Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget!

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Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget! Page 14

by A. K. Galindo

  After getting a snack and something to drink, Mary Kate went into the study to return Alex’s call. She was still yawning from her nap when Alex answered the phone.

  “Well sleepy head, did you decide to get up?” Alex teased.

  “Yes. All I seem to do is eat, sleep, and then eat again. If I keep this up I will be as big as those registered Santa Gertrudis’ roaming in the pasture,” Mary Kate laughed lazily as she continued to talk, yawn, and stretch all at the same time. “I miss you, Alex, especially when I go to bed at night. I don’t like sleeping alone.”

  “I miss you too, Amada. So much so I ache with the thought of you,” Alex replied in his most sultry voice laced with his irresistible Hispanic inflection. Have you decided when you might join me here at the ranch?”

  “I am not sure yet, Alex, but it won’t be long. I have really enjoyed my days watching the boats and the water from the veranda and doing very little. I make Jaime and Cougar talk to me about what is going on with the company. I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed my involvement with the action of the company’s operations,” she commented with a bit of wistfulness.

  “How is everyone there? What is Max doing?” Mary Kate was curious about what Christina was doing, but refused to ask.

  “Max is taking an active interest in the organization. I guess I never really thought about him being involved in the security business, but it has been satisfying seeing him involved. He asks about you all the time and wants to know when you are coming back,” Alex said then grimaced at his reference to her coming to the ranch again. “I’m sorry, Amada. I didn’t mean to pressure you. I just wanted you to know that I am not the only one missing you.”

  “I know that, Alex, and please tell them all I will be back soon.” Mary Kate thought about how sad he sounded, but didn’t want to talk about it or she would start crying.

  “Mary Kate, I have to go. Sam and Michael just walked in. We have a strategy session planned for the security for this weekend. I will call back later. I love you,” Alex declared to her.

  “I love you too. Please tell everyone hello for me and that I miss them,” Mary Kate sighed and hung up the phone.

  She really did miss him and knew she needed to get home soon. That sounded funny, her referring to the ranch as home. It was what Alex considered home now and home was wherever Alex was. The ranch would be home to all of them very soon.

  After a wonderful dinner and another amorous call from Alex, Mary Kate went upstairs and went to bed. She dreamed of Alex and their daughter walking hand in hand across a field of bluebonnets at El Lobo. They were coming to join her for a picnic by the creek that crossed the pasture just north of the main house. Their daughter had a mass of curly auburn hair and big green eyes and was the spitting image of Mary Kate. Several yards behind Alex, Max was riding toward them on one of the horses. With him on the horse was a little boy, the same age as the little girl walking with Alex, only he had straight black hair and eyes and looked exactly as Max and Alex. When Max caught up with Alex he handed the boy to him and rode on toward Mary Kate. The two little ones broke free of Alex and ran to her calling ‘Mommy! Mommy!’

  Mary Kate woke up from her dream not knowing whether to be frightened or elated. She just sat up in bed shocked at the dream and didn’t sleep again until early morning.

  When she got up, she showered and dressed before going downstairs. While dressing she realized that she needed to go shopping for maternity clothes, because her clothes were getting tighter and uncomfortable. If she kept eating as she was, and if the dream was reality, she wouldn’t be able to wear any of her clothes very much longer.

  When she got to the breakfast table her faithful companions, and bodyguards, were already there. Isa brought her some tea and began to prepare her breakfast. She told Jaime and Cougar that someone was going to have to take her shopping for clothes that fit and for a dress and accessories appropriate for a grand ball.

  She asked Cougar if one of the company jets was at the airport in Cancun and if so to make arrangements for them to travel to Cedar Creek tomorrow morning. Neither of them was to tell Alex she was coming. She was going to call Manny and tell him about her plan later that morning. She would also call Max, because she would need his help to pull off her plan. Isa was to pack and go with them so she could begin to get accustomed to the house at the ranch.

  Mary Kate shared her dream with Isa, and she began to cry and hug Mary Kate. Isa told her this was a sign and she must call Sr. Alex right away. She told Isa she wanted it to be a surprise and tell him when she got back to Cedar Creek.

  Later that morning, Mary Kate called Manny and told her she was returning to Cedar Creek Friday morning, but he was not to tell Alex. She wanted to surprise him at the Cattlemen’s Ball. Jaime, Cougar, and Isa would be arriving with her and she was also calling Max to let him in on her plan. Whoever Manny needed to solicit to help him was fine, but Alex was not to know. Manny agreed to help and keep her arrival quiet.

  When Mary Kate called Max, she asked him to reserve two suites at the Inn because she would be staying there until the ball. She also told him he wasn’t to tell his father about her plan, but that Manny and Peter knew she was coming. Max was so excited he could hardly stand it.

  Jaime and Mike, another operative recently returned from an assignment, accompanied Mary Kate to Cancun on a shopping excursion. The office was in Cougar’s capable hands with the help of some other security personnel. Gallagher/Chavez Securities Int. employed a large number of security personnel that were constantly coming and going at the compound. Mary Kate knew most of them by sight, but very few of them did she know on a personal level, unless she was working directly with them or they were working security for her at the house.

  Mary Kate, Cougar, and Mike returned to the compound late that afternoon with the SUV loaded with packages. Isa met her with a cup of tea and had a plate of fruit, cheese and crackers on the table for a snack. Once all the packages were brought in and Mary Kate had shown her new clothes to Isa, they both began to pack them for their trip to Cedar Creek. Isa went to her quarters to pack her things for their flight the next morning.

  Cougar came to the house to confirm the travel plans with Mary Kate and to let her know that Max had called and confirmed the suites she requested at the Inn. Cougar let him know what time they would be arriving so there would be transportation to meet them and someone to be sure Alex was nowhere around the areas where they would be.

  Mary Kate reminded Jaime and Cougar they would need their black-tie attire because they would be accompanying her to the ball. Then she shared the plan regarding the Cattlemen’s Ball. They had an early dinner and continued their discussion of the trip and the big surprise for Alex. They agreed that if anyone could pull this off it would be Mary Kate. After dinner, she continued her packing and went to bed early.

  Isa woke Mary Kate early the next morning then returned to the kitchen to finish preparing breakfast. Mary Kate dressed for the trip, packed her last-minute items, and went downstairs to join the rest of the crew for breakfast. She thought about how different everything was the last time they all prepared for a trip to Texas. Life had certainly changed in those few short weeks.

  Within the hour, the helicopter was loaded for the short jaunt to Cancun International and their continuing journey on to Cedar Creek Regional by way of a commercial airline. Jaime and Cougar both commented on how upbeat and cheerful Mary Kate had been the last day or so. It was a big change, and they were enjoying it. They couldn’t wait to see the Boss’s face when Mary Kate showed up at the ball later that evening.

  The flight to Cedar Creek was uneventful and they were right on schedule. When the plane landed, Peter and Max were waiting with one of the SUV’s and a double cab pick-up. It didn’t take long to load both with luggage and Mary Kate’s new wardrobe.

  Max was so happy to see Mary Kate he greeted her with a warm hug and kiss on her forehead. “You look absolutely radiant, Mary Kate. I can’t believe the d
ifference a few days have made.”

  “I feel radiant and like a new woman!” Mary Kate returned Max’s embrace and affectionate greeting. “How is your dad? Does he suspect anything?”

  “I don’t think he does, but he was a bit puzzled when Peter and I both had to leave at the same time and in two different large vehicles,” Max replied with a chuckle.

  Peter walked up to Mary Kate and took her by the shoulders and held her at arm’s length to get a better look at her. “You’re glowing. I guess it’s true about expectant mothers and women in love having a special glow.” He gave her a hug. “It’s really good to see you looking so well and happy. It’s especially good to see you back here. Now maybe we can all have some peace.”

  “Thank you, Peter, that means a great deal to me” she replied with misty eyes and an enormous warm smile, “and it’s good to be back here with all of my family.” She shared that bright smile with all of them.

  “Well, we better go before someone sees us and alerts the other Boss that someone is back in town,” Jaime told them all as he began to usher Mary Kate to the SUV.

  Peter led the entourage down the back roads that led from the airport to the Inn located in downtown Cedar Creek. Once they arrived at their destination they parked in the back and entered through the service doors. Peter had arranged for two of the Texas Rangers who were helping with security, and that he knew from a previous assignment, to keep the area clear. This would allow the group to enter the building and get to their rooms without running into anyone.

  Max had already picked up the keys to the suites, so Mary Kate could go directly to her room. Peter and Jaime secured the rooms while Max and Cougar escorted Mary Kate and Isa to their suite. Once Mary Kate was settled, the rest of the group, except for Peter, went back to the vehicles to retrieve the luggage and boxes that would be needed for them to dress for the ball. The rest of the luggage would be taken to the ranch and stored out of sight until Alex left for the night’s festivities.

  Mary Kate, Jaime, and Cougar would dress for the dance at the Inn as soon as everything needed was in their rooms. Peter and Max returned to the ranch to stash the rest of the luggage and packages. The Rangers remained at the Inn for added protection.

  Max had stocked both rooms with a wide variety of beverages and food in case anyone got hungry. He knew that it was too risky for them to call room service or trek out to the store. He also knew from the conversation on the drive over from the airport, that Mary Kate was either hungry, tired, or both most of the time.

  Mary Kate had a snack, and Isa could not convince her to lie down and rest. She was so excited that she could hardly settle down. Jaime told her it would be a long evening and she needed her rest, so she would be at her best when she met Alex. With that bit of encouragement, she went in the bedroom of the suite and was just going to rest for a while and fell sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.


  When Max and Peter returned to the ranch they found Alex in a royal snit. Manny was standing in the area between the main house and the barn just looking at him rant and rave. Max drove the SUV, still loaded with the luggage and packages from the plane, around the barn to the truck garage behind the foaling shed. Peter drove the truck right up to the barn and parked it and got out to try to head Alex off from going after Max.

  “What in the hell is that boy doing driving the SUV all the way back to the mechanic’s shed? Has he lost his mind?” Alex was shouting by the time Peter walked up to him.

  Peter answered him regarding where Max was going. “There is a clicking noise under the hood, so he drove it back there to have Jack look at it. All we need is for Maria to go to town in it and have it break down.”

  “Oh, well that makes sense, but he could have stopped here and told me himself without acting like he didn’t even see me standing here.” Alex stated as he turned and walked back toward the barn and up to the office.

  Manny looked up at the sky and just shook his head. Everyone knew why Alex was in such a foul mood, but no one could say anything that would make matters any better. It was getting down to zero hour for the Cattlemen’s Ball, and there was no Mary Kate in sight.

  Alex had accepted the fact that she was not coming. He was not only disappointed, he was angry that he couldn’t do anything about it. He also accepted the fact that if he hadn’t pushed her so hard and ordered her to return with him, she would probably be here right now. When will he ever learn, he thought.

  The last several days had been very hectic and busy. Coordinating the security for the ball with Sam and his deputies, Michael and his fellow rangers and DPS officers, and his own security team had been difficult at best. Knowing that they were targeting a lone gunman helped somewhat, but they had not received any more information from Lardenez regarding who they might be looking for.

  Also, dealing with Christina still being in the house and having Jessie around was more taxing than Alex cared to think about. Playing mediator between Maria and Christina had gotten so bad he assigned Manny to deal with them. He thought Manny was going to quit if Christina didn’t leave soon. They had to find this “rogue desperado” as Lardenez called him, before he killed someone.

  When he entered the office followed by Manny and Peter, Alex went to the bar and poured a stiff drink. He downed it immediately and thought better of pouring another even though he wanted one. He could not afford to be anything but at his best this evening in case there was another try at his life, or Max’s.

  “Have you heard anything from Jaime or Cougar today?” Alex asked the other two men. “I haven’t heard from Mary Kate since early this morning.”

  “I talked to Cougar right after breakfast and he said everything was fine and Mary Kate was doing well,” Peter said with a chuckle. “I wish I could have been there to see Jaime shopping with Mary Kate yesterday looking for maternity clothes.” They all laughed.

  “I bet that was a sight to see.” Alex moved to the window and stared out at the landscape. “It should have been me taking her shopping for her first maternity clothes,” Alex stated with a sigh of wistfulness.

  Peter told Alex with a serious face. “Look, Boss, don’t beat yourself up over this. She’s just having a bad time right now; she’ll be here before you know it.”

  Manny gave Peter a warning look and added his comment. “Cougar said all Mary Kate wants to do is eat, sleep, and walk on the beach.” Manny added quickly. “And all she talks about is you and the baby.”

  Alex stood at the window with is hands buried deep in his pockets. “I just knew she would join me for tonight. She knew how much it meant to me for her to be with me. I miss her so much I ache all over,” he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Boss?” Manny started to say something but stopped.

  “Yes?” Alex drew himself out of his thoughts and turned to Manny.

  Manny stood and addressed Alex as he turned and looked at him. “Don’t you think it’s about time we start getting ready. We need to be at the hall by 7:00 pm and it is almost 5:30 pm now.”

  Alex nodded in agreement and headed for the door. When he reached the door, he turned to the two men that had worked with him and been his friends for more years than he could remember and thanked them for their support and their friendship, then left the office to get dressed.


  Both men looked at each other and winced at the thought of what Alex was going to do when he found out they had known about Mary Kate’s return and hadn’t told him. They thought about telling him, but Mary Kate was their boss and friend also, and she had asked them not to betray her. They thought about how they could put Alex at ease and yet not betray the surprise that Mary Kate had planned for him.


  After much thought about the situation, Peter and Manny went in to see Alex as he was finishing dressing and asked him to join them in the study for a drink before they left. Alex thought that was a bit strange, but he agreed. As he finished getting read
y he went back to the closet to get his coat and saw Mary Kate’s gown that she bought for this specific occasion hanging next to his coat. He reached out and touched it, fingering the seed pearls and jewels that covered the bodice of the strapless emerald gown. When she tried it on for Alex after she bought it he remembered that she looked like a fairy princess and the image took his breath away as he stood there and thought about it. “My God, I miss her so much it hurts,” he whispered to himself.

  He let go of the dress, took his coat from the rack, and looked around the room as if he was looking for Mary Kate to step out from somewhere. It was time to go. He turned out the lights, shut the door, and headed for the study to see what Manny and Peter were up to.

  Within a few minutes, Alex joined the two men. Peter poured them all three a drink while Manny closed the study door. Max wasn’t quite dressed yet, so there was no danger of him interrupting them. Peter handed Alex and Manny their drink and then picked up his own and turned to face the others. “We just want you to listen and don’t ask any questions. When we are through, we will all walk out, get in the car, and go to the ball as planned. Alright?”

  Alex looked at both wondering what they were up to. “Alright.”

  “We both thought your father was an outstanding man and it was an honor and a privilege to have known him. Also, without our friendship and camaraderie we would not have had that opportunity; here’s to you and your father,” Peter held his glass up and Alex and Manny joined him with a clinking of the antique crystal.

  Manny spoke up to address the rest of the subject at hand, Mary Kate. “Also, we want to toast the other member of this family that is not present at the moment, Mary Kate. Remember that no matter where she is or what she’s doing, her spirit is always with us. Sometimes closer than you think.” Peter and Manny raised their glasses in a salute to Mary Kate and polished off their drinks.

  Alex still had his glass in the air staring at both men wondering what they were up to. Just as he started to speak, Peter reminded him that he agreed to no questions or comments, just leaving for the evening. Alex didn’t say a word, but his mind was racing trying to figure out what this was all about.


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