The Kylie Ryans Series: Girl with Guitar, Girl on Tour, Girl in Love (extended edition)

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The Kylie Ryans Series: Girl with Guitar, Girl on Tour, Girl in Love (extended edition) Page 41

by Caisey Quinn

  Breathing was suddenly a feat more challenging than she was capable of. She swallowed hard and stared up at him. She could change everything. Right now. This was one of those moments where the whole story that was her life could go in a direction she’d never expected.

  She could say, “You. I’d be thinking of you.” She could wake up tomorrow and Trace Corbin wouldn’t be the last person—the only person—she’d ever slept with. But then she’d be lying. To Steven and to herself.

  She’d felt nothing for nine long months. Until he appeared on her doorstep, bringing everything back and taking it all away in a matter of seconds. Afterwards, she’d blamed herself for his return to rehab—convinced herself that they really weren’t good for one another, as Trace had once tried so hard to explain. She’d thought she’d finally moved on for good.

  Then he’d shown up tonight and she’d felt a pain more intense than she thought she was capable of without someone having died.

  Steven gripped her wrists and gently nudged her out of his personal space. “Time’s up, Ryans.” Kissing her softly on the cheek, he sighed in her ear. “I know it’s hard. But you’re gonna be okay. Just give yourself some time.”

  “Wait.” She reached for his hand, slipping hers into it. “Will you just come over and hang out tonight? As a friend?” It was the contact—his soft, warm lips on her face— that made her ache for more. For a connection to someone. Anyone.

  Steven glanced around. “Just me and you?”

  She nodded. She couldn’t handle much more of Mia’s critical evaluations of her clothing, her song choices, or her behavior.

  Steven looked her straight in the eyes. “You know what people will say. And honestly, I know myself well enough not to trust myself. I can’t promise to care if you’re over him or not if you come at me like that again.”

  Kylie grinned. At least he was honest. “I’ll behave. Promise. I just…don’t want to sit home alone and rehash the past all night. Maybe we could get some writing in. Please?” She bit her lip and waited for him to respond.

  She watched his jaw clench as he contemplated her suggestion. “I’ll come hang out. For a little while. On two conditions.”

  Relief flooded her entire body. The thought of sitting in that empty apartment had been weighing on her even more heavily than she’d realized. She knew she’d give in and spend all night on the Internet, trying to find out everything she could about Trace and Gretchen. Torturing herself if she went home alone.

  “Name ’em.”

  “First, we tell Mia. Explain that we’re just hanging out as friends. Or we invite her. Whichever.”

  Kylie frowned. “I know she means well, but I need a break from ‘suck it up and get back in the game’ boot camp courtesy of Drill Sergeant Montgomery.”

  Steven nodded. “Okay then. I’ll tell her I’m stopping by your place after this. Condition number two. Ryans, so help me, if you so much as glance in my direction with that come-fuck-me look one more time, you better be ready to follow through.”

  The intensity of his words hit her full force and she took a step back. “Got it. No come-fuck-me-looks.”

  Steven laughed. It was dark laughter that warmed her in places only one other man had ever been able to affect in that way.

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t give them. I’m just giving you fair warning. I took the nice guy high road once. I probably won’t take it again.”

  “Duly noted.”

  She felt much lighter when they went back into the club. Writing with Steven was cathartic and she was looking forward to it. But she had a nagging feeling she was going to have to invite Mia whether she liked it or not. Even though she was driving Kylie a little crazy lately, she knew Mia was trying to be helpful in her own way.

  Mia had told her a million times that she wasn’t looking for a relationship and that nothing was going on between her and Steven, but she knew it wasn’t worth risking it. If Mia even had even an inkling of a feeling for him, then hanging out with him alone was a bad move. A dangerous and probably stupid one.

  She was just about to tell Steven that all four of them could go back to her place and just hang out when he stopped so abruptly she ran smack into the back of him.

  “What the hell, Blythe?” But as soon as the words were out of her mouth, she saw what had stopped him.

  Right next to where they’d been sitting, Mia and Chris stood at the edge of the dance floor. They might have been dancing. Or having sex standing up. Kylie wasn’t sure. But she saw that they were firmly connected at the waist, chest, and mouth regions.

  She reached up and wrapped her hands firmly around Steven’s biceps from behind, pulling him back. He was stiff as a corpse. His muscles flexed under her hands.

  “Come on. Let’s go. Now we both have something to write about.”

  But when Steven turned around to face her, his normally playful bright blue eyes were dark and blazing. Apparently she wasn’t the only one contemplating something dangerous and stupid.

  “WHERE ARE we going?” Kylie asked as she plowed through sweaty bodies in an attempt to keep up with him.

  “I’m going to the bar. You can go wherever you like.”

  She squeezed onto a stool beside him as he ordered half a dozen shots of tequila.

  “Really? Six shots? When you’ve already been drinking? For someone who doesn’t know how he feels about Mia, that’s a lot of alcohol.”

  Steven smirked at her. “I’m not upset about Mia. Not really. I’m pissed at Chris. We don’t do that shit to each other. Ever. And he was here to get to know you. I told him a little about what you’d been through. That you needed to have a night of fun. Just hanging out and having a good time. So either way you look at it—” he paused to jerk his head back in the direction of where they’d seen their friends—“it’s a shitty move.”

  She raised her eyebrows. Steven Blythe was pissed on her behalf. Well, that was kind of sweet.

  “Oh, and these three are for you.” He slid half of the shots closer to her. “So you can blame the tequila tomorrow if you wake up with regrets.”

  So much for sweet. She didn’t stop to think it over. Just downed the first shot as quickly as she could. She clenched her eyes shut at the pain. Grenades of burning red detonated behind her eyes.

  Holy hell. Why do people do this?

  “Here. Open up, rookie.” Steven held a lemon wedge at the edge of her lips.

  She opened her mouth and took it in. It did help a little, actually. Once she could breathe again, she looked at her drinking buddy. There was something in his gaze she recognized. She knew because she avoided noticing it in the mirror.

  No matter what he’d said, he was hurting. Seeing Mia and Chris like that had hurt him, for whatever reason.

  He gave her a small smile. She knew her eyes were still slightly watery from taking that shot. “You don’t have to drink the other two.” He reached out to pull them back, but Kylie put her hand on his.

  “I want to.”

  His eyebrows rose as he watched her take the next two shots in quick succession. He grinned when she grabbed the nearest lemon wedge and bit down on it like her life depended on it.

  “Well, look who’s a fast learner.” He winked and finished off his own shots. When he’d set the last empty shot glass down, he turned toward to face her. “That offer to come over still stand?”

  She wasn’t sure if she could still stand. She bit her bottom lip and glanced up at him. Before she could answer his question, he reached out and used his thumb to pull her lip from her teeth.

  The residual tingles from the alcohol and him touching her mouth made her brave, so she nodded. He was different. Nearly the exact opposite of what she thought she’d wanted for so long.

  Sometimes different was a good thing.

  THE WALK to her place was relatively short. But they were both pretty heavily buzzed so it was taking longer than usual.

  “I should’ve probably taken the hint in Chicago,” Steven sa
id as they reached the door to her building. “She went straight for him when I called her up on stage.”

  Kylie resisted her normal habit of blocking memories.

  Chicago. They’d hung out. Danced. The pictures and the video from that night were what had sent Trace over the edge. Straight into rehab. And from the looks of it, straight to Gretchen Gibson.

  She tried to pull herself from the past and focus on the present. “I think she did that to make you jealous. Who knows? Maybe tonight was to make you jealous, too.”

  He shook his head and huffed out a breath. “Thanks for trying, Ryans. But I don’t think either of them gives a damn if we saw or not. Notice how no one has called or texted to see where the hell we went?”

  The man had a point.

  She avoided the elevator when they entered her building. A small, enclosed space was not safe right now. They climbed the stairs to her apartment in silence. It wasn’t until she turned the key and opened the door to the darkness that the full weight of the situation came down on her.

  “Steven, I don’t know if—”

  Whatever she was going to say was silenced by his mouth as he pressed it against hers before she’d even turned the lights on. He tasted of tequila and lemons. It wasn’t a gentle kiss. Wasn’t tentative, coming from smiling lips like their other messing around make-out sessions had been. It was rough and desperate. Angry and hot.

  She fought back against his tongue with her own, pulling at his bottom lip hard with her teeth. Her chest burned as if she were setting fire to her own heart.

  Good. A heart isn’t good for anything but aching anyways.

  Steven kicked the door shut behind them. She let him press her against the wall.

  Change me. Make the pain go away. Kiss his memory right out of my damn head. A rumble of angry chords played when they knocked a guitar over.

  “If you want to stop, now’s your chance,” he mumbled against her lips.

  Kylie took the opportunity to let her head fall back and catch her breath. Or try to catch her breath anyway. Steven slid his hands up underneath her shirt, raking his warmth over her sides and up to the edges of her bra.

  Do I want to stop? Her head said yes. That this wasn’t the man she wanted this with. But her body said no. That she needed this. Needed to let someone in so she could push someone else out. Someone who’d already left long ago. Her heart was apparently staying out of it. Or maybe she’d burned it to ash already.


  Steven’s strong hands began to drop lower. His right hand snaked up under the hem of her skirt.

  “I mean it, Ryans. I warned you. And yet, you followed me to the bar. You gave me come-fuck-me eyes while we did shots. True or false?”

  He dropped his head and licked her neck. She shivered when his hand rose higher on her thigh.

  “True,” she whispered.

  His teeth raked the sensitive flesh on her throat, and she whimpered involuntarily.

  “See, noises like that will get you fucked. Is that what you want? I need to know for sure.”

  She couldn’t think straight. Every answer that rose to her lips seemed like the wrong one. Yes. No. Maybe. I don’t know.

  When a thick finger slid under her panties and through her slick folds, she cried out. Pleasure, pain, and deep, messy hurt swirled inside of her.

  “I need…oh God.” Steven sucked the skin just above her collarbone as he pressed a finger inside of her.

  “Fucking hell, you’re wet,” he growled into her ear. “Dammit. I have to stop, Ryans. I have to.” He withdrew his finger and leaned into her, dropping his head onto her shoulder. She heard him struggling for breath in her ear.

  Her knees threatened to give out. “No. No. Don’t stop.” She gripped onto him for dear life. She couldn’t take any more rejection. Her eyes were starting to adjust to the lack of light. The outline of his frame was broad and muscular. His mussed hair sticking up in every direction from where she’d been tearing her hands through it was a major turn-on. “I need…I need…”

  Why can’t I just ask for what I need?

  “You need to come. I can feel that. How tight and tense you are. The tension is rolling off you so hard I nearly pulled you into an alley tonight.”

  “Yes, God, yes. I really do. Make me come, Steven. Please.”

  He groaned loudly from above her. Thick arms braced against the wall on either side of her head. He leaned down and let his forehead press against hers.

  “We’re messing up, Ryans. We’re friends. We’re damn good at writing music together. The occasional messing around is one thing. This is point of no return shit we’re dealing with here. This will complicate things. It will make things weird.”

  “I don’t…Shit. I don’t know if I care right now, Blythe.” She felt like a trembling mass of raw nerves. All riled up with no relief in sight.

  “Trace will kill me if he ever finds out.”

  Something in her snapped at the sound of his name. She shoved hard against his chest in the darkness but he barely flinched.

  “Don’t. Don’t fucking use him as an excuse. He threw me away. He walked away. Hell, he practically ran. He’s with someone else. If you don’t want to do this, then go. But don’t you dare make this about him. I’m moving on, dammit.” Scorching tears began to roll down her face. Tears of anger.

  Something else wet touched her cheek. Steven’s mouth. He was literally kissing her tears away. Well that was something no one had ever done before. And it was also extremely hot.

  “Shh. Okay. Okay, Ryans. I’m sorry.” He licked her last remaining tear. “Tell me what you want. I’ll do whatever you want. You want to mess around and then pretend it never happened? Okay. I can try. Want to have meaningless sex until the sun comes up? I can do that too. There are so many ways I can get you off, it’d take all night to list them. But I need to make a few things clear first.”

  She nodded. Her blood was on fire from his words. She was burning up. Heat spread through her so fast she was losing the ability to concentrate on anything else.

  Steven gripped her wrists tightly and pinned them above her head. She squirmed, rubbing her thighs together to relieve the pressure.

  “There’s a difference between wanting to have sex with someone and needing to come. I can make you come. We can go to sleep after and blame it all on the drinking. If I make you come and you still want to have sex with me, well, let’s just say I won’t turn you down. But if you so much as think of another man while I’m inside of you, I will know. And let’s get something straight right the hell now. You want a mess-around buddy to get you off every now and then? I’m cool with that. But I am no one’s fucking rebound guy. Got it?”

  “Y-yes.” She shivered at the intensity of his words. “Now I need to know something.”

  “Okay. Shoot.”

  “Why did you want me? Back then? When we first met?”

  Steven pulled back for a second but didn’t release the death grip he had on her wrists. “Same reason I want you now.” She could feel him grinning in the darkness. “You need me.”

  The old Kylie would’ve have told him to fuck right off. That she didn’t need anyone. But he was right. She’d needed him then and she needed him now.

  “Oh,” she whispered into the darkness.

  “I’m screwing with you, Ryans. I want you because you’re beautiful. And strong. And amazing. There’s not a guy out there in his right mind that doesn’t want you.”

  “There’s one,” she said quietly.

  “And he’s the only one you can think about, isn’t he?” Steven let go of her wrists and they fell to her sides.

  “I’m sorry.” Her lower lip began to tremble.

  “Shh. Hey, come on. I didn’t come here just to get laid. I was coming over anyways. As a friend, remember?”

  Before she could answer, Steven pulled her into his arms and guided her to the couch. He eased her down with him and she let herself relax on his chest. The silence surrounded the
m until she whispered her secrets into it.

  “I just want to move forward, you know? I want to be able to feel things, do things, without connecting them to him. Think that will ever happen?”

  He shrugged beneath her. “No idea. But until you really do get completely over him, Ryans, I’ll be here for you in any way that I can. But I told you. I’m no one’s rebound guy. Not even yours.”

  She tucked her face against his side so he couldn’t see how much she was hurting. The small sobs gave her away.

  “Hey, don’t do that.” Steven tightened his arms around her. “It’s been a long day. Let’s see how you feel about it tomorrow. If you still want to talk about this in the morning, then I’ll be here. Get some rest, Ryans.” She felt the gentle pressure of him kissing her on the top of her head. It was a soothing and yet heart-slicing familiar gesture.

  She was weak and empty. Exposed and disoriented. Rest actually sounded really good.

  “THE VENUE pulled out, Trace. I’m sorry.”

  “Great.” He raked a hand into his hair and stared at the pile of paperwork in front of him.

  While the label was putting on a supportive front about his rehab stay, not everyone else was willing to do the same. Sponsors of his A Hand Up program for single parents were dropping like fucking flies.

  “They said they’d made a mistake and double-booked. They’re refunding the deposit,” his manager informed him. “We have to find somewhere else to do this. Soon.”

  “Right.” Trace huffed out a breath. The benefit concert he’d scheduled nearly a year ago was a week away and he had jack shit. Well, no. He had five hundred people who’d RSVP’d, concert tickets and VIP passes to raffle off from people he actually considered friends, and a truck the local dealership had donated for him to give to one of the AHU families. But nowhere to have the damn thing.

  “Look, I hate to say this. But at this point, we might just need to accept that it’s time to cancel and—”


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