Open All Hours

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Open All Hours Page 2

by Eden Royce

  But the public had a right to know and as a reporter, she had an obligation to tell them. Now to get out of here. She lifted her arms to smooth her hair before dashing out of the apartment, and saw the tops of her bare breasts in the glass.

  How had she not noticed she was naked?

  This was a problem. Fully clothed, she could blend into the customers leaving the diner and find her way. But without clothes… And where was she going to try to make it to? Her car? Back to her condo? She searched the remaining rooms for a bedroom. He had to have something she could wear. Leesa felt a little bad, and silently promised that anything she took, she’d return as soon as she got back home. He’d been nice to a little cat, but how would he feel about a woman in his home? He’d think she broke in, and as some of her prior news stories had shown, blacks didn’t tend to fare well in those situations.

  His bedroom was just as tidy as the rest of the place. There were few clothes, mostly jeans and T-shirts, with the occasional soft plaid lumberjack-type button down. None of them fit her. The man was massive. The jeans were a joke. They pulled up over her breasts, then fell to the floor when she let got of the waistband. The shirts hung, covering her in a manner more suitable for going to bed, rather than going to catch a taxi. What was she going to pay with? Leesa groaned. She didn’t relish the thought of walking at -- she looked at the chrome-edged clock on the wall -- one in the morning through the woods barefoot. Damn.

  She could call someone. Someone from the paper? No, they’d ask questions and maybe put together what she’d been onto. No -- this was her story and she needed a big headline desperately. Her mom was no good, she was getting on a bit -- she’d had Leesa when she was almost forty -- and just getting a phone call at this time of night might not let her get to see eighty.

  Her sister, Lou Ann, was the only other option. Lou Ann would curse her out, tell her that she had some nerve, but she’d come. Then she’d have to listen to an hour of life instructions on why she should have chosen a different career, how it might have allowed her to stay married to Shaun, and that just because their mother had her at forty, didn’t mean she had to wait that long to have children.

  She cursed as she shrugged into the lumberjack shirt. Fine. Next time, she’d make a better contingency plan. Or even make a plan in the first place. Now for that phone…

  There wasn’t one. After a scan of all the rooms, Leesa couldn’t find a phone. Things had changed in the past twenty years since she left journalism school. Few people had landlines anymore, and exclusively used cell phones. It seemed that Vol was one of those people.

  She heard a soft whir behind her and a dot of light caught her eye. Leesa had her hand over what looked like a normal table until she found a white electrical cord. She slid her fingers down the sides of the table and lifted the top. It folded inward to reveal a computer desk, complete with laptop. It was one of those Apple models that you were supposed to leave on all the time, but Leesa wasn’t as familiar with them as she was with a regular PC. She lifted the lid and the screen flashed on, revealing a desktop picture of two brown bear cubs playing. Odd, she thought, but cute.

  There was no mouse, only a thin silver track pad to slide her finger across. After a few tries, she finally got the cursor to move. “Come on, come on,” she muttered. Just as she got the pointer finger to hover over the web browser icon, a shadow fell over her, accompanied by a deep, angry voice that seemed to shake the room.

  “What the hell are you doing in here?”

  A surprised squeak escaped Leesa’s mouth and she jumped away from the computer, her feet sliding from underneath her. As she fell, she shifted, turning her yelp of alarm into a mewling cry.

  Chapter Two

  “Think we need to have a talk, darlin’,” Vol said as he handed her a fleece robe to drape around her nakedness once she regained her human form a few minutes later. It was impressive nakedness too; she was all smooth skin and gentle curves and he longed for another look. If he wasn’t mistaken, she also had a neat triangle of dark curls between her thighs. He wasn’t a huge fan of the waxed, shaved look that was so prevalent. A woman’s excitement clinging in little dewdrops to crinkly pussy hair was one of the most arousing sights he could think of and it made his mouth water. He swallowed. He hadn’t had a relationship -- or even a lot of female company for a while -- because starting his twenty-four hour diner had been a full-time job for the past few years. Now though, he had a full staff and a second chef, so he could take time away when he needed to.

  He’d seen her fear and anxiety for a brief moment before she dropped into her feline form. Vol knew from experience that falling that quickly into the change could be painful and was reserved only for emergencies. As a grizzly shifter himself, he’d only had to shift that quickly once and he’d been sore for a few days after, like he’d run a marathon without training first. But she hadn’t looked like she was purposefully executing a life or death shift. She’d been a surprised woman one second and nervous cat the next.

  It wasn’t normal. That kind of uncontrollable change only happened to children who had just begun to learn how to take on their animal forms. And young children at that -- six or seven -- like the picture on his computer desktop of his nephews playing in their cub forms. Something was wrong. It was hard to tell with her perfectly smooth unlined skin, but this woman had to be around his age, thirty or thirty-five, maybe. If she were a true shifter, she’d have mastered the art of the shift long ago. He’d heard about people who had the ability to shift into more than one animal, but he’d never met one. Was that her issue? Somehow, he didn’t think so.

  Vol put down the stack of dish towels he’d brought upstairs to make the kitten a bed for the night. After a long day, he’d been ready to turn in and get some rest before he started the breakfast shift at five-thirty, but for the moment, answers from the beauty in front of him were the priority.

  The woman wrapped herself in the robe and sat on the other end of the couch from him. The garment was huge on her slender, but curvaceous frame, but at least she could belt it and be covered. His cock twitched in his jeans and he leaned forward to place his elbows on his knees to cover the growing bulge. She met the kindness in his eyes with a gaze of defiance. “I’ll scream,” she ventured.

  “And I’ll say you broke into my apartment, so I’d be justified in restraining you until the cops got here.” He leveled a glittering green look at her, softened only by a warm smile. “But we both know that’s not the case, is it? So why don’t you tell me your name and maybe I can help you.”

  * * *

  Leesa was glad he was sitting down, because she would have had to crane her neck to see his face otherwise. Keeping her eyes on him, she responded, “You’re right. I didn’t break in here.” What else was she supposed to say? He was a good-looking man, and she imagined he didn’t have any issues with finding female company, but he wouldn’t have forgotten that he left a woman in his place.

  Her body had noticed his attractiveness as well. She was hyperaware of him, of how big he was. Her skin prickled with sensitivity where it rubbed against the soft, downy, fleece robe and she felt a strange sensation to crawl over to him and sit on his lap. The thought of sitting on him brought flashes of sexual images to her mind lightning fast: him peeling the robe off, then taking a tight nipple into his mouth and grinding what looked like it might be an impressive cock against her damp heat. Leesa shifted on the couch and crossed her legs, hoping the scent of her growing excitement wasn’t obvious.

  She marveled that she didn’t feel concerned about being with him here alone in his place. Maybe the instant comfort her cat had felt from earlier remained with her. But now that sense of security had changed into something more. Leesa finally found herself able to observe the man without any other outside distractions.

  He was at least a foot taller than she was and had a strong jaw kept from being model perfect by lips a shade too full to grace a fashion cover. He also sported a sprinkling of silver in his mil
itary-style haircut. She liked that he didn’t try to conceal the fact he was getting gray. Maybe he was about her age?

  Vol didn’t seem like the kind of man to worry about surface things and seemed comfortable in his own skin. He wasn’t threatening to her, but she imagined he could be to anyone who crossed him. But his eyes were kind, yet serious, and that spoke to a deeper core part of her that flared into life after so long living as a divorcée. Oh sure, her body responded to him -- it had been a long time, after all -- but there was more than that. There was being aroused by the ability to trust a man with not only your body, but with your secrets.

  She realized he hadn’t said anything more and she’d been in her own thoughts far too long without revealing any more information on why she was here. Vol must be a patient man. He was also remarkably calm, but he had to have seen her… transformation? Change? Whatever it was, it scared her, so he must be hella confused. “I didn’t break in,” she repeated lamely, unsure of what else to reveal.

  He nodded. “No, I brought you in here. Want to tell me what happened?”

  Leesa got up and paced the floor, holding the robe closed as she did so. There was no reason to lie. Who would believe her anyway? Maybe just to get rid of her, he’d give her some money or drive her to her car. If he thought she was enough of a nut job, she’d find herself outside in no time flat. But he’d seen… whatever it was he saw and he was still here. So…

  “Okay, I’ll tell you the story. You won’t believe it, but… anyway. I was researching a possible lead and I found this group of people -- figures, really -- in the woods. I was taking pictures and I think one of them put a curse on me. Next thing I know, I’m changing into a cat.”

  She looked at him in her peripheral vision, sure that he would grab her arm and toss her out into the night, but he hadn’t moved.

  “And you’ve never changed before tonight?”

  “What? No, I’ve never --” She stopped. “Wait. I changed into a cat, for God’s sake. You saw me. Why aren’t you running around screaming and waving your arms?”

  He chuckled. Leesa shuddered as the warm, hearty sound of his laughter wrenched her desire up a few notches. “Because I’ve never done that in my life. Not gonna start now. Besides, I think you need someone to help you at the moment. And I wouldn’t look like a good candidate if I ran off screaming.”

  She would have loved to have a big shoulder like his to cry on, but accepting help meant having to repay it, and she wasn’t necessarily willing -- or able, at this point -- to do that. “If you’ll just give me a ride to my place, I’ll give you some money for your trouble.” Once she started talking, she couldn’t stop. This entire situation was insane. A damn cat? She felt like she’d fallen into the Twilight Zone and now she was spiraling into insanity. “Actually, I’d need a shirt or something too. I don’t want to walk out of here in a bathrobe. Or maybe you should take me to my car instead. It’s somewhere out in those woods, so maybe --”

  “What’s your name?” he asked, interrupting the waterfall of words.

  The calm, easy tone of his voice stopped her. “What?”

  “Your name. What is it? Mine’s Vol.”

  “I know,” she said. “I heard the other guy call you that. Is it a nickname?”

  “No, it’s my given name. I’ve had plenty of nicknames, but none that I’m going to share at this moment.”

  For the first time in twenty-four hours, she managed a smile. At some point, she would wake up and this would all be over. Until then, this person was her best hope for figuring out the mystery. “I’m Leesa.”

  “Pleasure, Leesa. First things first. Let’s get you some clothes and try and find out more about this change. Maybe some thing else to eat? I doubt a kiddie burger is enough.”

  “A milkshake would be good.”

  He pulled his cell phone from a pocket and pushed a button. “Easy. You’ll need your strength when we start training.”

  “Training? For what?”

  “Your shift was automatic. You couldn’t control it. That’s why I knew it hadn’t happened to you before. Plus, it looked painful. It shouldn’t feel like that.”

  It had certainly been painful. Like her skeleton was trying to escape her body. Leesa stammered. “Wh -- what? How?”

  He held up a hand for her to wait while he spoke into the phone. “Arthur. It’s me. Can you and El get over to the diner? Yeah, now. I need some help.” There was silence for a moment and then it seemed like he growled into the phone. “And some ladies’ clothes.” His gaze roamed over her and Leesa felt a flush of heat in her skin, making her earlier desire flood back with full force. She hadn’t felt this need, this craving for a man in a long time -- possibly ever -- and it rattled her. Even with her jangled nerves, her sex pulsed in response to him and the soft fleece of the robe now made her feel restricted and she wanted to tear it off. “In small.”

  When he hung up, he muttered, “That didn’t sound right.”

  “What didn’t?” When he shook his head, she asked the question she really wanted the answer to. “Tell me how you know I can control it.”

  “You’re not alone, Leesa.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “It’s the only one you’re getting right now. At least until I get some advice.”

  * * *

  Twenty minutes later, Vol let a man and a woman enter his apartment over the diner. The man was the exact opposite in stature from Vol. Although he was tall and black-haired like Vol, the close-cut vest he wore over his white button-up shirt accentuated his slender build. The woman was full-figured with a mass of naturally coily hair that went unrestrained. Her smile lit up her smooth brown face and Leesa liked her immediately. She held the slender guy’s hand and clutched a shopping bag with another. They both looked at Vol expectantly.

  Vol cleared his throat and made introductions. “Leesa, this is my cousin Arthur, and his girlfriend, Ellie. They’re here to… ah, help.” For the first time, the man looked uncomfortable. “Sorry to call you out on your busiest night.”

  “No worries. Amy is handling the manager chair tonight. She was happy to get away from all of the screaming kids for a night. Let’s sit down,” Arthur suggested, moving toward the dining room.

  Ellie went into action. “Let her get some clothes on first.” She held up the bag. “I brought you something to wear. They’re not new, but they are from my ‘I’ll fit back into that one day’ collection.” She turned to the men. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m sure it will be much easier explained with alcohol. And fries. Yeah?” She led Leesa out of the room.

  In the spacious bedroom, Leesa watched Ellie lay out a pair of jeans, three T-shirts, a sleeveless cotton dress and a tank top. “Wanna tell me anything before we go back out there?” she asked gently.

  “I…” Leesa’s natural distrust surfaced. Even looking into Ellie’s open face, she hesitated. “I better change.”

  The other woman nodded and pointed to the adjoining full bathroom. When Leesa entered, she couldn’t help herself. “Wow.”

  Back in the bedroom, Ellie giggled. “I know, right? The shower’s like being in a waterfall in the forest. Vol and Arthur installed it a while back.” She stuck her hand through a crack in the door. “When Arthur told me to bring some ladies’ clothes, I thought I should bring this as well.”

  Gratefully, Leesa took the bag. It held scented shower gel and lotion, deodorant, and a travel toothbrush and toothpaste. “Thanks.”

  “Get the water the temperature you want first with the right and left knobs, then turn the middle dial.”

  Leesa did as instructed and the heated water fell in sheets from three showerheads imbedded in the ceiling. The room filled with misty steam. In awe, Leesa dropped the robe and stepped under the spray. A pleasured sigh slipped out of her as she stood beneath the streaming water and lathered herself all over with the orange- blossom scented gel. After, she applied the lotion, and deodorant, then brushed her teeth hurriedly.r />
  Dressed in the tank top and jeans, she pulled the T-shirt that proclaimed “Graham’s Greatest Show” over her head. Now that she was clean and dressed, she thought briefly of escaping out of the window, but decided against it. If nothing else, she had to ask Ellie where she got that gel.

  The other three were sitting at Vol’s eight-person dining room table, empty glasses and white paper bags shoved to one side. Leesa stood there, thinking about her options: Stand like an accused criminal or take a seat next to one of them. Ellie seemed like the logical choice as she was a woman, but Vol had shown her a lot of kindness. She split the difference and sat between them.

  “So,” Arthur said, looking at both Leesa and Vol. “What happened that you called us away from the carnival? Saturdays are busy nights.”

  “Carnival?” Leesa repeated. Okay, this was weird. Was he a sideshow act or something? Did he turn into a lion?

  “Yes, he runs the show. I help out sometimes. My best friend works there too.” Ellie pointed to her shirt. When Leesa looked at it closer under the full lights of the dining room, it sparkled. Depending on how the light hit it, the design reflected a Ferris wheel or a magician with a top hat and cape.

  “It’s just across the way,” Arthur pointed. “That’s why we were able to get here so quickly, even with El running back home for clothes.”

  Leesa looked at both men, waiting for one of them to speak. Finally, Ellie filled in the gaps to what was discussed when she was in the shower. “Vol told us about your shift. A cat, right?”

  Leesa nodded.

  “He said that you might have been magicked because your change was quick, uncontrollable, and painful. That’s why he called us. He thought we might be able to help.”


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