bedeviled & beyond 07 - beset & bewildered

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bedeviled & beyond 07 - beset & bewildered Page 4

by Sam Cheever

  Caninra crossed her arms, her chin protruding stubbornly. “It is non-negotiable.”

  “Oh, it’s negotiable,” my partner told her, his chin protruding just as stubbornly. “We just won’t take the case. You and your warriors go save her.”

  The starch dropped right out of her shoulders. “We cannot.”

  “Why not?”

  She glanced my way. “Because she has been taken by the King’s brother, Torre.”

  And just like that, my apple cart tilted, swayed on two wobbly, undersized wheels, and crashed to the floor with a wet splat. Or maybe that was my system shutting down from shock. “Crap,” I murmured.


  Forging my own Path

  Silly me. I’m always worrying about new problems,

  But it’s the old ones that continually bite me on the butt.

  I hadn’t seen or spoken to Torre for almost a year. Not since the mark he’d given me to seal our connection failed and he broke things off with me out of shame. Well, shame, and no small amount of fear that because my sister had been able to ‘mark’ his brother Dialle, he was afraid I might be able to do the same to him.

  Apparently that would be emasculating. Men are such delicate creatures.

  Slayer and I rode in his sleek, fire-red Air Vamp to the new Royal Court to speak to the queen, my sister. He eyed me across the vehicle with a grin twitching at the corner of his sexy mouth. “You look pretty comfortable in that soft leather seat, Princess.”

  I grimaced. “I’ve told you a hundred times not to call me that.”

  He shrugged. “Your sister’s a queen so I’m thinking that makes you a princess.”

  “No, it makes me the sister of a queen.” My hand smoothed over the buttery leather of the seat next to my leg and it was all I could do not to sigh. “We could have taken the booger.”

  He looked appalled. “I refuse to ride in that Plutonian Rent-a-Wreck again. The seats are all cracked and stained.”

  I lifted an eyebrow. “Now who’s a princess?”

  The Air Vamp slowed and dropped toward the roof of a long, multi-level building that looked like an old warehouse because that was exactly what it had been before the Royal devils took it to serve as their Court in the Earth environs. “That cracked crap sliced my new leather pants the last time you insisted on driving.” He shook his head. “Unless you want to negotiate a clothing allowance I refuse to ride in the thing.” He lowered the Vamp to hover just above the roof as the passenger restraints slid smoothly and noiselessly into the frame. I did envy him the smooth workings of the new vehicle. Nothing in the booger worked without screeching. My retracting restraints sounded like a woman being murdered. In fact, I was almost arrested by an off duty officer of the Death Detectives once when he’d been unfortunate enough to park next to me at the Mini-Martian Cheese Shop.

  Before climbing out, Slayer threw me a grin. “Besides, I’m pretty sure it still smells like demon parts.”

  I glared back. “Charred demon parts now. And there’s a fist-sized lump of something that wouldn’t cook away on my seat. I might have to sell the vehicle because I refuse to touch it again.”

  He chuckled darkly. “Man up, Princess.”

  We headed for the door in the center of the long building. “You weren’t the one with an eyeball stuck to your head and a finger glued to your favorite leather jacket.”

  He gasped theatrically. “Oh no! You gave your Lara Croft the finger?”

  I fought a grin. “Har.”

  He opened and held the door for me, ushering me in before him. I’d feel really good about his thoughtfulness if I didn’t suspect he wanted to use me as a shield for anything nasty or untoward we might encounter.

  Or check out my ass.

  We jogged down three flights of stairs, which I noted had been covered in lush, white carpet and the walls freshly painted.

  “Your sister’s done a nice job with this place,” Slayer said, his hand smoothing over the fresh, creamy white paint. “The last time we came for a visit these walls were covered in old blood.”

  I laughed. “Astra? She has the decorating instincts of a homeless moon dweller. This is probably Brina’s handiwork.”

  Brina was a friend of Astra’s. She’d started out as a curious enemy. Hating Astra but curious about how she’d managed to put a mating mark on the king. However, fighting side by side over the course of several battles, the two women had formed a bond of sorts. A bond which was bordering on friendship.

  The door at the bottom of the stairs swung back and Dialle’s right hand devil bowed, his black eyes sparkling. “Welcome to the Court of Dialle the Second.”

  I frowned at him because he expected it. Astra had told everyone at the Court what a bitch I was. So I always made it a point to prove her right. After all, I didn’t want to undermine their queen. “Cut the formal crap, Gerch. I’m family not visiting royalty.”

  He winked at Slayer before bowing again. I was convinced he did it just to piss me off. “The queen and king are waiting for you.”

  “It’s not my fault we’re late. Slayer insisted on driving and his vehicle was halfway across Angel City. We had to wait for it to come to us.”

  Shaking his big head, Gerch pulled one of two wide golden doors open. “It was worth the wait, Princess Darma. I’ve seen the hazardous waste on air jets you call a vehicle.”

  Behind my back as I swept through, I heard flesh hitting flesh as the two stupid juveniles slapped palms. Men were idiots.

  Astra was draped across Dialle’s lap on his throne, a plain white cloth covering her smaller, less ornate throne on the platform. She tugged a silky strand of Dialle’s midnight colored hair and turned, grinning as I strode across the massive room. “Did you tell the Fire Bitch to go sniff her own butt?”

  I bristled at her interference. “I didn’t. She’s a client.”

  Astra scooted off Dialle’s lap as he greeted Slayer with a glare. Dialle didn’t trust Slayer around Astra and I didn’t blame him. My sister and my partner have had a few sizzling close calls over the years. But I was pretty sure that had more to do with Astra’s Settling than any real feelings between them. A halfling’s Settling was the point where they chose which side of their natures would be dominant, the dark or the light. Unfortunately, the months-long event tended to heighten all the senses, particularly of the sexual kind. And Dialle hadn’t always been around when Astra’s Settling decided to “unsettle” her. Fortunately, both Slayer and Astra had managed to control themselves enough not to cause real problems. But it had been too close to call a few times.

  Their hormone-induced attraction had been powerful enough that, although Astra’s Settling had been “settled” for almost a year, Dialle and I were still watchful when the two of them were in the same room together.

  Astra strolled over, hands on hips. Her curly auburn hair was in disarray and her lips were slightly swollen. I didn’t need to ask what the two of them had been doing. “You need to fire her as a client.”

  I squared my shoulders. “I’ll decide who I keep and who I fire. She needs our help.” I glanced at Dialle as he joined us, looking sexy and elegant as always. “I need to find your brother. Do you know where he is?”

  Dialle and Astra blinked, sliding a glance toward Slayer.

  He lifted his hands. “I’m out of this. You know how she is when she makes up her mind.”

  “Thanks for your support, partner,” I growled.

  He shrugged.

  “What is it you want with Torre?” Dialle asked softly, his expression concerned.

  “It’s not what you think. Caninra thinks he has one of her hounds.”

  “Shit,” my sister said. Astra crossed her arms over her chest. “She’s just trying to use you to get around us. It’s not going to work.”

  Irritation flared. I tried my best not to yell at her but I won’t say I was entirely successful. “Will you please get over yourself? Her visit had nothing to do with you. She came to us with a pr
oblem and I intend to help her solve it.” Despite my determined tone of voice, I couldn’t ignore the small niggle of doubt Astra’s words caused. “Just tell me where I can find Torre and I’ll get out of your hair. It looks like somebody’s already been there and left it a mess.”

  “Har,” Astra said. She stepped closer, her jaw tight. “You can’t trust her, Darma. Believe me, Dialle and I have been trying to negotiate with her for weeks. The woman’s stubborn and impossible.”

  Slayer opened his mouth, no doubt to draw a comparison to someone else in the room, but he wisely slammed it shut again after glancing toward Dialle, who was grinning.

  Glowering at my partner, I turned away, determined to ignore the unkind thoughts I just knew he was having about me. “Torre’s location, please?”

  Astra threw her hands into the air. “I’ve never met a more stubborn, exacerbating woman in my life.”

  Dialle winked at me. “My love, it’s possible Caninra is speaking the truth. She has been very concerned about her pups.”

  Astra gave him a look of sheer disbelief. “You think Torre would harm a Hellhound?”

  Dialle shrugged. “He is not the man he once was, my Queen. After...” He flung me a glance before going on. “He has been hanging with a bad element in Hell and I fear he’s lost his light.”

  Beside me, Slayer stiffened slightly. He moved ever so slightly so that his arm touched mine. I wasn’t sure if it was an accident, or if he thought I would fly to pieces over the realization that Torre had gone dark since we broke up. Whatever his motivation, I was glad he was there. The news affected me more than I would have predicted. “Has anyone tried to help?”

  “He will not allow it,” Dialle said with a sigh. “Astra and I have travelled to Hell many times, trying to urge him to come back to the court with us. But he insists on staying in father’s old castle. I’m afraid the place is a hotbed of evil and debauchery. I don’t think you should go, Darma.”

  I appreciated his concern but I refused to be treated like a helpless girl. Even though, for most of my life that was exactly what I’d been. “I’ll be fine. I have Slayer.” I slid Astra a glance. She’d retreated to Dialle’s throne and was draped across it, one slim leg pumping over the arm. She was trying to appear disinterested. I knew better.

  I spoke softly, already regretting our little fight. “Astra, you need to let Slayer and me run the Angel Network the way we see fit. You have other priorities now.”

  Her leg bounced harder for a moment and then she looked up, giving me a reluctant nod. “You’re right. It’s hard for me to give it up.” She slipped gracefully from the chair. “At least take Gerch and some soldiers with you.” She slid under Dialle’s arm and he kissed her tousled curls.

  I started to shake my head and reconsidered. “That might be a good idea now that I know he’s in Hell.”

  “I agree,” Slayer said.

  “Dialle and I can come too,” she said with a hopeful light in her green gaze. Torre will listen to his brother.”

  I shook my head. “No. Thanks. But I don’t want to drag you two into this.”

  Astra sighed. “Okay. But the offer holds. If you get there and find you need more help, just give us a call. Dialle and I will come if you need us.”

  I searched my sister’s pretty oval face for a long moment, noting the hopeful light in her green eyes. I realized in that moment that the efforts of keeping peace were wearing on her. With a start I realized she’d probably love to jump into the fray again. I smiled. I really did respect what she and Dialle were trying to do. Even though I realized the challenges were overwhelming. “Deal.”

  “So what’s going on with the negotiations?” Slayer asked them. “I take it they aren’t going well?”

  Astra and Dialle shared a look.

  “Caninra doesn’t exactly buy in to our new way of doing things,” Astra finally said.

  “She is a warrior, my love. They thrive on war.” Dialle shrugged. I noted the way his gaze slid away from Astra’s, wondering if Caninra wasn’t the only one who thrived on war.

  “You’re not entirely on board yourself, are you?” Slayer asked.

  I wanted to smack him. Trust Slayer to find that weak spot and drive a nail into it.

  Dialle stiffened, his aura darkening to black. “Stay out of court business, Player.”

  Astra rolled her eyes. “Don’t call him that.”

  Slayer’s hands curled into fists and he took a step closer to my sister’s sexy king. If I didn’t do something to defuse the situation Slayer was going to find himself in the true dungeon, not the throne room, which Astra liked to call the dungeon. “Slayer!” I stopped him with a hand on his chest. “Mind yourself.”

  He shoved past my hand and stood nose to nose with Dialle. Sparks began to fly around the two men and the room heated a dozen degrees in the beat of a heart.

  Sweat popping out on my forehead, I stepped into their sphere, feeling the sparks they were throwing off like tiny bites against my skin. “Stop it, Slayer!”

  He ignored me. His hand flashed upward and it was suddenly holding his sword. The razor sharp blade was pressed against the king’s muscular throat. “You fling insults carelessly, King Dialle. It would do you good to remember I’m not a member of your court.”

  Astra placed a hand on Slayer’s arm. “Which won’t save you from me or Gerch if you harm Dialle. Step back, Slayer. Now!”

  He ignored Astra as handily as he ignored me.

  The air around Dialle shifted and suddenly he was holding a sword too. The point of which was embedded in the well-rounded spot between Slayer’s legs. Slayer seemed unmoved by the placement of Dialle’s blade. I gave him credit for sheer nerve. “Let’s see how much of a Player you are without your balls, halfling,” Dialle growled.

  I expelled air, glancing at Astra. She went hands on hips. “You deal with this or I will, Darma.”

  Knowing what I would have to do, I nodded. Pressing myself against Slayer’s back, I placed my lips at his ear. “You’ve been a very bad partner,” I told him huskily. He jerked in surprise, his focus suddenly divided.

  “What are you playing at, Darma?”

  I shrugged, my hands skimming over his lean hips and sliding up the rock-hard geography of his abs. Despite my best intentions, my body reacted to the hard heat of him, pleasure blossoming between my thighs. “Time to go home.” I glanced past Slayer’s shoulder to Dialle. “Your Majesty.” Then I closed my eyes and pulled my power forward, sending us into a space shift that yanked the breath from my lungs. As we moved motionlessly through the silent shifting of space, I could barely breathe with the sexual fire pulsing through my belly. My traitorous body couldn’t help reacting to the sensual blitzkrieg of having Slayer’s body against mine.

  We emerged from the space shift on the roof, next to Slayer’s sexy air vehicle. As soon as his feet hit the black glass tiles of the roof, Slayer swung around, his gaze spiraling with rage. “How dare you interfere?”

  I stepped back, filling my lungs with much needed air. It was a little easier to breathe without Slayer’s sexy round buttocks pressing into me... minus his delicious scent spiraling through my senses...but my body still tightened with remembered need. “You’ll thank me for it once you cool down. If you’d attacked Dialle you’d be either dead or in the dungeon by now.”

  The sword in his hand disappeared and Slayer stalked toward me, his long, muscular legs cutting the space between us in three strides. He reached for me and I blinked, instinctively recognizing the predator he kept barely leashed. I only just stopped myself from stepping back and, with a monumental effort, lifted my chin and squared my shoulders. “Now you’re going to beat on me? What kind of man hits a woman outside of battle, Slayer?”

  His golden gaze sharpened, eyes narrowing. The hand he raised toward me framed my chin, lifting it as he stepped much too close for my comfort. “What makes you think I was going to hit you?” He lowered his lips to within a breath of mine and I stilled like a pale
-faced Venutian deer in the hunter’s sights. His lips curved upward. “Not so tough now, are you, Princess?”

  I swallowed hard, my hand coming up to wrap around his wrist. “Step back, Slayer.”

  His gaze slid liquid heat over my face, dropping to the vee of my form-fitting shirt beneath the collarless leather jacket. I’d donned the jacket because the air outside was cool, but coolness was a distant memory for me in that moment. The small space we both occupied was hotter than a Moon landing in August.

  “You shouldn’t have interfered, Darma.”

  God save me I found myself staring at his sexy mouth and forgot to respond.

  “You should have trusted me not to take it too far.”

  My gaze snapped up. “Trusted you? He played you like a fiddle. All he had to do was poke you once in a sensitive spot and you were ready to slice him into gargoyle snacks.” I shook my head and tried to step gain myself some much needed perspective. “Trust needs to be earned, partner.”

  His sexy mouth tightened. The black flecks dancing in the golden pools of his gaze flared briefly and then he nodded, dropping his hand and stepping back. “You’re right, Darma. I overreacted.” He smiled and the tightness pooling heat between my legs flared outward, stealing my ability to breathe. “Thank you for saving me from myself.”

  I frowned at the quick change of mood. “Don’t mess with me, Slayer. I’m a woman on the edge here.”

  He chuckled huskily. “I’m not playing you. When you’re right, you’re right.”

  A final spark of something dark flared in his gaze and then died, leaving behind the normal cockiness I’d grown to know and love in my partner. Although it was sometimes really irritating. “You seem to enjoy annoying me,” I told him as I headed for the Sky Vamp.

  “God knows it’s so hard to do.”

  I narrowed my gaze. “That was a shot wasn’t it?”

  He gave me innocent face and I almost smiled. Slayer could be very charming when he wanted to be. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Princess.”

  I slammed a palm against the Vamp. “Stop calling me that!”


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