Courage Of The Conquered (Book 3)

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Courage Of The Conquered (Book 3) Page 18

by Robert Ryan

  Great North Road: An ancient construction of the Halathrin. Built at a time when they had settlements in the northern reaches of Alithoras. Warriors traveled swiftly from north to south in order to aid the main population who dwelt in Halathar when they faced attack from the south.

  Guardian: A creature of sentient ùhrengai that preserves its birthing land.

  Gwalchmur: Esg. A former Raithlin of Esgallien.

  Hainer Lon: Hal. Prn. Hiner lon. “Heroes way.” The main thoroughfare of Esgallien.

  Hakalakadan: Azn. A revered title among the Azan peoples.

  Halathar: Hal. “Dwelling place of the people of Halath.” The forest realm of the Halathrin.

  Halathgar: Hal. “Bright Star.” Actually a constellation. Also known as the Lost Huntress.

  Halathrin: Hal. “People of Halath.” A race named after a mighty lord who led an exodus of his people to the continent of Alithoras in pursuit of justice, having sworn to redress a great evil. They are human, though of fairer form, greater skill and higher culture. They possess an inherent unity of body, mind and spirit enabling insight and endurance beyond other races of Alithoras. Reported to be immortal, but killed in great numbers during their conflicts with the evil they seek to destroy.

  Halls of Lore: Library of records maintained by lòhrens of the history, knowledge and wisdom of the nations of Alithoras. Accumulated over millennia and one of the treasures of Lòrenta.

  Hamalath: Hal. “Sorrow joy”. An open-air theatre where dramas of history, tragedy and humor are conducted. Derived from the Halathrin who built many. In Esgallien called simply “The Hamalath,” as there is only one of significant size.

  Harakgar: Leth. The three sisters. Creatures of ùhrengai brought into being by the lore of the Letharn. Their purpose is to protect the tombs of their creators from robbery.

  Haranast: Hal. “Horse race.” A racetrack. Its form was derived from the Halathrin but the love of horseracing by the Camar predates the exodus of the immortals. A successful rider, or horse, could be more famous and better loved than tribal chiefs or kings. The stealing of a racehorse is punishable by death.

  Karlenthern: Hal. “Games field.” The location of many events during the Spring Games and other athletic competitions during the year.

  Lake Alithorin: Hal. “Silver lake.” A lake of northern Alithoras.

  Lanrik: Esg. A Raithlin. Also called the Raithlindrath.

  Lathmai: Comb. Hal. & Esg. “Joy and unknown element.” A Raithlin. She was killed in service to her country.

  Letharn: Hal. “Stone Raisers. Builders.” A race of people that in antiquity ruled much of Alithoras. Only traces of their civilization remain.

  Lindrath: Hal. “People lord.” A shortening of Raithlindrath. Commander of the Raithlin organization.

  Lòhren: Hal. Prn. Ler-ren. “Knowledge giver – a counsellor.” Other terms used by various nations include wizard, druid and sage.

  Lòhren-fire: A defensive manifestation of lòhrengai. The color of the flame varies according to the skill and temperament of the lòhren.

  Lòhrengai: Hal. Prn. Ler-ren-guy. “Lòhren force.” Enchantment, spell or use of arcane power. A manipulation and transformation ùhrengai, the natural energy inherent in all things. Each use takes something from the user. Likewise, some part of the transformed energy infuses them. Lòhrens use it sparingly.

  Lòrenta: Hal. Prn. Ler-rent-a. “Hills of knowledge.” Uplands in northern Alithoras in which the stronghold of the lòhrens is established.

  Marik: A name assumed by Lanrik to conceal his true identity.

  Mecklar: Esg. Was once a senior member of King Murhain’s retinue. A traitor slain by Lanrik in single combat.

  Merenloth: Hal. Prn. Mair-en-loth. “Words of power.” A place for philosophical debate, reciting poetry and the chanting of bards. Derived from Halathrin practice. Often full to capacity during times of change. King Danhain, disguised as a bard, often frequented the Merenloth and chanted pre-founding lays passed down from his grandfather. After the performance he discoursed with the crowd to determine what the people thought of the king’s rule. He sometimes changed his decisions after such debates.

  Murhain: Esg. The current king of Esgallien. He was a younger son of the previous king and assumed the throne unexpectedly. Earlier in his life, he had attempted to train as a Raithlin but failed their vigorous standards.

  Musraka: Azn. A shazrahad.

  Otherworld: Esgallien term for a mingling of half-remembered history, myth and the spirit world.

  Pattern-welded: A blade forged and reforged from bundles of iron rods that are twisted and beaten. This creates a flexible core to which a hard edge is added. The process produces superior, distinctive and sort-after weapons.

  Portico: A covered colonnade, often at the front of a building.

  Raithlin: Hal. “Range and report people.” A scouting and saboteur organization. They derive from ancient contact with, and the teachings of, the Halathrin. Disbanded by the king of Esgallien, but founded anew by Lanrik and dedicated to the service of all Alithoras.

  Raithlin motif: A trotting fox looking back over its shoulder. A half moon rides above the animal. Symbolizes cunning, stealth and boldness.

  Raithlin crawl: A famous technique of stealth. It requires that the palms rest on the earth and the elbows remain tucked in to the body for support and silhouette reduction. The bodyweight is borne on the forearms and only one leg. The other is carefully brought forward in order to avoid making noise while moving.

  Raithlin creed: “Our duty is to serve and protect. Our honor is to fight but not hate. Our love is for all that is good in the world.”

  Raithlin principles of concealment: The Raithlin believe the eye recognizes movement first, silhouette second and color last. Using these principles enables them to best determine how to remain unseen in varying circumstances.

  Raithlindrath: Hal. “Lord of range and report people.”

  Red Cloth of Victory: The highest symbol of courage and determination in Esgallien society.

  Rhodmai: Esg. An inn servant who married King Danhain and ruled as queen after his death. Her reign was noted for civic constructions and marked for its peace. So much so that a prosperous period for the city has ever since been known as “Rhodmai’s Peace.”

  Royal Guard: Bodyguards to Esgallien royalty.

  Shazrahad: Azn. The Azan who commands an elug army.

  Shurilgar: Hal. “Midnight Star.” An elùgroth. Also called the betrayer of nations.

  Sorcerer: See elùgroth.

  Spring Games: A series of athletic and skill based competitions in Esgallien deriving from antiquity. Other Camar peoples also conduct the games, sometimes under a different name. Before the tribes diverged, they met at various sacred sites marked by standing stones. There, amid sporting games, feasting and trade, chiefs were chosen, disputes settled and ceremonies conducted.

  Tamril: A name assumed by Erlissa to conceal her true identity.

  Tombs of the Letharn: The ancient burial place of the Letharn people. All members of the population, throughout the course of their long civilization, were laid to rest here. It was believed that to be interred elsewhere was to condemn the spirit to a true death, rather than an afterlife. The dead were preserved, and returned even from the far reaches of the empire. This was withheld from perpetrators of treason and heinous crimes. These were buried in special cemeteries near the river. Petty criminals were afforded an opportunity to redeem their place in the tombs on payment of a fine determined by the head-priest.

  Tor: A hill rising up from the plains of Galenthern. Site of Lathmai’s grave.

  Ùhrengai: Hal. Prn. Er-ren-guy. “Original force.” The primordial force that existed before substance or time, light or dark, life or death, good or evil.

  Witchery: A type of elùgai. Distinct from the common spell-craft and potion making carried out by some village healers.

  Witch-fire: A potent attack of elùgai.

  Witch-queen: See Eb

  Thus ends Courage of the Conquered. Book four of the Raithlindrath series is forthcoming. Once again, Lanrik and Erlissa are caught up in events destined to shape the future of the land.

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  1. Old Enemies

  2. A Dangerous Path

  3. The Beating Heart

  4. Hunted

  5. The Voice of Doom

  6. A Twitch of Flame

  7. A Message in Blood

  8. Defiance

  9. Separation

  10. A Wilderness of Dark

  11. The Old Lady

  12. Into the Light

  13. Swords, Curses and Confusion

  14. Wrath of the Witch-queen

  15. The Boldest of the Bold

  16. Not Death, or the Oblivion of the Ages…

  17. In the Name of the King


  Encyclopedic Glossary




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