Roachia 02 Home By Sunset

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Roachia 02 Home By Sunset Page 7

by Cindy Combs

  Jeff released a sigh, recognizing the truth in Ted's words. Didn't mean he had to like it, though. He hated the idea that the little story-teller would never speak again.

  Ted gave him an encouraging smile. "I know, but Blair is already better off than many of the other children who survived. Several of them may have permanent brain damage and physical disabilities." Ted laid a gloved hand on Jeff's shoulder and squeezed. "We've got him through the worst of it. Now we just have to help him recover and adjust to his new life."

  "I know," Jeff replied, suddenly realizing that might not be an easy task, either. Island life was very different from life in Harbor Bay. However, Jeff knew he'd help his son through it somehow. He managed to give the doctor a weak smile. "Thanks, Ted."

  Ted chuckled. "Well, let's see if we can keep Sam and Blair from needing my services again."

  "Amen to that," Jeff agreed. He glanced back to the bed where Blair slept. "How long do we need to be in isolation?"

  Ted shrugged. "I'm hoping not more than a day or two. We don't know the incubation period of the disease, so I don't know when you'll be out of danger. We do have a second dose of the antitoxin ready for you, so the minute you start showing symptoms, we can stop it. I understand the Mullway team is currently working on a vaccination. As soon as I can get it, we'll inoculate both of you."

  "Sounds good," Jeff replied. "I can handle another day, I think."


  Two days later, early evening.

  It felt so good to be finally out of isolation and taking a real shower. Between the new vaccination and the news that the disease was transmitted by drinking contaminated water, Jeff and Blair had been allowed out of the unit that afternoon. Jeff finished towel-drying his hair, then picked up the clothes Mama Tess had dropped off earlier. Frank had promised to bring Sam to the hospital that evening. Jeff wanted to look clean and presentable, so Sam wouldn't be worried or scared. It had been days since he'd seen his younger son. Jeff had missed him terribly. Then he smiled. Younger son. What a change from a week ago, when Sam was my ONLY son. I hope Sam doesn't mind.

  Jeff had debated about going home, but he wasn't quite ready to leave Blair alone yet. The boy was still waking up with nightmares. While his missing voice prevented him from telling Jeff what they were about, his father could guess. At least Blair was now in a regular room and not the dreary isolation unit.

  Walking down to the hospital lounge, Jeff debated on what to say to Sam. Once he stepped through the door, a small body launched himself off a chair. "DADDY!"

  "Hey, son," Jeff replied warmly, picking Sam up and giving him a huge hug. He nuzzled the soft hair. "How's my boy doing?"

  "Good," Sam replied, pulling back and giving his dad a smile. "How's Blair doing?"

  "He's doing well," Jeff replied, his worry easing a bit at the eager eyes. "Have you been good for Aunt Dotty?"

  "Yep," Sam replied. "I've been going to bed and eating my peas. I've been so good, she's letting me help with Blair's room."

  Jeff lifted his eyebrows in surprise, glancing at Frank for confirmation. At Frank's nod, Jeff set Sam down on a couch then sat next to him. "What have you done so far?" Sam happily chatted about cleaning up the spare room, picking out furniture, getting some new clothes, and putting up posters. "Uncle Billy said we should get him a bat and ball, but Uncle Frank said we should wait until Blair can try on gloves so we can get the right size."

  "Sounds like a good idea," Jeff inserted with a smile.

  Frank cleared his throat. "Didn't you have something to give to Blair, Sam?"

  Sam hopped off the couch and ran over to Frank. Picking up a piece of paper from the coffee table, he trotted back to his dad. "See!" he exclaimed proudly.

  Jeff studied the drawing of a house, stick people and a stick dog. Thankfully, Sam had carefully written names under each person, including a figure labeled 'Blair'. "Very nice, Sam. I'm sure Blair will like it."

  "Can I give it to him?"

  Jeff tousled his hair. "Not yet. Blair's sleeping right now. But I can give it to him so he'll know you're thinking of him."

  Sam frowned. "Is he still sick?"

  Jeff took a deep breath, wondering how to explain it to the seven-year-old. "He was very sick a few days ago. It will take some time for him to feel well again."

  "Like it did me?" Sam asked softly, his eyes filled with the memories of his injuries.

  "Kinda like that," Jeff admitted, squeezing his son's shoulder. "Because Blair was so sick, he gets tired very easily. He also has really bad headaches. So you might have to go easy on him for a while and speak very softly when his head hurts."

  Sam absorbed all the information, then nodded. "Okay, I can do that."

  "Blair also can't talk right now. We hope he can talk later, but we'll have to be patient. You'll have to be careful and ask him only questions he can either nod or shake his head to answer."

  "Okay," Sam agreed. "Can you come home tonight?"

  Jeff felt torn at the hopeful question. He prayed Sam could understand. "Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow night, okay?"

  "Okay," Sam replied wistfully.

  "Speaking of which, we should get you home before your bedtime," Frank suggested, standing up.

  Jeff gave Sam a goodbye hug. "Stay good for Aunt Dotty, and I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Bye, Dad."

  Jeff could hear the slight sniff as Sam tried not to cry. "Hey, I promise. I'll go home with you tomorrow. Then you can show me Blair's new room."

  Frank squeezed Jeff's shoulder, reassuring him that he'd keep an eye out for Sam. Then he took Sam's hand as they walked out into the hallway. Sam turned back to his dad and waved.

  Jeff waved back, watching until they were out of sight. Then he returned to Blair's room.

  Next evening

  Sam tried to be patient as Aunt Dotty chatted with one of the nurses. Yet without any toys or books, he quickly became bored. He wanted to see Dad and Blair so bad. Walking to the drinking fountain, Sam suddenly recognized the potted plant sitting in a corner. If he tried, he knew he could find his new brother's room. After another glance to make sure Aunt Dotty was still talking, Sam slipped around the corner.

  It wasn't hard for Sam to find the children's wing. After all, he had spent a long time here. Each nook and cranny was familiar from his slow, painful walks with his father, trying to get his legs to work again. While all the nurses, therapists, and Dr. Brannon had been really nice to him, he still felt a shiver of fear as he stepped into the long halls. However, that only lasted a moment. Blair was a kid, too, so he had to look here.

  Without Dad, home had somehow seemed bigger and scarier. Strange noises seemed to echo through the empty rooms at night. Even Aunt Dotty wasn't big enough to make him feel safe. It reminded him of how much he missed his mom and Aubrey. Only Bogey and Uncle Frank were able to chase the monsters away.

  But now he was going to have a big brother. Sam's step developed a bounce as he quietly peeked into each room. Someone to talk to and play with and eat dinner with, even when Dad had to work late. Sure, Dad said Blair had been sick and would need a lot of help. Sam knew what that was like, and surely Blair would get better, just like he did. He couldn't wait to show

  Blair his toys and books and the swing set.

  Deep in his plans, he almost missed it. Pulling his head back when he didn't see Dad in the room, he suddenly spied the picture on the wall next to the bed. It was the one he had given Dad last night to give to Blair. Sam's eyes lit up. This had to be his new brother's room.

  Blair was trying to concentrate on the book in his hands. He wanted to read, but his head seemed to pound harder the more he focused on the print. Instead, he was looking at the pictures, enjoying the colorful illustrations depicting the animals in various action scenes.


  Startled, Blair looked up to see a boy about Phoebe's age standing next to him. The light brown hair was sticking out in all directions, vibrating with the friendly excitem
ent shining in his brown eyes. Blair couldn't help but smile back.

  "My name's Sam. Are you my new brother Blair?"

  Sam? Blair sat up a little straighter, looking over his father's other son. Remembering how close Prue, Phoebe and Piper were, a seed of excitement also bloomed in his chest. Blair nodded his head, wishing again that he could speak.

  "Goodie!" Sam bounced and managed to climb onto the bed. Brown eyes met blue for a moment, searching the other for something, though neither were quite sure what. Then Sam leaned over to peer at the book. "Wha' ya reading?"

  In answer, Blair turned the book so Sam could see the front cover.

  "Plains Cats," Sam read, then flashed a smile at his brother. "Goodie. I like plains cats." He tilted his head as he studied his brother again. "Dad said your head hurts. Is it hurting now?" Sam knew what it was like to hurt.

  Blair nodded lightly. While Sam's presence helped him to ignore it, it was still pressing down in his skull. He also briefly wondered who 'Dad' was. He'd never heard that Basic name before.

  "Do you hurt anywhere else?" Blair shook his head no. Sam thought a moment. "Well, Dad used to read to me when I was hurting. Would you like me to read the book to you?"

  Surprised, Blair nodded, still puzzling over 'Dad'. He scooted over and picked up his bear when Sam squirmed up next to him.

  Sam gave the bear's soft fur a pat before taking the book. Holding it so both he and Blair could see the pictures, Sam started, "The plains cats are a little funny looking in their blue and gray splotched coats, but they are fur...fer...ouses animals who hunt their prey...."

  "...Plains cats have litters of 3 to 5 babies called cubs..."

  Jeff's brow wrinkled when he heard the soft voice float out of Blair's room. That sounded like Sam.

  "...They live in a den with their mothers..."

  Pausing in the doorway, Jeff realized it WAS Sam. His younger son was all snuggled next to Blair, reading the book Tess had delivered the night before. The urge to scold Sam for walking through the hospital without permission died on his lips. The two looked so cozy together, contentment flowing from their minds. Blair even seemed to have a bit more color to his face, listening to his brother with his eyes half closed. Though Jeff knew that sooner or later the boys would fight like all brothers did, it felt good to see them getting along. Some of the weight on his heart lifted. Perhaps everything was going to work out.

  Sam spotted his dad when Jeff stepped into the room. His face lit up. "Hi, Dad!"

  Blair sleepily looked up to see his father. Dad?

  Jeff smiled at them. "Hi, sons." He reached over to gently ruffle hair on both their heads. Swiftly, he studied Blair's face. "How are you doing, Blair?"

  Blair shrugged. His head still hurt but not as bad as before.

  "Dad, when can Blair come home?" Sam asked.

  "Well, that depends on what Dr. Brannon says and how well Blair is feeling."

  "You'll like it at home," Sam told his brother. "Aunt Dotty and I are fixing up your room, and Aunt Dotty makes really good food. Dad sometimes makes a fire in the fireplace, and ..."

  Dad. Blair repeated the word a few times in his mind. It sounded warm and safe, much friendlier than 'Father'. It fit the man he was getting to know. He liked it.

  "I think your brother needs to get some sleep," Jeff stated as he watched Blair's eyes struggle to stay open.

  "Oh, Dad..."

  "No arguments. The more sleep Blair gets, the sooner he can come home with us."

  Blair smiled contentedly at the thought. He wanted to go home with Dad and Sam. He snuggled back down into the covers.

  Jeff helped Sam off the bed, then tucked the blanket around Blair. "I'll be back tomorrow morning, son." He brushed the curls off Blair's forehead and gave him a kiss.

  Blair gave him a peaceful smile, eyes already closed. As he drifted off, he heard Dad say, "Now, we better find out where you left Aunt Dotty..."

  Late morning, two days later

  "Hi Dr. Brannon," Sam called out, waving his hand. He raced ahead of his dad to meet the man.

  "Hi Sam," Ted greeted, kneeling down to give the boy a hug. It made his job worthwhile to see youngsters like Sam, happy and healthy after being near death less than a year earlier. Hopefully, Sam's brother would be joining those ranks soon. He stood up to shake Jeff's hand. "You two here to pick up Blair?"

  "If you're ready to release him," Jeff replied, his quiet smile filling his face.

  "Well, I want to discuss a few things with you, but he should be ready to go."

  "Can I go see him?" Sam asked, turning pleading eyes onto the adults.

  "Sam..." Jeff began, about to remind him of the lecture two days ago about running through the hospital by himself.

  "Do you know where Blair's room is?" Dr. Brannon interrupted. Sam nodded his head vigorously. "Okay, as long as you only go to your brother's room. Agree?"

  "Agree," Sam repeated merrily. He skipped down the hall to Blair's room as the adults began to talk.

  Though his hands and legs were still a bit shaky, Blair silently insisted on putting on his trousers by himself. Nurse Lansing finally agreed. "All right, but don't wear yourself out. It's going to be a big day for you, going home and all."

  Blair gave her a brilliant smile. He was going home with his Dad. It made him feel all bubbly inside. Even his head didn't seem to hurt. He carefully lifted his leg and drew on the new pants. Dad had dropped off the clothes last night for him. He couldn't wait to have them on instead of pajamas.

  Nurse Lansing finished packing his case, then turned back. Inspecting his clothes to make sure they were on right, she passed him with a nod of approval. "Okay, why don't you sit here while I find the wheelchair. Your Dad should be here soon to pick you up, so we might as well be ready."

  As she left the room, Blair sat on the bed and looked around. He wanted to get out of this place so bad. If he hadn't gotten sick, he'd already be home with his Dad and Sam. He knew he'd caused a lot trouble for his Dad already. He'd have to find some way to make it up to him.

  "Here's the room," a female voice stated.

  Blair looked up to see a stranger walk in, followed by ... Oh NO! Blair climbed backwards onto the bed when he spied Hayburn following her inside.

  "Yes, that's my girlfriend's boy," Hayburn told her. "Come on, Blair. You need to come with us."

  Blair scooted further back into the bed, fear grabbing ahold of his heart. Holding tightly to the bear his dad had given him, he shook his head.

  "Blair, you have already caused enough trouble," Hayburn told him sternly. Blair could see the cruelty in the cold eyes, promising all sorts of punishments. "Come here."

  Tears started streaming down Blair's face as he again shook his head. Hayburn took a step towards him. "You are coming..."

  "LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" shouted a high voice. Blair looked down to see Sam plant himself between Hayburn and Blair. The brown eyes snapped with anger at the man who was scaring his brother.

  "Is he your girlfriend's child, too?" the woman asked.

  "I don't know who this brat is," Hayburn growled. He grabbed Sam's arm.

  Blair was about ready to launch himself off the bed to protect Sam when a cold voice slowly stated, "Take your hand off my son." Blair looked up to see Dad in the doorway, face full of anger. Hayburn turned to stare at him. They both sized up the other, neither liking what they saw.

  The minute Sam was released, he scurried next to Blair's bed, still standing between the mean man and his sick brother.

  "There has been a misunderstanding," the woman explained imperiously. "I'm from the Clarian Committee. We are here to pick up Mr. Hayburn's common law son."

  Jeff glanced at Blair's fear and tear-drenched face, quickly placing the name from Blair's story of the camps. "My understanding is that Mr. Hayburn and Naomi were no longer together at the time of the invasion."

  Hayburn waved away the comment, while wondering how this man was so well informed. "A minor tiff."
r />   "I doubt Michael would have you kicked out of Serenity for a 'minor tiff'," Jeff pointed out. "The Michael I knew always stayed within the commune's laws and traditions."

  The point struck home. "That doesn't matter," Hayburn huffed, now openly glaring at Jeff. "There are no other survivors from Serenity, so I have graciously agreed to take him."

  Jeff felt his anger rise at the word 'gracious'. It was doubtful this man would want Blair out of the kindness of his heart. "Then you'll be happy to know that Blair already has a home with me. I'm his biological father."

  Hayburn looked him up and down contemptuously. "A mainlander? You don't even look like him."

  "Blair is mine and Naomi sent him specifically to me. I don't believe your name ever came up."

  "Naomi would never be with a mainlander!"

  "Besides," the woman butted in, sure this other man was just trying to improve his image by taking in a poor Clarian child. "We have specific guidelines for the adoption of Clarian children. The boy is under the committee's custody until we give approval."

  "Blair is not an orphan you need to protect. He is my son and you have no right to take him." Jeff fought to keep his cool. There was no way he was going to allow his son to be tossed about in red tape after all he'd been through. Nor was he going to allow this scum to get his hands on Blair. Hayburn made his skin crawl.

  "Go... With... Dad..."

  Surprised, everyone in the room turned to Blair. He was looking at Jeff, pleading with terrified eyes.

  "I'd say that tells you what you can do with your guidelines," Jeff growled, walking to the bed. Blair launched himself into Jeff's arms, holding tight. Jeff hugged him back. Jeff then snaked an arm around the scared Sam, pulling him in close as well.

  "And I have the documentation to back it up," stated a strong voice from the door. Jeff glanced over his shoulder to spot Colonel Thornton. "Here are the results of the blood test, determining within 90% accuracy that Jeffery MacGregor is the biological father of Blair Sandburg." Pete handed the paper to the committee woman. "Here is the paper stating that Blair is now a citizen of Laurian Province due to his paternal parent." He laid that paper on top of the first. "Here is the paper placing Blair Sandburg under Jeffery MacGregor's insurance." A third paper joined the pile. "And here is the paper granting Jeffery A. MacGregor temporary custody of Blair Sandburg, soon to be Blair Sandburg MacGregor once final custody is transferred." With a flourish, Thornton placed the last paper on top.


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