Loch and Key: McLaughlins, Book 3

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Loch and Key: McLaughlins, Book 3 Page 18

by Shelli Stevens

  “Couldn’t resist one more in the belly,” Ian called out grimly.

  The police and paramedics arrived on the scene. Doors slammed, people swarmed about.

  All too soon, Brett had to let go of Kenzie so she could be taken to the hospital to be checked out. Also to have a urine sample taken to find traces of date rape drug before it was out of her system.

  Richland was swearing up a storm, complaining about being stabbed, and demanding a lawyer as he was read his rights and arrested.

  A while later, Ian approached and asked, “Are you heading to the hospital?”

  Brett nodded. “Yeah, but first I need to make a quick stop at the club to take care of business.”

  “I’ll drive Kenzie’s car to the hospital and meet you there.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

  The whole drive back to the club, Brett told himself Kenzie was going to be all right. They’d gotten to her in time. Still, there was the constant niggling what if they hadn’t that kept racing through his head.

  That son of a bitch would have succeeded in raping her this time, thinking he’d get off free as a bird. Just like he had last time.

  She’s okay. He repeated the mantra in his head as he walked into the club.

  There were still people dancing, having fun, but then there was Hailey and her bachelorette group gathered in a side room, talking seriously.

  “Did you find her?” Hailey rushed out as she spotted him.

  “Yes. She’s fine, but on her way to the hospital right now.”

  Hailey covered her mouth with her hand—tears gathering in her eyes. “Oh thank God.”

  Aleck glanced up from where he knelt beside Delonna, and gave Brett an appreciative, grateful nod.

  Brett nodded back and then glanced at Delonna. “She okay?”

  “We’re hoping so,” Aleck said, a hint of unease in his tone.

  “Head wounds bleed a lot. She’ll probably be fine, but we’ll be taking her over to the hospital in a minute.” One of the two paramedics beside her glanced up at Aleck. “You family? Boyfriend?”

  “Friends,” Aleck answered flatly. “She’s an employee at my pub.”

  Brett moved on, letting them take over the questions and help Delonna. With his concern for Delonna satisfied, he made his way around the club, searching for a familiar face.

  He found the petty officer on the dance floor, grinding against a drunken brunette. It was the same guy he always had to pull off girls in the pub or bars for being too aggressive. The same guy who often showed up late to muster.

  The petty officer’s gaze lifted just then and landed on Brett. His eyes went wide and the blood visibly drained from his face.

  Brett strode forward, his jaw clenching.

  “Chief—oof.” The sailor’s head snapped back from the solid punch Brett delivered.

  “If I were you, I wouldn’t even show up on Monday,” Brett warned. “Because I’m going to do everything in my power to see your ass dishonorably discharged.”

  Brett turned and walked away, not waiting for any kind of response from the piece of shit. With that out of the way, his priority once again became Kenzie. His chest was tight and adrenaline had him near shaking.

  He’d be there when she woke up. Just like he’d be there for her the rest of her life.

  What had happened tonight only reaffirmed that Kenzie meant everything to him.

  And from now on, with every breath he took, he would make sure she knew it.

  “How are you feeling?”

  Kenzie opened her eyes and was relieved that the hangover from hell symptoms were nearly gone.

  Brett sat on the edge of his couch, where she was resting; his new expression seemed to be one of constant concern.

  “Hey you,” she said softly. “I’m doing all right. I just wanted to say, that if this is at all how your hangover was after the Highland Games, then I’m even more sorry.”

  He laughed softly and caught her hand in his, rubbing a thumb over her knuckles.

  “I’m pretty sure yours is worse.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not sorry for it,” she murmured. “This will sound absolutely crazy, and it is, but I’m almost glad Charles did this.”

  He looked stricken. “Kenzie…”

  “I know, like I said it sounds crazy, but now he can’t do this to any other women. And I’m certain there’ve been others, Brett. From what Colin told me, they’re coming out of the woodwork to testify now that they’ve heard what happened to me again. He’s going to jail this time.”

  “Yeah, he really is. No way around it. Not to mention your urine came up positive for a type of date rape drug.” He paused. “But, Kenzie, I still wish he hadn’t tried this. If we hadn’t gotten to you in time…”

  “Aye. I know what would have happened,” she said softly. “And I’m glad as fuck that you did get there on time.”

  “I was out of my mind with fear. With panic.” He sat down on the couch and pulled her into his lap.

  She pressed her cheek against his chest, listening to his heart.

  “I love you so damn much, Kenzie. I’ll do everything I can to protect you from here on out.”

  “I love you too, and you’ve already done a pretty fantastic job at keeping me safe, Chief.” She cupped his cheek and pressed a soft kiss against his lips. “Hmm. Or I kind of like the sound of Senior Chief.”

  He stiffened against her, his gaze wary. “I’m not sure how you heard about that, sugar, but don’t worry about it. I’m not putting in the paperwork to try for it.”

  “And why the hell not?” she demanded. “You love the Navy. You’ve told me as much.”

  He hesitated. “I do. But becoming a senior chief means I don’t retire in three years.”

  “Oh, aye, I can see why you’d hate having job security.”

  His lips twitched. “It means there’s a chance I’d have to move again, and if we get married you’d be coming with me.”

  Married. Oh God, he’d mentioned it. Her heart fluttered and happiness jolted through her, making her extra awake and giddy.

  “Well I happen to love the idea of relocating,” she said lightly.

  “Kenzie.” He hesitated. “You’d be leaving your family. Your brothers.”

  “My brothers will be just fine,” she drawled, toying with the buttons on his shirt. “And it’s not as if we can’t come back here when you retire. Or put in orders to get stationed here again if you do relocate.”

  “You’re figuring out how this whole Navy thing works, aren’t you?”

  “I’ve bonded with Nicole and she’s filled me in.”

  “Have you now? Good. I’m glad to hear it.” He paused and tilted his head, giving her an inquiring look. “So you didn’t freak out, or say anything about me mentioning marriage.”

  “And why should I? I’m actually quite interested in this open position you have for a Mrs. Craven,” she said, never one to mince words or play games.

  His gaze darkened, with heat and with a tenderness that she’d come to recognize in him.

  “Is that so? Then will you marry me, Kenzie? Because I think you’d be perfect for the job.”

  Her heart swelled and her eyes filled with tears. “Aye, of course I will. We can go down to the courthouse—”

  “You think I have a death wish?” Brett demanded, horror on his face. “Your brothers would have me shot.”

  He had a point there. “Aye, you’re right. My parents too. They’ll want to come over from Edinburgh to meet you and attend.”

  “My family will come up from Louisiana. Though they practically know you by now since I’ve talked about you so much.” He grinned and kissed her. “Maybe we could do a small, family and friends ceremony down on the beach. Bring in some flowers, and I know this great quartet—”

  “Flowers? Quartet? The beach?” Kenzie gave a slow smile. “I do believe you’re a romantic, Chief.”

  He pulled her fully onto his lap and gave a low, sexy laugh. “One
of us has to be.”

  “Well, you’ll just have to teach me.”

  “I like teaching you things, sugar.” His tone dropped to an intimate, deep level.

  All the sensual things they’d done together flitted through her head and she smiled.

  “I like that too. Maybe we should try again right now.”


  “Oh, aye.” And she lifted her head for the kiss he was already leaning down to take.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The doorbell was ringing.

  Delonna groaned. Dammit. She should really get up and get it. But that meant getting out of bed and throwing on a bathrobe.

  Unless, wait a minute. He was here!

  She flung herself out of bed, ignoring the pounding in her head as she searched for her robe. It wasn’t anywhere in sight, and dammit if she wanted to keep listening to that doorbell ring.

  Besides, boy short panties and a tank top were hardly scandalous when your boyfriend had seen you naked on multiple occasions. James was a few days overdue for showing up, but she’d known he’d come eventually.

  Delonna glanced through the peephole, saw the male chest, and opened the door, a seductive smile on her face. Well, as seductive as anyone recovering from a disgusting head wound could be.

  Her smile faded and she blinked in dismay.

  “Hello, luv.”

  Not James, but her boss. Aleck was on her doorstep, while she stood there embarrassingly underdressed, with a stupid look on her face.

  “Heeeey, boss boy.” And didn’t she feel like an idiot. “Kenzie isn’t here right now. She’s over at Brett’s.”

  His eyes widened for a moment as he took in her appearance, before his gaze snapped back up to eye level.

  “Aye. Figured as much. I came to see you, actually.” His smile seemed a little strained now. “Can I come in?”

  “Umm, sure.”

  She needed to find some pants. And like five minutes ago. “Sorry about the lack of clothes, I totally didn’t realize it was you on that side of the door.”


  Six foot five of pure male sexiness stepped past her and into her house, carrying what looked like a box of chocolates. She closed the door behind him, trying to figure out why her pulse was going a little bananas.

  Why was he here?

  “Let me, um, find some shorts or something.” She averted her gaze and dashed past him to her bedroom.

  When she came back out a few minutes later, denim shorts now covering her pasty white thighs, he was looking at the pictures on the wall.

  “You gals have done wonders with this place.”

  “Kenzie’s hardly here. I’m pretty sure she’ll be moving out soon anyway. They’re beyond serious.”

  “Aye, they are.” He turned to face her “And you and your bloke. Are you two serious?”

  She blinked, taken aback by the left field question. He stared at her, concern and something else in those vividly green eyes. It became almost hard to breathe, and she definitely couldn’t look away.

  “I… I don’t know.” She’d been home from the hospital for two days. James hadn’t called. Hadn’t visited. Just a text to make sure she was okay.

  “Sorry, that was a bit out of line.” His gaze darkened.

  She blinked. “Why are you here, Aleck?”

  “I came to check up on you and see how you’re doing.” He took a step toward her.

  When he reached out to catch her chin, tilting her head, her breath caught and it wasn’t from the pain.

  “That looks bloody awful. What is that? Six staples?”

  “Eight,” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry.” He shook his head. “So damn sorry that bastart hurt you too while trying to get to Kenzie.”

  “I’m all right. We both are.”

  “Aye, thank God. I came to thank you too.”

  “Thank me?” Why was he still lightly holding her chin?

  “For texting me. If you hadn’t, things could’ve ended quite a bit for the worse.”

  She lifted her gaze and knew it was a bad idea. Her gaze locked on his and something shifted inside her. Grew warm.

  “I knew you’d come,” she finally said softly.

  His thumb traced the edge of her jaw, moved in slightly toward her mouth.

  Her heart sped up and without intending to, she leaned forward, lifting herself up onto her tiptoes. Her lips brushed his.

  He went completely still, before he cursed against her mouth and moved his lips against hers. His tongue delved deep, teasing and stroking. Tasting her as much as she did him.

  And just as quickly as it started, it was over. He pulled away, his gaze wide with disbelief.

  “Shit, I’m so sorry,” she muttered, her body starting to shake with shock. “It’s the pain meds—they’re pretty strong and make me a little loopy. Can we forget that just happened?”

  What had she done? What had she done?

  “It’s forgotten already.” He turned to stride toward the door. “See you on Friday, and not a day earlier.”

  “But I work tomorrow.”

  “If you come in, I’ll simply send you home. Get yourself healed, Delonna. I’ll make sure you still get paid.”

  He disappeared a moment later, and she leaned back against the wall with a ragged sigh.

  So, yeah, that had just happened. She’d kissed her boss.


  Walking into the kitchen, she glanced down at the bottle of prescription pain pills she had yet to touch.

  What in the everlasting hell had she been thinking?

  About the Author

  Shelli is a New York Times Bestselling Author who read her first romance novel when she snatched it off her mother’s bookshelf at the age of eleven. One taste and she was forever hooked. It wasn’t until many years later that she decided to pursue writing stories of her own. By then she acknowledged the voices in her head didn’t make her crazy, they made her a writer.

  Shelli currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with her daughter where she writes various genres of romance. She’s a compulsive volunteer, and has been known to spontaneously burst into song.

  Look for these titles by Shelli Stevens

  Now Available:

  Trust and Dare

  Theirs to Capture

  Four Play

  Foreign Affair


  Savage Hunger

  Savage Betrayal

  Savage Revenge

  Seattle Steam

  Dangerous Grounds

  Tempting Adam

  Seducing Allie

  Chances Are

  Anybody but Justin

  Luck be Delanie

  Protecting Phoebe

  Holding Out for a Hero

  Going Down

  Command and Control

  Flash Point

  The McLaughlins

  Good Girl Gone Plaid

  Kilty Pleasure

  Coming Soon:

  The McLaughlins

  Highland Fling

  Taking her captive could prove his innocence…or make her a target.

  Savage Revenge

  © 2013 Shelli Stevens

  Savage, Book 3

  Agent and Alpha Nathan Larson has fled his pack, his agency and Washington State on a life-or-death mission to prove himself innocent of a savage massacre he’s pretty sure he didn’t commit.

  So far he’s covered his tracks, but it’s only a matter of time. He needs a place to hunker down under the radar, and he intends to make it happen. No matter who becomes collateral damage.

  Sage Christensen knows every shifter in this small California town, and the darkly attractive, brooding alpha attempting to flirt with her stands out like a flea on a white cat. She quickly realizes she was right to be wary when he follows her home and holds her captive.

  Despite her refusal to be a compliant victim, she can’t deny their chemistry. Or the gut instinct that maybe he really is innocent. But with
the trail of dead women growing longer, Sage begins to wonder if it was a mistake to trust her safety, her body—and her heart—to a man who has no idea how deep his dark side is buried.

  Warning: This book has an Alpha male on the run, and a quirky novelist destined to be his captive. There will be bloodshed, lovemaking, and excitement aplenty.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Savage Revenge:

  Sage had the door open, with one foot out, before he reached her and snagged her around the waist.

  “Son of a bitch,” he roared. “How in the hell did you get free?”

  He lifted her back into the house and slammed the door.

  She was apparently done being complacent, though. She squirmed, kicked and hit before he finally had to drop her to try and get a better grip.

  But it wasn’t that easy, because in an instant she had scurried away and grabbed any kind of makeshift weapon she could get her hands on.

  He ducked from the remote control that flew at his head and lunged toward her. He missed.

  “How did you get yourself untied?” he roared.

  “You seriously underestimate me.” She darted past him, throwing a small lamp at him in the process.

  It clipped his shoulder before crashing to the floor. “Clearly.”

  A growl of fury erupted past his lips as he threw himself at her full speed.

  He took her down linebacker style, rolling them both on the hardwood floors.

  “Get off me.”

  She slapped at his shoulders, trying to free herself, and he caught her wrists in one hand to get her under control.

  Her expression morphed from frustration to pain, and her sharp cry had his anger vanishing. Had he hurt her? He hadn’t realized his grasp was that tight.

  A quick scan of her body, though, and he dropped her wrists from his grasp after seeing the raw, red cuts there.

  “Jesus, woman, what the hell did you do to yourself?”

  She winced and gently cradled one wrist. “I cut them while freeing myself.”


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