Weissberg, Franklin, 125–27
Weissler, Barry, 392
Welles, Orson, 58, 367
Wells Rich Greene, 184–85
Westies (Irish mob), 83
West Side Story, 66, 69, 134, 135, 335, 376, 377
Wharton, John, 51, 128–29, 145
Life Among the Playwrights, 48
“What I Did for Love,” 133, 150, 151
White, E. B., 5
White, Michael, 224, 225
White, Oona, 52–53, 88
White, Stanford, 81
Whitehead, Robert, 46, 128
Wicked, 399, 402
Wieting Theatre, Syracuse, 21, 22–23
Wilkinson, Colm, 339, 342, 344
Williams, Tennessee, 46, 141, 190, 239, 248
Williams, Treat, 312
Wilner, Jon, 215–16, 269, 270, 316n, 361, 370–71, 372
Wilson, August, 358
Wilson, Brian, 75
Wilson, Earl, 146, 268
Wilson, James Q., 381
Wilson, Lanford, 91, 358
Winchell, Walter, 74, 183, 369
Windows on the World, 233–34
Winged Victory, 162–63
Winter Garden Theatre:
as American Horse Exchange, 29, 292
Cats, 292–93, 294, 299, 304
and Chorus Line, 154, 156
concerts in, 105–7
42nd Street, 202–4, 205, 208
Passing Show, 29–30, 34
Witchel, Alex, 366–73
Wiz, The, 185
Wolf, Dick, 345, 350n
Wolfe, George C., 158, 369
Wolsk, Eugene, 11n, 128
Wonderful Town, 66
Woodard, Charlyane, 208
Woollcott, Alexander, 58
World Trade Center, attacks on, 402
Worm, A. Toxen, 30
WPA Theatre, 303
Wright, Samuel E., 386
Wynn, Ed, 161, 256
Yale School of Drama, 122
Yeston, Maury, 254, 257, 259, 266, 267–68, 272
Yglesias, Rafael, 366
Your Arms Are Too Short to Box With God, 209
Your Own Thing, 75
Your Show of Shows (TV), 71
Zamanshanksy, Abe, 13
Zarem, Bobby, 183–84, 186
Ziegfeld, Florenz, 29, 256
Ziegfeld Follies, 29, 81, 161, 256
Zimmerman, Fred, 30
Zorba, 76
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Copyright © 2015 by Michael Riedel
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ISBN 978-1-4516-7216-9
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