully moved to sit down, tucking her feet up under her, and continued to gaze out over the sea.

  Manny walked through the kitchen door and acknowledged Isa as he made his way to the stairs. When Manny reached the veranda, he paused in the doorway for a moment and just looked at Mary Kate. She was a vision of beauty and strength, and had dealt with so much heartache recently. She met each challenge with the vigor and intensity she always had, as if nothing in her life had changed. Tendrils from Mary Kate’s long auburn curls had slipped from the comb that held them out of her face, and they gleamed in the last rays of the evening sun. Manny moved from the doorway to the veranda and sat down in the chair next to her. She looked up at him, and he could see her tear-stained cheeks.

  “Not a good day?”

  “I’m fine,” she replied as she lifted her chin just a little and smiled with her usual calm, collected mannerisms to hide signs of stress and concern.

  “I know you aren’t looking forward to dealing with the companies, but you know you have to. Is there anything any of us can do to make this easier?”

  “Thanks Manny, but no. Only Alex being here could make this situation easier, and that’s not possible, is it?” Mary Kate paused and displayed a smile on her angelic face that didn’t quite reach her pained emerald eyes. “But, thank you for asking.”

  She shifted slightly, reached for the shawl lying on the coffee table, and draped it loosely around her shoulders. The evening breeze coming in off the water brought a chill to the air. “I’ve been going over travel arrangements in my head for the trip to Cedar Creek. You and Peter will need to go with me. Someone else should take care of things here.”

  “I’ll take care of the office arrangements, and make sure all the teams are ready to go.” Manny stated with a quizzical look on his face as if he didn’t understand the urgency in getting to Cedar Creek. Mary Kate was not aware that Manny had spoken to Henry earlier regarding the matter, and that was why he was delayed in Cancun.

  “I have power of attorney for the Chavez Estate. I am obligated to preside over the reading of the will and oversee the arrangements.” Mary Kate had a pained and distant look on her face as she explained her responsibilities to him.

  Mary Kate turned slightly and looked back to the water before taking a deep breath. “It’s unimaginable to think of the issues the next few days and weeks will bring. Dealing with the rest of Alex’s family, especially Max, will certainly be a challenge, but I am a survivor and I will survive this too.” After that last statement, Mary Kate settled back in her chaise and remained silent for a few minutes.

  She turned back to face Manny before she spoke again. “Please have Peter make the arrangements for the flight to Cedar Creek. I’d like to leave early in the morning. I know I usually fly myself, but I’d rather you do the honors this trip. I think I’m a little too preoccupied with other things right now. I’ll call Henry and give him the details of our trip when they are finalized.”

  “If you don’t need me for anything else right now, I’ll go to the office and get things squared away.” With that said, Manny stood and headed for the office. Just as he got to the door he turned back to speak to Mary Kate. “Mary Kate, we’re here for you if you need us.”


  Mary Kate went to bed late, but sleep was a long time coming. Once she was alone in her room, there were too many thoughts and tears involving both Alex and his father for her to sleep. Finally, in the early hours of the morning, Mary Kate drifted off to a restless slumber and dreamed of the first time she met Alex.

  Mary Kate stood to the back of the elevator wall for the ride up to her father’s suite of offices located in the historic district of Savannah, Georgia. Sean Gallagher was CEO and owner of Gallagher Security International, a company that provided security and ran covert operations
around the world for those that could afford the services. The company had offices in various parts of the world, and Savannah was his choice for headquarters because it was home.

  The elevator stopped at the fifth floor and two gentlemen got on with identification badges for her father’s company. Mary Kate didn’t recognize them or their names. She knew most of the operatives housed in the main offices by sight, even though no one knew her.

  “Sean has been very mysterious about his daughter’s visit this afternoon,” the taller man commented to his fair-haired companion. “I wonder what type of security business she’s involved with that he would want her to come to work for the company.”

  Mary Kate became very interested in this conversation, since it was obviously about her. She noticed the man speaking was drop dead gorgeous, and he knew it by the way he carried himself. He spoke with a Hispanic accent and occasionally intermixed Spanish and English very obviously comfortable in either language.

  The second man spoke with an accent probably from Central or South America, but was very fair-skinned and had smoky blue eyes. “There aren’t any pictures of her in his office or at the house. The only picture of anyone I’ve ever seen is of his late wife.

  “I saw a picture of the daughter once when she was a small child, but it was at least twenty years old,” the other man replied. “I just hope Sean’s not getting sentimental and wanting to bring his daughter on board just because she’s family. If she’s the same quality of the operatives working for Gallagher Security, why hasn’t she been here all along?” He had a perplexed look on his face that enhanced his dark aristocratic features. He glanced back at the others in the elevator and moved the conversation to Spanish as if to keep it private.

  Mary Kate chuckled to herself because she was fluent in Spanish, French, Arabic, and Portuguese, so she could blend in throughout the many areas of the underworld that she worked within.

  “I still can’t believe his daughter would have the security experience for this job. Women really good at this business are often unusual in appearance and personality,” the second man commented in Spanish then peered nonchalantly at the person in the corner of the elevator before continuing. “This meeting should be interesting.”

  Mary Kate listened to the conversation and couldn’t wait to meet them officially. Due to the subject matter and behaviors of the two men, they were obviously of some importance to her dad’s company.

  When the elevator stopped at the top floor of the building, the two men stepped back and allowed her to get off ahead of them which reflected obvious social graces. Once she left the elevator she headed to her father’s suite of offices.

  She entered the door and proceeded to the receptionist’s desk. “Mary Kate! It’s good to see you,” Joan called as she moved to give Mary Kate a hug.

  “It’s been a long time Joan. I’m glad to see you too,” Mary Kate responded as she returned Joan’s embrace.

  “Your dad’s very excited and can’t wait to see you,” Joan told Mary Kate as she ushered her into her father’s office. She left the two of them alone for a little reunion before the afternoon board meeting.

  Fifteen minutes later, Joan brought the two men from the elevator into the office. They were very surprised to see the same young lady that had been on the elevator earlier. After introductions were made by her father, Mary Kate commented to both men, in perfect Spanish, “Soy tampoco excepcional en la apariencia o la personalidad, y yo soy muy bueno en mi línea del trabajo como mi padre.” I am neither unusual in appearance or personality, and I am very good at my line of work just like my father. Mary Kate could see by the surprised look on her father’s face he was not sure what was going on, but he appeared very curious.

  “It was nice meeting both of you, and I will leave you to your business,” Mary Kate gave her father a kiss on the cheek and attempted to excuse herself. “I will see you later, Dad.”

  “Mary Kate, I’d like you to stay and get your input on a few of the projects we’re working on,” her father stated as he took her hand and led her to the conference table. “If you’re going to be part of this company, you need to get a better idea of what we’re involved with.”

  Mary Kate glanced at the two men. As a result of her father’s statement, a look of inquisitiveness was produced on the face of the dark and very mysterious gentleman. This was going to be a very interesting adventure to say the least, she thought.

  “I’ll stay Dad, but this is not a commitment to join your company,” Mary Kate declared. She was holding that decision until she had more of a chance to evaluate the staff and security team in the Savannah office, especially ‘tall dark and handsome’ and his sidekick.

  There was a definite electrical current throughout the staff meeting between Mary Kate and Alex. Each time Mary Kate suggested an idea or requested more specific information regarding a situation, Alex would respond immediately as if no one else were able to answer. Even when someone else was talking, Mary Kate noticed several times that Alex was watching her, but would avert his eyes when she made eye contact. When she caught Alex studying her with those piercing dark eyes Mary Kate experienced physical stirrings deep in her core that she hadn’t felt in a long time, if ever before. She tried to excuse them as hunger pangs, but she wasn’t sure they were for food.

  After the meeting, polite conversation was exchanged between the four attendees. “I am very glad we were able to meet this afternoon,” Mary Kate’s father stated to the group.” With a smile on his face he turned to Alex and Manny. “Why don’t you both join us for dinner this evening? We will be at Jack’s at 7:30.”

  “We would love to,” Alex accepted for both as he looked in Mary Kate’s direction and raised his eyebrows and nodded. Then he turned and left the office with Manny behind him.

  Mary Kate looked at her father with an impish grin. “Dad, I know what you are up to and if you think Mr. Chavez or Mr. Rodriguez will have any influence on my decision,” she paused and began to gently nod her head before continuing, “you are probably right.”

  Her dad walked to the bar to pour them both a drink. “Mary Kate, what on earth are you suggesting?” He turned his attention back to their drinks.

  “I saw that little twinkle in your eye when you invited our guests to dinner,” Mary Kate told him as she took her drink from him, “and I have seen it before.”

  “I also felt that electricity in the air from the moment I introduced the two of you,” replied Mr. Gallagher.

  “Dad, what do you mean the two of us? There were three of us,” Mary Kate corrected him.

  “Oh, my dear daughter, anyone observing this afternoon’s meeting and introductions would have sworn there were only two people in this room and they certainly wouldn’t be referring to Manny or me,” her father informed her as he looked at her with a smile on his face.

  “Well, Dad, you may have something there. Mr. Chavez certainly is an interesting man,” Mary Kate stated as she walked to the glass wall of her father’s office to look out over her favorite city. She thought about Alex and how he made her feel, and what the future held for her if she decided to join her father’s company.

  Chapter 2

  Mary Kate awoke to a very soft tap at the door to her bedroom. She got out of bed, put on her robe, and opened the door.

  “We’ll need to leave in an hour,” Manny stated, “Do you need any help?”

  “I’ve got everything just about ready, and I’ll be down in about 30 minutes,” Mary Kate replied. “My bags are downstairs by the side door.”

  “They’re already loaded in the Rover. Isa has breakfast ready, so I’ll wait for you in the kitchen.” With that, Manny headed back down the stairs to wait for her.

  Mary Kate entered the breakfast room, and absorbed the majestic view of the Gulf of Mexico and the fishing boats as they ventured out to their morning task. “Is everything ready?” she asked her two companions sitting at the table as she joined them.

  “Everything’s ready for
the trip and at the office,” Manny replied. “There are four operatives due in this afternoon, so the office will be well covered during our absence.”

  “It’s time to go if we’re going to make our flight out of Cancun on time,” Manny told Mary Kate as he stood and headed to the office one last time to clear up last minute details.

  “I’ll meet you at the Rover.” Mary Kate picked up her things and headed to the Land Rover parked at the side entrance of the house. When she reached the vehicle, Peter was getting in the back seat as Manny crawled in the front passenger seat. Mary Kate got behind the wheel and started the vehicle.

  She maneuvered the Land Rover down the road to the ferry that would take them to Cancun. Mary Kate was very quiet and distant, deep in thought about so many things. There was no conversation until they arrived at the airstrip in Cancun. As she reached the top of the steps to board the Citation X, she turned and looked back in a panoramic casing of the area. It was as if she was seeing it for the first time, or perhaps the last. Suddenly, everything seemed so different without Alex.

  “Are you ok, Mary Kate?” Manny asked softly.

  Mary Kate replied sadly, “I’ll be fine, but it would sure be easier if Alex was here.” She searched Manny’s eyes, trying to see some indication of her deepest suspicions in his composed face, but once again there was none.

  She entered the plane, took her seat, buckled in, and prepared for the flight to Cedar Creek. The plane was prepared for take-off, and within minutes they were taxiing down the runway.

  The uneventful flight lasted a little over three hours. When they landed at the regional airport, just outside of Cedar Creek, Texas, a black Suburban was waiting to take them to the El Lobo, the Chavez family ranch. Mary Kate emerged from the jet and saw Henry and the driver climb out of the vehicle. She immediately started in their direction.

  “Thank you for meeting us,” Mary Kate greeted Henry as she gave a warm embrace. The gentlemen shook hands and exchanged polite conversation. “It is always good to see you, Henry. I just wish it were under better circumstances.” Mary Kate climbed in the back seat of the suburban. The reunion brought back very painful memories, which made Mary Kate quieter and more stoic than normal.


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