Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget!

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Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget! Page 10

by A. K. Galindo

  After breakfast, the nurse helped Mary Kate get a shower and dress, so that she could take her morning walk around the house. She wasn’t quite ready to go outside yet, but perhaps tomorrow. After Alex was showered and dressed, he kissed Mary Kate and returned to the designated security office above the stables to continue planning for the operation.

  Mary Kate took her walk, then returned to the suite to bed for a rest. She was asleep in seconds. The nurse returned to the sitting room to read while her patient slept. There was a sharp knock on the door, and when the nurse opened it she found Christina standing there. The nurse informed her that Mrs. Chavez was resting and she was not to be disturbed, and politely closed the door in her face.

  Christina was so angry with the nurse she left muttering a string of Spanish terms the nurse was glad she didn’t understand. Maria happened to be crossing the main courtyard returning to the kitchen area and heard every word and understood perfectly. When Maria reached the kitchen, she called the security office to tell Alex what was happening.

  Alex returned to the house and found Christina in the living room still in a snit about the nurse refusing to let her see Mary Kate. “You are not to go to that suite again. You have no business there, and the last thing Mary Kate needs is you upsetting her.

  Christina began to cry, and moved to Alex and put her arms around him, “I have no intention of upsetting her. I only wanted to thank her for protecting Max.” Somehow, Alex found that very hard to believe.


  Mary Kate was up from her nap and taking a walk with the nurse when she stepped into the living room just as Christina put her arms around Alex. She was stunned by what she witnessed, and stepped back out of the living room. Mary Kate told the nurse she wanted to go to the kitchen and see if Maria had any fresh tea made and a snack. The nurse walked with her to the kitchen.

  Alex put both hands on Christina’s shoulders and put her away from him. “Your advances are not wanted, nor will they be tolerated.” He paused for a minute before continuing to be sure she was listening. “If you try that again, you will be removed from the house no matter the danger.”

  With that, she stormed off to her room and slammed the door on her way out of the living room.

  Alex went to the suite to check on Mary Kate, but found the rooms empty. He immediately went to the kitchen in search of Maria and found Mary Kate and the nurse there. Mary Kate was visibly pale and appeared upset. “Are you alright, Amada?” She shook her head in response to her question and then asked the nurse to take her back to her room.

  Alex stepped in as he spoke, “I’ll take her and stay with he for a while. You stay here and finish your coffee.” With that they were off.

  On the way back to the suite, Alex spoke, “Are you upset about something?”

  Mary Kate shook her head and kept walking. When they got back to the suite, Mary Kate’s eyes were brimming with tears. She said she was just a little tired and the pain medication was wearing off, but she would be fine. Alex removed her robe and helped her into bed. He lay down beside her and pulled her close to him, giving great care to her shoulder. Soon she was sleeping again and when the nurse returned, he left.


  Mary Kate got up a few hours later ready for lunch and asked the nurse not to disturb Alex. She ate her lunch alone. As she ate, she thought more about what she had witnessed that morning between Alex and Christina. She really didn’t know what to think of it, but couldn’t imagine Alex betraying her. There simply must be an explanation for what she saw.

  The rest of the day and evening remained calm. Mary Kate rested, visited with the nurse and Maria, walked around the house without any help, and visited with Alex. He noted a change in her behavior toward him, and was getting a little anxious. That evening after dinner, Mary Kate and Alex took a walk outside the main house toward the corral. When they reached the place in the side yard where she was shot, she stopped and stared down at the ground. Alex put his arm around her and drew her close to him and told her not to think about it. They both took a deep breath and joined Manny at the fence.

  “It’s certainly good to see you up and about this evening,” Manny told her. “I didn’t think anything would keep you down long.”

  “I’m so glad to get out of the house and get some fresh air and a change of scenery,” Mary Kate replied.

  “You’re looking a lot better than you were a few days ago, and we’re all glad to have you back home.”

  Mary Kate thanked him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She asked Alex to take her back to the courtyard so she could sit by the fireplace for a few minutes before turning in for the night. She asked Manny and Peter to join them. Alex took her hand and they proceeded back to the sitting area in the main courtyard.

  In a short time, Manny and Peter joined them and they all sat and visited like old times. Christina walked into the courtyard and decided to join them. Her persistent familiarity with Alex was upsetting Mary Kate, and it showed. Finally, Mary Kate stood and excused herself from the group and returned to her room and to get ready for bed. Not long after she entered the suite, Alex entered the room.

  “I’m so sorry querida for her behavior!” He apologized for Christina and tried to console Mary Kate, but she ignored him.

  “May I have my evening meds that are due, I’m turning in for the night.” After her meds, she let the nurse retire for the evening and she walked into the bedroom.

  Alex followed her and stopped at the foot of the bed before speaking. “Mary Kate, you have to talk to me. I know something is wrong.”

  “Alex, I do not feel like discussing this right now. I’m very tired and don’t feel like discussing Christina, or anything else, right now.” With that, she turned, crawled into bed, and closed her eyes.

  Alex went to take a shower and by the time he returned to the bedroom, she was asleep. He lay down beside her and fitted his body to hers and held her for a long time before he fell asleep, too. During the night, Mary Kate woke Alex up crying and calling for him. He sat up and pulled her into his lap and rocked her until he could get her calm.

  “Amada, it’s alright. I’m here. I’m right here with you and you’re safe,” Alex spoke to her in a soothing tone and rocked her gently as he brushed the hair back from her face. In a few minutes, she was calm and quiet and back to sleep.


  Alex knew that nightmares were very common and real after experiencing what Mary Kate had been through. He would have to remember to tell John about them in the morning. He finally laid her back down on the bed and held her until she was resting soundly. Soon after that he was asleep, too.

  John arrived bright and early the next morning to check on Mary Kate with the day nurse. They discussed the nightmares and he explained to her that he wouldn’t give her any more pain medication or sleeping pills for the health of the baby. She assured him she didn’t need. John was impressed with her walking and eating, and said she was fast on the road to recovery and motherhood.

  Alex walked him out again and told him about the operation they were preparing for in hopes of drawing out any other assassins in the area. He also shared with John that he wasn’t sure he should tell Mary Kate.

  “I don’t think my patient can take any more surprises, so you better be up front with anything and everything you do,” John declared very sternly.

  “I just don’t want to upset her and cause her to worry needlessly,” Alex told him.

  “Knowing Mary Kate, do you honestly think she doesn’t expect you to try something like this? My friend, I don’t think you can afford to keep this from her. Trust is a very big factor in your relationship right now.” John responded. “After letting her think you were dead, your ex-wife still here, and her concern about your feelings toward her body, you better be straight with her.”

  With that, John and Alex said their goodbyes. Alex thought about what John had said to him, and returned to the suite to tell Mary Kate about the operation.

  “I’m not surprised Alex, but I wish you wouldn’t.” Mary Kate stated, choosing her words very carefully. “I think it is too dangerous and too soon. You are all in too much danger to attempt this so soon after the last assassination attempt.” She pursed her lips and shook her head. “I’d like for Manny and Peter to come in and be part of this conversation, so I can get firsthand how they feel.”

  “I know you are going to go through with this, with or without my blessing. So, if I can’t go with you I at least want to be on the plan with all the details.” Alex agreed with her. He also made her promise not to get over tired, and she promised.

  After lunch, the rest of their team went to the sitting room of the suite to discuss the entire operation. They went over detail after detail and she made a few suggestions that fit in nicely. The involvement caused her to begin to think seriously about the lifestyle she and Alex had chosen. She began to question herself as to whether she wanted to continue it with the baby coming.

  As the afternoon progressed and the meeting continued, Mary Kate would lie down on the couch with her head in Alex’s lap, and sleep for a while. The nurse would come in and check her vital signs, give her medicine, and then leave them to their business. She hadn’t seen Mary Kate so deep in thought or her blood pressure so elevated.

  Late in the afternoon while Mary Kate slept on the couch, the men shared a brandy and completed the plans. Manny and Peter went back to the office to review the plans one more time with the rest of the team, while Alex had a few private minutes with Mary Kate. They shared a light dinner and then Alex kissed her and left the room. They never said goodbye when one left for an assignment. They always promised to call as soon as whatever assignment at the time was completed.


  The nurse returned to the room to change the dressings, and then Mary Kate dressed for bed. She was unusually quiet and deep in thought when John came by to check on her. He could tell she was upset by where Alex was going and what he was going to do, but she was holding her own. John left and said he would be back the next morning.

  Alex had told Max and Christina about the operation that would be taking place that evening, and neither of them were to leave the house for any reason. He asked Max to check on Mary Kate and stay with her if he felt she needed company, and he said he would.

  Later that evening, Max checked on Mary Kate to be told by the nurse that she had gone to the kitchen to get something to drink. When Max arrived in the kitchen he found his mother with Mary Kate. Christina had been drinking, and was irate.

  “How dare you try to turn my son against me by telling him such lies about me,” Christina was yelling at Mary Kate. “You’re trying to steal him from me, so that you can have him along with your baby. You have stolen my husband, and now you are trying to take my son.”

  Mary Kate was standing with her back to the sink just staring at Christina as she made a fool of herself. Max tried to talk to his mother and calm her down, but he was not successful. Mary Kate turned back to the sink to put her glass down, and when she turned back Christina moved toward her and threw what was left of her glass of wine in Mary Kate’s face.

  Mary Kate froze, and just glared at Christina. Her emerald eyes flashed with anger as she clenched her jaw to control her rage. Max yelled at his mother to get out of the kitchen and leave Mary Kate alone, as he moved to Mary Kate’s side and began to calm her. Maria heard all the uproar and came running into the kitchen to see what was wrong. When she saw Mary Kate covered in red wine, she immediately took over trying to calm her down and told Max to get Christina out of the kitchen.

  Max took his mother back to her room while Maria took Mary Kate back to her suite to get her changed and in bed. When the nurse saw Mary Kate, it took her a few seconds to realize the red stain was wine and not blood. She had her sit down so she could take her blood pressure and check her heart rate.

  Mary Kate was so distressed that the nurse got worried and called John. He rushed over without delay to check on her. Because he was on the entry list at the guard gate, clearance did not have to be set up before he arrived.

  She’d calmed down quite a bit by the time John arrived, but her blood pressure and heart rate was still above normal which concerned him. He couldn’t give her anything because of the pregnancy, but she assured him that she would be okay. He wasn’t taking any chances; he wanted to get her to the hospital so he could check her out more thoroughly and monitor the baby’s heart rate which could be done much more accurately with the machines at the hospital. She refused to go.

  John left the suite in search of Christina and found that she was in her room with the door locked. He returned to find Mary Kate much calmer and resting comfortably, but he still wanted to take her to the hospital just to be sure she was alright. He got Maria to call out to the security office to let them know what was going on and to get in touch with Alex, but Mary Kate stopped them and assured them she was in good health and there was no need to disturb Alex during an operation.

  Max entered the sitting area of the suite and found John giving the nurse specific instructions to call him immediately if there was another flare up with the baby or Mary Kate. Maria brought John some coffee and tea for Mary Kate and before long the patient was sound asleep. Before she fell asleep, she decided to go back to the compound in Mexico to think this all out. She really couldn’t deal with any of the chaos here anymore.

  John stayed in the sitting room for another hour or so to be sure all was well before he left. Max sat with him and then remained there until he fell asleep on the couch. Maria relieved the nurse to get some rest while she stayed in the bedroom with Mary Kate and promised to wake her if there was any change.

  The house was calm and quiet by the time Alex and the security team returned from the operation at Howard’s Roadhouse. Everyone went to the security office to debrief while Alex went to the house to check on Mary Kate and let her know he was back. When he got to the suite he found Max asleep on the couch in the sitting room and Maria asleep in the chair beside the bed.

  He walked to Mary Kate’s side of the bed and looked down at her. She looked like a sleeping angel with all that auburn hair floating around her face. She stirred a little, opened her eyes, and smiled at him. She reached for his hand and as she moved he noticed the fetal monitor was around her stomach. The monitor had not been on since the first night she was home and that alarmed him.

  “Why are you wearing the monitor again?” Alex asked. “What are Max and Maria doing in here and not the nurse?”

  “Alex, don’t worry so much, everything is fine. Maria insisted she wanted to stay with me while you were out; so, I told the nurse she could take a break this evening and Maria would come get her if she needed her,” Mary Kate replied groggily from sleep. “I think Max is just being the ‘Man of the House’ while you were away.”

  Alex accepted that response and told her the operation wasn’t successful and he would give her all the details in the morning. He sat with her until she went back to sleep and then went to the debriefing meeting in the security office.

  “Is everything alright,” Peter asked Alex as he observed the look of concern on his face.

  “I think so,” Alex responded looking at Peter quizzically. “Why do you ask?”

  “The ranch had a visitor around ten this evening,” Peter informed him. “John Maxwell paid a visit to the house and was here for over two hours. No one called here for security, so it must have been something with Mary Kate.”

  “Well, Max is asleep on the couch in the sitting room, Maria is asleep in the chair in the bedroom, and Mary Kate appears to be doing very well. I know if it was something serious, Max or Maria would have called here to get in touch with me. I’ll let them sleep and get to the bottom of this in the morning. Now, bring me up to speed with what you have been talking about,” and with that Alex sat down and joined the debriefing.

  After several hours of retracing the team’s steps, Alex decided to lie down
on the couch for just a few minutes and rest his eyes. Sleep had been a rare commodity in his life lately and he needed to take a break. Manny and Peter continued to scrutinize the operation while Alex slept.

  Mary Kate woke up before daylight remembering her decision about having to get away from everything going on in Cedar Creek and the ranch, and think. She wasn’t sure if she could take much more. She went to the safe to retrieve her passport, gun, and her other identification documents. She grabbed the handle of her bag, and started for the door of the suite. She looked around the suite as tears ran down her face, then proceeded out in the brisk morning air.

  As the new day was dawning Manny and Peter went to their bedrooms just down the hall from the security office to try to get some much-needed rest before the rest of the world decided to meet the new day. Alex was asleep on the couch in the office and was suddenly awakened by the ear-piercing cries from Maria as she crossed the yard between the house and the barn. Manny and Peter came running back into the office just as Alex went tearing down the steps to meet Maria with Manny and Peter right behind him.

  When Alex met Maria, he had to shake her to calm her so that he could understand what she was saying. Finally, she gained enough control to tell him that Mary Kate was gone!

  “Gone! What do you mean, gone! She can’t be gone!” Alex responded as the panic rose in his heart.

  “She isn’t anywhere in the suite or the house,” Maria shrieked.

  “Calm down, Maria, we’ll look for her. She must be somewhere in the house or on the grounds,” Alex was beginning to get alarmed as he turned to Manny and Peter for their reaction.

  “I’ll alert the outer perimeter security and the house security to see if they’ve seen her,” Peter responded. “Don’t worry Boss. She’s here and we’ll find her.”


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