Horseman (Norman Genesis Book 2)

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Horseman (Norman Genesis Book 2) Page 2

by Griff Hosker

  I took him to his stable and began to brush him. As always I spoke to him as though he were a man, "I will be away, Dream Strider, but you know that I will return. You and Nipper can enjoy the freedom of my home and the island." Others mocked me but I swear he knew every word I said. "I promise that I will return. Perhaps I will find a mare for you, eh?"He raised and lowered his head and then nuzzled my ear. It was late by the time I went into my simple one roomed hut. It was hardly a hall but I had made it big enough for my needs. It was longer on two walls than the others and had a turf roof and turf supports for the stones I had laid beneath wattle and daub. The central fire kept it warm. I had built Dream Strider's stable close to my walls but I had room to expand my house should the need arise.

  I had a rabbit I had hunted cooking in a pot and it was so tender that it fell from the bones. I ate it, with some bread I had been given by Brigid. The pain was scoured out by Nipper who crunched his way through the bones I had left. I would just need to rinse it in sand and the sea. I banked up the fire and went to bed happy but wondering what the Weird Sisters had in store for me.

  Our two drekar were on the seaward side of the island. It meant that those on the mainland would not see us when we left. The Count of Vannes, Nominoe, was our nearest neighbour. They were not Franks but a people that were called Breton or Briton. The Jarl had made it clear that he did not wish to antagonise our neighbours and we never went near their lands. So far it had worked and they had not bothered us. I hoped that the Jarl's brother would have the good sense to stay well away from the Count's lands.

  I had been elevated to one of the stern oars on our drekar. I shared an oar with Arne Four Toes and we sat behind Siggi White Hair and Beorn Beornsson. We had all day to sail around the coast and we were able to leave in full daylight. We headed out to sea until the land was a thin smudge on the horizon. Sven was a good navigator. We only had to row until he ordered the sail to be set and we caught the breeze from the south west. However, the first hour allowed us to become as one again and we sang as we rowed.

  Through the waves the oathsworn come

  Riding through white tipped foam

  Feared by all raven's wing

  Like a lark it does sing

  A song of death to all its foes

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  Through the waves the oathsworn come

  Riding through white tipped foam

  Feared by all raven's wing

  Like a lark it does sing

  A song of death to all its foes

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  The power of the raven grows and grows.

  "In oars!"

  As we stored our oars I felt my muscles ache. We had only rowed for a few miles but our rustiness showed. Siggi White Hair spat over the side and said, "Jarl, we will have to have the crew out more. We have forgotten what it is to sail the seas. Our island is too comfortable. Warriors should be tired each night!"

  "You are right Siggi White Hair." I could tell the Jarl was distracted. He was not looking north but south. He was looking for his brother.

  Knut One Eye, Ketil Eriksson's brother, said, "Do we have a target in mind Siggi White Hair?"

  "I spoke with the Jarl and we agree that the old Roman town close to the mouth of the river would bring the greatest rewards."

  "They have walls, Siggi White Hair."

  "Aye, Erik Green Eye, but they are not well maintained. The Romans built them. These Franks are lazy bastards."

  As I stared at the horizon I wondered about that. It had been two or three years since we had sailed this way. We should have scouted rather than going in blind. Ulf's nose would have sniffed out the danger. I said nothing. I was too young to venture an opinion.

  Ulf Big Nose was not only a skilled scout he also stored places in his head. "And there is an abbey there. I remember it is close by the settlement on a hill. It has no walls! Who knows what trinkets we might pick up."

  That seemed to satisfy the men. They liked to raid churches and abbeys. They were rarely defended and the priests had no weapons with which to fight back. Odin had decreed that they be slain. If a man did not fight for what was his then he was no man and did not deserve to live. It was brutal and it was cruel but we all understood the code.

  Rurik joined me at the bow where I stood looking at the coast. "This village is on the north shore is it not?"

  "As I recall, yes. I lived further upstream for some years."

  "Good, for your knowledge of their words will come in useful." He tapped my short mail shirt. "You did not wear your new mail?"

  "I am not yet fully grown. When I am then I can wear it on foot or on Dream Strider. I do not want to slow you down. Ulf Big Nose does not wear mail and he says that a scout must be fast or he will be dead! I doubt that we will encounter men wearing armour here."

  "Do not tempt the Sisters, Hrolf. They listen. But you are right. Speed is worth more than mail when you are alone and surrounded by enemies."

  "And I have yet to fulfil the prophecy. I have no family. When I have a family then I might worry."

  "You have much faith in an old woman who lives alone on a rock."

  "She was a witch, Rurik, and she knew things about me that no one else could possibly have known. Aiden, who is the Dragonheart's galdramenn, also saw my future. I will live on the land one day and ride horses."

  "You will leave the sea?"

  I shrugged, "For most of my life I lived on the river we shall visit. The sea was something I was told about. I do not think it is in my blood as it is in yours." I pointed, "That land draws me. Our island is somewhere on my journey but I do not think my journey is done."

  "That is why you live alone?"

  "Partly and partly because it suits me to be with Dream Strider. I am learning, each day, to be a better horseman. I make small adjustments to my stiraps and my bridle. I am becoming more skilled at staying on his back even when he jumps and gallops over uneven terrain." I laughed, "It is better that others do not see my falls."

  The wind was perfect for us. It took us gently around the coast towards Neustria. We prepared to go to war in an almost leisurely fashion. I did not do as many of the Dragonheart's warriors did. They put cochineal on their eyes or blackened them to make them more frightening. I just tried to be as ready as I could be. I had replaced the leather on my shield over the winter. I had had more metal studs. I hammered them in and they picked out the head of the horse I had painted upon it. My seax and Heart of Ice, my sword, were sharp enough to shave with. My hair was plaited and would add extra protection to my helmet which Bagsecg the smith had attached mail to. I had on my sealskin boots. They were more waterproof than the leather ones I used when I rode.

  My helmet lay next to me. That would be the last thing I would don. As Sven turned to sail, with the sun behind us, towards the wide estuary I ate some of the bread and ham I had brought. The ship's boys came around with beer for us. In all probability we would only be ashore for hours but you could never tell. I smiled at some of the rituals other warriors practised. The two Erikssons banged chests as they tried to become more fierce. Rurik just sharpened his already sharp sword. He would do it until we left the boat. We each had our own ways but, once ashore, we would be as one. The clan would fight for each other. Sven took in some sail as we were approaching the mouth of the river too quickly. He wanted to arrive after dark.

  Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson said, "We will take the settlement first. If we have little opposition then we will spend a day finding this abbey we have heard of. We will go back laden."

  The men cheered. We were miles away from shore and any noise we made would not be heard above the sound of the river and the sea on the shore. I did wonder if he was trying to outdo his brother. I had no brothers. I did not understand this rivalry but I knew that it existed. The Eriksson brothers were always trying to prove that each was better than the other.

p; "Ulf Big Nose, I want you and Hrolf to find this abbey when we have subdued the village. See what else we can take back."

  I nodded and Ulf Big Nose said, "Aye Jarl."

  The sun finally started to slip below the horizon. We headed due west. Sven would take us to the southern bank and then we would row north. They had a watch tower to the north but they only looked for enemies coming from the land of the Saxons or the lands of the Danes. They did not expect to be attacked from the south. As soon as the sun set we took to our oars and waited for the order to row. Sven waited until he could feel the current from the river and then he nodded. We would not sing and the beat was given by Siggi White Hair. We watched the nodding of his silver hair. I knew that he sang in his head to keep the stoke steady. We pulled together with long powerful sweeps. We could only see the faint glow in the west; the setting sun. We relied on the ship's boys and Sven to ensure we hit the right place.

  We were close to the shore and Sven used hand signals to slow us down. I could hear the surf. Our helmsman had managed to have us row upstream and now, as he turned, he could signal us to bring in our oars. The current would take us gently to the bank. We quickly stacked our oars and then each warrior grabbed his shield and helmet. I donned my helmet first. My vision narrowed as I had a half mask over my eyes. It could be a problem but I would be safer with the metal around my eyes. I did not draw my sword. I had seen too many warriors stumble as they tried to clamber over the strakes while holding a shield and a sword. It could either be merely embarrassing or result in a serious wound.

  The ship's boys were ashore first and they ran to a pair of large rocks to wrap the ropes around them. The Jarl and his six hearth-weru were the first to leap in the water as was their right. They ran towards the wooden walls we could see just a hundred or so paces from us. I could smell the wood smoke and flashes of firelight showed us how Sven had managed to make such an accurate landfall. I followed Ulf Big Nose. If we were to be the scouts then I needed to be with him. We ran up the bank towards the wooden wall. We had been seen. I could hear, even through my helmet, the shouts of alarm. That was to be expected.

  I found myself close behind the hearth-weru. All six wore good mail. There was a ditch around the wall but it was neither deep enough to deter us nor did it appear to have traps. Arne and Vermund, two of the hearth-weru, ran to the wall and placed their backs against it. They held Vermund's shield and with hardly a pause the Jarl leapt upon it and sprang up to grab the top of the wooden palisade. Olvir was a heartbeat behind him and then Einar followed too. The three of them helped up the rest of the hearth-weru.

  "To the gate Hrolf!"

  I followed Ulf and we ran to the gate. Inside I could hear the clash of swords and the screams of men who were dying or wounded. The rest of our men formed up behind us as we waited for the gate to open. I heard the bar as it was dropped and Ulf Big Nose pushed it open. I saw Vermund and Olvir, they were bloodied but unwounded.

  Siggi White Hair, waving his war axe, burst through shouting, "The Jarl is alone! Raven Wing!" He ran forward and hewed down a Frank who was leading six villagers armed with swords and spears to stop us. Ulf and I hurried to his aid. He did not need it. He swung his axe at shoulder height. One man was slow to duck and lost his head while two others fled and left the warrior to fight Siggi White Hair almost alone. Ulf led me through the village to the northern wall. There would be a gate there and we needed to stop the Franks from fleeing. There was a lord in the village and we saw him as he tried to form a shield wall close to his hall. He had fine mail, a good helmet and four oathsworn around him. The Jarl would have his work cut out with him.

  Jarl Gunnar Thorfinnson saw him and yelled to his oathsworn to follow him. Ulf put his hand on my shoulder. "We do not wear mail and they do. Come, Hrolf, we will stop their escape." He led me down a gap between two daub and wattle huts. A man stepped out from behind one of them. He held a spear. Ulf was so close to him that he was unable to use his sword properly and he just hit him with the side of the head with his hilt. Ulf turned left and ran behind the line of huts. I saw, fifty paces from us, people as they crowded towards the gate. They were trying to flee. It was still closed and guarded.

  When the guards saw us they shouted an alarm. The four of them held their spears before them. The crowd before them dispersed. They did not wish to risk the wrath of a Northman. Ulf shouted, "Stay close Hrolf!" He did not pause but ran straight at the four of them. Both of us had our huge shields gripped tightly, close to our bodies. Heart of Ice was out already. The four men held spears and small shields. Their first mistake was in allowing a gap between themselves and their second was in waiting for us.

  I ran at the two warriors to Ulf's right. The one in the extreme right was the danger. As he thrust his spear at me, I flicked the head aside with my sword. The second spear smashed into my shield. I did not stop but lowered my head and head butted the sentry. His helmet was open. His nose was crushed and blood spattered. He fell to the ground. I whirled around, swinging my sword as I did so. A spear is unwieldy at close quarters. My sword bit into the ash shaft of the spear and stuck. I punched with my shield. The metal boss hit the sentry on his shoulder. I jerked my sword back and it freed itself. Pulling my shield around to my front I brought my sword to stab over the top. The Frank was shorter than I was and I could just see the top of his helmet. I stabbed downwards. I hit something soft and I pushed harder until I met bone. Then I twisted and pulled it out.

  "Well done Hrolf. He is dead." I lowered my shield and saw that my sword had pierced his skull. Ulf walked over to the unconscious Frank and plunged his sword into his throat. I did not know how he could do that yet I knew it was right. Enemy warriors were to be slain. There was no purpose in keeping them alive. They had to be watched and if they were warriors such as we they would try to escape. "You guard the gate. Let no one escape. I will find the Jarl."

  I stood with my back to the gate. It was dark before me but I could hear the screams and the shouts as the rest of the clan fought the Franks. For a moment I was alone with the four dead sentries. I glanced at them. They had no mail and only two had worn helmets. The shields they had used were half the size of the one used by me. Only one had had a sword. I began to wonder; would we get anything worthwhile from such a poorly defended place?

  There was a movement ahead, in the dark. I pulled my shield tightly to me again and held my sword above it. An old man, some women and three children emerged. I did not want to hurt them but I had my orders. I shouted, in Frank, "Halt! I will not let you leave!"

  I saw the surprise as I spoke to them in their own language. I think the old man was going to risk attacking me for he pulled out a seax. I did not want to kill an old man. There was no honour in that. Then Siggi White Hair, Rurik One Ear and Arne Four Toes arrived. Siggi White Hair knocked the old man to the ground with his shield and picked up the seax. "The Jarl sent us but I see you have held the gate. The village is ours! Their lord is dead."

  Chapter 2

  By the time dawn had broken the wounded enemy warriors had been despatched. The villagers were all gathered close to the Frankish lord's hall. Ulf and I stood before the Jarl. "I can see no danger to us here. You two go and find this abbey. It should be somewhere close. See if there are any other targets close by. We will begin to load the drekar."

  Ulf nodded, "Aye Jarl. Come Hrolf."

  I had already used my nose and I pointed to a building close by the lord's hall. "There are horses close by. We can cover more ground that way."

  Ulf nodded, "I should have known. But you are right."

  I laid down my shield and hurried to the stables. There were four horses within. I saw that there was a stallion and three mares. It was a fine horse. I could see that it was a noble's horse. However it was the mares which interested me for one had a colour of red and gold. She was beautiful. Next to her was another even more beautiful. She had a lighter coat and her mane was almost blond. I left the two there as I saddled the stallion and the third
mare for Ulf. I did not want the two mares risking. I had plans for them.

  "I do not need a saddle!"

  "Trust me we can ride faster and these horses are used to such things."

  "You are the horseman. Where is your shield?"

  "I thought we go to find a church. We should not need them and they are an encumbrance on a horse. But if you wish to take yours..."

  "You may be right." He laid his down before we left the settlement.

  We galloped through the open north gate. Ulf's skills and knowledge came into its own. He pointed to the higher ground to the north east of us. "They like to build their churches on higher ground. We will try there first."

  As we rode I noticed that they had few animals in the fields. The ones we saw looked to be almost wild and there were so few of them that I think they must have been animals which had escaped. The animals we had found below were their only livestock. I wondered if others had raided them. We had captured grain and a few slaves but that was not enough. If we could not find the abbey then we would leave with just that which we found in the village and that looked to be poor return for the two warriors who had died.

  Ulf did not take us along the sky line. He kept us below the top. He suddenly stopped. I could see nothing but it was obvious that he had sensed something. He slipped from his horse's back and handed me the reins. He bellied up the slope and, taking off his helmet, peered over the top. It seemed a quick glance was all that he needed for he slid back down, replaced his helmet and walked back to me. "We have found it. I will go back and tell the Jarl." He pointed up the valley. "Ride east but keep out of sight. See if there is any danger further upstream. Do not wander too far." He grinned, "I would hate to have to train another scout. Sometimes I think we might actually make of you someone I could rely upon!"

  I took that as a compliment and as he headed back to the village I kicked my horse on and continued up the valley. I had a great responsibility. If I found Franks and they did not see me then I would have done the clan a great service. If they saw me, however, then all that we had gained could be lost. I regretted not bringing my bow. With that I could kill silently.


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