4 Horsemen (Sons of San Merced Erotic Motorcycle Club Biker Romance)

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4 Horsemen (Sons of San Merced Erotic Motorcycle Club Biker Romance) Page 2

by Bonde, Ava

  “Here it comes baby doll. You’d better swallow every fucking drop.”

  There was no use protesting, nowhere I could have gone. His cock was exploding in my mouth, long thick ropy streams of cum splashing my throat and tongue. I groaned, my fingertips driving me over an orgasm of my own, thighs quivering as I swallowed around his cock. My vision drew into a tunnel, his thick shaft choking me as he pressed forward, sending the final spurts straight down to my belly. Everything was going black, waves of pleasure crashing over me as the salty taste rolled across my tongue.

  I found myself falling backward, his cock popping free with a long slurping sound. The man caught me, my head woozy as he lifted me back from the floor. Every square inch of my body was in shock, unable to fathom what had just happened to me.

  “Never touch a man’s colors without his permission. Do I make myself clear.”

  I stared at him defiantly, lifting my arm, and letting it draw a slick line of wetness along his leather vest.

  “You’re a feisty one, aren’t you baby girl?” he said, grabbing me up hard. I shook, tears streaming from my eyes as the big man drew me in close, an angry snarl on his face. Lips latched to mine, the taste of his cum still on my tongue as we locked into a passionate and devastating kiss. I melted, the whole world disappearing in his arms. I’d do anything to stay in this moment. I wrapped my legs around him, kissing harder, feeling my body move as he carried me to the bedroom. My fingers clawed at his back, grabbed at his shoulders. Beneath me, I could still feel his hard cock pressing against my shorts as we moved. My pussy quivered with anticipation.

  “Go to bed, Penny.”

  I found myself flying. My body splayed out in the air as I sailed through it unexpectedly. The bed came up from beneath me with a sudden creak of springs, bouncing me toward the headboard. The wind taken straight out of me I stared at the man as he pulled up his denim.

  “Fuck me!” I blurted out choppily, practically a squeal as he stuffed his cock back into his pants and drew the zipper closed.

  “Your mommy will be back any minute with dinner. If you know what’s good for you, keep your dirty fucking mouth shut.”

  I stared down again, unable to meet his gaze. “And what if I don’t?” I said, defiantly.

  He was upon me before I could take another breath, his hand viciously pinning my own as he smacked me again even harder than before. I winced and cried out against the pain, my pussy singing at the proximity of his cock. I fell silent, our bodies panting against each other.

  “You’ll learn how to obey me when I give an order. Look at me when I’m talking to you.”

  His hand gripped my jaw, unmercifully turning it to face him. I stared into the blue pools for what I knew might be the last time of the night, tears pouring down my cheeks and running my mascara.

  “Now be a doll, and be quiet. Maybe I’ll make your mommy squeal and let you know how good her pussy feels.”

  He drew off, my lips moving but no words escaping them. Every square inch of me trembled. This was the most terrifying man I’d ever met, the strongest, the most powerful, and without question, the sexiest.

  “What’s your name?” I whispered, overcome with emotion.

  “Conquest… Leader of the Horsemen. You can call me Jacob.”

  My breathing stayed heavy as he walked out, slamming the door behind him.


  The waiting was the worst part, staying silent in my room with an ear pressed to the wall. Jacob and mom were drinking, laughing, and soon, a new sound was rising over the blasting music and breaking bottles.

  They’d started fucking.

  It wasn’t a friendly lovemaking session either. Loud crashes came from the kitchen, chairs behind slammed out of the way. It was easy to imagine mom bent over the table as Jacob stood behind her like some kind of animal. Her screams of pleasure vibrated the walls harder than the music, guttural cries rising from the both of them as they rutted. Clearly my blow-job hadn’t taken the fire out of him.

  My own thighs quivered.

  The sounds seemed to go on forever as I stood enraptured against the wall, too far gone for modesty. Pulling the bedside table drawer open, I pulled a long and thin pink shaft from beneath some papers and hair care supplies. The familiar curve traced along my thigh as I returned to the wall, using my old best friend to try and match the squeals and cries. The pink plastic vibrated in my hand as I pressed it against my wet lips, sliding it straight into my most secret tunnel. In and out it went, my whole body bent against the wall, hand down between my legs thrusting the lightweight toy with unusual force and speed.

  “Oh Jacob… Fuck me,” I whispered, pressing it home again and again, disappointed at its lack of girth, squirming and whining against its inadequacy. Mother clearly had no similar issues. It sounded as though they had moved to the couch, just on the far side of the wall. She must have mounted him, her fingertips scraping on the wall as she rode. I intensified my efforts mere inches from her face, just a few sheets of drywall between us as she rode Jacob and I rode the pink battery operated boyfriend. Every sound was amplified through the wall, and I was crying out inside as I bit my tongue, trying desperately not to squeal in frustration.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck me, fuck me. Oh my GOD!”

  My mother’s cries only intensified my annoyance at the pink plastic. She was cumming, and I could practically hear her pussy clenching around him in the act. I pulled the thin shaft free, throwing it into a clothes hamper and balling my fists in anger. She was having the time of her life, and I was just in here dreaming. It took all I had not to storm out and throw myself at him. Still, I couldn’t pull myself away from the wall.

  “Did you cum?” my mother asked, still panting from her own orgasm.

  “Not yet. Why don’t you slide off and suck it out of me?”

  Although it seemed like I’d kneeled with his cock in my mouth forever, it had barely taken five minutes to get Jacob off. Mother took almost three times as long before I heard him grunting and groaning in the now-familiar way. Her footsteps on the floor were a surprise, as was the sound of her spitting into the sink. My tongue ran along my teeth, still catching hints of salt and smoke.

  “Do I have your permission, Conquest?”

  Her voice echoed from the kitchen. My ears perked up.

  “Yes, I give you my blessing.”

  “Thank you…”

  “Don’t thank me, get your pretty ass out of here and go thank him. He’ll be out front in a few minutes.”

  My mind twisted, unsure what was going on as I could hear the roar of approaching bikes. The MC was back, but it didn’t sound like a calm approach. Engines raced and tires screamed as they rolled into the normally quiet neighborhood, shouting and running men making their way to the front door.

  “Something’s wrong. Stay away from the windows,” Jacob shouted, clearly loud enough for me to hear. The door slammed open and I could hear another distinctly growling voice rising over the pulsing engines outside.

  “The Vamos shot a prospect. Marcus is dead. War says they’re coming here.”

  “How the fuck did they find out about this place?” Jacob shouted.

  “Don’t know, don’t care, we need to get the hell out of here now.”

  “Jenna, go with Famine. Get out of here, there’s something I need to do.”

  “Didn’t you hear me? They are coming here right goddamned now.”

  “I said GO.” Jacob roared. The men didn’t hesitate. I crept to my window, watching them run for their bikes, one leggy just-sexed blonde in tow. As they were riding off, the door crashed open to my bedroom.

  “We’re leaving.”

  I was confused, scared, and frozen to the spot.

  “I can explain later, get your shoes on and grab a jacket.”

  Nothing made sense. My mind raced, my body still planted firmly.

  “Penny, they will kill you if they find you here. Get your fucking shoes on now.”

  My heart raced
out of my chest as I threw on my shoes and grabbed a mid length coat from the closet, running to the living room. Jacob was there, a large handgun in one hand, and the clip in the other. He slammed them together, drawing the top back and chambering a bullet. My feet skidded to a stop.

  “Don’t be afraid. You’re safe with me,” he said, sliding the gun into a holster just beneath his shirt, throwing his colors on one arm and then the other.

  Safe… Safe was something I used to be. Something I was before Jenna came into my life, before any of this happened. My mind and body were numb as we ran out the door, Jacob throwing me on the back of the large bike.

  “Hold on to me,” he shouted over the roaring pops of the engine. “Lean when I lean.”

  The bike screamed out of the driveway, blasting down the dark suburban streets like a bat straight out of hell. It didn’t take long to see why. A black sedan came roaring round the corner ahead of us, barreling down like a game of chicken.

  A game you don’t win on a motorcycle.

  My arms wrapped around Jacob’s barrel chest tightly, holding on for dear life as he gunned the engine, swerving at the last minute to hang a fast right turn. My bare knee almost scraped the ground as the bike blasted round the bend. The sedan overshot, skidding onto the sidewalk, tires screaming as it leapt back into the chase. Almost as if I were in slow motion, I could feel my heart racing as fast as the vibrating engine beneath me. From behind, a new and terrifying sound reached my ears.


  The telltale crack and pop made me spin my head, staring back as the passenger of the car took aim from the window. Without even thinking, I spun back, staring at Jacob’s beltline. There, in the holster, was the handgun. A rain of death was upon us, gunfire cracking in my ears one bullet after another as I reached down and unsnapped the piece of leather holding the gun in place. One arm still firmly around Jacob, I spun round and leveled the black firearm on the car, trying to keep my hands steady as the bike bounced on the pitted asphalt. My finger drew the trigger in, feeling the smooth action as a bullet sailed from the barrel.

  Jacob was shouting something, but I kept right on firing, three shots, four, five. The sedan swerved suddenly, careening into someone’s front yard and obliterating their mailbox. I spun back around, every muscle in my body shaking as I desperately tried to shove the gun back into its holster, misfiring accidentally into the asphalt below, narrowly missing Jacob’s leg. He reached back, grabbing the gun from me and sliding it back home with one smooth motion, before returning his hand to the grip before him.


  I certainly didn’t real safe, but the adrenaline in my veins didn’t care. I wasn’t thrilled to be safe, I was thrilled to be alive. Perhaps for the first time in my life, I felt every bit of my mortality, and it felt good. Leaning into Jacob tighter, I closed my eyes against the wind pummeling my body. It was cold, but every square inch of me was burning hot as I drew close, my hands gripping at his chest. The bike had left the suburbs, entering a freeway and crossing town. I didn’t say a word until we pulled into a warehouse, the door opening before us, two big leather clad men pulling on chains inside to lift the rolling entrance.

  “What just happened?”

  “Bad shit just happened.” Jacob replied, bringing the bike to a stop. He leapt off the seat, spinning to pull me off with him. It was a graceful move completed with practiced hands. How many women had ridden on the back of that bike? I wondered to myself, the vibrations from the ride still tingling between my legs.

  One too many… I concluded to myself, wishing I was back at home with my boring homework and my boring life.

  Emotions were welling up within me. Everything was wrong, the whole world was messed up, and I’d just shot at someone! For all I knew, I’d killed someone. Jacob seemed to be reading my face, giving me a tight smile. Another bike roared into the garage, breaking the silence. He leapt off without bothering to turn the engine off, the unsteady roar echoing in the space as he embraced Jacob. I stared as they parted. Vice President, his patch declared boldly.

  “Famine, what the fuck happened out there.”

  “Bout to ask you the same thing. Vamos is out for blood. I hear you shot one of them up over on Roosevelt.”

  Jacob squeezed my hand reassuringly.

  “They dead?” Jacob asked, my own breath caught in my throat.

  “No, but the car is. Cops all over it. They’re going to be asking questions.”

  “Let them ask. I was here with my lady all night,” Jacob said, squeezing my hand again. I was shaking. A few hours ago I was a law abiding girl just trying to graduate business school. Now I was shooting at people and being prepared to lie to the police.

  “I need a few minutes. I’ll be in my office.”

  Jacob pulled me away from the men, past rows of tools and bikes, toward a dim room in the corner with no windows. We stepped inside, the door closing behind us. I was still shaking, the metal chair doing very little to calm my nerves. A small desk lamp illuminated the space, casting strange shadows on everything. Even Jacob’s face took on a more sinister look.

  “People might ask questions Penny. I need you to be ready.”

  “I’m not your lady… You’re seeing Jenna.” I blurted out.

  “I’m not seeing Jenna,” Jacob said with a patiently soft voice. “I was just giving her permission.”

  “Permission for what? Permission to fuck you?”

  Jacob laughed, the deep sound resonating on the thin walls.

  “Permission to fuck War.”

  “War?” I asked, puzzled.

  “Four Horsemen. Conquest, War, Famine, Death. Leadership at the MC. You just met Famine. I’m Conquest.”

  “And War is?”

  “War is the man who Jenna is dating. Don’t worry, you’ll know him when you see him,” Jacob replied, still chuckling.

  “If she’s with War, why is she fucking you?”

  Anger was welling up inside me. Jacob had been mine for only the shortest of time, but without rhyme or reason there was a hint of jealousy in my voice.

  “Horsemen property needs three votes out of four. It was my turn to vote. I don’t expect my little baby to understand.”

  “I’m not your baby,” I whispered anxiously.

  “You will be, when you get three votes,” Jacob replied, his voice almost soothing and yet, filled with malice. “I like you. You’re like holding burning gasoline. Don’t think I’m just going to let your fine little ass walk away.”

  The thought of Jenna fucking for votes filled my head. If Jacob expected me to go around fucking his friends so I could have a chance at him he had another thing coming. Of course, the tingling between my thighs had a different opinion.

  “I need to get out of here. I shouldn’t be here,” I said, whimpering, shrinking in my chair and trying to deny my own deviance.

  “And go where? There’s a Vamos at your house right now just waiting to gut you baby doll. I know it doesn’t look it, but we’re the good guys. You’re safe here, for now.”

  I stared around the space, the unfinished drywall feeling as oppressive as the grey paint scheme. I didn’t feel safe at all. I felt less safe than ever. Jacob drew in close, gripping my throat and drawing me up from the chair, planting a deep kiss on my lips. Our tongues jousted, my fears melting away.

  “You saved us both back there Penny. You can’t go home, not now, maybe not for a long time. You’re going to have to walk away from everything you’ve ever known. I’m sorry, and I want you to know things are going to get worse before they get better. Look me in the eye and know I’m telling you the truth.”

  I stared, the deep pools bursting with emotion.

  “We’re the good guys Penny. You might think I’m a bad man but you don’t understand. Not yet. I don’t believe in coincidence. You are supposed to be here, with me, with the horsemen. Are you in, or are you out?”

  He held me tight, our bodies one mass of flesh and heat. I’d never been so terrifi
ed and so turned on at the same time.

  “I’m… In,” I said, adrenaline starting to course in my veins once more. Nothing made sense anymore. I couldn’t believe what I was agreeing to.

  “Not yet, baby. You still need two more votes.”


  We stepped out of the office to hoots and cat calls from the rest of the MC. Jenna was here now, accompanied by a mountain of a man. My jaw about hit the floor as I took in his huge muscular tattooed arms, thick jaw, and jagged scars on his fists.


  Jenna didn’t look happy, and she seemed positively shocked to see me with Conquest. “Penny?”

  “Sorry babe,” Conquest said, walking toward Jenna. “Vamos would have killed her, I had to bring her back to the clubhouse.”


  “Ahh, tut tut little dove. I like this one. Now why don’t you run off with War and calm him down. We’ve got work to do.”

  Jenna cast her eyes to the floor and never looked back up, pulling War toward the corner office we’d just come from. He seemed angry, strained at every single inch of his frame. No wonder Jacob wanted him cooled off.

  “Famine, come here.”

  Most of the MC had settled in on the far side of the warehouse rollup, sitting along a long bar and drinking. Famine hadn’t. He was on his knees, checking something on his bike. When he stood, I shivered. What did Jacob expect me to do? There were people trying to kill me, life was fucked up, did he really want me to get my votes right now?

  “Famine, I’m going on a ride with Death. We’ve got some work to do. I’m leaving this one with you and I’d better come back to find her in once piece.”

  “Vamos has everyone out looking for you Conquest, don’t fuck around out there or you’re going to be the one in pieces. You sure you want to go out there?”

  Jacob stepped forward, gripping Famine’s throat and lifting him to his tiptoes.

  “You know what I have to do. You know what this means. Don’t question me, not here, not anywhere, and not in front of my woman.”


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