Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1

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Damon (The Protectors Series) Book #1 Page 3

by Teresa Gabelman

  Nicole tried not to stick her tongue out as he passed her. “Well, alrighty then.” She snorted, but followed him trying not to look at the way his workout pants clung to his tight butt.

  Damon stopped in the middle of the mat and turned toward her. “Lay down and spread your legs.”

  Nicole stopped suddenly her eyes shooting from his ass to his face. “Ah, most guys buy me a drink first.” At his raised eyebrow, Nichole snorted. “Okay. Sorry. Just a joke. You know you can probably buy a sense of humor on Craigslist.”

  “There is nothing wrong with my sense of humor.” Once she was on the ground he knelt between her legs. “I just didn't find that funny.”

  Nicole rolled her eyes then gasped when he grabbed both her wrists and held them above her head with one hand. “Hey!”

  He leaned over her slightly putting some of his weight on her keeping her immobile. “Most confrontations you are going to face as a woman are going to end in this position. We have been showing you how not to end up here, but chances are you will end up here.” His eyes drilled into hers, his breath tickling her face. “I want you to try to get away from me however you think you can. Don't worry about hurting me.”

  “After that, not funny, remark no worries there.” Nicole snorted and then started bucking, twisting and turning, but nothing happened except her out of breath gasping. Then an idea popped in her head. “Ow. Ow. Ow. Cramp. Major freakin cramp.”

  Damon rolled off her concerned. “Where?”

  Seeing her chance she jumped on his back and got him in a choke hold they had been shown last night. “Ah ha. Gotcha.” Before she knew what was happening she was flipped over his head and back in the same position she was in before her sneak attack.

  “Nice try human, but your attacker isn't going to care if you have a cramp so that didn't count.”

  “Okay, you got me.” Nicole couldn't help but notice how damn gorgeous he was when he smiled and he smelled amazing. Then she noticed something else. “Why do your eyes change colors? I've seen them black, dark brown and then light gold.”

  “I'm about ready to tear your throat out with my fangs and you want to know about my eye color?” Eyebrow cocked, his lips did the sexy half smile thing. “Is this another sneak attack?”

  “Maybe.” She felt stupid asking now, but she really wanted to know. “I mean it seems to me it goes with your moods, so wouldn't that maybe help us when dealing with another vampire.”

  Damon seemed surprised. “You are correct. It does have to do with my, I guess you could say 'moods'. Black is usually when I'm angry or hungry.” He flashed a fang at her. “The lighter they get I guess the lighter the mood and less hungry.”

  Okay, the fang flashing was a total turn on. Mentally smacking herself she got back on track. “Is that just you or all of your kind?”

  “All of us. I have noticed it before, but never determine moods by it since I can read vampires and humans without seeing their eyes.” He grinned leaning closer to her their noses almost touching. “What color are they now?”

  Nicole swallowed hard. “Ah, light.”

  “Guess that's a good thing for you, human.” he teased then backed off slightly.

  Jared walked by and stopped. “Are you going to lay on her all night talking or are you going to teach her something?”

  “Fuck you, Jared.” Damon growled without taking his eyes off her. “Let the others know about our eye color changes. The little human here is quite observant and it could help them gauge their situation in the future .”

  “Nice.” He nodded down at Nicole. “Didn't think about that.”

  “Yeah, well even us lowly humans have some smarts.” Nicole rolled her eyes. “Now how about telling me how to get this huge vamp off me.”

  After working for a half an hour to escape from different ground positions everyone was heading to the showers. Pam and Nicole grabbed their bags and were leaving the workout floor when Chad stepped in front of them.

  “I hope you don't think you're going to get brownie points screwing that vamp Callahan.” Chad snickered along with his follower's. “I mean damn, how long was he between them legs of yours tonight?”

  Pam grabbed Nicole's arm. “Come on Nicole.” Pam pulled her. “He isn't worth it.”

  Knowing she was right, Nicole kept tight control on her tongue and tried to walk around him, but he wasn't about to let it go. “It's sad really.” He got in her face. “You making the rest of us look bad by acting like a slut. If that's the case I want to work on the ground stuff with you so I can get between them legs.”

  Before Nicole had a chance to shoot off at the mouth Chad was picked up and shoved halfway across the room. Jared and Duncan both grabbed Damon holding him back. Shoving them both off, Damon marched toward Chad who was just picking himself up off the mat.

  Nicole took off after him. “Damon no!” Nicole jumped in front of him putting her hand on his chest. “Don't. He's not worth it and I don't care what he says. He always says stupid stuff. Kind of the norm. Just ask Pam.” Nicole tried to make light of the situation just to head off a killing.

  “What the hell is going on?” Mitch boomed as he came from the showers. “Callahan what did you do this time?”

  Nicole rolled her eyes ignoring her boss. “Seriously, vamp. He's not worth it.” Finally his eyes left Chad and lowered to hers. “Uh-oh. You're either really hungry or level 10 pissed cause your eyes are blacker than a......ah.....well, I don't know what, but they are pretty freakin black.”

  His lips twitched before his eyes left hers and zeroed in on Chad. “Apologize now.” It was a demand, not a suggestion.

  Everyone held their breath, well everyone but the vampires in the room, waiting to see exactly how smart or stupid Chad was. “For what?” Chad, newly nicknamed stupid ass, looked to Nicole. “I'm just stating the truth.”

  “I asked a question people.” Mitch walked between Chad, Nicole and Damon probably saving Chad's life.

  “He is not welcome here again until he apologizes to Nicole.” Damon growled, his black piercing eyes pinning Chad to the spot. “I will not tolerate a male, human or vampire, who disrespects a woman.” Especially this woman his actions roared.

  Mitch turned toward Chad demanding to know what the hell was going on as Jared and Duncan filled him in. With one last growl directed toward Chad, Damon lowered his eyes once again to Nicole and then to her hand still on his chest.

  Pulling her hand quickly away she flushed. “Thank you.” Nicole lowered her eyes feeling shy. What the hell, she didn't have a shy bone in her body, but she had never had anyone, especially a fine piece of male, stand up for her like that. “But like I said, he isn't worth it so don't worry about him. His words can't hurt me.”

  “You are not a very good liar, Nicole Callahan.” He had seen the hurt flash in her eyes briefly at the bastard's words and it had sent him over the edge. Luckily Jared and Duncan had been here or he probably would have killed the son of a bitch. Something about this small human brought out every protective instinct he possessed.

  Chad walked up with Mitch closely behind him. “Sorry Nicole.” Chad spat throwing her a glare oozing with hate. Ignoring Damon's sneer, he roughly grabbed his bag before slamming out the door.

  Damon started to follow him. Nicole knew she had to stop him from killing Chad. “You owe me a dollar vamp.”

  Caught by surprise Damon stopped to look down at her. “What?”

  “You told Jared to shut the f-up.” Nicole gave him a mock frown. “So you owe me a dollar.”

  Jared burst out laughing, the mood in the room turning much lighter. “She got you bro.” Jared chuckled.

  Damon finally smiled, but his eyes remained black as midnight. “You can't forgive me for one slip.”

  “Nope.” Nicole picked up her bag. “Sorry vamp. I'll give ya until tomorrow to pay up.”

  “Ruthless....” Pam smirked shaking her head.

  Seeing Mitch scowling at her, Nicole threw her hands in the air. “I
t wasn't me this time. I have witnesses.” She didn't wait for a response. “I'm heading out. See you tomorrow.” Waving to Pam she hurried out the door Chad just slammed through.

  “Sorry about that guys. I'll talk to them both and make sure that doesn't happen again.” Mitch cursed, his hair sticking up from running his hand through it repeatedly. “I don't know what the hell is going on between those two, but they can't be in the same room without something happening.”

  Nicole headed to her car, feeling tears burning the back of her eyes, but held them back. Blindly she searched for her keys. “I don't know why I lock this piece of crap.” She mumbled to herself tossing her gym bag on the hood rummaging through until she found them. Grabbing her bag, she unlocked her door throwing her bag in harder than necessary. Falling in behind the wheel with a huff she turned the key and with a puff of smoke from the tailpipe it started.

  Eyes hidden in the dark moonless night followed her as she zipped out of the parking lot. The dark figure lifted his head slowly sniffing the air. “Mmm, sweet.” A sinister smile shaped the man's lips, as the smile spread sharp fangs gleamed. “Perfect.”

  Chapter 3

  Nicole and Pam met up at Club Zero. It was Friday night and they both needed to drown in a beer or two. It was unwind time.

  “How's it going with you and Kenny?” Nicole asked over the thumping music. Club Zero was packed for a Friday night. They sat toward the back away from the dance floor where the crowd merged into one solid mass of bumping and grinding bodies. It was quieter in the back; well at least they didn't have to yell to hear each other. Not even the bathroom stalls were quiet at the dance club.

  “Okay I guess.” Pam shrugged, then her pink coated lips spread into a grin. “He doesn't like the fact that we're working with vampires. He threw a fit when he found out. I told him that it was safer for us in the long run since we're dealing with a lot of weird stuff now, but he still freaked. Can you imagine what he will do once he sees the guys we're working with?”

  Nicole nodded in agreement, tipping her beer. She knew Pam had the hots for Jared. Damn, who wouldn’t? The three vampires they were working with looked like they belonged on a magazine cover or romance novel. Kind of sucked hanging around with dudes who had better looking hair than yours. “Yeah, well, he needs to get over it. I mean it's not like we are going to jump their bones and have mad sex while on the job.”

  “Ha! Speak for yourself.” Pam snorted. “Damon is the hottest thing on two legs and you damn well know it.”

  Nicole shrugged, glancing out over the dance floor as if the conversation bored her to tears. “He's okay I guess. Probably knows how hot he is and plays it to his full advantage on poor unsuspecting females.”

  “You are such a liar, Nicole.” Pam shook her head. “I see you sneaking looks at him during workouts.”

  “Shut up Pam.” Nicole chuckled at her friend. “I do not sneak looks at him. I'm probably trying to slack and just making sure I'm not getting busted.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.” Pam rolled her eyes. “Come on. I need to work this soreness out and I love this song.” Pam emptied her beer in one gulp then grabbed Nicole before she could say no.

  Damon and Jared walked into the smoke filled club; music blaring, bodies smashed together and the smells of sweat and sex hung heavy in the air, making their highly sensitive sense of smell go into overdrive.

  “Do you want to split up?” Jared grinned with a wink at the little red head who rubbed her barely clothed body against his as she brushed past him. Licking her lush red painted lips with invitation, she moved slowly away, her hips swaying seductively. “Or do you want me to follow that red head and see exactly what she can do with those lips?”

  Damon ignored him as he scanned the area. They had been told that Jamison would be here tonight. He was an assassin who'd take out his own mother, not because of money, but because he got off on it. It was said that he had taken a new target and it was thought to come from someone high up in the blood trafficking business. The kill was to be made tonight. Their informant was hardly ever wrong so Damon was ready for anything tonight. They had been hunting this son of bitch for too long. Running his hands through his black hair he pulled it into a ponytail and tied it with a leather strip. Yeah too long, and tonight the bastard was going down. They would keep him alive to get information out of him, but that didn't mean they couldn't have a little fun with him.

  “Get your head out of your ass and get focused.” Damon spotted the vampire at the edge of the dance floor. “We need to do this with as little notice as possible.” Even though they had the authority of the government, they still had to work within the guidelines of the law just like the human police. It wasn't the same as when they use to do it when no one knew they existed. 'Find the bad vamp...kill the bad vamp' was their motto and still was when no witnesses were around.

  Jared spotted him and nodded, all remembrance of the red head gone. Jared may be a goof and loved the ladies, but he took his job seriously and was damn good at it. Just an inch shy of Damon's six-three Jared sided up next to his comrade ready to get the job done. “Let's get the bastard.”

  “Wait a minute.” Damon grabbed his arm. “Unless he makes a sudden move let's try to see who the target is. I'll keep my eyes on him and you see if you can tell who it is.” Damon knew the minute Jamison found his target by the vamps body language and knew they couldn't wait any longer.

  “Now!” Damon took off one way while Jared took off another. Not knowing what was coming his way, Jamison headed toward his target. The humans in the club had no clue what was about to come down, but the vampires did and scattered quickly out of the way.

  As soon as the song ended, Pam and Nicole headed off the dance floor as all hell broke loose. Hearing an inhuman roar behind them, Nicole turned to see a huge man barreling his way toward them pushing and throwing people out of his way as if they weighed no more than dolls. Knowing for certain she and Pam were next, instinct took over. With no thought to herself she pushed Pam out of the way at the same time she felt herself being grabbed in a bone bruising grip. Before she could be thrown like the other unfortunate club goers he was tackled to the ground. Unfortunately, she was tackled with him.

  Nicole knew she was going to die and how sad was that in the middle of a screaming crowd on a sticky dance floor. The weight of two bodies forced any air in her lungs out of her mouth in a short scream as spots danced across her vision. The saddest part was her last vision on earth was going to be the black eyes rimmed with red and saliva drooling fangs of the ugliest vampire she'd ever seen, his fangs snapping trying to rip out her throat.

  Damon straddled Jamison's back, grabbing him by the hair trying to yank him off the human woman. He almost lost his hold when he saw Nicole laying still and pale on the floor, her honey-colored hair spread out with a hint of blood near the crown. “Jared!” he roared over the crowds screams. As Jared ran up he stopped cold seeing Pam and Nicole. “Take this son of a bitch.” Damon tossed Jamison not taking his eyes off Nicole.

  Pam had raced up leaning over Nicole. “Oh my God.” she panicked. “Nicole! Is she dead?”

  “Move.” Damon demanded more calmly than he felt, pushing Pam away carefully. Tuning everyone out, he felt overwhelming relief hearing a steady heartbeat coming from Nicole's still body. Leaning down he touched her cheek. “Nicole honey, wake up.”

  “I'm a nurse. Let me through.” A woman pushed her way through the crowd. Kneeling down, she grabbed Nicole's wrist. “What's her name?”

  “Nicole.” Damon hadn't moved. Couldn't move. His eyes were riveted on Nicole's pale still face. He felt an overwhelming urge to push the woman away, but knew she was only trying to help. His hands shook as he picked up Nicole's cold hand, needing to touch her.

  Carefully the woman crooked a hand under Nicole's neck and lifted her head slowly to check where the blood seemed to be coming from. It wasn't a lot of blood, but it was enough to have the vampires who stuck around licking their lip
s in frenzy anticipation. Damon was no exception.


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