A Touch of Class

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A Touch of Class Page 4

by Bianca D’Arc

  A moment later, a little body tackled his knees. Mina was one of his favorite guests in the Pack house. A five-year-old dynamo of a girl, she and her family had fallen on hard times after a house fire and were doing their best to regroup while their house was rebuilt by her father and a group of helpful Pack members.

  Shane bent down and picked up the tiny girl, settling her on his hip as he walked into the living room, Maria following his lead. Sure enough, Mina’s mother, Patty, was sitting on the couch, crocheting something that looked like it might possibly become a sweater for the little girl. Patty stopped working with her yarn the moment she scented Maria. It wasn’t often that humans came this far into their territory.

  “Patty, this is Dr. Maria Ramirez, old Lulu’s niece. She’s going to stay here for tonight. There’s been some trouble at her place,” Shane said, leaning to place Mina down on the couch. “Pack trouble,” he emphasized, meeting Patty’s questioning gaze, then turning to address his guest. “Maria, this is Patty Longfeather and her daughter, Mina.” He turned back to Patty. “Where’s Bob?”

  Patty’s mate Bob was ostensibly Shane’s second-in-command as the highest-ranking deputy. He’d been offered the sheriff’s job and the role of enforcer for the Pack, but he’d turned it down after the fire, citing the need to focus on his family. The unfortunate fire at their house had led to Joe’s offering the job to Shane, via the werewolf grapevine. Trey had put out some feelers on Shane’s behalf to other Alphas when it became clear that Shane couldn’t stay in their home Pack any longer. It hadn’t been too long before the offer had come in from Joe Villalobos.

  He’d wanted an outsider—a strong, dominant outsider with a level head—to take over the enforcer position. When they’d first met, Joe had explained that he thought having a fresh set of eyes on the problem areas of Pack security would be a good thing. He’d wanted Bob to do the job, but Joe understood that family came first, and thought, perhaps, that things had worked out in a way that would make the Pack stronger and more secure in the long run. Though, Joe had readily admitted that coming in as a new enforcer was going to be difficult.

  He’d warned Shane that there would be dominance challenges, though Joe knew his people, and he was right in thinking that there weren’t any males who would challenge him that Shane couldn’t beat in a fair fight. The few who were Shane’s equal in dominance and ability were well settled into their roles in the Pack and mostly agreed with Joe about bringing in fresh blood for the enforcer position.

  As a newcomer with no house of his own, yet, Shane was also staying in the Pack house for now. As a result, he was getting to know Bob and his family much better than they would otherwise have done. They were good people, with strong values. Just the kind of folk he wanted as friends and coworkers. They were also a good example to others in the Pack. Their mating was strong, and their family life happy, from all accounts. The only monkey wrench in their lives right now, was the damage caused by the fire, but they were working on that, and many of the Pack members were helping.

  “Bob’s still out at the house, working late with the boys,” Patty told Shane. “He wants to get the roof on while the weather is cooperating. He’ll be in later.”

  Mina tugged on Shane’s pant leg and blinked up at him with big brown eyes. “Your friend’s not a wolf, Shane,” she kid-whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

  Shane bent down to Mina’s level, tapping her on the nose with his index finger as he grinned. “You’re right. She’s not. Good nose, kiddo. Maria is human, and she needs my protection for a little while, until I straighten out a little problem she’s having with two grown wolves who should know better.”

  Shane saw Patty’s frown, but he wasn’t saying anything more in front of the kid. He had a phone call to make to the Alpha. He had to reveal Lulu’s indiscretion in telling her niece all about the Pack—but first, he had to get Maria settled in a guest room. At this point, Joe would need to know why Shane had decided to bring a human to the Pack house, but he didn’t foresee any problems.

  If Maria had known about them for years and never spoken of their secrets, then he didn’t suppose she was about to start now. Still, he’d have a more serious talk with her about the need for secrecy in the morning. She wouldn’t be leaving the Pack house before he had a chance to impress her with the seriousness of her situation and the rules governing shifter knowledge.

  Maria’s head was still whirling from the unexpected kiss Shane had laid on her back at her place, when he showed her to a well-appointed guest room. The colors were rich earth tones, and the fabrics appeared to be natural fibers. Overall, the small bedroom looked both neutral and inviting. A perfect place to regroup. A sanctuary, of sorts.

  She turned in the doorway to thank him, but Shane was much closer than she’d expected. She bumped into him, and his arm went around her waist to steady her. Their eyes met, and her breath caught. Fire leapt in his gaze, and for just the slightest moment, she thought she could see the wolf glowing in his eyes.

  A second later, he was kissing her. And worse—she was kissing him back.

  She vaguely heard the soft click of the door as it closed behind him. His hands were on her body, shaping her ass and lifting her closer. She opened her legs as he lifted, powerless to deny the animal attraction she’d been fighting all night. Shane was one hot wolf-man, and she’d had to fight every instinct in her body since that devastating kiss.

  It was as if that kiss had flipped a switch inside her. From calm, controlled, cool Maria to hot momma on the prowl. She’d never wanted to climb a man like a tree before, but she realized she was doing a good imitation of that, right now. Her knees were around his hips, her ankles locked somewhere under his drool-worthy butt.

  And he was moving. No, he was walking. Toward the bed.

  A moment later, she was under him, his arms resting on either side of her head as he continued to kiss the living daylights out of her. The mattress was soft under her, his body hard and hot above. Perfect.

  Hands roamed. Hers. His. Touching, molding, unfastening clothing until they were both naked, and their combined temperature rivaled that of the sun. There was no waiting. No questioning. No second thoughts. There was only him. And her. Together on the tiniest bed in creation.

  She almost laughed as he saved them from tumbling to the floor, yet again, but the moment was too intense. His fingers were stroking over her skin, touching the eager points of her nipples and then ghosting lower as his mouth took over the exploration of her chest. He licked at the sensitive mounds, driving her need higher as he lowered one hand to the apex of her thighs.

  He sought and found the excited little button there, hidden in slick folds. Expertly, he teased her, causing her to whimper in need. That sound brought a sexy growl from his throat, and she had the vague thought that he wasn’t fully human. That should probably scare her, but she didn’t care. He was here, and he felt right. Righter than any man she’d ever been this close to in the past. None could even come close to the way Shane made her feel.

  He found her entrance with one long finger, sliding up and in, followed closely by a second finger, as she squirmed in his grip. She wasn’t squirming to get away, but to get closer. She wanted more of him. More of the incredible feelings he evoked in her body.

  This was too fast, and she probably should be objecting, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop these incredible feelings. It had been so long for her, and sex had never felt like this before. Never. There was something special about Shane.

  Maybe werewolves had special sexual mojo, but she’d never really heard anything to that effect. Still, going by how easily Shane brought her to the precipice of pleasure, over and over again, she was formulating a few theories. Or maybe it was just Shane, himself. Maybe he was the special factor that had her panting in eagerness for his possession.

  Whatever the cause of these incredible feelings, she didn’t want them to stop. Possibly ever. Even though she knew it was impossible. She didn’t hol
d out much hope that she’d be able to keep his interest, but while she had his attention, right now, she was going to do her damndest to enjoy every single moment.

  Shane was using his fingers in the most delightful way, sliding in and out of her channel, hitting a hidden spot that made her shiver and moan. He seemed spurred on by the sounds torn from her throat, and he was growling a bit, but the sound wasn’t scary. It was intensely exciting. And the look in his eyes, when she met them, was one of utter concentration and flaming desire. He was as into this as she was, which made her feel like some kind of sex goddess, which was pretty amazing in itself.

  Usually, she didn’t have much confidence in this kind of situation, which was why she didn’t indulge all that often. Most of the time, she felt frumpy and a bit confused about what men expected of her. She hadn’t had a serious guy friend since leaving her last job, and she hadn’t really missed all the second-guessing of herself—what she wore, how she did her hair, whether or not she put on makeup. All those little things tended to become lost to her when she was involved in a research project, and her last boyfriend had criticized her for it.

  He had undermined her confidence as a woman, and she’d pretty much just given up after breaking up with him. At least for a little while. She wasn’t quite ready to dip her toes in the treacherous dating waters again.

  And yet, here she was, in bed with the hottest male animal she’d ever observed. And she meant that in the most complimentary way. The thought brought a smile to her face, and he cocked his head, watching her.

  “I tried to stay away, but you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever known,” he whispered in that low, growly tone that made her abdomen clench. His eyes flared as he felt the evidence of her arousal against his fingers. “You like that?” It was his turn to flash her a devastating smile. “It’s only the truth. You’re sexy, professor, and I hope you’re ready, because now, I’m going to send us both to the stars.”

  “I’m…ready…” she whispered between panting breaths. She wanted to say something about how she’d never been readier in her entire life, but she couldn’t get the words out. He’d made her breathless, and they haven’t even done the deed yet.

  She really liked that he’d called her sexy. Even if it was just something he said to all the women he slept with. Based on his performance so far, she judged that he’d had a lot of experience with the opposite sex. Not that she was complaining. She was glad he knew just what he wanted and how to get it. She was tired of tentative men. She liked being dominated, just a little, by her lover.

  That was a revelation about herself she’d have to examine later. At the moment, her mind was being blown by the way he played her body. Without much foreplay at all, she was readier than she’d ever been. She didn’t want to wait any longer. She wanted him inside her. Now.

  He seemed to understand her urgency. His body covered hers like a warm male blanket. He met her gaze, looking deeply into her eyes as he made room for himself between her thighs.

  She moved to accommodate, eager for him and not wanting him to stop this amazing feeling. Ever.

  He leaned down to kiss her, nuzzling her face, seeming to sniff gently at her skin. Maybe it was a wolf thing, but whatever it was, she found his attention flattering and…oddly comforting. It was as if he wanted to remember her scent, her feel. He wanted to remember her, and not just some random encounter with a willing female. He made her feel special.

  He lifted his head to meet her gaze, again, as he began to take possession. His hard cock invaded her slippery channel, giving as well as taking, the unspoken message in his eyes making her feel…cherished.

  Maybe she was reading too much into his actions, but for this moment out of time, she felt like she was really connecting with another being for the first time in her life. There was no need for words. There was only feeling…and that soul-touching look in his expressive brown eyes.

  He filled her, the fit snug but delicious. She squirmed a bit under him, but he stilled her by pinning her to the small bed with his hard body. Oh, yeah.

  He was watching her. “You okay?”

  “Mm. Never better,” she was able to get out, despite the moan of appreciation that was building in her chest. When he smiled—just that crooked hint of a grin—she felt her insides shiver.

  “Then, hang on, professor.” That was all the warning he gave her before he started moving within her, thrusting and pushing against her most sensitive places. Her legs were spread wide to accommodate him, and she wrapped her ankles around his waist to give him the best access she could.

  She wanted it all, and he didn’t disappoint. What followed was the wildest, most tender lovemaking she’d ever experienced, right up until the point where he bit her, and even that only made her want to scream in fulfillment. He picked his moment, sinking his teeth into her shoulder almost as if he couldn’t control himself, right at the split second she began to come.

  The pain, somehow, intensified her climax, though she never would have thought such a thing possible before experiencing it. Maybe it was a werewolf thing. Yet another mystery of the shifters she had known nothing about but was happy to learn—not for any academic reason, but because it made her fly right up to the stars and linger there far longer than she ever had in her life, rolling in the bliss that Shane had brought her.

  He was there, too. She could feel him come. She felt the way his arms tensed around her, the way his bite intensified everything. She felt a deep, feminine satisfaction that she’d brought him to this state. Just as he’d done for her. It was a mutual thing that made her feel so…amazing.

  Everything about this encounter was that—amazing.

  She might’ve passed out after that. She wasn’t sure. The only thing she knew was that she roused when he picked her up off the narrow bed and walked with her out into the hallway. She had a vague notion that there were other people in the house that might see her naked as he walked down the hall with her in his arms, but it didn’t seem to matter.

  Not right then. Not when she was literally being swept off her feet for the first time in her entire life. Maria was no hundred-pound waif. No, her Latina heritage and love of food kept her at a healthy, if curvy, size. No man had even tried to pick her up and carry her before—not since she was a child.

  She might’ve been embarrassed if Shane had shown the least discomfort, but his shifter muscles and incredible physique made her feel truly delicate for the first time in a long, long time. He carried her as if she weighed nothing at all, and her self-conscious thoughts fled at the smoldering look in his glowing eyes as he elbowed open a door farther down the hall.

  Her head lolled to the side, and she realized they had to be in his room. It was masculine and furnished in sturdy, carved wooden furniture with a slightly rustic charm. She didn’t register much more than that because she still felt too damn good—and boneless—from the incredible orgasm he’d caused. He’d rocked her world, and she still hadn’t recovered. She wondered idly if she ever would.

  The bed in this room was much bigger. That thought registered loud and clear as he set her gently up on the soft quilt.

  She wanted to open her eyes and look around a bit more, but she was completely wiped after the way the earth had just moved. Well, not just moved, but had a massive earthquake, rolled around, jumped up and down, moved light years in space and back again, all while she was along for the ride. She’d never felt anything like it before, but oh, how she wanted more of Sexy Shane and his galaxy-shattering orgasms.


  Shane could hardly believe he had the pretty professor in his bed. He’d had the best of intentions to stay away from her, but all it took was her close proximity, and he was a goner. He’d been a goner since the kiss in her house, if he was being honest with himself. After the first taste of her, he should have known he would never be able to resist her for long.

  As it was, all she had to do was bump into him, and he’d grabbed her, and then, all was lost. Truth be
told, he’d been crowding her. He couldn’t stay far from her delectable body. Her scent enticed him, her smart mouth made him want to kiss her, and her sharp mind made him want to make her his own…forever.

  He stroked her hair—with the sassy streaks of red—back from her face. She was asleep in his arms, a gentle smile lifting the corners of her lips even as her breath flowed deep and even.

  He’d admired her since the moment he first saw her, but he’d stayed away for a lot of reasons. One of them being that she was way too classy for a rough guy like him. She was highly educated where he’d done his time and got out of school as soon as he could. He liked learning things, but on his own terms. He wasn’t stupid. He knew that. But she was really serious about her education—enough to make a career out of it—which was something he had never even imagined for himself, or for his future mate.

  Of course, his destiny had been mapped out for him long before he’d ever taken his first steps. He’d shown signs of his dominant nature from birth, and he’d been trained by the elders of his home Pack to control his power and channel it into constructive roles within the Pack structure. He’d been a soldier, a protector, and eventually, he’d left for the betterment of the entire Pack. He’d known where his duty lay.

  He’d picked up knowledge, here and there, starting with his family and friends, but he’d had to go out on his own to find his place. This Pack was it. This was where he’d made his stand to help the Alpha lead this group of wolves into the future.

  Finding his mate in the pretty professor was both unexpected and would cause some difficulties. At least a few of the other wolves here probably wouldn’t be too thrilled with her, for one thing. Her research into shifters was a problem. He had to find a way to keep her safe—from the two idiots who had tried to trap her last night and from any other shitheads who might try to do the same or worse—especially once they began to realize she was Shane’s mate. Anyone who still resented his arrival in their Pack might try to get to him by hurting her.


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