Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget!

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Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget! Page 12

by A. K. Galindo

  She turned her face away from him, as if embarrassed. “Even with the soon to be scar so evident?”

  Alex eased down and sat beside her on the chaise. With his gentle touch, he turned her face back to look at him. As he stared into her unsure gaze he told her, “If the scar bothers you that much you can always have it removed; but, the scar will only make you more beautiful to me. It will always remind me how you risked your life, without hesitation, for Max. A young man that had given you nothing but heartache since the day you met him.”

  With tears in her eyes, Mary Kate reached for Alex and pulled his mouth down to hers for a tender and passionate kiss. She pushed him back and said, “Alex, please make love to me. My body is throbbing for your touch. It has been too long since you…..”

  Before Mary Kate could finish her sentence, Alex came down beside her and pulled her close to him so that her body fit perfectly against his, being very careful not to harm her shoulder. He could feel the small swell of their child against his arousal and hips. It had been much too long since he lay with her like this and it was almost more than he could stand trying to hold back until he could arouse and pleasure her. He soon realized that he didn’t need to wait long, because it was obvious that Mary Kate was as aroused as he was.

  Alex kissed her tenderly at first. Then as the kiss lingered it became more passionate as their tongues tasted each other through their parted lips. Mary Kate moaned as Alex began to press soft kisses down her throat and to her breasts. He brushed his tongue over each taught nipple and took each one alternately into his mouth to suckle. Mary Kate arched her back as if trying to get closer and called out his name as she tried to catch her breath. Mary Kate begged Alex not to stop as he moved down her torso to place those same soft kisses to their unborn child before moving between her thighs and pressing his arousal into her core. He couldn’t hold back any longer. Alex wanted and needed her more than ever. As he began to move inside her she started over the cliff and reached her climax almost immediately. She fell over and over until he reached his fulfillment and his body corded as it convulsed with his climax, until he collapsed. He rolled to his side, taking Mary Kate with him without ever leaving the tight-fisted glove of her body.

  In a quiet, breathless whisper Mary Kate told him, “Alex, I love you. Thank God you are here with me.”

  “I will always be with you, Querida, always,” Alex told her as Mary Kate began to drift off to sleep.

  Alex reached to the foot of the chaise to pull the light weight cover up over them both. He pulled Mary Kate into his arms as he slipped into a much-needed sleep, as well. They laid in each other’s arms and slept the rest of the afternoon.

  When Alex woke up, he eased off the chaise so as not to disturb Mary Kate, slipped his jeans and shirt on, replaced the cover over her, and went downstairs to find Isa. He found her in the kitchen getting organized to prepare dinner. Alex told her he would take care of dinner and that she could take the rest of the evening off and return to her quarters. She thanked him and left.

  He then picked up the house phone and called the office, and asked Peter and Jaime to join him in the kitchen. The two men left Cougar in charge of the monitoring, and met with Alex. They all went into the study located downstairs on the water side of the house, poured themselves a brandy, picked up cigars, and went out on the downstairs veranda to review the status of the Cartel threats. Out on the veranda Alex would hear Mary Kate when she woke up.

  The three men discussed security issues, and the plans to return to Cedar Creek the following day. Alex had no doubt that Mary Kate would be returning with him, but Jaime and Peter had their doubts.

  “She was very distraught when she arrived here this morning, and made arrangement for a longer stay than one night,” Jaime commented.

  “I have no plans for her to stay here without me and I’ve got to return for the Cattleman’s Ball Friday night,” Alex said staunchly. “I’m surely not leaving her down here alone. We will talk about it over dinner, and she’ll understand the importance of her going back with me.”

  Alex got up and walked to the veranda railing, and looked out over the water while the other two men looked at each other with raised eyebrows. This was going to be an interesting discussion.

  Mary Kate began to stir as she came out of a deep sleep. She was thinking about the wonderful dream she had and then realized it was no dream and became fully awake remembering that Alex was here. Mary Kate started to get up, but became conscious of the fact that she was no longer wearing her robe. She gathered the cover around her so that she could get up and look for her robe before going off to find Alex. She thought of the security cameras then remembered Alex telling her the ones on the upstairs veranda had been turned off. She certainly hoped they had.

  Alex heard Mary Kate moving around above him, and told Peter and Jaime they would finish their discussion later that evening or in the morning. He asked Peter to make arrangements for their return to Cedar Creek around noon the next day. They excused themselves and returned to the office.


  Just as Mary Kate started down the stairs, Alex met her and guided her back to the veranda and to her chair. He kissed her and told her to stay put, and he went back downstairs and returned with a tray of refreshments. Isa had prepared a tray of cheese, crackers, and fruit and made a pitcher of iced tea for them after their nap. Alex placed it on the table beside her chair, and then sat down in the chair opposite Mary Kate.

  “It seems so much like old times; the two of us alone here on the veranda, the rest of the team in the office complex, and Isa either in her quarters or at her home in town,” Mary Kate told Alex as she lounged in her chaise. “I feel so relaxed for the first time in a long time, but I have a feeling this might be the calm before the storm. You have something on your mind?”

  “I need to know what happened that caused you to leave Cedar Creek alone and without telling anyone, especially me.” She knew this was coming, she just didn’t think it would come so soon.

  Mary Kate took a long drink of her tea, sat the glass on the table, and began to speak. “I left because I needed breathing room and time to think. I knew you wouldn’t let me go, or understand why I needed to. I took the night nurse’s car, because it was secured, and no one would stop it. I drove to the airport, paid cash for a ticket, and left.”

  Alex responded with great emotion and almost anger. “Do you have any idea how frightened I was not knowing where you were or what happened to you? Can you imagine what was going through my mind with the Cartel out there and thinking they had taken you or worse, had harmed you again?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do, Alex. I’ve lived like that for the two months you were supposedly dead, only I didn’t have the hope that I might get you back,” Mary Kate stated as she looked straight at him with piercing emerald eyes and a look that could stop time. “I let you know where I was going, and that I was alright as soon as I was far enough away you couldn’t stop me which is more than you did for me. I lived with thinking you were dead.”

  Mary Kate was trying to hold back tears she was determined not to shed, when Alex got up and moved to her chair and knelt in front of her to take her in his arms. When Alex touched her, she leaned into him and burst into tears. Alex stood and pulled Mary Kate up with him. He sat down in her chair and brought her to his lap, cradled her to him and held her as close as he could, soothing her with Spanish terms of endearment.

  When Mary Kate’s tears subsided, Alex began sharing what he knew. “John filled me in on the incident with Christina. He also shared the information about the blood pressure and heart rates, yours and the baby’s, and you wouldn’t let them contact me because I was working.” He placed his forehead against hers and took a second to collect his thoughts before continuing. “You are the most important person in my life and no assignment or operation is so important that I can’t be contacted when the information has to do with your wellbeing.”

  Mary Kate leaned in to Ale
x’s chest and buried her head in the crook of his neck and kissed him gently. She leaned back to look at him before speaking. “I know that now, but at the time I was so confused.”

  They sat on the veranda for what must have been hours before they went downstairs, so that Alex could prepare dinner. She wanted to help, but he told her to just sit at the breakfast bar and keep him company like they used to. The two of them talked and planned until Alex brought up their return to El Lobo and Cedar Creek. Before Mary Kate could respond, the house phone rang and Alex’s blackberry went off at the same time.

  Peter was calling Alex to let him know that the incoming call was on a satellite phone originating in Bogota, Columbia, and he was already tracing it. Alex told Mary Kate to answer it and keep them on the line as long as possible.

  Mary Kate picked up the phone on the fourth ring. “Hello.”

  The response on the other end of the line came from a man with a heavy Hispanic accent. “Is this Sra. Chavez?”

  “Yes, this is Mary Kate Chavez. Who is this?”

  “My name is not important, but I am calling for my boss, Sr. Santiago Lardenez. That should sound familiar to you Sra. Chavez. Does it not?”

  Santiago Lardenez was the head of the Lardenez Cartel, the largest South American drug cartel. Lardenez lived in a massive compound in the mountains somewhere outside of Bogota, Columbia. His cartel owned the drilling rigs in the Sea of Cortez that Gallagher/Chavez Securities destroyed several months ago, because they were being used as exchange stations for drugs. Because of this occurrence, the cartel lost many of its members, including one of Lardenez’s sons. It was also the reason that Alex had disappeared for two months.

  “Yes, it does sound familiar to me. What does he want?” Mary Kate inquired as she looked over at Alex who was listening to the conversation through his Blackberry.

  The man replied, “Senor Lardenez would like to speak to you and then to your husband. I am quite sure Sr. Chavez is with you and more than likely listening to our conversation along with members of your de talla mundial world class security team.”

  “Yes, Sr. Chavez is with me and our security team is never very far.”

  “Please hold un minuto, Sr. Lardenez is ready to speak to you now.”

  Santiago Lardenez took the phone from his loyal assistant and began his conversation with Mary Kate. “Buenas noches, Sra. Chavez. It is so good of you to take my call.”

  “You are welcome, Sr. Lardenez. How may I help you?”

  “I wanted to first extend my apology for your most unfortunate recent accident at your ranch in Texas and to inquire about your recovery.”

  When Mary Kate heard his statement, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath and trembled at the memory. Alex’s face turned to stone and those black eyes reflected danger as he watched Mary Kate’s reaction. He started toward her and she put up her hand to stop him. She knew if he touched her she would not be able to finish the conversation with Lardenez, and they all needed to hear what he had to say.

  Mary Kate countered his statement, “I’m recovering nicely, but Sr. Lardenez, it was no accident. The only thing accidental about the incident was that I was hit instead of my stepson.”

  “I understand,” Lardenez affirmed. “I also want to congratulate you and your husband on the news of a future addition to the Chavez Dynasty. There is nothing more important to a family than the assurance of its continuation.”

  As he mentioned the baby Mary Kate thought she was going to lose her last nerve. Alex crossed the kitchen to her and pulled her to his hard body and she buried her face in his chest. He held her to him with one arm and at the same time took the phone away from Mary Kate with is free hand. With his jaw clenched to keep his anger banked, he addressed Lardenez. “What do you want, Lardenez?”

  “Sr. Chavez, I am sorry if I upset your lovely wife, that certainly was not my intent, but I do need to speak to you as well.”

  “My wife has been through a great deal and she prefers that I complete this conversation with you since I’m the person you really want to talk to.” Alex kept Mary Kate encased to his body with one arm as he continued the conversation with Lardenez.

  “Yes, indeed you are the one I ultimately want to speak to regarding the unpleasant incident at your ranch regarding Sra. Chavez.”

  “Go ahead,” Alex replied.

  With great care in choosing his words, Lardenez continued. “I want to assure you that no one in my family or organization had anything to do with your wife’s experience in recent days. The person responsible is a rogue desperado operating on his own. I give you my word, on the souls of my grandchildren, that The Lardenez Cartel is not responsible.” Lardenez was silent for a minute as gaining his composure before continuing to speak. “During the altercation in the Sea of Cortez several months ago, I not only lost a fortune in my investment, I also lost my son along with several members of my extended family. A truce between our organizations has been issued to my establishment, if you are in agreement. Sr. Chavez, I do remember you being a man of your word.”

  Alex was stunned, but didn’t respond until he looked at Mary Kate to be sure she was alright. “Yes, you do remember correctly. I am a man of my word and I am in agreement with you regarding a truce. We have both lost a great deal in this campaign, and we would both do well to put an end to it. After almost losing my wife and unborn child, I am ready for a truce. As I know also, you Sr. Lardenez are a man of your word.”

  “Thank you, Sr. Chavez, and congratulations on your expected child and good wishes with your lovely wife's continued recovery. She is as animado spirited as I have been told. Perhaps someday, I will have the honor of meeting her in person. Sr. Chavez, if I receive any information regarding this rogue desperado I will see that it is passed on to you immediately by my close associate Sr. Gonzalez. Gracias y buenas noches.” After saying good night, Lardenez disconnected.

  Alex hung the phone up and wrapped his other arm around Mary Kate, held her tight as he kissed the top of her head and breathed a sigh of relief. Hidden in his warmth and protection, Mary Kate started to tremble and shed tears quietly. The conversation with Lardenez made everything that had happened over the last two months come to the forefront of Mary Kate’s mind and her tight control on her emotions snapped. All Alex could do was keep her confined in his grasp, and gently rock her as he murmured loving terms to her in his native tongue.


  Peter immediately called Alex and his Blackberry began to beep, but he ignored it. Mary Kate told him to respond to Peter or he would be flying in the door any minute. Alex answered the page from Peter and asked him to give them a few minutes, and he would get back to him.

  Slowly, Alex could tell she was calming as he felt the tension leave Mary Kate. Alex moved with her to the settee on the downstairs veranda. They both sat down and Mary Kate remained locked in Alex’s arms until she was completely steady. Once she was calm and settled, Alex called Peter and asked him to join them and bring Jaime along.

  Alex put his phone down and turned to Mary Kate to be sure she was alright. He tucked her against his side and picked up his brandy to take another swallow. Mary Kate looked up at him and smiled as she observed him. His coal black eyes were sparkling with danger, his chiseled chin was raised in challenge, and his olive complexion was gleaming from the reflection of the late afternoon sun as he perspired from the unusually warm weather and concern for the information received in the recent phone call. Mary Kate laid her head back down on Alex’s shoulder, and waited for the rest of them.

  Peter and Jaime joined them and they discussed the phone call from Lardenez extensively. They all agreed that he was a man of his word and for him to be the one to initiate the communication he was serious about the truce and the information regarding the assassin. Peter and Jaime assured Alex they had verified the voice and origination of the call, and that it was Lardenez. The voice had been compared to the recording of his voice in their voice recognition database. There was no a
ttempt to try to scramble the call or try to block the tracing to its origination. It was definitely Lardenez on the phone.

  The biggest concern was who the “rogue desperado” was that Lardenez referred to during the phone call. At least they knew now that it wasn’t the cartel they were dealing with, but a lone member that had a vendetta against Alex. They were now dealing with one person. They had to figure out who it was, and stop the person before someone else got hurt. There was still a serious threat, but it wasn’t as bad as it had seemed.

  Alex instructed Peter to get in touch with Manny and update him on the phone call, and Jaime to make the arrangements for their return to Cedar Creek and El Lobo. The two men left to complete their tasks. Once they were gone Alex left Mary Kate to continue resting while he went to the kitchen to get them something to snack on since neither of them had much of an appetite anymore; Mary Kate had to eat something to keep up her strength and that of the baby’s.

  Alex returned, and they shared fruit, cheese, and crackers, as he started to speak. “You are very quiet, Amada, are you alright?” Alex continued to look at her with speculation and concern.

  “I’m fine, just still a little shaky,” Mary Kate responded. “I’m glad you were here when the call came in, but then I’m sure they knew you were and that’s why he called. To hear Lardenez talk about the shooting, the baby, the rigs, and everything that happened over the last few months was almost more than I could bear.” She closed her eyes and sank further down in the settee.

  “Don’t Amada, there’s no need to go through it all again. Our only concern right now is getting back to the ranch and figuring out who the gunman is,” Alex affirmed.

  Mary Kate stiffened at his mention of returning to the ranch. Alex now knew he had another problem on his hands. He realized that Mary Kate’s quandary was returning to the ranch, and he had to get back there as soon as possible.

  Since the assassin was not connected with the cartel and acting alone, he or she would be encouraging the wrath of both sides of this dilemma to come down on him. This person would have to be unstable to put themselves in such a predicament, which would make them capable of anything.


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